William Lubtchansky

William Lubtchansky

출생 : 1937-10-26, Paris, France

사망 : 2010-05-04

프로필 사진

William Lubtchansky

참여 작품

The Last of the Unjust
Director of Photography
A place: Theresienstadt. A unique place of propaganda which Adolf Eichmann called the "model ghetto", designed to mislead the world and Jewish people regarding its real nature, to be the last step before the gas chamber. A man: Benjamin Murmelstein, last president of the Theresienstadt Jewish Council, a fallen hero condemned to exile, who was forced to negotiate day after day from 1938 until the end of the war with Eichmann, to whose trial Murmelstein wasn't even called to testify. Even though he was without a doubt the one who knew the Nazi executioner best. More than twenty-five years after Shoah, Claude Lanzmann's new film reveals a little-known yet fundamental aspect of the Holocaust, and sheds light on the origins of the "Final Solution" like never before.
They Saw Inferno
A wonderful documentary that sheds additional light on the fascinating project ‘Inferno’ was, as well as how those who were involved with it reacted to it during the shooting process. A riveting adjunct to the main feature, offering a glut of interviews with various people associated with the production, and presenting quite a bit more production data, as well as some unseen footage from Clouzot's shoot.
The Karski Report
Director of Photography
A powerful new film about Jan Karski, the Polish resistance figure who attempted to expose the Warsaw Ghetto and Belzec, and met with President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter.
앙리-조르주 클루조의 지옥
Self - Interviewee
In 1964, Henri-Georges Clouzot's production of L'Enfer came to a halt. Despite huge expectations, major studio backing and an unlimited budget, after three weeks the production collapsed. This documentary presents Inferno's incredible expressionistic original rushes, screen tests, and on-location footage, whilst also reconstructing Clouzot's original vision, and shedding light on the ill-fated endeavor through interviews, dramatizations of unfilmed scenes, and Clouzot's own notes.
Frontier of the Dawn
Director of Photography
A celebrity is caught by her husband with a young lover.
The Duchess of Langeais
Director of Photography
General Montriveau, having returned from the Napoleonic Wars in despair, quickly becomes enamored with Duchess Langeais. Across a series of nocturnal visitations, the Duchess mercilessly toys with her hot-tempered suitor, as the machinations of a shadowy conspiracy unfold in the background.
Gardens in Autumn
Director of Photography
When he loses his position as a powerful government minister, Vincent is dropped by his pretty mistress and must begin life anew, without the privileges of power. As he gradually becomes acquainted with milieus which he d either forgotten or never known and a host of sometimes eccentric, often remarkable everyday people, Vincent really begins to start living again.
평범한 연인들
Director of Photography
1968년 5월혁명 이후, 크리스티앙과 친구들은 아편을 피워대며 하루하루를 보낸다. 혼란스러운 혁명을 겪었지만, 그들의 일상은 여느 때와 다를 바 없다. 어느 날 크리스티앙은 첫눈에 릴리에게 반하고 사랑에 빠지지만, 한순간 타올랐던 불같은 사랑의 결말은 비극적이다.
A Visit to the Louvre
Director of Photography
A visit to the Louvre in Paris commentated by an actor reading Cézanne.
마리와 줄리앙 이야기
Director of Photography
마흔살 시계 제조공 줄리앙은 파괴적인 성격의 소유자다. 줄리앙은 마담 X가 그의 옛 애인 마리에 관한 위험한 비밀을 갖고 있다는 것을 모른 채 훔친 골동품을 거래하는 부유한 마담 X를 협박하기로 결심한다. 아름다우면서도 비밀스러운 소녀 마리는 진정한 감정을 느끼기에 불가능해 보이고 줄리앙은 그녀를 자유롭게 해 주고자 무한한 사랑이 지배하는 장소로 도망 친다. 누벨바그 세대의 상징적 필력가이자 여전히 왕성한 현재의 작가인 자크 리베트의 13번째 영화 의 상영시간은 다소 긴 150분이다. 물리적 지속시간의 누적 위에서 예술의 연계와 사유의 연장을 말하는 자크 리베트의 영화답게 는 긴 시간 동안 천천히 전진한다. 현실 같은 꿈과 모호한 현실 사이를 헤매는 듯한 몽롱함이 시종 영화를 지배한다. 자크 리베트의 영화적 동지인 이론가 출신 파스칼 보니체르가 각본을 썼으며, 자크 리베트의 가장 최근작인 에서도 보여진 그의 연극적 특성이 잘 드러난 소품이다. 마치 영화와 연극, 상상과 현실을 오가는 것 같은 는 죽은 자와 산 자가 동거하는 기이한 철학적 미스테리를 던진다. 그렇게 죽음과 삶의 공존 상태라고 하는 철학적 주제가 드러난다. 는 죽은 자와 산 자가 함께하는 판타지다. (EBS)
Small Cuts
Director of Photography
Bruno, a communist newspaper journalist, is suffering a mid-life crisis. Torn between his wife Gaëlle and his young girlfriend Nathalie, his political beliefs battered by the wind of history, Bruno seems to have lost his bearings.
월요일 아침
Director of Photography
1시간 30분의 답답한 출근길과 단조로운 공장 업무, 그리고 집으로의 퇴근. 뱅상에게 매주 월요일 아침은 지리한 일상이 시작되는 고달픈 시간이다. 화가가 되고 싶은 그의 꿈은 가족에 대한 책임감으로 짓눌린다. 그가 사는 동네 역시 지루하기는 마찬가지다. 마을 사람들은 그저 세월이 흘러가기만 바랄 뿐이다. 다가오는 월요일 아침을 감당할 수 없는 뱅상은 새로운 세상을 꿈꾸며 베니스로 향한다. 그는 과연 자신이 잊고 있었던 무언가를 찾을 수 있을까? ▶ 52회 베를린영화제 감독상▶ 7회 부산국제영화제 월드 시네마
알게 될거야
Director of Photography
After finding love and success in Italy, French actress Camille returns to Paris, the city she fled 3 years ago. She secretly dreads confronting her ex-boyfriend Pierre. Her new lover Ugo also has a secret, he’s meeting with the intriguing Dominique while on his quest for an unpublished manuscript.
Farewell, Home Sweet Home
Director of Photography
Nicholas is the eldest son of a wealthy suburban family, whose businesswoman mother makes deals from a helicopter and has an affair with her business partner. His cheerful, alcoholic father, on the other hand, is reduced to a prisoner in his room with his devoted dog and electric train set. Unbeknownst to his parents, Nicholas works as a window cleaner and dish washer in a Parisian cafe. He is also in love with the daughter of another cafe's owner, who, however, has an abusive boyfriend. One night, Nicholas sneaks a few drunken drifters into his family wine cellar and his father unexpectedly takes a liking to the stranger.
Director of Photography
엘리오 비토리니의 반 파시스트 소설 `시칠리아에서의 대화`를 각색한 작품. 실베스트로는 어머니를 만나기 위해 고향 시칠리아를 방문한다. 집으로 향하던 길목에서 그는 각양각색의 사람들을 만나고, 그들과 일상적인 대화를 나눈다. 어딘가 부자연스럽지만 위트 있는 대화의 연속이 마치 한 편의 연극 혹은 초기 유성영화를 연상케 한다. 모든 것이 절제된 미니멀한 형식 속에서 간결한 이미지만을 전달하며 관객에게 순수한 ‘영화보기’의 체험을 제공하는, 불가사의한 힘의 영화.
À mort la mort !
Director of Photography
The idea for this film about a generation and its lost ideals came to Romain Goupil after attending several funerals of friends in the fall of 1996, where the '68 generation, now in influential positions in media or politics, kept meeting each other. It seemed as if the revolution that they had tried to make was being buried with each coffin. A MORT LA MORT is in some ways an homage to this generation, now in their fifties. They were a privileged generation that thought that they could change the world, doing everything that their parents failed to do. There were no actual deaths in France as there were in Germany or Italy, but the system was not ideal for personal issues or for love. There was always a scapegoat for the injustices of the world, be it capitalism or imperialism. That way the blame could be placed somewhere else. Some of the '68 generation are still faithful to the principles of their youth and still continue to fight for the illusions of the past.
A Visitor from the Living
Director of Photography
An interview with a WWII Red Cross official who wrote a glowing report on a Jewish ghetto-cum-death camp.
Hard Off
Director of Photography
This French romantic comedy-drama concerns Claude Langmann, a middle-aged auctioneer, who is in a loving marriage with his second wife of 15 years. Though he is deeply in love with his wife and has remained faithful to her, he finds himself unable to perform in bed. His wife says she is satisfied with Claude's love and tenderness, but he visits a sex specialist anyway. There he learns of Viagra, which is not yet approved in France, though it is available in Switzerland over the counter. Soon Claude is on his way to Geneva, and eager to prove his manhood, tries to bed Agnes, his very attractive and very available assistant. His daughter, who also comes along for the trip, interferes with her own problems.
은밀한 방어
Director of Photography
젊은 생리학자인 실비는 남동생인 폴로부터 5년 전 아버지의 죽음이 자살이 아니라 그의 오른팔이던 와슬러에게 살해된 것이라는 얘기를 듣고 혼란에 빠진다. 실비는 동생의 주장을 완전히 확신하지 못하면서도 복수를 하기로 결심한다. 그녀는 동생을 보호하기 위해 모든 일을 혼자서 계획한다. 하지만 그녀는 곧 자신이 욕망과 음모의 덫 안에 말려들었음을 알게 된다. (2016 한국시네마테크협의회 - 자크 리베트 회고전)
The Good Life
Director of Photography
Tristan is about to turn fifteen. He enjoys the good life his parents have built for him. And yet, it won't be long before his environment of protection, affection and comfort crumbles. From then on, he will learn the taste of loneliness, sadness and that survival is often more important than life.
Brigands, Chapter VII
Director of Photography
A witty, despairing French-Russian-Italian-Swiss art movie set in 16th-century Georgia, Stalinist Georgia, contemporary Georgia, and contemporary Paris, featuring the same set of actors in all four settings.
The New World
Director of Photography
A young boy who worships all things American comes of age in Orleans, where over 14,000 American GIs were stationed.
잔다르크 Ⅱ : 감금
Director of Photography
프랑스 왕위에 오른 샤를은 측근들의 영향으로 영국과 정전 협정을 맺고, 파리를 탈환하려는 의욕을 완전히 상실하고 만다. 잔다르크는 영국군을 상대로 승승장구하며 왕을 위해 파리를 탈환할 준비가 되어있었지만 왕은 그런 잔다르크를 제지한다. 왕으로부터 아무런 도움도 받지 못하게 된 잔다르크는 그래도 영국 편인 파리 외곽 도시들과 전투를 계속해나간다. 그러나 잔다르크는 파리 탈환에 실패해 부르고뉴 사람들에게 붙잡히는 신세가 되고, 자기 아버지의 목을 벤 샤를 왕을 증오하는 필립 왕자에 의해 영국인들에게 넘겨져 종교재판에 회부된다. 정치적인 함정에 빠진 잔다르크는 신의 메신저로서 남자의 옷을 입었다는 진술을 취소하지 않으면 사형 당할 처지에 놓이게 되고, 루앙에서 주교로부터 주장을 굽히지 않으면 화형에 처해질 것이라는 말을 듣는다. 잔다르크는 모든 걸 포기하고 목숨을 이어가기로 결심하지만 사악한 주교는 그녀에게 영국 감옥에 갇혀 평생을 보낼 것을 선고하는데...
잔다르크 Ⅰ: 전투
Director of Photography
영국과 프랑스 간의 백년 전쟁이 막바지로 치닫고 있는 1429년. 프랑스는 오를레앙가와 부르고뉴가 간의 왕권 다툼으로 혼란에 빠져 있다. 동레미에 살고 있던 농부의 딸인 잔은 영국과 부르고뉴가의 협공으로 위기에 처한 오를레앙을 위해 싸우기로 결심한다. 그는 머리를 짧게 자르고 검술을 익힌 후 황태자의 부하인 보드리쿠르라는 기사를 찾아간다. (2016 한국시네마테크협의회 - 자크 리베트 회고전)
C'est de l'art
Director of Photography
This series, assembled in a film, presents the singular view of contemporary artists on major works of art history. The words of these free spirits make each work see each work as a dynamic form, in the process of becoming, crossed by multiple energies. The artists' voice-over narration frees the creative possibilities of the image - sound and image playing with each other, animated by the same spring: what is seeing?
Poor George
Director of Photography
One night Jorge will meet with a Japanese industrialist, who will allow him to abandon his teaching position and resume his chemical work. However, when he gets home he finds a person there.
Chasing Butterflies
Director of Photography
Châtelaine Marie-Agnès de Bayonnette lives in her family home with her cousin Solange. The lives of the two old ladies are governed by the traditional codes of aristocracy. When Marie-Agnès died, the heirs from Russia had to fight over the estate with a Japanese company that wanted to buy the property.
Director of Photography
A fearless Antigone, refusing to allow the dishonored body of her murdered brother Polynices to be devoured by vultures and dogs, defies the Thebian tyrant Creon by burying him.
La Belle Noiseuse: Divertimento
More than just an abbreviated form of "La Belle Noiseuse", Rivette re-cut his footage with some important differences in point of view - this one being more from Marianne's point of view
누드 모델
Director of Photography
프랑스 소설가 발자크의 소설 에서 영감을 얻어 제작한 작품으로 그 내용의 줄거리가 거의 흡사하다. 줄거리 자체만으로는 단순하며 상투적인 모습을 보여주지만 쟈끄 리베트 감독의 손을 거쳐서 탄생한 은 예술작품에 대한 감독의 실험정신을 영화 속 주인공 프뤼노페르를 통해 재현하는 작품이다. 주인공 프뤼노페르는 10년 전 아내인 리즈(제인 버킨 분)를 모델로 그리다가 실패하고 만 미완의 그림 '미녀 싸움꾼 (La Belle Noiseuse)'을 다시 그리는 작업을 시작하게 된다. 새로운 모델은 그를 찾아온 젊은 화가 니꼴라의 여자친구인 마리안느(엠마뉴엘 베아르 분)가 되며, 이 작업은 화가와 모델의 끊임없는 자아찾기와 작품에 대한 열망, 그와 연결된 인물들 사이의 관계와 설정이 어떻게 변화되어 가는지를 섬세하게 표현해 낸다.
Walking a Tightrope
Director of Photography
Marcel Spadice is a famous writer with a criminal background and a penchant for handsome men. From time to time, he induces an attractive female admirer to arrange for him to be introduced to nice, talented young men who happen to be sufficiently handsome to interest him. At other times, the endless effort to woo these men (who are most often heterosexual) grows wearying, and he goes to the train station to pick up soldiers looking for some easy money and a night's lodging. In this film, the writer has grown enamored with a young circus laborer who wants to move up in the world, literally, by becoming a tightrope walker. Marcel cadges an introduction, and for a time sponsors the young man's training. However, when the boy suffers an accident which renders him unfit for his chosen vocation, Marcel loses interest in him and takes up with another young man.
리틀 갱스터
Director of Photography
Marc, a troubled teenager, is bored in his native, depressing city of Sete. One day, a simple phone call makes him aware of the existence of Stephanie, a sister he has never met. Armed with a pistol his mother found, he goes out to find her. He steals money from a perfume shop, and is then stopped by a policeman who wants to search him. In the car, Marc threatens the policeman with his gun, demanding that he helps him find his sister...
누벨 바그
Director of Photography
히치하이킹을 하던 루이는 부유한 사업가인 엘르의 차를 얻어 탄다. 루이는 엘르의 공장과 그녀의 집 등을 방문하며 사람들의 다양한 이야기를 듣는다. 대사의 많은 부분은 레이몬드 챈들러나 윌리엄 포크너 등 문학을 인용했으며 여기에 고다르 특유의 나레이션도 더해진다.
The Mahabharata
Director of Photography
One of the great masterpieces of world literature comes to vivid life in an elaborate production from acclaimed theater and film innovator Peter Brook. This collection of ancient Sanskrit stories (composed into the longest book ever written) comprises a series of enlightened fables at the heart of countless beliefs, legends, and teachings; indeed, its very title means "the great story of mankind." Brook and writer Jean-Claude Carriere worked for eight years to develop this epic concerning two sides of a royal family, the Pandavas and the Kauravas, whose struggle leads to a fascinating voyage of emotions, passion and vision of glory. Briefly, the Mahabharata is a tale of two rival sets of brothers, cousins to eachother, each born into royalty and with divinely guided paths in life. The result, however, is a great war, death, destruction - a vast epic.
Black Sin
Director of Photography
A companion piece to the earlier film ‘The Death of Empedocles’, 'Black Sin' is an adaptation of the third version of Friedrich Hölderlin’s play ‘Der Tod Des Empedokles’.
The House of Jade
Director of Photography
During a ceremony in an orthodox church in Paris, a 40-year-old writer and journalist is seduced by a young man, whom with she will live an extraordinary story of love and passion that will drive them to madness.
Frequent Death
Jeanne Quester is a psychologist-on-the-airwaves in a radio station. She got a raw deal when she was a child.
Agent Trouble
Director of Photography
Amanda Weber is a museum employee. Her nephew, Victorien, who feels that wild animals should not be kept in zoos, while hitchhiking saw a mysterious bus with 50 dead tourists that later was found by autorities at the bottom of a lake. When Victorien gets in very serious problems due to what he saw Amanda seeks to find out what happened and soon also becomes a target.
Où que tu sois
Director of Photography
Emmanuel, 37, lives in Paris with his wife, Irene, and his daughter Anne, 14 years old. He accidentally discovers that Irene is receiving mail in the remaining mail. She refuses to follow Emmanuel to Italy where he has to write a biography of Filippo Lippi. Distraught, Emmanuel decided to leave immediately for Florence.
The Prude
Director of Photography
Pierre is the artistic director of a theater, and when his daughter Manon lets him know that she is coming to see him after a year's absence, Pierre decides to prepare for the meeting. He goes to the theater with his girlfriend Ariane and has the actresses in his troupe act out different aspects of his daughter's character. Unfortunately, this is not adequate preparation, for when Manon does show up, nothing goes quite as he imagined...
Director of Photography
In a port city, a youth plays a computer game that determines the fate of a woman (whose interracial romance is threatened by white punks) and other residents.
Director of Photography
Mise-en-scène of the classic tragedy of Sofocles, carried out by Antoine Vitez in the National Theatre of Chaillot
Director of Photography
쇼아(히브리어로 '절멸'을 의미)란 2차 세계대전 당시 독일 나치가 유럽 전역에 있는 유대인을 비롯한 특정부류의 사람들을 집단 학살 한 것을 지칭한다. 감독 란쯔만은 8년간의 촬영과 350시간 분의 인터뷰를 9시간이 넘는 장편 다큐멘터리로 완성시켰다. 란쯔만은 나치 집단수용소도 아니고 하나의 전체로서의 나치체제도 아니며 하나의 과정으로서의 반유대주의도 아닌 죽음이 만연했던 구체적인 장소이며 지옥의 중추인 홀로코스트(나치 집단처형장)에 관해 논하기 위해 거의 10년 동안이나 세계를 돌아다녔다. 또한 란쯔만은 뉴스 필름이나 당시의 기록 필름을 단 한 커트도 사용하지 않고 등장 인물들의 말을 통해서만 유대인 학살을 이야기한다. 강제수용소의 생존자들, 나치 협력자들, 그리고 학살 작업에 동원되었던 사람들은 고통스럽게 그들의 과거를 카메라 앞에 드러낸다.
After Darkness
Director of Photography
To salve his guilty conscience an elder brother removes his disturbed younger sibling from a mental institution after a suicide attempt and tries to bring him back to mental competency through one on one contact. Free of the institution he continues to be haunted by dreams of a lost twin and chants the eerie phrase "Do I stand before the king?" It is the elder brother that seems doomed to lose himself in his brother's insanity.
Next Summer
Director of Photography
Edouard is patriarch of a large family: his second wife, Jeanne, has just had a baby and finally had enough of his philandering. As the marriage between them unravels, Edouard's daughters experience their own emotional shock waves. Dina, in a relationship with playwright Paul, wants more from her daily life, while Sidone is married to a fellow musician but is terrified of performing in public. Fast-forward seven years: Edouard is gravely ill, and the family shares their issues, hopes and fears.
지상의 사랑
Director of Photography
두 명의 젊은 여배우는 상류층의 한 감독으로부터 연극의 배역을 의뢰받는다. 하지만, 그들은 그의 초대에 응한 후 계약서에서 이상한 사항을 발견하게 된다. 그들이 리허설 동안에는 그의 거대한 저택에 함께 살아야 한다는 것인데...
프랑켄슈타인 90
Director of Photography
French cybernetics genius Victor Frankenstein carries on the work of his notorious ancestor and creates a monster, albeit one with a penchant for philosophy, etiquette and occasional bouts of murderous rage. But when the creature develops a hunger for l'amour, Frankenstein and his understanding fiancé use a cache of freshly murdered strippers to build the creature a beautiful yet dutiful bride. Can the undead find true love in a cold world, or will the French ways of passion unleash some monstrous surprises upon them all?
계급 관계
Director of Photography
카프카의 유작 「아메리카」를 각색한 작품으로 독일에 거주하던 장 마리 스트라우브와 다니엘 위예가 함께 전성기를 누리던 시절에 만든 걸작이다. 미국으로 간 독일 청년의 모습을 통해 자본화된 문명의 황폐함을 통찰하는 모더니즘 감독들의 모던한 카프카 해석이 돋보이는 영화. (2013년 제14회 전주국제영화제)
Cap Canaille
Director of Photography
Directors Jean-Henri Roger and Juliet Berto begin this thriller with sequences on the contemporary politics of southern France and the infiltration of organised crime into real estate development there: crime bosses were torching forest tracts to make way for their development schemes in the early 1980s. In the fictionalised story, Paula Barretto is caught in this underworld because her father was involved in the drug business, her brother is in the real estate scam, and her lover is an armed thief. Although she tries to get out of her corrupt and dangerous environment, it is not an easy task when even the police officers cannot be trusted, and the underworld has informants everywhere.
Director of Photography
An innocent man stumbles across a political intrigue, when he discovers that his neighbours apartment is bugged. They are then found dead and their killers description resembles the man.
Boulevard des assassins
Director of Photography
Scandal in the property business.
북쪽에 있는 다리
Director of Photography
1980년, 파리. 오토바이를 타다 넘어진 밥티스트를 마리가 도와주며 두 사람은 처음 만난다. 각종 기행을 벌이며 거리를 맴도는 밥티스트와 애인을 찾고 있는 마리는 그 후로도 계속 마주치다 결국 함께 걷기 시작한다. 파리 시내를 특정 패턴으로 잘게 나눈 지도를 사이에 둔 채 두 사람의 여행은 점차 기묘한 느낌을 더해간다.
Too Early / Too Late
Director of Photography
Inspired by a letter by Friedrich Engels and a 1974 account of two militant Marxist writers who had been imprisoned by the Nasser regime, Straub-Huillet filmed this film in France and Egypt during 1980. They reflect on Egypt’s history of peasant struggle and liberation from Western colonization, and link it to class tensions in France shortly before the Revolution of 1789, quoting texts by Engels as well as the pioneering nonfiction film Workers Leaving the Lumière Factory (1895).
The Red Shade
Camera Supervisor
The time is the 1930s and two Soviet spies (both Frenchmen by nationality) have been helping Communist factions during the Civil War in Spain. It is the time of Stalin's iron rule in the USSR, and the two agents are suddenly called to Moscow by the KGB. Knowing that they are in trouble for no fault of their own, fear drives one of them to suicide while the other gets his lover and her child and begins a run for his life, knowing that the KGB will never let him go free.
Director of Photography
New Yorker Ben Phillips and mysterious Léo Hoffmann are strangers who are summoned to Paris by a mutual acquaintance. Upon arrival, they meet and soon find themselves tangled in a complex mystery.
이웃집 여인
Director of Photography
프랑스의 어느 한적한 마을에서 가족과 함께 평화롭게 살고 있던 베르나르(Bernard Coudray: 제랄드 드빠르듀 분)는 자기의 옆집으로 이사 온 사람의 부인을 만난다. 그녀는자신의 옛 애인 마틸드(Mathilde Bauchard: 패니 아댄트 분)였다. 과거에 두 사람은 사랑을 했었지만 서로의 자존심 싸움으로 헤어졌었다. 과거의 사랑을 회상하면서 자주 만나게 된 그들은 다시 사랑에 빠진다. 하지만 두 남녀는 죄의식에 대한 심리적 갈등과 불안감에 시달리게 되고 다시 냉정한 마음으로 친구 사이를 유지하려고 노력한다. 그러나 사랑과 질투에 냉정을 잃은 베르나르는 이를 견디지 못하고 여러사람 앞에서 행패를 부리고 마틸드를 데리고 도망치려고 하지만 결국 다시 냉정을 찾고 현실을 받아들인다. 한편, 한 남자에 대한 사랑때문에 목숨까지 던져 버릴려고 했던 오딜 여사(Madame Odile Jouve: 베로니끄 실베르 분)를 존경해 온 마틸드는 진정한 사랑과 냉엄한 현실 사이에서 정신적 고통을 이기지 못하고 신경쇠약증에 걸려 병원에 입원하고 만다. 이제 현실을 받아들인 베르나르는 마틸드의 남편과 함께 그녀를 위로하여 회복하도록 노력한다. 마틸드는 병원에서 퇴원하고 남편과 함께 다른 곳으로 이사를 간다. 그러나 어느날 밤, 그 빈집에서 나는 소리를 듣고 나갔던 베르나르는 자기를 못잊어 찾아온 마틸드를 만나게 되는데...
The Games of Countess Dolingen
Director of Photography
In this eerie, atmospheric tale, a young woman is on a train when she sees some people she thinks she knows from her childhood. On arriving home, her husband tells her that a certain countess has died. At that point, the film cuts to a scene of the countess singing in a mausoleum while the visual image of the graveyard's many tombstones passes before one's eyes. Back home, the husband -- also a "father-figure" -- is looking over his collection of wooden angels. Some time elapses, and he surreptitiously sees a thief come down through the chimney, steal some things, and then leave. To combat any recurrence, he builds an iron, escape-proof cage around the fireplace, and then goes away on a trip. When he comes back, he finds the thief dead in the cage. Thus far, the camera has only shown the husband in profile or from the back. Then there is another story about a young girl, with a spiteful, nasty mother, who is trying to cope with her own attraction to a man.
Director of Photography
This drama about a barmaid caught up in events beyond her control is the first film directed by Juliet Berto, and was also based on her own concept for the story. The barmaid, played by Berto, has been trying to take care of Bobby, a teenage drug pusher who is in over his head. Before she can put him back on track and get him out of the drug underworld, the young man is killed while being chased by a narcotics agent. Depressed by his death but not derailed, she finds herself trying to help out a gay user who depended on Bobby for his supply of drugs. She decides to procure some drugs for the desperate addict, and is trapped in the bathroom of a bar - with the drugs - when narcotics agents burst upon the scene. Her boyfriend rushes to help her but is killed by an agent who shoots first and thinks later. The barmaid does not face a very optimistic future as the narc arrests her - but releases a parish minister who had been helping her find a source for the drugs.
Paris s'en va
Director of Photography
A short film that can act as a companion piece to Le Pont du Nord.
할 수 있는 자가 구하라 - 인생
Director of Photography
고다르가 정치적 비디오 작업에 열을 올렸던 70년대를 마치고 극영화로 되돌아와 만든 첫 번째 작품으로 영화 감독과 애인, 창녀라는 세 인물을 통해 사랑과 성, 삶, 그리고 영화란 무엇인지에 대해 묻고 있다. 제작자인 폴 고다르는 편집일을 하는 드니즈 랭보와 연인 사이이다. 한편 폴은 창녀 이자벨의 단골 손님이기도 하다. 폴이 드니즈와 함께 시골 별장에 간 어느날, 때마침 이자벨 또한 그곳을 찾는다. ‘상상’, ‘상업’, ‘삶’, ‘음악’ 이라는 네 개의 파트로 이루어진 옴니버스 영화로 고다르 특유의 슬로우모션과 실험적인 기법, 매혹적인 이미지와 사운드들이 묘하게 어울린다.
First Voyage
Director of Photography
When her mother dies, a teenage girl decides to find her long-absent sailor father. Together with her five-year-old brother, she begins a long and dangerous quest, which will finally be rewarded.
Short Memory
Director of Photography
In this thriller, a UNESCO translator stumbles across a group which is hiding and supporting Nazis and facilitating their travel around the world. She had been given an assignment to study the work of a writer who recently had died, and the conspiracy is revealed in materials he left behind. She comes upon a young man who is going through the writer's papers, and she immediately assumes he must be one of the conspirators. However, he soon convinces her of his innocence in that regard, and the two together begin a search for the ringleader.
Last Exit Before Roissy
Director of Photography
Every Revolution Is a Throw of the Dice
Director of Photography
A tribute to Mallarmé that not only asserts the continuing relevance of his work but also confronts its literary ambiguities with political and cinematic ambiguities of its own. In outline, the film could not be more straightforward: it offers a recitation of one of Mallarmé’s most celebrated and complex poems (it was his last published work in his own lifetime, appearing in 1897, a year before his death) and proposes a cinematic equivalent for the author’s original experiment with typography and layout by assigning the words to nine different speakers, separating each speaker from the other as she or he speaks, and using slight pauses to correspond with white spaces on the original page.
여기 그리고 다른 곳
Director of Photography
팔레스타인 혁명에 대한 지가 베르토프 그룹의 미완결된 기록화면과 그에 대한 정치적 담론을 담고 있는 영화. 팔레스타인 저항군의 뉴스를 담은 TV뉴스를 바라보는 프랑스의 가정(여기)과 전쟁의 강을 건너는 ‘다른 곳’의 경계를 무너뜨리려는 날카로운 자기성찰의 목소리와 함께 68혁명 이후 유럽 급진주의의 실패에 대한 반성을 담고 있다. (2018년 한국시네마테크협의회 - 1968+50 새로운 세상, 새로운 영화)
Director of Photography
겨울의 마지막 초승달과 봄의 첫 보름달 사이, 죽은 자들이 지상으로 돌아오는 40일의 시간. 그 카니발 기간동안 달의 여신 레니와 태양의 여신 비바는 신비의 힘을 가진 반지를 차지하기 위해 대결을 벌인다. 그러나 반지는 그만 인간들의 수중에 떨어지고, 이제 피에로와 그의 누이 루시, 그리고 그의 애인 잔느를 둘러싼 결투가 벌어진다.
Director of Photography
한 공산주의 잡지 출간에 대한 비디오 르포를 만들려 하는 두 좌파 언론인이 이미지와 텍스트, 그들의 상관성에 대한 질문을 던진다. 고다르는 이 영화를 만든 계기를 회상하며, 68년 5월 당시 TV의 정보와 이미지, 소리가 영화만큼이나 자신에게 강력한 영향을 끼쳤기 때문이라고 했다.
Director of Photography
After her brother was killed by a notorious all-female pirate gang, Morag dedicates her life to bringing the murderers to justice. Soon, she has become an important member of the pirate gang and has begun acquiring the loyalty of key members. Eventually, she makes her move and challenges the leader, a demi-god, known as "The Daughter of the Sun."
Parlez-moi d'amour
Director of Photography
Emerging from a lengthy dinner where his mother was exhibited without restraint for the favor of a man, Daniel returns alone, sickened. Without imagining the trap closes on him, he later agrees to have a drink with a neighbor he just help carry packages. She "vamp" and keeps her house without a very fierce resistance opposes too happy to escape his solitude. Taking advantage of the absence of his mother, Daniel finally leaves the high school and moved to the neighbor who, having close to her more often, gets him a place in the clinic where she is employed.
넘버 2
Director of Photography
고다르는 비디오 화면 앞에 앉아서 평범한 부부의 일상을 분석한다. 노동과 섹스, 일상적인 생활 속에도 권력 관계는 확연하다. "넘버 투"를 만들면서부터 고다르는 대안 매체로서 비디오의 가능성을 실험하기 시작한다.
Director of Photography
감독이 살았던 파리의 '다게레오 거리'의 상점에서 일하고 있는 점원들의 이야기를 다룬 다큐멘터리. 영화는 아름다운 다게레오 거리의 풍경을 묘사하려는 것이 아니다. 그저 자신과 한 블록이 되는 거리에 사는 이웃들에 대한 이야기다. 영화는 주민들에 대한 조사도 아니고, 사회학적인 연구도 아니다. 이는 묵묵히 삶을 살아가고 있는 말 없는 다수에 대한 이야기이다. 이는 아마도 고고학자나 사회학자의 이뤄낼 다음 세기의 성과가 될 수도 있을 것이다. 그녀가 이전에 만든 단편 가 파리의 무푸타르 거리에 대한 이야기였다면, 이 작품은 '오페라 다게레오'라고 부를 수 있을 것이다.
Israel, Why
Director of Photography
Using interviews and other footage shot especially for this documentary, French director Claude Lanzmann investigates the state of Israel in 1972. This movie concentrates on Israelis going about their business of everyday living.
Forbidden to Know
Director of Photography
When the police find Simone seated near her husband's corpse it is predictable that she is charged with the murder. Jean-Pierre Laubray is appointed counsel for the defence. He begins an inquiry into the case and he finds out that the murdered man had killed a barman in a robbery the night before. He finds out as well he was a leg-man of Cristiani's for his election campaign. He tries to contact Juliette, Cristiani's daughter, and he discovers that Bruno, Juliette's brother, also died that same night in a car accident...
A Full Day's Work
Director of Photography
A father plans to kill in the same day the nine members of the jury who condemned his son to death.
Director of Photography
옆 통로에서 시작한다. 창문 앞에 서면 벽 밖에 보이지 않고 줄을 서도 임금을 받지 못한다. 이 영화는 또한 이름과 나이가 적힌 신분 증명서를 교환하면서 시작한다. 총파업은 이렇게 해제되고 모든 것이 작동을 멈췄다. 자동차는 물론 노동자들까지도. 마침내 거리에서도 사람들이 수군댄다. 뭐라 부를 말도 없고 할 말을 찾을 길도 없다. 새로운 사상은 그렇게 다가오고 있었다.
It Only Happens to Others
Director of Photography
Catherine and Marcello are secluded in their house, living under the candlelight. Unable to accept the injustice behind the loss of their nine-month-old baby, they face a slow but definite self-destruction.
The Savior
Director of Photography
This is rural France. It's the summer of 1943, the weather is fine and sunny and life is sweet. On one of these beautiful days, Nanette, a fourteen-year-old peasant girl, meets a slightly injured young man near the farm she lives on. Her life is about to change forever.
다른 것과 다를 바 없는 영화
Director of Photography
1968년 5월을 전후로 해 프랑스 사회는 크게 변하기 시작했다. 특히 노동자들과 학생들은 자신들이 처한 삶의 조건을 변화시키기 위해 생각을 바꾸기 시작한다. 영화는 르노 자동차 공장의 노동자들과 혁명적 사상을 가진 학생들이 치열한 논쟁을 벌이는 모습을 보여준다.
엘자 라 로즈
Director of Photography
그녀의 코멘트 중에, 아라곤은 엘사의 어린시절을 회상한다. 유명한 커플 루이 아라곤과 엘사 트리올레의 이미지와 시.
Director of Photography
소설가인 에드가는 차 사고로 큰 부상을 당하고, 그의 아내는 언어 장애가 생긴다. 그들은 이 사건으로 건강을 회복하기 위해서 그리고 계속 소설을 쓰기 위해서 한 작은 섬으로 떠난다. 그곳에서 에드가는 마을 주민들을 소설의 캐릭터로 재창조한다. 어느 날, 그는 기계공인 젊은 청년을 만들게 되고, 그들은 체스게임을 하다가 싸움에 휘말린다. 하지만, 모든 것은 남편의 환상 속에서만 존재하는 것임이 밝혀진다.
Under Your Hat
Assistant Camera
An illegal gambling den where players can lose millions... and the owners make their fortune.
Fragilité, ton nom est femme
Director of Photography