Candela, the headmistress of an elite school, after a traumatic divorce, returns to her old high school to lead a group of rebellious students through chess. There she will learn that in chess, and in life, it doesn't matter if you are a king or a pawn, because everyone ends up in the same box.
우수기업상 최종 후보에 오른 '블랑코 스케일즈'는 골칫거리 직원들 때문에 수상이 물 건너갈 판이다. 사장 ‘블랑코’는 이를 해결하기 위해 직접 나서지만 그가 개입할수록 상황은 점점 최악으로 치닫게 되고 겉 보기에 완벽했던 ‘굿 보스’의 실체가 밝혀지는데…
20세기의 문턱에 들어선 바르셀로나. 부유한 가문의 어린 딸 테레사가 실종되면서 모든 언론이 집중하고 도시 전체가 술렁이기 시작한다. 취재에 나선 베테랑 기자인 세바스티아는 경찰이 지목한 용의자인 ‘바르셀로나의 뱀파이어’ 엔리케타와 만나게 된다. 그녀와의 인터뷰가 계속되면서 세바스티아는 도시 최상위층의 은밀하고 사악한 비밀이 도사리고 있음을 알게 된다.
Fermín Montes
잠자던 젖먹이 아기가 돌연 사망한 사건을 수사하는 살라사르 형사. 아기 아버지는 숨진 딸아이의 시신을 몰래 훔쳐 달아나려 하고, 사건에 대한 의문은 꼬리에 꼬리를 문다. 《인비저블 가디언》 3부작의 마지막 이야기.
Fermín Montés
1년 후, 살라사르는 살인범을 법정에 세우기 무섭게 새로운 소용돌이에 휘말린다. 범인이 그녀에게 남긴 쪽지엔 의문의 한 단어뿐―타르탈로. 신성 모독 사건까지 일어나자 경위는 다시 부름을 받는다. 그녀를 바스탄으로 이끄는 자 누구인가.
Pare Pinyol
Jacint Verdaguer, poet and priest, had an exciting life, lived literary glory and became the most prestigious poet of his time. But circumstances and his indomitable and proud character caused his downfall.
During an ordinary car ride to a friend's house, father and son share a conversation about their estranged relationship.
Padre Marcela
1901년 스페인의 갈리시아 지방, 서로 사랑하는 두 여자 엘리사와 마르셀라. 가톨릭교회가 금지하는 결혼을 하기 위해 엘리사는 남자로 위장한다. 실화에 기초한 작품.
Família: El pare
가족-연대-질서-소유-일-진보-헌신. 흔히 긍정적인 가치로 여겨지는 7가지 주제에 대한 무정부주의적인 블랙코미디. 같은 제목의 연극을 기반으로 하여 원작자를 포함한 3명의 감독이 의기투합해 사회와 지배질서에 대해 세게 한 방 먹인다.
A powerful international army assigns a regiment the task of guarding a mysterious man, held in a maximum security prison in the middle of the desert. Soldier Salome, daughter of Commander Antipas, becomes obsessed with him... Eros and Thanatos together reminding us that truth is based on beauty and love.
Dr. Fell
폭풍우가 치던 밤, 25년 전의 과거와 연결된 베라. 그녀는 죽을 운명이던 소년을 살리지만 그 대가로 딸을 잃고 만다. 주어진 시간은 하루. 모든 것을 되돌릴 수 있을까...
카를로스와 아나 부부는 새해맞이 파티를 위해 외딴집을 빌리고 카를로스의 동생과 아버지를 초대한다. 수상한 남자가 찾아와 자신은 신이며, 새해가 오면 단 두 사람만 살아남고 인류가 멸망할 것이니 그 두 사람을 정하라고 한다. 이들은 누구를 선택할 것인가? 이 남자는 과연 신이 맞는가?
(2018년 제22회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
Janine works in a bank giving credits to clients to buy houses and receives the offer of a promotion to work in a future branch in China for which she takes Mandarin classes. One night he travels from work to his home on the subway. There is attacked by two young delinquents a very old woman and Janine tries to avoid it. The young follow her and it is then that they steal and attack her sexually. After recovering from the blows and the anguish he gets up and sees his attackers raping a helpless young girl. Janine, instead of taking some initiative to stop them, flees home. From that situation her life is disrupted and her job promotion to China, her consolidated partner and her present as an independent woman become secondary and worthless issues. Janine lives in anguish and tormented by the memory of that traumatic situation. To try to recompose himself, he travels to the countryside to see his father who is a widower and is trying to rebuild his life after the death of his wife.
Fermín Montés
스페인 북부 바스크 산지에서 소녀 연쇄살인 사건이 발생한다. 사건 수사를 위해 고향을 다시 찾은 살라사르 형사. 이제 그토록 달아나려 했던 어린 시절의 기억과 다시 마주해야만 한다. ≪인비저블 가디언≫ 3부작 중 첫 영화.
Félix Leiva
의문의 습격으로 살해 당한 ‘로라’ ‘아드리안’은 연인의 죽음에 절망하고, 범인은 흔적도 없이 사라졌다. 유력한 용의자로 누명을 쓴 ‘아드리안’은 승률 100%의 변호사 ‘버지니아’를 선임한다. 그리고 자신의 무죄를 입증하기 위해 고군분투하던 중 과거 그와 ‘로라’가 은폐한 교통사고와 숨겨진 연관성을 찾게 되는데… 남은 시간은 단 3시간, 사건을 재구성해 무죄를 입증해야 한다!
Koto is a restless and impulsive young African, born in a refugee camp. His life in Catalonia among the paddy fields of the Delta passes by with few changes, always under the protection of his foster parents. He has left behind the tough childhood he had in the Saharan refugee camp where he was born. One day life takes a sudden turn: the doctors tell him that he urgently needs a kidney transplant. The best choice as a possible donor would be his biological mother. The sudden arrival of his Saharan family is a shock for Koto, who watches as the life he has been living for the past 10 years falls apart around him. Far removed from the beliefs and customs of his people, the young man must deal with his origins to try to save his own life. The film is based on a real story and played by Koto himself.
Restaurant Actor
여러 해 동안 헤어져 지낸 어린 시절의 두 친구. 둘은 함께 웃고 추억을 떠올리고 눈물을 흘리면서 잊지 못할 며칠을 보낸 후, 작별을 고한다. 우정과 사랑의 비가이자, 죽음을 삶의 일부로 받아들이는 용기를 유머러스하고 정직하게 그린 초상화다.
Madrid, Spain, December 27, 1870. General Juan Prim i Prats, president of the Council of Ministers and Minister of War gets involved in a treacherous ambush, is mortal injured and dies three days later. A mystery, a conspiracy, a murder that was never solved.
Enrique Rodríguez Galindo
In October 1983, members of ETA Lasa and Zabala disappear in Bayonne. Twelve years later, their bodies, tortured and buried in quicklime by the GAL (Anti-Terrorist Liberation Groups) are identified. Then begins a process in which the lawyer for the two families (Unax Ugalde) and his assistant try to justice and that the murderers sit on the dock.
A couple of loving parents wake up his son in the middle of the night. They must talk about something urgent and horrifying that will change his life forever.
The Bishop
During a brief rule towards the end of the 19th century, the Italian duke Amadeo of Savoy occupied the Spanish throne. However, confined to the safety of life within the palace walls, the lonely, frustrated king and his servants succumb to playful adventures focused more on pleasure than his duties.
Alex,Gabi and Oki, three teenagers living in a big city, are completely unknown to their parents, to their teachers and for themselves. Their emotional isolation, led to the limit, will have unexpected and terrible consequences that will shake society.
Thirty years after exile, Francesc Lamban journalist returns to the city where he was born to reunite with an old friend, attorney Ernest Salesa. The event takes place on the beach that saw the end of their relationship, and this fact is not accidental: Salesa has a business at hand transcendental and mysterious and has to convince Lamban to be part of it, at whatever price . While that behave remove ghosts from the past and the terrible memory of a love lost tragically common.
Reyes Zarauza
Russian front, winter 1943. Soldier Arturo Andrade and Sergeant Fernando Espinosa are commissioned to investigate a mysterious murder while the Spanish Blue Division of the German Army endures the fierce counterattack of the Red Army.
The film raises the contrast between the plain corrupted (the Low) and uncontaminated mountain (High Land). The protagonist, Manelic, a simple, primitive, Marta wants to marry a girl from the Low Country that until then had been forced to be intimate with his master, Sebastian.
Fifteen stories, contemporary and some historical, where humorous, sarcasm and courage passed bills to pain, old age, death and love, but above all with human stupidity, without concessions, watching her face the difficult life balance and human misery.
Inspector Dimas
선천적 시력장애로 고통 받고 있는 줄리아는 같은 증세로 이미 시력을 상실한 쌍둥이 언니 사라의 죽음에 큰 충격을 받는다. 언니의 자살에 의문을 품은 그녀는 남편의 만류에도 불구하고 주변을 조사하기 시작한다. 기묘한 분위기의 수상한 이웃들과 정체를 알 수 없는 사라의 남자친구, 무언가 감추고 있는 듯한 남편의 이상한 행동들… 파헤칠 수록 의혹은 더욱 커져만 가고, 그러던 중 남편의 실종으로 더욱 큰 불안감에 휩싸이게 된 줄리아. 그녀의 시력은 점점 악화되기 시작하는데….
Three Days with the Family deals with the relationship between three brothers and one sister, and with their wives and children, whose father has just died. They don't see each other often, and their different opinions about common problems soon become a problem itself.
In the town of Breda, a construction company wants to build a luxury urbanization development in the suburbs. The body of one of the partners appears on one of the newly built houses. A failed pianist, who makes his living killing animals and pets uncomfortable, becomes the prime suspect. To defend itself, hires the detective Ricardo Cupido for that crime exculpe
산 아래 마을에서 벌어지는 살인과 실종 그리고 살인을 파헤치는 소년의 이야기. 외로운 소년 산티는 그의 어머니와 함께 한적한 마을로 이사한다. 그러나 마을에서는 계속해서 이상한 일들이 일어나고, 산티는 곧 용의자로 지목된다. 결백을 입증하기 위해서 그는 숲에 숨겨진 무시무시한 비밀을 밝혀내야만 한다.
The tumultuous and adventurous life of Michelangelo Merisi, controversial artist, called by Fate to become the immortal Caravaggio. A violent genius that will dare to defy the ideal vision of the world imposed by the Renaissance painters. A provoker that scandalized patrons and institutions, raising the altars the outcast figures he knew so well: drunkards, vagrants and prostitutes.
A man is consumed with the idea of acquiring a chair from a bric-a-brac shop.
The story follows Angel (González), twenty years old and barely employed, a man of few friends and a not too promising boxing career. Angel and his mother scrape out a living in Madrid. Enter Vidal, a professional bank robber and a real charmer, just back from Argentina. A former boxer with past ties to Angel's mother and his deceased father, he offers Angel a way out of his dead-end life. Along the way, Angel will have to decide who he truly wants to be and, more importantly, what he's willing to give up.
Miguel Ángel
Amparo, a lawyer working as an advisor in an insurance company in Madrid is grieving over a traumatic event in her past. She will have to react, however, to the world surrounding her when a young man of her acquaintance dies mysteriously while working in a mine. Amparo will take over his case and discover in the process a world of corruption and illegal measures taken by the company that the young man worked for.
Barcelona, 2002. A coffin is carried to the cemetery of Montjuïc in a chariot drawn by horses. The lifeless is Pep Grau, an old fisherman found drowned and subject to his boat by a complicated knot sailor. The Pep voiceover Grau, portrayed with affection and humor the curious characters he met in life, recounts the difficult moments of his childhood during the Civil War, and finally, we are introduced to Lola, the woman of his life , which has a fish stall in the Boqueria Market beautiful and, after the death of Pep, begins receiving anonymous gifts. Silvia, a teenage ambitious and attractive, is the attorney for the insurance company. Mario, her boss and lover, asked to investigate the strange circumstances surrounding the death of the fisherman. Silvia's inquiries aa allow us to know other characters, like the maverick Dr. Cipriano Mera, Pep old comrade, and his son Gabino Mera.
The Spanish branch of an American company is obliged to enforce the ban on smoking in their offices. From now on, those who want to smoke during working hours must do so in the street. Ramirez, one of the employees of this small office composed mainly of men, decides to begin collecting signatures against what he considers unfair. What Ramirez intends is to be use an unoccupied office as smoking room
Arián, a young Basque girl, idealistic but naive, joins a ruthless terrorist gang and, hoping to prove her commitment, volunteers to participate in the kidnapping of the daughter of an important businessman.
Laura is a fifteen-year-old teenager who receives a letter from her mother, of which she had no news a decade ago. Laura decides to try to go to Holland to meet her, in need of answers and alternatives to the hostile environment that surrounds her. For that, he will have to face Angela, his older sister, a young policewoman who, as a child, was forced to take the reins of the family when she was orphaned. Angela will try, by all means, to keep Laura with her and not be alone. Little by little the violence that surrounds him will make him lose control.
Hombre del mechero
Yoyes, the first woman to hold responsibility positions within ETA, returns from exile in Mexico and try to rebuild her life. But her return is not easy.
If one person's destiny were altered (in this case, not dying), how might that event change the lives of numerous other people, or in this case, prevent seven others from dying.
Mario Gas directed this music-themed Spanish drama set in Barcelona of the mid-'80s. When famed composer Lluis Doria (Laurent Terzieff) visits a transvestite club, he learns his lifelong friend Albert Rossell (Serge Reggiani) is the house pianist. A flashback takes the tale four decades into the past where the younger Rossell (Pere Ponce) rejoins Teresa (Paulina Galvez) after having spent years in prison for helping anti-Franco anarchists. The story continues into Paris of the '30s, the period when Doria and Rossell first met, sharing a mutual interest in music and Teresa, before civil war sent them in different directions.
Barcelona in the 1930's: with extreme makeup and outlandish clothes, "La Moños" (Julieta Serrano) is a mysterious character of Las Ramblas. Pepi, a girl of nine years, is fascinated by this extraordinary woman. Using her imagination, and collecting the stories she has heard, passionate Pepi reconstructs the life of "La Moños".
1994년 영국 리버플의 한 시영공립 주택에서 한 노인이 사망한다. 그날 밤 유품 정리를 하던 손녀는 낡은 가방 하나를 발견하다. 그 안에는 오래된 편지 뭉치, 스페인 내란에 관한 신문 스크랩, 청춘의 할아버지와 동지들이 무장한 채 찍은 1936년 바르셀로나라는 문구가 씌어진 옛 사진들과 붉은 리본을 말라붙은 흙으로 싸둔 손수건, 그리고 스페인 공화파를 옹호하며 모임을 선전하는 삐라가 들어 있다. 1936년 리버플의 모임에서 한 스페인 시민군이 노동자들의 참전을 독려하는 열정적인 연설을 한다. 그는 프랑코의 스페인 공화정부에 반란상황을 설명하면서 유럽의 민주정부들의 도움을 거부하고 국제 노동자들의 참여를 호소한다. 그의 호소에 감동을 받은 데이빗은 실업수당을 받고 배고픈 시위를 하는 영국에서의 생활에 염증을 느끼고 스페인으로 가기로 한다.
Minimalistic frieze fifteen episodes about human behavior (desire, submission, love, jealousy, wisdom, honesty, sincerity, passion, faith, ...) located between two fantastic stories about the will and doubt.
Sofía, a dentist, and Tristán, owner of a shoe store, live in the same building but have never met or even seen each other. Disenchanted with love, both have sworn never to fall in love again, until they finally meet.
Professor's colleague
A female professor, a writer, and an orchestra conductor--three characters, two couples--attend a grand literary cocktail party. The writer has just won the prize for his book "Warsaw Bridge." The winner answers the journalist's questions one after another, but he is unable to come up with a synthesis of the plot of his book. They will simply have to read it.
In the middle of the first world war, Barcelona is the center of multiple operations related to war, although Spain is a neutral country.
Film adaptation of a real event that occurred on May 23, 1981, in which a TV broadcaster, director of a major newspaper, and a deputy were involved