Makeup Artist
In a backward post-apocalyptic world, She aids two brothers' quest to rescue their kidnapped sister. Along the way, they battle orgiastic werewolves, a psychic communist, a tutu-wearing giant, a mad scientist, and gladiators before standing against the odds to defeat the evil Norks.
A nihilistic art student meets the mysterious Edgar Allen at a coffee shop in Venice. The fascination for the older man soon turns into paranoia.
Makeup Designer
Hajji Hossein-Gholi Noori (Haji Baba) goes to Washington D.C. as the first Iranian (Persian) ambassador to the United States of America. After he opens the embassy, he is unable to invite statesmen to visit him. Haji fires the embassy staff due to the inability of the Persian government to meet the embassy's needs. One night he is visited by President Grover Cleveland.
Makeup Artist
Young radical Riccardo returns home after hiding out in South America for years, only to find out that he has no "home" left: his former comrades in arms have now either bourgeoisified or turned to drugs, and all they fought for seems to have set the stage for near-anarchy.
Makeup Artist
Melina Mercouri plays Maya, a jet-setting Greek actress who returns to her homeland to undertake the role of Medea. Searching for inspiration and clues as to how a mother could kill the children she loves, Maya discovers Brenda (Ellen Burstyn), a bible-spouting American woman serving time in an Athens prison for that very crime.
Special Effects
Faccia di spia tries to tell the story of the CIA and other government intelligence agencies with lots of re-creations and dramatizations and points out some of the more brutal aspects of the intelligence community from around the world. Wars are started, all facets of everyday life are controlled, innocent people are tortured needlessly and subjected to extreme violence.
Makeup Artist
Faccia di spia tries to tell the story of the CIA and other government intelligence agencies with lots of re-creations and dramatizations and points out some of the more brutal aspects of the intelligence community from around the world. Wars are started, all facets of everyday life are controlled, innocent people are tortured needlessly and subjected to extreme violence.
Makeup Artist
A young policewoman discovers an ecological scandal and must face the corruption in the Milan Police department.
Key Makeup Artist
There's trouble in Frankie Diomede's criminal empire in Genoa. A French gangster has moved into his territory, so he flies home to take care of business. He promptly has himself arrested so that he'll have the perfect alibi when the bodies start piling up. But it turns out his enemies have enough juice to keep him in prison, his associates start dying and the attempts on his life start. Cue Tony Breda, a wannabe wiseguy, who has a plan to spring Frankie from jail.
Makeup Artist
Mastro Geppetto is a poor carpenter with no wife and no children. The man is very lonely, and when trading a piece of wood with his colleague Mastro Ciliegia, he decides to build himself a puppet to make him company.
Makeup Artist
In Mussolini's Rome a murderer is targeting young girls. The movie explores how the fascist mind works, how it plays its values off the sentiment of the masses and explores the role of the press in creating a unified narrative.
Makeup Artist
A Sicilian worker, a member of the internal commission in a factory in Bergamasco, believes he has won it over the owner because he has obtained important improvements, but the astute employer sells the company to a multinational company.
Makeup Department Head
Through the childhood and the adolescence of Giacomo Casanova (from his memoirs), this is a description of how people live in the Venice of the 18th century: customs, habits, medicine, religion and most of all - the omnipresence of hypocrisy. Written by Yepok
Makeup Artist
The lawyer Federico Fendi has reasons to believe that his wife Carla in secret is Rome's highest paid prostitute.
Makeup Artist
The film consists of six short stories created by different directors, but all the stories share one thing: a warm irony to current events.
Makeup Artist
International man of mystery Diabolik and his sensuous lover Eva Kant pull off heist after heist, all while European cops led by Inspector Ginko and envious mobsters led by Ralph Valmont are closing in on them.
Makeup Artist
El Chuncho's bandits rob arms from a train, intending to sell the weapons to Elias' revolutionaries. They are helped by one of the passengers, Bill Tate, and allow him to join them, unware he is an assassin working for the Mexican government.
Makeup Artist
A historian goes to a castle library to translate some ancient erotic literature. While there he discovers what he believes to be supernatural forces at work.
Makeup Artist
줄리에타(줄리에타 마시나)는 겉으로는 성공한 남편 조르지오(마리오 피스)와 행복하게 지내고 있는 정숙한 부인이다. 지극히 평범한 외모와 성격의 줄리에타는 어머니, 친척들과 비교해도 너무 다르다. 어느 날 그녀는 결혼기념일에 남편의 지인들과 함께 한 자리에서 그들과 빙 둘러앉아 ‘영혼과의 대화’를 나눈다. 자신에게 들려진 메시지 ‘너는 쓸모없는 사람'이라는 말을 듣고는 쓰러진다. 이후 줄리에타는 여러 환상들을 겪으면서, 친구들과 모여 점성술이나 심령술에 심취하기도 하고 특이한 성격의 이웃 수지(산드라 밀로)와 어울려 보기도 한다. 그리고 15년간 함께해왔던 남편이 다른 직업모델 여성과 바람피우는 것을 알게 된다. 심야에 비밀스런 통화를 나누는 남편을 추궁하지만 그는 아무렇지도 않게 부인할 뿐이다. 나중에 정신과 의사의 도움으로 그녀는 사이코드라마에 참여를 하게 되고, 결국 그녀에게 들려준 정신과 의사의 충고는 ‘당신은 남편을 떠나고 싶어 한다’는 것이었다. 그녀는 결코 그렇지 않다고 하지만 정작 그녀 자신의 삶을 뒤돌아보았을 때, 그녀는 남편이 없는 곳에서야 비로소 자신의 모습을 찾을 수 있었다.
Makeup Artist
마을의 시장이자 공산당원인 뻬뽀네와 공산당을 반대하는 돈 까밀로 신부. 그는 뻬뽀네의 약점을 잡아 자매결연을 맺으러 떠나는 사절단에 합류하여 러시아로 떠나는데….
Makeup Artist
A young married woman who is desperately unhappy is tempted into a lesbian relationship with an interior decorator.
Makeup Artist
살인죄로 14년형을 선고받고 복역 중인 약혼녀 부베를 찾아가는 마라(Mara: 클라우디아 카르디날레 분)의 회상으로 영화는 시작된다. 마라는 이곳 저곳 옮겨 다녀야만 하는 부베(Bebo: 죠지 차키리스 분)와의 면회를 자그만치 14년째 계속하고 있으며 오직 그가 석방될 날만을 기다리고 있다. 마라가 부베를 처음 만난 것은 북부 이탈리아의 산중에 있는 가난한 빈촌에서 2차 세계대전이 끝날 무렵인 1944년 7월 한여름 마라의 집에 부베라는 청년이 찾아오게 되면서이다. 부베는 레지스탕스로 나치에게 처형된 오빠 산태의 동지로 산태의 전사를 전하러 왔던 것이다. 이들은 처음 본 순간 서로 이끌렸고 하룻밤을 마라의 집에서 묵은 부베는 전쟁에서 기념으로 가지고 온 낙하산 천으로 옷이나 만들어 입으라는 말을 남긴 뒤 떠난다. 그 후부터 부베의 편지가 끊이지 않았다. 그로부터 1년 후 겨울, 다시 찾아온 부베는 마라의 의사를 묻지도 않은 채 마라의 아버지(Mara's Father: 에밀리오 에스포지토 분)에게 약혼 승락을 받는다. 그리고 얼마 후 부베가 다시 찾아왔을 때 부베는 친구가 경찰에 사살되어 보복으로 경찰을 죽이고 쫓기는 신세였다. 그래서 이들은 본의 아니게 도피 행각을 하게 되는데 부베의 집에서의 냉대와 끈질긴 경찰의 추적으로 두 사람은 하는 수 없이 공장지대로 몸을 숨긴다. 국외로 탈출하려는 부베에게 처음으로 몸을 허락한 마라, 다시 부베는 기약없이 떠나고 마라는 한 청년을 알게 되지만 헤어진다. 1년만에 유고 정부로 부터 송환되어 재판을 받게된 부베에게 마라는 더 이상 인연을 끊으려고 재판장에 갔다가 부베가 아직도 사랑한다는 말에 포기하고 만다. 그리고 14년이라는 장기형을 선고받은 부베를 면회간 마라는 그의 아내가 될 것을 다짐하고 그때부터 부베가 나올 날만을 기다리며 주위의 온갖 유혹도 뿌리치고 부베의 연인으로 한 달에 두 번씩 그를 만나러 가는 그녀의 여행이 시작된다.
Makeup Artist
Four different directors present lighthearted stories about married Italian couples and their dilemmas with jealousy, sex and love.
Makeup Artist
로마의 한 도시에 혼자 있는 여자에게 낯선 이의 기분 안 좋은 전화가 걸려오고 상대방은 어딘가에서 여주인공을 훔쳐보면서 그녀를 죽이겠다고 협박을 한다. 여인은 겁에 질려 예전 동성애 관계였지만 현재는 사이가 소원해진 여자 친구에게 도움을 요청한다. 여자 친구는 주인공의 집을 방문하지만, 실은 협박 전화를 건 장본인도 바로 이 여자 친구라는 걸 알게 되는데... 이렇게 음성을 변조한 전화 협박을 통해 옛 연인과의 관계를 개선하려는 것이 그녀의 목적이었던 것이다. 우르달락(The Wurdalak)
혼자 여행 중이던 러시아의 젊은 백작 블라디미르는 산길에서 등에 단검이 꽂혀 있는 목 없는 시체를 발견한다. 시체를 말에 태우고 달리다가 발견한 첫 번째 집에서 집주인인 그레고르는 그 시체는 ‘우르달락’이 된 터키인 알리베크이며 단검은 자기 아버지인 고르카(보리스 칼로프)의 것이라고 말한다. 우르달락이란 피에 굶주린 시체로 생전에 사랑했던 사람들의 피를 탐한다고 한다. 블라디미르는 그레고르의 아름다운 누이인 스덴카에게, 아버지가 우르달락 사냥을 떠나며 자신이 떠난지 닷새가 지난 후에 돌아오면 이미 우르달락이 되어 있을 테니 집안에 들이지 말고 심장을 찌르라고 했다는 이야기를 듣는다. 닷새째인 그날 밤 자정 종이 울릴 무렵 고르카는 알리베크의 목을 가지고 지치고 창백한 모습으로 돌아온다. 그는 가족들이 사랑한 아버지일까? 아니면 영혼을 잃어버린 시체일까? 가족들은 그를 집안으로 들이는데...
Makeup Department Head
영화감독 로이드는 어느 날 자신의 몸이 공중에서 추락하는 꿈을 꾼다. 현실의 일상에서 지쳐 있던 그는 요양을 핑계로 온천에 간다. 그러나 그는 온천에서도 생활과 일에서 벗어날 수가 없다. 그리고 온천에서 여생을 보내는 노인들 속에 자신이 있다는 환상을 보기 시작한다. 그는 아내와도 애인과도 모두 지쳐 있는 상태이다. 그런 그에게 유일한 구원은 마음 속에 나타나는 창부같은 성녀 클라우디아였다. 로이드는 소년 시절의 추억에 잠기는 동안 오래도록 잊고 있던 것을 생각해 낸다.
Makeup Designer
The Reluctant Saint is based on the life of Saint Joseph of Cupertino who was sent to work at a monastery circa 17th century Italy because his mother believed him too simple for anything else.
Makeup Artist
An old prince lives in his ancient palace in Rome together with the ghosts of his ancestors. For years he has proudly rejected huge offers by a real estate group seeking to buy the palace and build a department store in its place, but when he suddenly dies his nephew signs the deal. The palace seems lost, but the ghosts forge a plan to save it from destruction.
Makeup Artist
The quaint life of Ottavia, a widow living in Rome, is turned upside down when a young and pretty Japanese girl knocks at her door, claiming to be the daughter of her late husband, an Italian military officer who went to Japan on a secret mission during WWII and reportedly killed in action there.
Makeup Artist
제2차 세계대전 당시, 부모와 함께 강제수용소로 보내진 유태인 소녀가 살아남기 위해 신분을 위장하고 카포로 살아가는 처절한 운명을 그린 이야기.
Makeup Artist
Problems arise for Antonio Magnano when he is unable to consummate his marriage to the beautiful Barbara Puglisi and his virility is called into question. Despite the fact that he loves his beautiful wife and they have otherwise been happily married for a year, his problem becomes a source of contention for all concerned.
Makeup Artist
삼류 신문의 사교계 담당 신문기자인 마르첼로는 사치스럽고 방탕한 생활을 하던 중 우연히 한결같이 반복되는 일상사에 진력을 내는 마달레나라는 여인을 만나 사귀게 된다. 마달레나는 마르첼로에게 고혹적인 분위기를 지닌 매춘부, 아르디아나를 소개시켜준다. 스스로도 주체할 수 없는 자신의 방탕한 생활에 회의를 느끼던 그는 어느 날 절친한 친구 스타이너가 자살했다는 소식을 듣고 더욱 실의에 빠지면서 삶의 가치와 의미에 대해 회의를 품게된다.
Makeup Artist
A Greek soldier leads the fight against an invading Persian army.
Makeup Artist
En route to Thebes for an important diplomatic mission, Hercules drinks from a magic spring and loses his memory. He spends most of the movie in the pleasure gardens of Queen Omphale of Lydia. While young Ulysses tries to help him regain his memory, political tensions escalate in Thebes, and Hercules' new wife Iole finds herself in mortal danger.
Makeup Artist
Two young lovers, Tao and Valeria, decide to go and enjoy a beautiful holiday in privacy, away from the daily routine and their parents. After a journey full of adventures, aboard a sidecar, they find themselves in a campsite populated by Germans.
Makeup Artist
After having a fight with his girl friend, Marc follows her to Rome to try and win her back. On the train he meets a girl who is on her way to stay with her uncle. He gives her a lift to her uncle's, but they discover he has gone to South America. So as she has nowhere else to go, she stays with Marc and his cousin, which inevitably leads to romance.
Makeup Artist
Makeup Artist
Raffaele, a Neapolitan student, get the news that his beloved grandmother Sabella is dying. He immediately goes to Pollena to be beside her.
Makeup Artist
포강 하류, 항상 짙은 안개가 깔리는 마을에 사는 알도는 연인 이르마에게 갑작스럽게 이별을 통보받고 정처 없는 방랑을 떠난다. 거대한 공장, 빗물이 들이치는 움막, 얼어붙은 평원 등 인물의 감정과 공명하는 장소를 지나쳐가는 그의 여정은 ‘세계에서 자신의 자리를 찾기’ 위한 일련의 시도들로 구성되어 있다. 하지만 모든 곳이 거주 불가능한 것처럼 보이고 그는 최후의 선택으로 내몰린다.
Makeup Artist
Salvatore and Romolo are two young and poor young men that are neighbours and friends. They live with their parents in Piazza Navona, Rome. They are poor but handsome, and both fall in love with Giovanna.
Makeup Artist
Antonio De Papis is a lawyer and his specialization is separation by mutual consent. He is contrary to marriage because he sees so many of them going wrong. So when his nephew calls on him asking for his approval to his marriage, Antonio suggests to him to spend a day in his office to see what marriage really is.
Makeup Artist
1470. The Canary Islands try to resist the Spanish invaders. Their inhabitants are divided, their chief and his daughter Guayarmina (for whom a Spanish officer has fallen in love) wanting the peace, while the priest and resistance leader are for war. After several battles the islanders are chased to Tirma mountain by the Spanish army.
Makeup Artist
Music, ballet, folk dances and mime eliciting the spirit of Naples across the ages are loosely tied together by the comedic wanderings and exploits of the Esposito family.
Makeup Artist
The young Claudia wants to escape from the gray life of the province and aims rich men but each time with unhappy results. Only the brother will eventually succeed in shaking her from this purpose.
Makeup Artist
Sophia Loren plays a dual role, as both the sultry Queen of the Nile with a "man-a-night" appetite and a beautiful slave girl who takes her place and is wooed by a bodyguard who thinks she's the real monarch.
Makeup Artist
A group of "respectable" people are all partly responsible for the suicide of a servant girl. They are pounced upon by a wily blackmailer, who knows that these people will pay dearly rather than inform on themselves or others.
Makeup Artist
Filumena, an ex-prostitute and for decades Domenico Soriano's lover, discovers that he intends to get married and so pretends to be on the verge of death in order to get him to marry her instead.
Makeup Artist
Beppe Musolino is falsely accused of murder. He is tried and once found guilty is imprisoned. Unexpectedly he escape from prison and to survive he start living like an outlaw brigand. He falls in love for Mara, a village girl, and with her help he hunts down all of the witnesses who lied about him at the trial.
Makeup Artist
A combination of a satire on war and a comedy with war as the background. It tells of the ordinary people living on a Naples sidestreet, from 1940 to 1950 under the dominance of the Fascists, the Nazis and then the Allies occupation forces. Primary among the citizens is Gennaro Iovine (Eduard De Filippo)who has a penchant for innocently getting into trouble, and his friend Pasquale (Toto.) The latter is a rail-sweeper who becomes a professional stand-in...a corpse used to conceal contraband...serving jail time for those who don't care to spend the time to do the time...a substitute at a political rally when violence threatens the scheduled speaker
Makeup Artist
While casing a bank he intends to rob, gangster Leo discovers one of the clerks, Antonio, is his exact double. He kidnaps Antonio and robs the bank, posing as Antonio. But Leo hadn't accounted for the involvement of Antonio's wife, Dorothy.
Makeup Artist
Makeup Artist
Returning home after a night of love spent in a woodman's hut with Orsola, Pietro is arrested by the police for a crime he did not commit. His mother and youngest sister, Rosaria, go to Orsola begging her to provide Pietro with the alibi that will clear him. But Rocco, Orsola's brother, dreading a family scandal, constrains Orsola to silence. Condemned despite his innocence, Pietro escapes from prison, but the police track him down and kill him, and his mother, before the eyes of Rosaria. Years pass, and one day Rocco stumbles upon a half-frozen young woman lying in the snow. He takes her home and confides her to the care of Orsola. Later, yielding to the pleas of Orsola, Rocco and Rocco's son, Salvatore, the girl stays on in the house, and Salvatore falls in love with the beautiful stranger, who is careful to keep the family members from learning she is Rosaria, the grown up sister of Pietro seeking revenge for the deaths of her brother and mother.
Makeup Department Head
In the Po Valley during the 19th century, a rich girl engaged to a well-to-do farmer ends up penniless and is forced to work for her fiancé’s relatives. Peasant unrest, carried to extremes by both workers and landowners, leads to violence and tragedy.
Makeup Artist
Giacomo Casanova returns to Venice, to help his brother, falsely accused of robbery.
Makeup Artist
A lovely, incisive portrait of adolescents in the crowded San Giovanni quarter of Rome during the last years of WWII.
Makeup Artist
An Italian sex worker falls in love with a black American soldier during World War II.
Uomo stupido
An Italian sex worker falls in love with a black American soldier during World War II.
Makeup Artist
Leo Bianchetti has just finished his military service but then is again called to arms; after 10 years on various fronts, he finds himself again in Italy to guard a bridge destroyes by the Germans that he doesn't want to leave.
Makeup Artist
A peasant leader under the enlightened despotism of Empress Catherine the Great, and a love story.
Makeup Artist
During Fascism and after WWII, a school porter sacrifices himself so his son, who is slightly ashamed of a lowly background, can become a respected professor.The film also takes a few jabs at Italy's rapid governmental reshuffles.
Makeup Artist
A nineteenth-century Italian noblewoman, imprisoned in a foreboding lakeside palazzo by her uncle, comes to believe she's possessed by a long ago mistress of the manor.
Makeup & Hair
Franco, a young man of noble descent, marries Luisa, daughter of a humble clerk, against his grandmother's will.