Director of Photography
In this romantic drama, a middle-aged gambler tells a casino croupier her life story. The story is told in flashback and chronicles the woman's romantic exploits with men. Though she was involved with many men, only one really touched her heart. He was a bartender who was tragically shot and killed during an attempted robbery. She later marries and has a daughter. Unfortunately she alienates herself from her daughter when she has an affair with her daughter's fiance. Her remorse is short lived. The film jumps back to the present with the woman leaving the casino on the arm of a handsome millionaire.
Director of Photography
After thirteen years in Germany, Fernand is coming back to his wife and his restaurant. But since his disparition, his wife as made her life with a norman chef, sympathetic but a specialist of butter's cooking when Fernand cook only with oil!
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Jules is a shepherd who lives a humble and solitary life in rural Provence. From time to time, he is visited by a lonely widow, Fine, who longs to be his wife. One day, Jules comes across an unexploded bomb lying on the ground in open countryside. After a few foolhardy attempts to set the bomb off, Jules makes a surprising discovery. It is filled with thousands of bank notes…
Director of Photography
In Monte Carlo, a captain tries to raise the money to pay his crew at the gaming table, and meets and falls in love with a Queen.
Director of Photography
In 1942, a French prisonner of war in Germany decide to escape to France using a cow hold by a lunge as a decoy. He cross all Germany in this way.
Director of Photography
This romantic comedy pairs Romy Schneider with French star Henry Vidal, and they make quite a sweet couple in this love story. Schneider plays Vidal's guardian angel who tries to convince him not to marry his rich but mean fiance, but rather fall in love with a stewardess who is secretly in love with him. Things are beginning to become complicated when Schneider herself is robbed of her angelic powers and seems to fail in her mission.
Director of Photography
Françoise Arnould plays here a married woman who decides one day to get away from her husband and return to her childhood place, where she meets all her former friends, and lovers.
Director of Photography
Handsome and rich Spanish gentleman abandons his wife and riches for his love of a young girl of poor stock who taunts and degrades him.
Director of Photography
Comedian Bob Hunter is aided by his French counterpart Fernydel and two beautiful blondes when he is targeted for death by a powerful European counterfeiting ring.
Director of Photography
A female journalist beats two male rivals to a scoop by exposing a white slave racket going on right in 50s Paris.
Director of Photography
In the absence of his wife, a clarinet player is induced by a friend to meet a call girl, but arrived after a crime. Perceived by some people leaving the scene of the crime covered by his raincoat, he became the only suspect for the police. His only hope is to discover the murderer before is name is mentionned publicly, specially in front of his wife.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Two female agents from a rival gang are sent to disrupt the operations of a gold-smuggler's caravan in Africa.
Director of Photography
Daniel Gelin plays a soldier who is acquitted after committing a crime of passion. Relocating to Lisbon, and still feeling remorse over his impulsive killing of his faithless wife, Gelin manages to find love in the form of gorgeous widow Francoise Arnoul. Alas, it turns out that Arnoul has a sordid past of her own, leaving our hero sadder but wiser.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
권투에 열정을 품고 있는 빅토르는 체육관을 운영하면서 신인 복서를 발굴한다. 그의 아내 블랑시는 고향인 리비에라 해안으로 돌아갈 것을 꿈꾸며 남편이 목표를 향해 최선을 다하도록 돕는다. 그러던 어느 날, 파리 국유철도공사의 허름한 일꾼인 앙드레와 만난 빅토르는 앙드레가 미래의 챔피언감이라는 것을 한눈에 알아본다. 이제 빅토르는 앙드레를 자신의 집에서 살게 하고서 그를 훈련시키기에 여념이 없다. 한편, 앙드레는 어느 날 기차역에서 아름다운 여인 코린느를 보고 첫눈에 반한다. 우여곡절 끝에 만나게 된 두 사람. 마침내 시합날, 코린느는 경기장 맨 앞줄에 앉아 앙드레를 응원한다. 멋지게 승리를 따낸 앙드레. 하지만 코린느와 헤어져야 함을 알고 상심에 빠진다. 아름다운 코린느와의 사랑을 택할 것인지 아니면 빅토르가 자신에게 열어준 최고의 복서로서의 길을 갈 것인지 방황하는 앙드레. 잔신이 물러나야함을 안 코린느는 파리를 떠나는데.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
남편과 아는 사이인 트럭 운전수와의 운명적인 만남에 의해 조용하게 그러나 점차로 뜨겁게 타오르는 여인의 정열이 이윽고 남편의 사고라는 사건을 불러일으킨다. 전혀 표정이 없는 테레즈의 얼굴에 슬픔의 자국이 선명하게 남겨진다.
Director of Photography
Three events that seemingly nothing related, namely the murder of a truck driver, the discovery of the corpse of a vitriolic young woman, and the death of another who was crushed, will launch the Inspector Maréchal on the trail of a prostitution network. The girl-mother Olga, a friend of the trucker, confesses her the underwear of the women's exploitation.
Director of Photography
Two scriptwriters argue about the fate of Henrietta, a charming and gamine shopgirl. One favors a comical path for their heroine, who is overcome with sentimental love for a young photographer on Bastille Day. The other has a more thrilling and dastardly fate in mind for her. Among the film's irresistible conceits is Hildegarde Neff as an oversexed circus bareback rider.
Director of Photography
Bavaria, 1433. Reason of state rules that Prince Albert is to marry Princess Bertha of Wurtemberg. But the fine-looking young man is loath to become the husband of a woman with pimples,flat feet and no breast. Nevertheless, he has to obey his authoritarian father, Duke Ernest, and accompanied by faithful Count Törring, he mounts his steed and sets out for Würtemberg. Stopping in Augsburg, he falls in love with the daughter of a local barber-surgeon, pure and beautiful Agnès Bernauer. The couple is soon secretly married and both take refuge at the castle of Margravine Josepha, Albert's aunt, waiting for Ernest's consent. Unluckily Albert's father will not accept his son's union with a commoner and Albert, supported by Josepha and an army of common people, declares war on the Duke. They seem about to be victorious when Brother Enrique, a monk formerly in the Holy Inquisition, finds a way to reverse the situation: accusing Agnès of witchcraft...
Director of Photography
A French/Italian motion picture drama covering the seven deadly sins in seven separate sections.
Director of Photography
After being hurt in the face, Count de Roger Tinchebraye is forced to hide his disfigured face behind a leather mask. Dispirited for a while, he decides to become a Casanova-like seductor. When he meets true love, cynical Roger does not believe in it and lets pure Judith marry an old marquis. But once Judith's husband dies, he sees Judith again, shows her his disfigured face, which does not discourage the young woman from loving him. Nevertheless, he distances himself from her forever
Director of Photography
Jean Michaut is a bargeman who lives nearby an old barge cemetery named "Bras-Mort". He is in love with Monique, the daughter of a wealthy boat owner. The girl returns his affection but runs her head against the wall of her family's class prejudices. Her "nearest and dearest" prove indeed prepared to do everything to separate the two lovers. But Monique will not buy in. On the contrary, she leaves her intolerant family to live with Jean among simple, more tolerant bargemen.
A Canadian sailor becomes a fugitive for love after a night with a woman in Marseille.
Director of Photography
The local building-contractor Martin Roumagnac is fascinated by the fashionable Blanche Ferrand. To impress Blache, Martin presents her with a villa. However, this ruins him financially. Despite Martin's many efforts for the now femme-fatal Blanche, she is not able to chose between him and the rich consul De Laubry.
Director of Photography
The adventurer Jeanne de Valois-Saint-Rémy, descendant (by the left hand) of the king of France Henri II, and who claims to be "Countess de la Motte", imagines a tortuous plan to steal a magnificent diamond necklace that the queen Marie-Antoinette refused to buy from the jewelers Boehmer and Bassange.
Director of Photography
마임 배우 가랑스와 밥티스트는 서로 사랑하지만, 허영심이 강한 배우 프레데릭 등 가랑스를 사랑하는 다른 세 남자들 때문에 기구한 삶을 살게 된다.
3시간 넘는 상영시간이 지루하지 않는 ‘프랑스 연극의 정수와 혼’이 담긴 영화로, 누벨바그 이전의 프랑스 문예 영화의 정점을 보여주는 기념비적인 작품이다.마르셀 카르테가 연출하여 나치 점령 하의 파리에서 2년에 걸쳐 제작되었고 나치가 물러간 후에야 비로소 완성, 개봉되었다. 또한 시인 자끄 프레베르의 시나리오와 당대 최고의 연극배우인 장 루이 바로의 판토마임 연기로 더욱 유명한 작품.
Director of Photography
Sylvie, a girl who believes she is cursed having seen her two lovers die in tragic circumstances, lives in the town of Carcassonne, in the South of France with her adoptive guardian, Mr. Toulzac. This one, a retired school teacher, has a passion: to discover the secret of the Cathars, a Christian sect of the Middle Ages that glorified death over life. One day Sylvie meets Roland, a pianist and composer back home in Carcassonne. A handsome and good man, he instills new hope into Sylvie's troubled mind. Unfortunately her uncle asks her then to renounce the world and to follow him down into a secret cathedral he has just found...
Director of Photography
숙부의 집에서 기거하고 있던 고아인 파트리스(장 마레)는 어느날 섬마을에서 아름다운 여인 나탈리(마드렌느 솔로뉴)를 알게 되어 숙부의 신부로 맞기 위해 성으로 데려온다. 그러나 나탈리는 이미 파트리스에게 마음을 빼앗겨 있었고 파트리스도 결국 나탈리를 사랑하게 된다. 그 사실을 알게 된 숙부는 두 사람이 다시는 만나지 못하도록 하지만 이것은 모두 성에서 함께 살고 있는 숙부의 조카인 소인 아지르의 계략에 의해 시작된 비극이었다.
Director of Photography
At the end of the 15th century, two traveling minstrels Gilles and Dominique come to the castle of Baron Hugues. Gilles charms Anne, Hugues' daughter, while Dominique charms both Hugues and Anne's fiance. Gilles and Dominique are not really in love: they were sent by the Devil to test desperate people. But Anne is so pure that Gilles is caught in his own trap... How will they fight against the Devil?
Director of Photography
Claude is a young man whose girlfriend has just broken up with him. Feeling unable to overcome the pain, Claude has no other idea than to end his life. Back home, he finds five middle-aged or elderly men sitting at the dinner table but he refuses to join the guests and goes upstairs to his bedroom. The worst is prevented thanks to a servant who has caught sight of Claude's revolver. Claude 's uncle joins his nephew and manages to persuade him not to take action. He takes him downstairs to the dining room where each in turn, the five guests start telling their own story. For it happens that they too once had their heart broken and that they too once wanted to die for love.
Director of Photography
By mutual agreement, a man and a woman are separated to allow the wife to join her lover.
Director of Photography
The forbidden romance between wealthy Giselle Preville and impoverished journalist Claude Dauphin. When Preville disappears, Dauphin is accused of kidnapping by the girl's snobbish father Rene Alexander. By the time the Normandie reaches New York, however, the "mystery" is solved and all misunderstandings blithely swept away.
Director of Photography
Now that their parents are ruined, Jacques Eyssette and his younger brother Daniel, are driven to fend for themselves. Jacques becomes the secretary of a marquis who exploits him by making him work so hard that his health gets damaged. Daniel, on his part, is hired as a supervisor and Latin teacher in a school in the province. It soon happens that he is in a bad situation too as, after being subjected to repeated harassment, he ends up being fired. Daniel then decides to join Jacques in Paris, hoping to embark on a literary career. Unfortunately, Irma Borel, an actress, sets her sight on him and drags him into a life of vice.
Director of Photography
After serving in the trenches of World War I, Jean Diaz recoils with such horror that he renounces love and personal pleasure to immerse himself in scientific research, seeking a machine to prevent war. He thinks he has succeeded, but the government subverts his discovery, and Europe slides with seeming inevitability toward World War II. In desperation, Diaz summons the ghosts of the war dead from the graves and fields of France to give silent, accusing protest.
Alfred Boulard, a good-natured electrician, gives his blood to save Mona Thalia, a great theater actress. Mona Thalia survives and Boulard becomes the man of the hour. Grateful to him, Mona helps Alfred to become a singing star. But his fame will be short-lived.
Director of Photography
When her fiancé breaks off their engagement, Danielle leaves London and returns to her mother, Jenny, in Paris. With her business partner Benoît, Jenny runs what appears to be a respectable nightclub – it is in fact a place where wealthy men can buy the favours of attractive young women. Oblivious to her mother's professional and personal life, Danielle meets a handsome young man named Lucien, and falls in love with him – not realising that he is Jenny's lover...
Director of Photography
The eponymous garçonne or flapper is Monique Lerbier, an emancipated French woman who leaves home to escape a marriage of convenience to a man she does not love which her parents have forced on her. She then falls into all sorts of carnal temptations and artificial pleasures previously unknown to her. These include her being seduced into a lesbian love affair by a chanteuse.
Director of Photography
French silent film pioneer Abel Gance directs this 1935 classic about Lucrezia Borgia, her brother, Cesare. and her father, Pope Alexander VI -- one of history's most ruthless and ambitious crime families.
Director of Photography
A country girl (Simone Berriau) finds work as a chorus girl in Paris, gets embroiled with a bad egg, and then finds true love with a good-looking milkman.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Mr. and Mrs. Noblet run a boarding house on the French Riviera. One day, they are led by circumstances to welcome a little boy Pierre, whose father is in jail, into their home. Which makes Louise Noblet all the happier as she can't have children herself. But, after a while, Pierre's father is released from prison and reclaims his son... Time passes and Pierre, now a young adult, lives in Paris more or less on the wrong side of the law. He has a mistress, Nelly, who does not say no to other men's money... Louise, who still loves Pierre as her own son, wants only one thing - to help him get by.
Director of Photography
There's never a dull moment at the Hôtel du Libre Echange. Deceptions, hitches and other misunderstandings make a few people mingle whereas, for their own sake, they should not. An example among others: an expert who has come to the hotel for professional reasons had better not meet his wife, who is there to cheat on him with his best friend.
Director of Photography
The Battle is a 1934 Franco-British co-production English language drama film directed by Nicolas Farkas and Viktor Tourjansky, and starring Charles Boyer, Merle Oberon and John Loder. It was adapted from a novel by Claude Farrère. In 1904 during the Russo-Japanese War, a Japanese naval officer gets his wife to seduce a British atachee in order to gain secrets from him. Things begin to go wrong when she instead falls in love with him.
Director of Photography
One of the most popular melodrama films directed by Abel Gance. A paranoide, fanatical and obsessively jealous husband obducts his own son to bully his wife.
Director of Photography
A bureaucratic civil servant is annoyed by the spoiled daughter of a rich chocolate maker, but lands up marrying her.
Director of Photography
Célestin, the organist of a convent, has written and composed a light operetta under the name of Floridor. One day, the Mother Superior asks him to chaperone one of the boarders, Denise de Flavigny, who is returning home to get married. Now, Denise, for all her goody goody looks, soon proves as saucy as can be. Things get even more complicated when Célestin starts courting Corinne, the star of his operetta, to the great displeasure of a commander of dragons, the young woman's lover. Worse, the latter is none other than the Mother Superior's brother... To say nothing of Lieutenant Fernand de Champlatreux, who happens to fall in love with Denise, his fiancée that he has never seen before...!
Camera Operator
A little boy won't go to the bathroom, which leads to all sorts of complications for his parents and their friends.
Director of Photography
The plot concerns a comet hurling toward Earth on a collision course and the different reactions to people on the impending disaster.
Director of Photography
A bank employee who stole money at work falls in the hands of a dangerous escaped convict whose girlfriend is going to help him out of this mess.
Director of Photography
Additional Photography
나폴레옹의 어린 소년 시절, 사관학교에서 천재적인 용병술로 전쟁 놀이를 승리로 이끄는 에피소드를 효과적인 접사와 이중 인화 미쟝센으로 인상 깊게 묘사하는 장면에서 영화는 시작 된다. 나폴레옹의 고향이자 프랑스, 영국, 이탈리아, 스페인의 접점이기에 늘 국제적으로 쟁점이 됐던 작은 섬 코르시카에서의 성장 과정을 거쳐 쉬이 현실과 타협하지 않는 과감성, 프랑스를 조국으로 인지하면서 생겨난 애국심과 민족주의적 성향, 정확한 판단력과 기회를 놓치지 않는 결단력으로 격변기 프랑스의 동력으로 자리매김 되기까지 나폴레옹의 영웅적, 인간적 내면 세계를 깊이 있게 묘사한다. 그 뿐 아니라 프랑스 혁명, 1793년 영국-이탈리아-스페인 연합군과의 트론 전쟁, 당통의 사형, 로베스 삐에르의 공포정치와 공화제 폭정에 고통받는 민중들, 정치 역학의 소용돌이에서 부침을 거듭하는 나폴레옹의 역경과 국민공회에 의한 최고 사령관 추대, 그의 처 죠세핀이라는 인물의 조망까지 당대의 상황을 아벨 강스는 탁월하게 담아냈다.
Director of Photography
Two young doctors, surprised by the storm, take refuge in an inn. A diamond broker joins them and, for lack of space, shares their room. At dawn he is found dead. A few years later justice is done.