2000년, 사미는 호주 시드니 올림픽에서 시리아 팀의 아랍어-영어 통역가로 활동했다. 하지만 통역 도중 벌어진 말실수로 정치적 난민이 되어 호주에 머물며 망명 생활을 하게 된다. 2011년, 시리아 혁명이 시작되고 사미의 형이 체포되자, 사미는 모든 위험을 무릅쓰고 형을 찾으러 시리아로 돌아가려 한다.
Tom Medina is sent by a juvenile judge to the Camargue, to live with Ulysses, a kind-hearted man in tune with nature. Inhabited by visions, fascinated by bulls and horses, Tom learns the trade of a herdsman at Ulysses’ side. He no longer steals and now thirsts for knowledge and aspires to become someone else. Revolted by the hostility which does not change towards him, he fights against his destiny and crosses the road of Suzanne…
경제 위기와 난민 사태로 혼란스러운 그리스의 레스보스섬. 끼가 넘치는 소녀 잼은 선박 부품을 구해달라는 양아버지의 부탁으로 터키로 향하고 그곳에서 프랑스 소녀 아브릴을 만난다. 시리아 난민 지원 활동을 위해 터키에 왔지만 여권과 돈을 잃어버린 채 이스탄불 거리를 방황하던 아브릴은 대담하고 대범한 잼과의 여정을 함께 한다. 자신의 근원인 알제리와 로마니(집시) 문화에 대한 애정을 영화에 담으며 2004년 칸영화제에서 로 감독상을 수상한 바 있는 토니 갓리프 감독은 을 통해 그리스의 민중 음악 레베티코를 향한 애정을 고백한다. 은 재기 발랄한 두 청소녀의 로드 무비 뮤지컬이자, 난민 사태와 경제 위기로 인해 혼란스러운 그리스를 향한 희망의 메시지이기도 하다. 탁월한 노래와 춤 실력으로 생생한 연기를 선보이는 잼 역의 다프네 파타키아(Daphn? Patakia)는 단연코 이 영화의 보물과 같은 존재다. (이혁상) [제6회 디아스포라 영화제]
On a Mediterranean shore, a Syrian father's decision to give his daughter a better life puts her in danger of losing it.
South of France. In the sultry August heat, Geronimo, a young social educator, tries to ease tensions between the youngsters of the St Pierre neighborhood. The mood changes when Nil Terzi, a teenage girl of Turkish origin, flees an arranged marriage, running to the arms of her gypsy lover, Lucky Molina. Their escape sparks hostilities between the two clans. When the jousting and the musical battles begin, Geronimo struggles to quell the ensuing unrest around her.
The key to the communal laundry room in the block of flats on the Rue de Genève 85 in Lausanne serves a much greater function than merely unlocking the door. This encounter between a symbol of typical Swiss mentality with a penchant for order and the tenants who have been housed here by the city’s social services department is not something to be taken for granted. Although the laundry room is normally located in the cellar, the tenants in this building share a tiny laundry room off the entrance hall because the cellar is reserved for prostitution. To maintain order and cleanliness, the landlord hires Claudina, a new “laundry woman”.
The film investigates explicit representations of female sexuality by women, exploring the pragmatic and philosophical questions they pose, with emphasis on the ways in which the creation of women-friendly pornography confronts and alters the expectations of male consumers. Ultimately, Nitoslawska is concerned with how we comprehend desire, gender and identity, how we understand and represent its history, and the resulting affect on culture and human relations.
쌍둥이 남매인 잔느와 시몽은 어느 날 갑자기 의식을 잃은 어머니 나왈의 유언을 전해 듣고 혼란에 빠진다. 유언의 내용은 죽은 줄로만 알았던 생부와 존재조차 몰랐던 형제를 찾아 자신이 남긴 편지를 전해달라는 것. 또한 편지를 전하기 전까지는 절대 장례를 치르지 말라는 당부도 함께 담겨있다. 시몬은 유언을 따르길 거부하지만 진실이 궁금한 잔느는 지도교수의 도움을 얻어 중동에 있는 어머니의 고향으로 떠난다. 베일에 싸여 있던 그녀의 과거와 마주한 잔느. 어둠 속에 묻혀 있던 어머니의 과거의 끝에는 충격적인 진실이 기다리고 있는데...
제2차 세계대전 중의 프랑스를 무대로, 나치의 박해 속에서도 진정한 자유를 갈구하는 집시 가족의 이야기를 그린 작품.
Zingarina arrives in Transylavania, accompanied by her close friend Marie and her guide and interpreter Luminitsa. She is not there only to visit this region of Romania but to trace her lover Milan, a musician who has made her pregnant and who left her without a word of explanation. When she finds him back, he brutally rejects her and Zingarina is terribly upset. She leaves her two companions and having become a wreck she hardly survives by following a wandering little girl. Her destiny changes for the best when she meets Tchangalo, a traveling trader...
It is time for thirty-something Ludovic Chambercy to succeed his father Jacques at the head of the family business: the Chambercy Galleries. But faced with his new duties, Ludovic begins to sweat, has panic attacks and even dizzy spells. He is diagnosed with hypegiaphobia or extreme fear of responsibility. This man with everything for a happy life seems to be shying away from the expectations of his family. Reluctantly, without a word to his father and girlfriend, Ludovic starts group behavior therapy. While his lies spark off an incredible series of tragicomic events, Ludovic strikes up a friendship with the other phobics in his group: Léon, trader in bric-a-brac, who can no longer stand untidiness; Clémence, a student who cannot bear even one second of her own company and Margaux, who can no longer touch or be touched. And if Ludovic is to find a cure at the end of the road, there will be a few surprises in store for him along the way...
One day Zano suggest a crazy idea to his companion Naïma: travel across France and Spain down to Algeria, where they might ultimately come to know the land their parents once had to flee.
Young computer enthusiast Liam runs a website streaming video of his every action captured on a webcam. He lives a reclusive life, temporarily staying in a friend’s apartment in Paris until waitress Alison and her British husband, James, move in.
In a suburb of Strasbourg, Alsace, France, ten year old boy, Max, spends his summer vacation with his grandmother. He hears Manouche gypsy Romani music being played in a local bar, and loves it. He goes to visit the gypsies in search of a guitar, where he meets a young Romani tomboy, 'Swing'. She introduces Max to her gypsy community who live in caravans and down-at-heel public housing. Over several days, Max is taken into the community to witness Romani lifestyle, traditions, knowledge of plants, and particularly their Manouche music. Max is particularly fascinated by Miraldo, the Romani guitarist he first heard in the bar, and asks to take guitar lessons with him (Miraldo is played by one of the greatest guitarists of gypsy jazz, Tchavolo Schmitt).
부카레스트역에 도착한 한 파리청년은 멀리서 어렴풋이 들리는 독특한 여인의 목소리에 매혹된다. 그는 이 소리를 따라 도심의 외곽까지 나가게 되고 그곳에서 백인들에 의해 내몰린 집시무리들을 발견한다. 집시들과 함께 생활을 하게 된 그는 집시들의 매혹적인 문화를 배우며 그들이 직면하고 있는 사회의 편견을 목격하게 되는데...
Perhaps you have to love dogs in order to sell tins of slimy mystery meat to their owners. At any rate Martin, who is indifferent to pets in general, isn't doing all too well in his marketing job at Floppy Dog Foods. But right now this is the least of his problems: he has made a British au-pair pregnant in a one night stand; and while he is trying to figure out how to deal with this, his ex-wife (who divorced him over his not wanting children) and his mother (a militant anti-overpopulation, pro-birth control, pro-abortion activist) have a few comments to offer on the situation. Before his own child is born, Martin clearly has some growing up of his own to do.
In a fast-paced action film with an international backdrop, an unsuspecting Edith (Mireille Perrier) goes to Frankfurt to work for a German friend who is investigating some illegalities in the transportation industry. After Edith arrives, her friend leaves for Berlin, so Edith goes to stay at the house her friend shares with a second-generation German-Turkish woman. Meanwhile, Gordon (Bruce Thurman) is out photographing some journalists armed with video cameras who are spying on a wealthy honcho in the trucking business. He accidentally follows Edith and photographs her, then ends up saving her from some attackers. The dramatic action intensifies as questions arise about what certain trucks are carrying into Germany, what Edith's friend has to do with exposing the cargo on those trucks, and whether or not Edith will remain an unscathed, innocent by-stander.
In a fast-paced action film with an international backdrop, an unsuspecting Edith (Mireille Perrier) goes to Frankfurt to work for a German friend who is investigating some illegalities in the transportation industry. After Edith arrives, her friend leaves for Berlin, so Edith goes to stay at the house her friend shares with a second-generation German-Turkish woman. Meanwhile, Gordon (Bruce Thurman) is out photographing some journalists armed with video cameras who are spying on a wealthy honcho in the trucking business. He accidentally follows Edith and photographs her, then ends up saving her from some attackers. The dramatic action intensifies as questions arise about what certain trucks are carrying into Germany, what Edith's friend has to do with exposing the cargo on those trucks, and whether or not Edith will remain an unscathed, innocent by-stander.
In a fast-paced action film with an international backdrop, an unsuspecting Edith (Mireille Perrier) goes to Frankfurt to work for a German friend who is investigating some illegalities in the transportation industry. After Edith arrives, her friend leaves for Berlin, so Edith goes to stay at the house her friend shares with a second-generation German-Turkish woman. Meanwhile, Gordon (Bruce Thurman) is out photographing some journalists armed with video cameras who are spying on a wealthy honcho in the trucking business. He accidentally follows Edith and photographs her, then ends up saving her from some attackers. The dramatic action intensifies as questions arise about what certain trucks are carrying into Germany, what Edith's friend has to do with exposing the cargo on those trucks, and whether or not Edith will remain an unscathed, innocent by-stander.
The sky is blue above the tiled swimming-pool... In this smooth and impersonal setting, a watcher and a changing-room attendant chase and overbid each other in the hope of eventually finding a way out. With the passing hours, hope is repeatedly broken and rebuilt.
젊은 역사가 엘리자베스는 19세기 사회주의자이자 페미니스트인 플로라 트리스탕이 활동했던 리옹으로 여행을 떠난다. 엘리자베스는 트리스탕의 발자취를 따라 마을 이곳저곳을 돌아다닌다. 그는 트리스탕이 들었을 소리들을 작은 카세트 녹음기로 재구성하여 소리와 소음으로부터, 도시의 표면으로부터 역사의 단면을 드러내려 한다.