Chu Pak-Hong

Chu Pak-Hong

출생 : 1982-11-04, Hong Kong

프로필 사진

Chu Pak-Hong

참여 작품

The Lyricist Wannabe
Believing that writing Cantopop is her God-given talent, Law Wing-sze decides to make it her lifelong career. But as hard as Sze tries to polish her lyrics writing skills and expand her social circle, nothing seems to go her way. What if there’s a will, but there’s no way? The first major motion picture about Cantopop lyrics writing. Norris Wong’s long-awaited follow-up to her acclaimed debut My Prince Edward is an unsentimental autobiographical dramedy that reminds us no dream is guaranteed to come true. Ironically, the film’s star, up-and-coming actress Chung Suet-ying, is actually a real- life Cantopop lyricist.
Life of Cloud
Throughout his life, CHEUNG Tak-hung is obsessed with creating his own cloud. After an untimely cardiac attack, CHEUNG wakes up and finds himself onboard a flight of the Afterlife Airline, and learns that the destination depends on the testimonies of the witnesses, who will determine whether CHEUNG has led a meaningful life. Will CHEUNG be able to find someone who approves of his life as a cloudmaker and send him to the realm of eternal bliss? With cloud as an allusion to dream/life, the thought-provoking short features a strong cast including CHU Pak-hong, Kaki SHAM and Candice YU On-on, against a fantastic set design reminiscent of Michel GONDRY’s dreamscapes.
The Narrow Road
During the COVID-19 pandemic, an owner of a cleaning company meets a young mother and her daughter. Would their encounter save each other during the recession of Hong Kong's economy?
Let It Ghost
This anthology film features a triplet of horror stories starring up-and-coming actors and popular local Youtubers. When a film crew is haunted by paranormal activities, the director decides to cast her to play a ghost; When a taxi driver takes his girlfriend to a party room to get it on, a horny ghost adds spice to the proceedings; When a wandering ghost refuses to leave a soon-to-be-gentrified mall, the tenants concoct a plan to send her off.
Dai Shing
Just out of jail, Fai finds a spot on a street corner where other homeless people welcome him. But he doesn’t get much time to settle in. The police soon chase them away, and their possessions disappear into a garbage truck. Young social worker Ms Ho thinks it’s time to fight this in court. In the meantime, Fai and his friends have other concerns.
Grey Bear
Story follows Guy and Heidi five years into their relationship and faced with a serious dilemma: Whether or not it is time to marry and form a family. They're equally in love, and their relationship is going strong. But while Heidi is ready to settle down and believes that marriage is proof of one’s everlasting love, Guy holds the belief that marrying Heidi will result in him being tied down to a woman that he will one day grow distant from. Heidi consults her girlfriends for advice, and Guy consults the guys. What follows is an outright battle of the sexes, as Heidi plots devious ways of getting pregnant—with marriage as an end goal—as quickly as possible, and Guy schemes up a handful of contraceptive counter-strategies.
프린스 에드워드역에서: 내 오랜 남자친구에게
Edward Yan
30대 중반의 퐁은 오랜 연인이자 웨딩사진작가인 에드워드와 오래된 만큼 복잡한 관계를 이어가고 있다. 결혼을 앞둔 사람들이 주로 찾는 홍콩 프린스 에드워드역 인근에 있는 골든 플라자를 배경으로, 결혼식을 준비하는 퐁의 고군분투를 통해 결혼과 행복의 의미를 현실감 있게 담아낸 영화. 홍콩영화개발펀드가 론칭한 신인감독 장편지원프로그램에 선정된 첫 번째 프로젝트이자 TV드라마작가로 활동하던 노리스 웡의 데뷔작으로, 금마장영화제를 통해 큰 주목을 받았다.
마스터 쳉
전문 요리사이자 최근 아내를 잃은 쳉은 오랜 친구를 만나기 위해 어린 아들과 함께 중국에서 핀란드의 외딴 마을로 여행한다. 그곳에 있는 동안, 그는 우연히 방문한 식당의 주인을 도와 로컬 재료와 중국식 요리법을 절충한 치유 요리로 지역사회의 유명한 구성원이 된다.
홍콩 좀비 히어로
Gam's little brother
홍콩 도심 곳곳에 나타난 원인불명의 좀비 떼. 사람들에게 무차별적으로 달려드는 좀비들로 인해 도시는 순식간에 아수라장으로 변한다. 평소 히어로를 꿈꾸던 열혈 청년 ‘산룽’과 ‘즈랑’은 생존율 0%, 사면초가의 상황에서 각자의 무기를 챙겨 필사의 사투를 준비하는데…
Ready or Rot 2