Elena Yakovleva

출생 : 1961-03-05, Novograd-Volynsky, Zhytomyr region, Ukrainian SSR, USSR, (now Ukraine)


Elena Yakovleva is a Russian film and stage actress known for the leading role in Intergirl (1989) and also as a lead of the popular Russian TV franchise 'Kamenskaya'. She was born Elena Alekseevna Yakovleva on March 5, 1961, in Novograd-Volynsky, Zhitomir province, Ukraine republic of the Soviet Union (now Novohrad, Ukraine). Her father, Aleksei Nikolaevich Yakovlev, was an Army officer. Her mother, Valeria Pavlovna, was a science researcher. Her great-grandmother was an actress. Young Yakovleva was fond of theatre, she participated in school plays. In 1978 she graduated from a secondary school and took a job as a librarian at public library in Kharkov, then worked at a local electronics industry. In 1980 she moved to Moscow and enrolled in the State Institute for Theatrical Arts (GITIS). In 1984 she graduated from the class of Vladimir Andreev as an actress, and joined the troupe of Sovremennik Theatre in Moscow. In 1983, while still a student, Yakovleva made her big screen debut as Lera opposite Innokentiy Smoktunovskiy in Dvoe pod odnim zontom: Aprelskaya skazka (1983). From 1986-1989 she was a member of the troupe at Moscow Theatre named after M.I. Ermopova, however, she was not very busy on stage. In 1989 Elena Yakovleva shot to fame with the leading role as Tatiana, a medical nurse turned prostitute because of the grim life in the Soviet Union, in Intergirl (1989), a film adaptation of the eponymous book by Vladimir Kunin. She received numerous awards and nominations for the role, and was named the "Best Actress" of 1990 in the Soviet Union. Elena Yakovleva became a celebrity in Russia after her portrayal of a compassionate prostitute, but she managed to overcome the drawback of her popularity and departed from being typecast as a "femme fatale" of Russian cinema. After the success of Intergirl (1989), she demonstrated her range and multifaceted talent playing a string of leading and supporting roles in about 20 films. Her role as Kamenskaya, a criminal investigator in modern day Moscow, turned into a six-year gig, and brought Yakovleva a new wave of popularity, becoming her most acclaimed work on television. From 1984 - 1986, and since 1989, Elena Yakovleva has been a member of the troupe at "Sovremennik" Theatre in Moscow, under directorship of Galina Volchek. There her stage partners has been such actors as Sergey Shakurov, Dina Korzun, Valentin Gaft, Inna Churikova, Sergey Garmash, Marina Neyolova, Chulpan Khamatova and other notable Russian actors. Elena Yakovleva has been married to actor Valeri Shalnykh, and the couple has one son, Denis, born in 1992. Yakovleva is a popular TV show host in Russia. Outside of her acting profession she spends time playing tennis, or walking her two dogs; she is also involved in public activity related to social causes. Yakovleva is residing with her family in Moscow, Russia.

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Elena Yakovleva
Elena Yakovleva
Elena Yakovleva

참여 작품

A road movie about a girl who decides to drop everything and ride a bike from Moscow to Magadan.
What if Cheburashka really exists? What if he is not a plush toy, but quite a real furry animal that lives in an orange grove in a distant country? What if he finds himself in a small town by the sea and meets an uncommunicative old man who does not need him at all, meets a little boy who cannot speak, and his mother, who makes amazing chocolate, meets a strange aunt who wants to buy it and give it to her unsympathetic granddaughter, and many, many other people.
Distant Loved Ones
Boris works as a geography teacher in an ordinary Khabarovsk school. His life is pretty routine. In addition to the school and the garden, Boris has a son, Misha, with whom they have been communicating less and less lately and have become distant people for each other. Everything changes when Misha gives his father his old smartphone for his birthday. Boris begins to understand the phone and registers in social networks. Accidentally, Boris adds one unfamiliar woman named Nadezhda as a friend. An active correspondence is tied up, which subsequently becomes fateful. At one point, Boris decides to go to Nadezhda in the Moscow region to surprise her. He persuades his son, who is engaged in hauling cars, to take him with him on a trip. During a joint trip through all of Russia, old conflicts between father and son are revealed, the reasons for their separation from each other are clarified.
Peppermint Gingerbread
"Peppermint Gingerbread" is two stories – two lives. One is extremely sweet and cloying, like a Christmas fairy tale, the second is scary to the point of goosebumps and realistic, like life itself. A life full of children's and adult emotions, experiences and fears, feelings of anxiety and joy. Who is destined to become an orphan with a living mother, and who is ready to find the closest person on earth – mom by faith alone?
The Last Warrior: A Messenger of Darkness
Baba Yaga
Now that Ivan is about to turn 21, he is now grown up and finally old enough to marry the beautiful Vasilisa. But when Vasilisa is kidnapped and trapped in modern Moscow, Ivan and his friends must travel to the present day to rescue her.
The Last Warrior: Root of Evil
Baba Yaga
Peace and tranquility have set in Belogorie. The evil was defeated and Ivan is now enjoying his well-deserved fame. He is surrounded by his family, friends and small wonders from the modern world that help him lead a comfortable life. Luckily, he has his Magic Sword to cut a gap between the worlds to get some supplies quite regularly. But when an ancient evil rises and the existence of the magic world is put to danger, Ivan has to team up with his old friends and his new rivals. They will set out on a long journey beyond the known world to find a way to defeat the enemies and to return peace to Belogorie.
Anton's mother
2071년, 은하 전쟁이 달을 파괴하고 지구의 기후를 변화시켰다. 이제 열대우림은 모스크바를 뒤덮고 있는 반면, 뉴욕은 온통 얼음으로 뒤덮여 있고, 거대한 외계인 우주선이 모스크바 상공에 우뚝 솟아 있다. 그곳은 은하계간의 코스모볼 경기가 열리는 경기장이다. 코스모볼은 오직 힘만으로 결투를 하는 전 우주적인 스포츠.‘안톤’은 직업을 찾고자 코스모볼 경기에 참가했다가 지구를 위한 싸움에 얼떨결에 참가하게 되어버리는데…
Seven Dinners
After five years of marriage, their relationships have come to a dead end – no kids, no common interests, almost no more love is left… When the wife asks for divorce, the husband tries the last remedy to cure their relationships – a scientific method known as "7 dinners"...
The Last Six Degrees of Celebration
Andrey's mother
"The Last Six Degrees of Celebration" will be the most touching, kind and magical of all, because your favorite characters will say goodbye to the audience. The film almanac will include five New Year stories. In the novel "Pines" millenial will help his brutal stepfather, Uncle Yura, to make a marriage proposal. In "The Brothers", the inseparable friends, Borya and Zhenya, will once again be on the verge of breaking up, because Zhenya is going to return to Yakutsk. The skier and snowboarder turned the whole city over for the sake of the smile of one beauty in the short story “Restaurant of quick acquaintance”. “The Station for Three” will tell the story of a simple girl from Voronezh who went in pursuit of her happiness - the capital actor Komarovsky, and in the novel “Bad Grandpa” the Snow Maiden will go to save a lonely, but very grumbling grandpa.
Dominika (43 years)
An unusual baby, a girl named Dominica, was dumped off to a perspective architect Kostia. Every time Kostia gets angry - the baby grows up...
게이트 키퍼: 또 다른 세계
게임 개발자 시릴은 회사에서는 인정받는 재원이지만 그의 사생활은 늘 엉망진창이다. 어느 날, 새로운 게임 런칭을 앞두고 회사에서 열린 파티에 참석 후 집에 돌아온 시릴은 처음 본 여자가 집에 있는 것을 발견하고 크게 놀라고 경찰에 의해 강제로 쫓겨난다. 다음 날, 회사에 출근하지만 그 누구도 자신을 알아보지 못하고 그는 자신의 과거는 하루아침에 사라져버렸다는 것을 알게 되고 충격에 빠지는데...
Six Degrees of Celebration 6
мама Андрея
As the new year celebrations approach, a bunch of characters throughout Russia experience diverse situations that eventually get interconnected towards a joyous finale.
The Last Warrior
Ivan is an ordinary guy who is transferred from modern Moscow to the fantasy world Belogorye. In this parallel universe where characters of Russian fairy tales live, magic is an integral part of daily life, and arguments are settled with the help of sword . Unexpectedly, Ivan finds himself in the middle of a battle between good and evil, and he must discover why everyone thinks that he must play the main role in upcoming events...
파이널 크루: 칸우 탈출작전
정의감 넘치는 공군 파일럿 알렉스 맥코이는 불합리한 상사의 명령에 불복종한 이유로 군에서 퇴출 당하고 민간 여객기 파일럿에 지원한다. 까다롭기로 소문난 기장 레오 피츠제럴드의 교육생이 된 알렉스.그의 대담한 행동은 레오의 심기를 건드린다. 그러던 어느 날 중동 아시아 지역을 비행하던 레오와 알렉스는 화산섬 칸우에서 지진이 발생해 민간인들의 발이 묶였다는 소식을 듣고 그곳으로 향한다. 화염에 휩싸인 재난 현장에 투입된 그들은 부상자들을 싣고 비행기에 오르지만 불타버린 활주로 때문에 이륙마저 힘들어지는데...
The Wonderland
Люба (жена Семёна)
The main characters of the film are residents of different places of this country, most common people, with whom most uncommon things, pure wonders, happen. Semyon and Lyuba, a family of fireguards, have a chance to fulfill a dream – to go to Moscow to take part in their favorite TV show “Field of Miracles” (“Pole Chudes”), where they should make a life choice “trophy or money?” An inexperienced officer of Patrol-Guard Service and at the same time an experienced loser Sanya will have to not only survive his first day of service but also to accept his wife’s labors and to reanimate his partner. Four newly acquainted fellows must by any means fly to Moscow in non-flying weather, and a couple of young lovers must reconcile their irreconcilable parents by some mysterious way. Valera has to decide on a dilemma: to save mankind from the Deluge or just to fly with his karaoke-alien-friends in their old UFO? All these things can happen only once a year – on December, 31!
The Best Day Ever
For a successful Road Patrol Service officer time to start a family, but he lives with his mother. When Petia decides to propose Olya marriage, his official car crashes into drunken pop star.
A Diary of a First-grader Mom
A year from the life of a first-grader and his parents.
Friends of Friends
New Year's Eve stories intersect promoter for the first time to stay home with five years old, three musicians from the Philharmonic, dared to rob stern businessman at a house party to which they sent the same promoter, and a poor student, invited on a first date to an expensive restaurant daughter of most severe businessman. As a result, each of the characters fall into the absurd, naughty, dangerous, but still very funny situation out of which it will certainly help, friends ...
Пять звёзд
Анна Краснова
Naydenysh 2
Анна Краснова
Анна и Никита воспитывают чужого ребенка, но теперь у них появился шанс на рождение собственного: беременность Анны подтверждается. Женщину кладут на сохранение. Однако их счастье омрачается попытками некой доброжелательницы убедить Анну и ее мужа, что в ее возрасте опасно рожать. По ее мнению, Анне следует прибегнуть к помощи суррогатной матери. А пока Анна находится в роддоме, Никита берет на себя заботу о матери-одиночке с новорожденным ребенком, отец которого трагически погиб...
In Jazz Style
A successful young man meets a disappointed in love 26 years old girl. She fails for him and so her younger sister and still beautiful mother.
Услышь мое сердце
Провинциальная девушка Таня Клочкова работает официанткой в кафе, расположенном на трассе, и живет с матерью в поселке. Здесь у нее есть лучшая подруга Люда и влюбленный в нее друг детства Боря. Но судьба не преподносит ей сюрпризов, а другая, красивая и яркая жизнь, проносится мимо. Однажды в кафе заходит Кирилл, молодой и успешный москвич. Он влюбляется в простую и обаятельную Таню, и она отвечает ему взаимностью. Вскоре он увозит ее с собой в Москву.
This is a love story of two people who for ... Life experience does not allow them to fully believe each other, they are afraid of something, they can not step over something. Autumn of life, as well as autumn of the year… It is no coincidence that the film takes place in autumn, early autumn-this corresponds to the life stage of the main characters.
스페이스 독
Strelka (voice)
러시아에서 비행기를 타고 미국의 백악관에 한마리 강아지가 선물로 보내진다. 한쪽 눈에 얼룩이 있는 귀여운 강아지 ‘푸쇽’은 새로운 나라에서 처음 만난 동물 친구들한테 엄마에 대한 이야기를 들려준다. 그것은 놀랍게도 우주를 비행하고 돌아온 ‘스페이스 독’에 대한 이야기였다. ‘푸쇽’의 엄마 ‘벨카’는 서커스단의 스타로서 한참 인기를 누리던 중 로켓을 타는 공연 도중 사고가 발생하여 낯선 곳으로 날아가 버린다. 처음 보는 거리에 불시착한 ‘벨카’는 거리에서 새로운 친구들, 떠돌이 강아지 ‘스트렐카’와 말 많은 생쥐 ‘레니’를 만난다. 길거리에서 먹을 것을 구하던 셋은 그만 험악하게 생긴 사람들한테 잡혀 더 낯설고 먼 곳으로 보내진다. 이들이 도착한 곳에는 그들과 마찬가지로 길거리에서 잡혀온 수많은 강아지와 생쥐들, 그리고 여러 동물들이 있었다. 이곳은 바로 우주선을 타기 위해 훈련을 받는 곳이었다. 최고의 강아지 둘과 생쥐들을 선발하여 ‘스푸트니크 5호’에 탑승하게 되고, ‘벨카’와 ‘스트렐카’ 그리고 ‘레니’는 피나는 훈련 끝에 우주선에 탑승할 주인공 선발된다. 이들은 과연 무사히 임무를 수행할 수 있을까? 긴장되는 순간 인류의 역사를 바꿀 위대한 우주 비행이 시작된다.
Анна Краснова
Двое воспитанников детского дома влюбляются друг в друга, и их отношения очень быстро доходят до интимной близости. Вскоре девушка понимает, что беременна, и сообщает об этом любимому парню. Тот в шоке и не знает, что с этим делать. Все становится известно воспитателям, которые требуют, чтобы девушка сделала аборт. Будущий отец в панике сбегает...
Привет, Киндер!
Светлана, мама Тёмки
Romance, Comedy in Russian
Colonel Karas lives with his wife, Larisa, a gynaecologist and their son, Andrey in a large house in the city. Apart from his demanding job in the military, the colonel loves to hunt and fish, which takes him away from home for long periods of time. However, it is his love of other women that is the real cause of his absences and his marital problems. With this example to follow, it is no surprise that the children are also proving unlucky in love. Daughter Veronica has fallen in love with the wrong man while son Andrey is following in his father's footsteps and gaining a reputation as a ladies' man. When the colonel is told by his superiors that his family is to be relocated to a small flat, he decides the easiest solution would be to marry Andrey off.
Crime & Punishment
Raskolnikov, an impoverished ex-law student, kills an old pawnbroker and her sister, perhaps for money, perhaps to prove a theory about being above the law. He comes to police attention through normal procedures (he was the victim's client), but his outbursts make him the prime suspect of the clever Porfiry. Meanwhile, life swirls around Raskolnikov: his mother and sister come to the city followed by two older men seeking his sister's hand; he meets a drunken clerk who is then killed in a traffic accident, and he falls in love with the man's daughter, Sonia, a young prostitute. She urges him to confess, promising to follow him to Siberia. Will he accept responsibility? (From IMDB Crime and Punishment (1970))
Ada's Family
Until her unexpected death, grandma Ada was the head of the entire family. But even after death, the business-like old woman does not leave her relatives to their fate. Ada's Ghost appears on the doorstep and informs that the family may lose their apartment in the near future. Discouraged descendants under the guidance of a Ghost grandmother must pay off their debts, win back their rightful inheritance, and at the same time learn to live independently. Otherwise, the spirit of my grandmother Ada never rest in peace.
Nochnye Posetiteli
Орловская Ирина (народная артистка)
История известной актрисы, с которой на съемках где-то загородом случился непонятный приступ и ее срочно отправили в сельскую больницу. Там она в полной неизвестности проводит бессонную ночь и решает, что уходит из этого мира. Актриса вызывает всех близких людей, с которыми разговаривает очень откровенно, считая, что те должны узнать правду.Однако, все ее мужчины показываются к этой правде не готовы и разбегаются буквально в панике. Утром выясняется, что у актрисы язва и никакой операции не требуется. Вскоре за ней приезжает съемочная группа, но в это же время к больнице подъезжает такси, которое вызвала сама актриса, решившая прервать съемки и уехать домой. Героиня оказывается на распутье, ведь она дала себе слово отказаться от привычной жизни и ни в театр, ни кино не возвращаться.
I'm Staying
Natalya Tyrsa
Many people assume that life does not end after death. Not Dr. Tyrsa, practical and skeptical man, who never believed in this nonsense. However, thanks to the bowling accident, he finds himself in a desert land with people like him not belonging to this world yet not accepted into the other. Now Dr. Tyrsa realizes that the life he used to live was not so bad, and he's got something worth returning to.
Nobody Knows Sex
Kesha's mother
A young guy from province arrives to Moscow and his life turns upside down.
The Spot
A story about the life of several girls who came from outskirts of Ukrainian provincial town Makeevka to Moscow.
My Step Brother Frankenstein
One day Pavel, a young man wounded in the war, suddenly shows up at the home of a Moscow scientist name Krymov and claims to be his illegitimate son. Krymov denies this, but out of compassion he helps arrange a necessary operation for Pavel. Then certain things begin happening which suggest to Krymov that he may have a psychologically unstable fellow on his hands.
Retro Threesome
Set in contemporary Moscow, this comedy drama from 72-year-old director Pyotr Todorovsky is a remake of Abram Room's controversial silent film Bed and Sofa (1927). Actor Sergei leaves his wife and drops in on friend Kostya, married to Rita. Rita and Sergei pair off after Kostya goes away on a business trip, and when Kostya returns, they become a threesome. Shown at the 1998 Berlin Film Festival.
What a Wonderful Game
In a dormitory in 1951 four students prefer pranks to studying.
The Woman in the Window
A juggler Valerian from a circus does not recognize his classmate, but she still loves him, and his son named Valerian ...
Bringing Up Cruelty in Women and Dogs
A single woman's and her dog's personalities are affected by tough life circumstances.
Encore, Once More Encore!
Anya Kryukova
A drama set at the end of the Forties and the beginning of the Fifties. In a distant garrison town, life proceeds at a measured past. The officers drink and debauch, while the soldiers serve. Meanwhile accidentally unleashed human emotions are suffocated by the atmosphere of cruelty and hypocrisy.
An Outrageous Woman
Black Square
While investigating an ordinary homicide a group of detectives suddenly find a connection to a very first faces of USSR government.
Мать Иисуса
Russian Roulette
Two youngsters are leading not so law abiding life and the consequences are tragic...
Герой фильма Владимир Пирошников в поисках выхода из жизненного тупика мучительно решает вечные вопросы смысла жизни. В конце концов, оказавщись на крыше, он делает одно неосторожное движение - и зависает на уровне пятого этажа...
Faithfulness We Pledge
Story of Sergio Rodriguez, commissar of an International Battalion in the Spanish Civil War
Полет птицы
Own Cross
A historian is looking for police agents stories from before the revolution. After his sudden death the search is continued by his wife.
The action takes place in Leningrad n the time of "perestroika" during the 1980's. Tatyana is a beautiful Russian nurse who is underpaid at her hospital job, so she becomes a prostitute catering to international tourists. She becomes well paid in dollars, and helps her ailing mother survive. Tatyana's international clients tell her about the life in other countries, so she accepts a marriage in order to escape from the grim Soviet reality. Even though she is married to a decent man abroad, she still suffers being labeled an ex-Soviet prostitute, and her new life is full of new troubles.
Сердце не камень
A Step
Romantic love story of Russian physician Gusev and Japanese woman Keiko takes place in time of fighting of Russian and Japanese scientists against poliomyelitis epidemic broken out in Japan in 1959.
Plumbum, or The Dangerous Game
A young teenage boy zealously tracks down criminals in this allegorical drama. Using the code name of Plumbum, Ruslan Chutko (Anton Androsov) delights in the pursuits of lawbreakers before informing the police, and he even turns in his own father when he catches him poaching fish. The questions are left to the viewer whether or not Plumbum is a crusading hero or a scoundrel. Western audiences may find the premise implausible, but children were known to inform on their own parents under the regime of Josef Stalin and others.
Time to fly
Nothing like this has ever happened and could not happen in any of the airports. However, according to the authors of the film-parable, this tragicomic story is directly related to reality. It turns out that in order to properly fly airplanes, sometimes it is enough to fly to one chief. Of course with his seats. However, it does not prevent that the passengers themselves are very eager to go on a flight…
A Strong Personality from 2
Once a second-grader Dima Kruglikov learned that all the great people became so because they did not waste time on trifles, they had a clear regime of the day. Wishing to become great, Dima decided to live on schedule: to walk, help his grandmother, and even make friends. Getting into ridiculous and absurd situations, the main character of the film realized that the regime of the day is important, but everything must be done wisely.
Two Under One Umbrella
‎Juggler Dan is beautiful and carefree and not too eager to become the circus main star. However, the meeting with Olga, who has no doubts about his talent, makes Dan think about a creation of anew circus show.