Dialect Coach
The world has finally managed to blow itself up and only Australia has been spared from nuclear destruction and a gigantic wave of radiation is floating in on the breezes. One American sub located in the Pacific has survived and is met with disdain by the Australians. The calculations of Australia's most renowned scientist says the country is doomed. However, one of his rivals says that he is wrong. He believes that a 1000 people can be relocated to the northern hemisphere, where his assumptions indicate the radiation levels may be lower. The American Captain is asked to take a mission to the north to determine which scientist is right.
Sperm Bank (voice)
Catherine and Liz want to have a baby - well, Catherine does anyway. Doesn't she realize this will change everything? Probably not. Spending hours on the phone with the sperm bank doesn't leave a lot of time to think about family matters. A humorous drama dealing with the current debate on the very real issue of gay and lesbian couples starting families, IVF programs and the evolving community attitudes towards these changes. A buoyant and entertaining journey through dial-up sperm banks, relationships and baby clothes.
Joan Morgan
Sam Gavin decides to relocate his family from Houston, Texas to a sheep station in Australia to protect his eleven children from the "destructive influences" of modern American society. Because of business obligations, he fails to join them and, more or less, abandons his wife, Liz, to the hardships of her new surroundings. Mother and children are determined to make a go of it.
위대한 산티니라는 닉네임을 달고 있는 해병대 중령 불 미첨은 2차 대전에서 큰 활약을 해 많은 사람에게 인정을 받은 영웅이다. 어느 날 불은 미국의 312대 비행대로 전입을 하게 되고 오랜만에 가족들과 상봉을 하게 된다. 그러나 오랜만에 찾아온 기쁨도 잠시 가족 전체를 자신이 근무해야 할 곳으로 함께 데리고 떠나야 하는 불은 가족들의 불만을 사게 된다. 한편 자신의 아들인 베니가 해병대 조종사가 되길 바라는 불은 매번 강요를 하지만 베니는 이에 수긍하지 않는다. 베니가 소속된 학교 농구팀의 경기가 있던 날 응원을 하러 온 불은 열심히 응원을 하지만 상대편 선수의 반칙으로 인해 제대로 된 경기가 되지 않는다. 베니는 반칙을 일삼는 선수를 저지하려다 상대방을 다치게 하는 실수를 저지르게 되고 이에 가책을 느껴 농구를 그만 둔다. 한편 베니는 자신의 집에서 가정부로 일하는 애라벨의 아들인 투머가 자신을 괴롭히던 불량배 레드를 혼내주고 보복을 당했다는 소식을 듣게 되는데...