Károly Huszár

Károly Huszár

출생 : 1884-11-03, Budapest, Hungary

사망 : 1942-01-01

프로필 사진

Károly Huszár

참여 작품

Four and a Half Musketeers
Maurer, Musiker
A Hungarian-Austrian comedy and one of the last emigrant films made in Austria before the industry submitted to pressure from Nazi Germany and ceased to employ Jewish filmmakers.
Kleine Mutti
Der Tierarzt
Skandal in Budapest
Ein Herr
Eva goes to Budapest to visit her friend Tini's wedding but as soon as she arrives, the husband-to-be brakes up with Tini. When Eva decides to take things into her own hand and follows him to the Hotel Atlantik.
Pardon, tévedtem
The Mad Bomberg
Jean Martin
A nobleman gradually falls in love with a woman he was forced by relatives to marry, against his will.
Five from the Jazzband
Ansager beim Ringkampf
By pure chance, Jessie and his four jazz musicians are hired to play at the cabaret theatre “Trocadero”. Unfortunately, she knows nothing about music and it doesn’t help that all four musicians are in love with her. Jessie doesn’t reciprocate their feelings, because she has a thing for Martin. Unfortunately, Martin believes that Jessie stole his car … and so, right before the premiere at the cabaret, she ends up in jail.
The men around Lucie
My Cousin From Warsaw
Meine Kusine aus Warschau (My Cousin From Warsaw) was based on a stage play by Louis Verneuil. It's a romantic farce, with the heroine posing as her own cousin to carry on two amours at once.
King Fu's yellow house
When a criminal named King Fu who has terrorized a city substitutes himself for a stage actor who resembles him, the staff and spectators at that night's show think the actor is giving an unusually good performance.
The Great Longing
During lunch break at the movie studio, the extras rush to the canteen Hans Adalbert Schlettow, Maria Paudler and Luis Trenker are chatting. Eva von Loe a beautiful young extra rushes past; she is looking for her fiancé, Paul Wessel, who is also an extra. She has to return to the set where the famous director Regisseur Hall is shooting a scen. He is dissatisfied with his star, Carla Marventa, who is wrong for the scene he must photograph. Hall notices Eva, but laughs at her desire to replace Marventa. At that moment Conrad Veidt comes on the scene and assumes that Eva is the star.
푸른 천사
The Blue Angel's Proprietor
임마누엘 라트 박사는 근엄하고 고지식한 전형적인 독일교수이다. 학문과 제자교육을 삶의 전부로 알고 살아가던 그는 제자들이 밤에 술집에 몰래 다닌다는 사실을 전해듣고 '푸른 천사'라는 술집을 찾게 된다. 제자들을 찾아 헤매던 교수는 술집에서 공연을 하고 있는 서커스단의 가수 롤라를 우연히 만나게 된다. 다음날 다시 제자들을 찾기 위해 술집을 찾아간 교수는 섹시하고 매력적인 롤라의 노래하는 모습을 보고 반하여 밤새 술을 마시고 취하게 되는데, 다음날 아침 일어나보니 뜻밖에 롤라가 아침을 준비하고 있다. 평생을 철저하게 생활해 온 교수는 갑작스런 과음으로 늦잠을 자는 바람에 학교에 늦고 만다. 학교에 도착한 라트교수는 학생들의 빈정거림과 교장이 롤라에 대해 험담하는 것을 참지 못하고 "내 아내가 된 여자에게 함부로 이야기하지 말라"고 화를 낸다. 그리고 그는 롤라를 찾아가 청혼을 하는데...
Vater und Sohn
I Kiss Your Hand, Madame
Percy Talandier
Laurence Gerard has just divorced. While leading fat lover Talandier by the nose, She meets the count Lerski, who now works as waiter but do not tell her. When she hears from her husband he is a waiter, she thinks Lerksi lies and throws him out.
The Yellow Lily
Mayor of Tarna
Archduke Alexander (Clive Brook) is better known for his sexual conquests than his diplomatic triumphs. After a lifetime of loving 'em and leaving 'em, the Archduke finally meets a girl he can't leave, Hungarian lass Judith Peredy (Billie Dove). She resists his advances but can't hide the fact that she's in love with him. The Yellow Lily was the second of four cinematic collaborations between star Billie Dove and director Alexander Korda.
웃는 남자
17세기 말, 격변의 영국. 제임스 2세는 정적 클랜찰리를 사형에 처하고, 그의 아들 그윈플레인을 잔혹한 인신매매단 ‘콤프라치코스’에게 넘긴다. 콤프라치코스는 그윈플레인의 얼굴에 영원히 사라지지 않는 웃음을 새긴다. 한편, 버림받은 그윈플레인은 눈이 먼 소녀 데아를 만나고, 떠돌이 광대 우르수스가 둘을 데려간다. 세월이 흘러 그윈플레인은 유랑 극단의 트레이드 마크 ‘웃는 남자’가 된다. 독일 표현주의 감독 폴 레니가 프랑스 대문호 빅토르 위고의 명작을 영화화했다. 그윈플레인의 음울하고 기괴한 미소는 만화 『배트맨』의 악당 ‘조커’ 캐릭터에 영감을 주었다고 한다. (2017 영화의 전당 - [시네마테크] 마지막 침묵: 1928년의 기적, 위대한 무성영화의 기억)
The Private Life of Helen of Troy
Setting the standard for his later light-hearted biopics The Private Life of Henry VIII and Rembrandt, producer-director Alexander Korda steadfastly refuses to take any of The Private Life of Helen of Troy seriously. Maria Corda, wife of the director, plays the title character as a fetchingly underdressed coquette, oblivious to all the political turmoil she's causing when she allows the handsome Paris (Ricardo Cortez) to kidnap her. Meanwhile, poor King Menelaus (Lewis Stone), Helen's husband, stands by in stoic silence, just as he's done on previous occasions when his wife succumbed to the charms of various sexy suitors (one of whom is played by future cowboy star "Wild Bill" Elliot). Finally galvanized into action, Menelaus reclaims his bride, who seems none the worse for wear for her experiences.
A Man's Past
Prison Doctor
A Man's Past (1927)
Love Me and the World Is Mine
In Old Vienna in the days prior to The Great War, a beautiful woman, Hannerl, has her choice of two men; the first is a dashing young army officer who can provide blazing romance and little long-time security. The other is an older man, influential in the affairs of Austria, who could provide wealth...and tender devotion. Hannerl thinks about it.
There is hunger in Siberia during the Russian Civil War. One day while dim-witted peasant Sergei is searching corpses for food, he meets a young woman looking for the town of Novokursk. She asks Sergei to help her get there, and to tell anyone they might meet that he is her husband.
Not Guilty!
Puffy and his girlfriend want to get married by a judge at the courthouse. However they go to a wrong door and he's mistaken for a defendant in a murder trial.
The Love Thief
Prince's Guard
To avert war between their countries an official marriage is arranged between Crown Prince Boris of Moraine and Princess Flavia of Norvia. Prince Karl of Norvia sees in the alliance an opportunity to gain control of both kingdoms but upon visiting Boris finds him unyielding and independent. Flavia, shedding her stately dignity in the palace garden, is accosted by the flirtatious Boris, who believes her to be the princess' cousin; and falling in love, he realizes that he cannot go through with the planned marriage.
The Phoney Express
The Express Rider
Silent western comedy starring Charles Puffy
Kick Me Again
Don’t expect much in the way of a plot from Kick Me Again. When a married student falls for her portly dance instructor, Puffy is forced to flee in a ballet tutu from the clutches of her jealous husband. The usual slapstick complications ensue before the cross-dressing funnyman finally locates a new suit of clothes. The viewing pleasure comes not from the run-of-the-mill gags and storyline but from seeing a master wring every ounce of comedy from his ungainly outfit.
The Rose of Paris
A French orphan who grew up in a convent sets out to see Paris. It turns out that she is the heir to a fortune but doesn't know it, and has been lured to Paris by one of the heirs who does know who she is; he plans to swindle her out of her inheritance so he can have everything.
Open All Night
Therese Duverne (Viola Dana) is bored with her even-tempered husband, Edmond (Adolphe Menjou). Isabelle Fevre (Gale Henry) suggests that Edmond go to the bicycle races and stay out all night. Then she takes Therese there and introduces her to manly Petit Mathieu, one of the racers (Maurice B. Flynn). Since he has just quarreled with his sweetheart, Lea (Jetta Goudal), he is glad to have Therese's attention and offers to run away with her after he wins the six-day race. Lea, meanwhile, is spending her time with Edmond. Therese eventually decides she doesn't care for brutes like Mathieu, and Edmond gains a temper and wins his wife back. Lea and Mathieu are reunited, while Isabelle goes back to helping her own alcoholic sweetheart, Igor (Raymond Griffith), break into the movies.
Das Weib auf dem Panther
The daughter of a famous painter fleeing thieves who believe she knows where one of her father's original paintings is kept, flees and hides out at the residence of a pair of avowed women hating bachelors.
Dr. Mabuse the Gambler: Inferno: A Game for the People of Our Age
As the police intensify their bemusing search on Doctor Mabuse's notorious band of gangsters, the deceptive, elusive hypnotist Mabuse simultaneously begins to close in on himself.
Dr. Mabuse the Gambler: The Great Gambler: A Picture of the Time
Doctor Mabuse is a criminal mastermind, doctor of psychology, and master of disguise, armed with the powers of hypnosis and mind control, who oversees the counterfeiting and gambling rackets of the Berlin underworld. He visits gambling dens by night under various guises and aliases, using the power of suggestion to win at cards and finance his plans.
Dr. Mabuse, the Gambler
Dr. Mabuse and his organization of criminals are in the process of completing their latest scheme, a theft of information that will allow Mabuse to make huge profits on the stock exchange. Afterwards, Mabuse disguises himself and attends the Folies Bergères show, where Cara Carozza, the main attraction of the show, passes him information on Mabuse's next intended victim, the young millionaire Edgar Hull. Mabuse then uses psychic manipulation to lure Hull into a card game where he loses heavily. When Police Commissioner von Wenk begins an investigation of this mysterious crime spree, he has little to go on, and he needs to find someone who can help him.
Kinder der Finsternis - 2. Kämpfende Welten
Kinder der Finsternis - 1. Der Mann aus Neapel
Emperor of China
여행 중인 신혼 커플은 작은 마을에서 쉬어가기로 결정한다. 신부는 신비스러운 동굴을 발견하고 그곳에서 ‘죽음’을 만나게 된다. ‘죽음’은 그녀에게 세 명의 목숨을 살린다면 그녀의 남편의 목숨을 살려 주겠다고 하고, 그녀는 그와 함께 여행을 떠나게 된다. 미국 현대미술관(MOMA)이 보유한 35mm 프린트를 기본으로 툴루즈 시네마테크, 뮌헨영화박물관, 러시아 고스필모폰드, 체코영상자료원, 브뤼셀왕립아카이브의 필름을 참고로 디지털 복원되어, 올해 2월 베를린 국제영화제에서 월드 프리미어로 상영되었다. 개봉 당시 ‘충분히 독일적이지 않다는’ 이유로 독일에서는 외면되었으나 해외에서 성공하여 프리츠 랑 감독에게 국제적인 명성을 안겨준 영화이기도 하다. 주한독일문화원의 후원으로 초청된 독일 피아니스트 리하르트 지드호프의 연주로 상영된다. (2016 한국영상자료원 - 영화의 세계에 오신 것을 환영합니다)
Der Sträfling von Cayenne
Tavasz a télben
Egy báró (as Huszár Károly)
Puffy Buys Shoes
Out of the three-part burlesque, the only surviving one is the one called Pufi would buy a pair of shoes, with Hungarian inserts. The film is shot on a real-life location, in a Budapest shoe shop, and it portrays the mutual efforts of a puny sales assistant and Pufi, the bladder-of-lard customer, to find him a suitable pair of shoes. The content of the other two parts is not known.