Jolanta Dylewska

Jolanta Dylewska

출생 : 1958-03-09,

프로필 사진

Jolanta Dylewska

참여 작품

The Passage
A storm causes damage to a bridge that connects the world of the living with the world of the dead. For this reason, the information about Maria’s own death reaches her with delay.
Marek Edelman… And There Was Love in the Ghetto
Director of Photography
Shortly before his death, Marek Edelman (1919-2009), former commander of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (1943) against the Nazi occupation, wonders about several basic themes of human existence in relation to the Shoah: how was it possible to enjoy love, tenderness, passion and lust while the whole world was crumbling and burning around.
Marek Edelman… And There Was Love in the Ghetto
Shortly before his death, Marek Edelman (1919-2009), former commander of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (1943) against the Nazi occupation, wonders about several basic themes of human existence in relation to the Shoah: how was it possible to enjoy love, tenderness, passion and lust while the whole world was crumbling and burning around.
Marek Edelman… And There Was Love in the Ghetto
Shortly before his death, Marek Edelman (1919-2009), former commander of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (1943) against the Nazi occupation, wonders about several basic themes of human existence in relation to the Shoah: how was it possible to enjoy love, tenderness, passion and lust while the whole world was crumbling and burning around.
Director of Photography
더 나은 삶을 꿈꾸며 모스크바로 온 20 대 이주여성 아이카. 어렵게 얻은 일자리를 지키기 위해 아기를 낳고 첫 젖을 물리기도 전에 병원에서 도망친다. 아픈 몸을 이끌고 일터로 복귀하지만 월급은 떼이고 다시 새로운 일을 구해야 한다. 일을 찾아 헤매는 거리에 무겁게 쌓인 눈처럼 고단한 매일이 그녀를 짓누른다.
Director of Photography
두셰이코는 은퇴한 괴짜 건축기사이자 점성술사이며 채식주의자로, 체코와 폴란드 경계에 위치한 작은 산골 마을에 살고 있다. 그러던 어느 날 그녀는 밀렵꾼으로 활동하던 이웃의 시체를 발견하게 되는데, 이 불가사의한 죽음을 해결할 단서라고는 집 주변에 남겨진 노루 발자국뿐이다. 시간이 흐르고 소름 끼치는 살인이 몇 건 더 발생한다. 희생자들은 모두 지역 상류층에 속하는 사냥꾼이다. 아무리 경찰 조사를 진행해도 아무런 소득이 없자, 두셰이코는 이 모든 살인이 야생 동물의 짓이라는 가설을 세우게 된다.
어둠 속의 빛
Director of Photography
제2차 세계 대전이 한창이던 폴란드의 리버포. 가족의 생계를 위해 빈집 털이와 하수구 수리공으로 생계를 연명하던 소하. 어느 날 그는 온갖 악취와 암흑뿐인 하수구로 잔인한 죽음을 피하기 위해 숨어든 유대인들을 발견하게 되고, 그들은 소하에게 비밀을 지켜달라며 돈을 건넨다. 이들을 신고만 해도 돈을 벌 수 있지만, 소하는 결국 그들의 부탁을 들어주며 칩거생활을 도와주게 된다. 그러던 중 마을에 누군가 유대인을 도와주고 있다는 소문이 돌기 시작하면서 소하는 자신과 가족의 목숨이 위태로워질 수 있다는 불안을 느끼게 되고, 다시 조심스럽게 하수구로 걸음을 옮기는데…
Made in Poland
Bogus Kowalski is such a radical 17-year-old rebel that he even decides to have a "Fuck Off" tattoo on his forehead. His anger and frustration cannot be diminished by anyone, including his mother, Polish teacher and priest.
Director of Photography
Asa, a young and cheerful dreamer, returns from his Russian naval service to his sister’s nomadic family on the desolate Hunger Steppe of central Asia, so that he can begin his own life as a shepherd. But before he can tend a flock of his own, Asa must first win the hand of the only eligible girl for miles—his mysterious neighbor, Tulpan.
Po-lin. Shards of memory
Camera Operator
Unique archives show a world that no longer exists: pre-war Poland in which two cultures: Jewish and Polish, coexisted wall-in-wall; cottage in a cottage; town next to town. "Po-lin" - meaning "we will stop here" in Yiddish - does not deny the painful past. It only shows that there was something more next to them. Worth remembering and - perhaps - reconstruction.
Po-lin. Shards of memory
Unique archives show a world that no longer exists: pre-war Poland in which two cultures: Jewish and Polish, coexisted wall-in-wall; cottage in a cottage; town next to town. "Po-lin" - meaning "we will stop here" in Yiddish - does not deny the painful past. It only shows that there was something more next to them. Worth remembering and - perhaps - reconstruction.
Po-lin. Shards of memory
Unique archives show a world that no longer exists: pre-war Poland in which two cultures: Jewish and Polish, coexisted wall-in-wall; cottage in a cottage; town next to town. "Po-lin" - meaning "we will stop here" in Yiddish - does not deny the painful past. It only shows that there was something more next to them. Worth remembering and - perhaps - reconstruction.
W dół kolorowym wzgórzem
Director of Photography
The Edelweiss Pirates
Cologne towards the end of the Second World War. The city is in ruins, everyone is afraid, many are dead. It is a time of great inhumanity. Cologne’s young Edelweiss Pirates refuse to submit to the pressure of the Nazi regime. They fight with the Hitler Youth and scrawl anti-war propaganda on walls. Karl is an Edelweiss Pirate; his younger brother, Peter, is in the Hitler Youth movement. The two young men have been alone ever since their mother’s death in a bombing raid; their father is serving at the front, and their older brother, Otto, has been killed in action. Otto’s financée, Cilly, is doing her best to survive the war with her children. Carl is trying to help her.
Queen of the Angels
Director of Photography
The film takes place in two spaces of time. Modern history tells the story of a passing relationship crisis doctor James with her teacher Maria. During the night shift, Jacob is trying to calm the boy. Experiencing a shock that pushes him into the inner journey in time past, in the regions of childhood, to the genesis of his fears and frustrations. The second story waged simultaneously with the first takes place in the nineteenth century, in a nobleman's manor where Maria takes care of the ailing heiress Elizabeth. Elizabeth's daughter, Zofia, is expecting a baby. — Polish Wikipedia
Jam Dwór Polski
Director of Photography
Pięć bajek o miłości
Camera Operator