Didier Kaminka

Didier Kaminka

출생 : 1943-04-22, Paris, France


Didier Kaminka est un réalisateur, acteur, dialoguiste et scénariste français né le 22 avril 1943 à Paris.

프로필 사진

Didier Kaminka

참여 작품

La DorMeuse Duval
Le peintre
In a village by the Meuse river, located near the French-Belgian border, a factory storekeeper named Basile Matrin leads a dreary life with his wife, Rose. The young Maryse Duval, who had just come back from Paris, has abandoned her dreams of becoming an actress. She will unwittingly turn their life upside down. Basile's great friend and neighbour, who is a reporter for a local newspaper called " Le Quotidien de la Meuse", witnesses the comical drama that is unfolding on the street outside his house, and will unwillingly be drawn into this "Dramedy".
Pleins feux
Pour 100 briques t'as plus rien maintenant !
Je m'appelle Régine
Joueur de cartes
This TV movie is adapted from the memoirs of the singer Régine, in which she recounts her youth and her beginnings in the music hall.
Ma femme me quitte
Joanna Martin, a mid-life journalist, is investigating a marriage agency organizing white marriages. She uses her sister's identity to infiltrate.
트루 라이즈
국가안보기관에서 일하는 해리(아놀드 슈왈츠네거)는 아내 헬렌(제이미 리 커티스)에게 세일즈맨이라고 속이며 살고 있다. 어느날 아내가 가짜 첩보원에게 반해 한눈을 팔자 해리는 아내를 뒤쫓는다. 그러던 중 해리는 가짜 첩보원의 배후에 중동의 미군 철수를 요구하는 아지즈가 있음을 알게 된다. 그들 테러분자에게 잡혀간 딸을 구하기 위해 해리는 아내와 힘을 합친다.
Low Profile
A disillusioned police detective, used as a scapegoat by his corrupted superior, fights back by becoming a competent criminal.
À quoi tu penses-tu?
Because he only thinks about Karine, the wife of his best friend André, Pierre, a writer, can no longer write. The situation is all the more complex as Pierre lives with André's first wife, Mireille, whom he took from her five years ago. He confuses his computer and Karine, and talks to her. Karine's spirit is with him. André and Mireille go to a congress of surgeons in Florida, Pierre and Karine, alone, spend delicious moments together.
À quoi tu penses-tu?
Because he only thinks about Karine, the wife of his best friend André, Pierre, a writer, can no longer write. The situation is all the more complex as Pierre lives with André's first wife, Mireille, whom he took from her five years ago. He confuses his computer and Karine, and talks to her. Karine's spirit is with him. André and Mireille go to a congress of surgeons in Florida, Pierre and Karine, alone, spend delicious moments together.
Pleins feux
A famous actress learns the hard way that the devotion of a young admirer is not what it seems.
토탈 라이즈
겉으로는 전화국에서 근무하는 평범한 공무원 프랑소와(Francois: 티에리 레르미트 분). 하지만 사실 그는 전문적인 훈련을 받은 정보국 특수 비밀요원이다. 보안을 요하는 그의 임무 탓에 17년간 아내(Helene: 미유 미유 분)와 두 아이에게 조차도 신분을 숨긴 채 살고있는 프랑소와는 어느날, 아내가 마르셀이라는 남자와 바람을 피운다는 사실을 알게 된다. 늘 모험과 새로운 생활을 꿈꾸던 아내 엘렌이 가짜 첩보원 행세를 하고 다니는 마르셀에게 끌렸던 것. 이를 계기로 프랑소와는 엘렌의 사랑을 확인하고자 은밀한 계획을 세운다. 마피아처럼 꾸며 아내를 납치한 후 긴장감있고 짜릿한 사랑을 보여 주려던 것. 하지만 공교롭게도 진짜 마피아가 들이닥치고 프랑소와와 엘렌은 뜻밖의 위험에 휘말리는데.
Promotion canapé
Two women who want a raise, realize that they can easily get what they want, if they sleep with their boss.
Promotion canapé
Two women who want a raise, realize that they can easily get what they want, if they sleep with their boss.
마이 뉴 파트너 2
르네와 프랑수아는 정직한 형사들. 어느날 그들은 순찰 도중 도둑을 추적하게 되는데 그 도둑은 다름아닌 그들의 정보원이었다. 그 도둑은 어느 여인의 핸드백을 날치기하여 도망가는 중이었다. 르네와 프랑수아는 주인에게 핸드백을 찾아주고 경찰서로 돌아와보니 핸드백 안에 있던 돈이 없어졌다고 신고를 하고 있었다. 그 여인은 다름 아닌 레스뷔슈 형사와 부와용 형사의 끄나불이었다. 르네와 프랑수아는 레스뷔슈와 부와용 형사의 치밀한 계략에 당하고 있었다. 경찰의 징계위원회에서는 그들에게 판결이 내려질때까지 파리를 떠나 있을 것을 권유한다. 죄명은 장물취득과 장물은닉혐의였다. 르네와 프랑수아는 파리를 떠나 조용한 시골로 내려가 경마를 즐기며 휴식을 취하고 있었다. 어느날 파리에서 경마 시합이 열리는데 르네와 프랑수아는 그 경마시합을 관람하기 위해 파리로 상경한다. 레스뷔슈와 부와용 형사가 르네를 발견하고, 경찰징계위가 열려지기 전에는 파리로 돌아오지 말라고 하였는데, 돌아왔다고 르네를 사정없이 두들겨 팬다. 멀리서 그 광경을 지켜보던 프랑수아는 레스뷔슈와 부아용 형사의 음모를 파헤칠 것을 결심하고 르네를 데리고 프랑수아가 가깝게 지내던 여인의 집으로가 도피생활을 하면서 레스뷔슈와 부와용형사의 일거 일동을 감시하며 그들의 부정과 부패를 파헤치기 시작한다. 어느날 레스뷔슈와 부와용형사의 끄나불인 어느 중년 부인을 미행하는데 그 중년 부인은 레스뷔슈형사와 부와용형사의 엄청난 비밀을 가지고 있는데.
Les cigognes n'en font qu'à leur tête
Married to Jeremie, Marie wants desperately to have a child. She has a 20 year old daughter from a former marriage with the police commissioner. When the gynecologist confirms they are unable to conceive a child together, they opt for adoption. However, it is a very lengthy and difficult process. When her daughter meets Joanna, a pregnant teenager willing to give up her child for adoption, Marie is thrilled. And so Joanna moves in...
Les cigognes n'en font qu'à leur tête
Married to Jeremie, Marie wants desperately to have a child. She has a 20 year old daughter from a former marriage with the police commissioner. When the gynecologist confirms they are unable to conceive a child together, they opt for adoption. However, it is a very lengthy and difficult process. When her daughter meets Joanna, a pregnant teenager willing to give up her child for adoption, Marie is thrilled. And so Joanna moves in...
Tant qu'il y aura des femmes
Scenario Writer
Sam is a screenwriter, good at sorting out other people's stories but unable to organize his own life. He loves women with passion and there are too many around him.
Tant qu'il y aura des femmes
Sam is a screenwriter, good at sorting out other people's stories but unable to organize his own life. He loves women with passion and there are too many around him.
Top Managers
While his three former college friends - Thierry, Gérard and Francis have made successful careers for themselves in business, Daniel has yet to make the grade. Tired of Daniel's frequent attempts to drag them into ill-considered ventures, Thierry and Gérard decide to play a cruel trick on him by making him think he has won the national lottery.
Yiddish Connection
Two middle-aged Jewish merchants plot to crack a safe with a clergyman and some neighbors in Paris.
I Love You
In another indictment of the flaws of our so-called civilization, this satire from the late director Marco Ferreri features Christopher Lambert as Michel, a miserable man who has failed at love and finds solace in a mechanical key holder.
Les rois du gag
Paul Martin and François Leroux are brothers-in-law and comics without fame. One day, the famous television comics, Gaëtan, finds himself in the little theater where Paul and François produce themselves under the name of "Gagsters".
I Believe in Santa Claus
All Simon wants for Christmas is his parents (who are being held captive by an African warlord) back. So, he and another student stowaway on a flight to Lapland to find Santa Claus. There they meet St. Nick as well as a Christmas Fairy and an evil Ogre.
마이 뉴 파트너
파리의 으슥한 밤거리. 귀가길에서 시민 주머니를 털어 도망가던 두 명의 도둑이 있다. 경찰의 추적에 몰린 이들은 순간적으로 꾀를 내어 한 명만 잡히기로 한다. 그러자 두 명 중 한 명이 자기 동료를 붙잡는다. 알고 보니 이들은 모두 경찰들이다. 산전수전 다 겪은 노련한 경찰인 르네는 천연덕스럽게 같이 강도를 하던 동료를 체포한다. 만년 말단 형사인 르네는 자신의 구역에 있는 상인들에게 비리를 미끼로 돈을 뜯어내는 '타락한' 경찰이다. 르네는 한마디로 직권 남용죄에 걸려도 여러번 걸린 형사. 지저분한 파리 교외에서 몸부딪치며 살아가는 사람들에게 교묘하게 용돈을 울궈낸다. 노름꾼에게 돈을 걸면 억지로라도 따게 되어 있고 안경 노점상에서 안경을 사면 오히려 더 얹어서 거슬러 준다. 레스토랑은 물론 꽁자. 그러던 어느날 경마에 단단히 미친 그는 현행범이 눈앞에 있는데도 잡기는 커녕 경찰 사이렌을 올리며 마감 직전에 경마장에 가서 마권을 사게 된다. 그런데 어느날, 자신이 감방에 보낸 동료 대신 경찰학교를 졸업한 젊은 형사 프랑소와가 파트너로 배치되는데...
Pinot simple flic
Le clochard
The film starts in the 13th arrondissement of Paris in 1984. Robert Pinot is a police officer as ordinary as clumsy. One day, he stops a certain Josyane, a young drug addict who is also doubled as a pickpocket, nicknamed Marylou. Having discovered that she comes from the same village, Nanteuil, then him, he takes compassion for the young girl and decides to take her under his wing to keep her away from Tony, a dangerous dealer with whom she is in love.
The Bodyguard
Barbara (Jane Birkin) marries Julien (Sami Frey) a charming and sexy man. Barbara's old flame Paul (Gérard Jugnot) is highly suspicious of Julien. It seems Julien's previous two wives died under dubious circumstances and he collected a wad of insurance money as a result. Paul cannot ignore his misgivings, and so he follows Barbara and Julien to Morocco on their honeymoon, intent on preventing any harm to the woman he still loves.
The Bodyguard
Barbara (Jane Birkin) marries Julien (Sami Frey) a charming and sexy man. Barbara's old flame Paul (Gérard Jugnot) is highly suspicious of Julien. It seems Julien's previous two wives died under dubious circumstances and he collected a wad of insurance money as a result. Paul cannot ignore his misgivings, and so he follows Barbara and Julien to Morocco on their honeymoon, intent on preventing any harm to the woman he still loves.
Michel works there manically solving people's problems over the phone. He is about to tie the knot with his girl friend Isabelle, an airline hostess. She flies all over the world, he hates to leave the office. A series of madcap mishaps involving theft or injury (as you would expect in his line of work) ensues after Michel promises Isabelle nothing will delay their marriage and she promises in turn that she's done flying. Once this unlikely promise is made, it becomes premise and both are forced into escalating white lies to maintain the appearance of keeping their word. Their predicament mounts as Isabelle is forced to do a few more flights, while Michel is compelled to travel to New York, Tunisia, and finally Hong Kong, where they are finally reunited in the throes of a contrived and hilarious drug deal involving a 747, water taxi chases, and martial arts.
le cousin Paul
Michel works there manically solving people's problems over the phone. He is about to tie the knot with his girl friend Isabelle, an airline hostess. She flies all over the world, he hates to leave the office. A series of madcap mishaps involving theft or injury (as you would expect in his line of work) ensues after Michel promises Isabelle nothing will delay their marriage and she promises in turn that she's done flying. Once this unlikely promise is made, it becomes premise and both are forced into escalating white lies to maintain the appearance of keeping their word. Their predicament mounts as Isabelle is forced to do a few more flights, while Michel is compelled to travel to New York, Tunisia, and finally Hong Kong, where they are finally reunited in the throes of a contrived and hilarious drug deal involving a 747, water taxi chases, and martial arts.
For 200 Grand, You Get Nothing Now
After getting screwed over by life (again), two losers decide that enough is enough. Using stolen ski masks and stolen toy guns, they take hostages in their local bank, holding them for ransom. Things go well until the hostages learn what's going on, and demand a piece of the action for themselves.
T'empêches tout le monde de dormir
L'ami de Solange
A homeless street musician meets an attractive woman by chance and keeps following her until he persuades her to let him stay in her place.
The Under-Gifted In Vacation
le voisin de Memphis à Saint-Tropez
A group of friends are planning how to spend their summer vacation. One plans to go to the Seychelles with his American girlfriend. At the airport she dumps him for another guy. He has no money so he steals a backpack and goes camping. Somehow he meets a pretty girl and convinces her to share his tent. But a famous singer sees the girl and wants her too. He convinces the luckless guy to act like a fool and the girl leaves him and goes with the singer to the French Rivera.
The Under-Gifted In Vacation
A group of friends are planning how to spend their summer vacation. One plans to go to the Seychelles with his American girlfriend. At the airport she dumps him for another guy. He has no money so he steals a backpack and goes camping. Somehow he meets a pretty girl and convinces her to share his tent. But a famous singer sees the girl and wants her too. He convinces the luckless guy to act like a fool and the girl leaves him and goes with the singer to the French Rivera.
Come to My Place, I Live at a Girlfriend's
Guy is fired from is job, and asks to stay with his friend and his girlfriend in their apartment. The longer he stays, the more disaster he creates.
Le garçon d’appartement
Yves is a young man too lazy to work encrusted in a young girl he met on the street and no longer wants to leave the apartment she is sharing with one of her friends.
Trop c'est trop
Trop c'est trop
Trop c'est trop
The Nada Gang
Nada, named after a gang of Spanish anarchists, is a small, confused band of French terrorists. They kidnap the American ambassador after one of his regular visits to an exclusive brothel. The gang starts to quarrel amongst themselves as to the diplomat's fate, while the police purge suspects in their attempts to destroy the Nada faction. As the violence escalates on both sides, the States and the terrorists are forced to use one another's methods in an increasingly desperate and relentless conflict.
I Don't Know Much, But I'll Say Everything
Pierre Gastié-Leroy is the son of a wealthy director of a factory of weapon manufacturing. Despite his parents, two generous uncles and a bishop godfather who try to inculcate him the rigid values of his social level, Pierre is a dreamer, antimilitaristic, social educator who dreams of saving three thugs, his "little guys" at the limit of delinquency. After several resounding failures that sent him to prison, Pierre is ordered by his father to join his factory to direct the social service. Tired of the venality of his father and the foolishness of the "little guys", Pierre hires them at the factory...
L'école sauvage
Cannes Film Festival 1973
La lucarne magique
Un jeune