Imanol Arias

Imanol Arias

출생 : 1956-04-26, Riaño, León, Castilla y León, España

프로필 사진

Imanol Arias
Imanol Arias
Imanol Arias

참여 작품

Nueva Tierra
A delicate portrait of the longing for security amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Portrait of White Woman with Grey Hair and Wrinkles
Olea… ¡Más alto!
Self - Actor
An account of the life and work behind the camera of Spanish filmmaker Pedro Olea, whose very personal viewpoint, interested in all kinds of subjects, approached in very different ways, but always with a very characteristic style, has analyzed the social and political life of Spain for more than five decades.
인비저블 가디언: 그들을 데려가는 자
Padre Sarasola
잠자던 젖먹이 아기가 돌연 사망한 사건을 수사하는 살라사르 형사. 아기 아버지는 숨진 딸아이의 시신을 몰래 훔쳐 달아나려 하고, 사건에 대한 의문은 꼬리에 꼬리를 문다. 《인비저블 가디언》 3부작의 마지막 이야기.
벨벳 컬렉션: 그랜드 피날레
1969년 크리스마스. 벨벳 매각을 앞두고 소중한 인연들이 마드리드에 모였다. 지난날을 돌아보며 회상에 잠기는 사람들. 동시에 새로운 기회, 새로운 시작에 설레는 사람들.
인비저블 가디언: 뼈의 유산
Padre Sarasola
1년 후, 살라사르는 살인범을 법정에 세우기 무섭게 새로운 소용돌이에 휘말린다. 범인이 그녀에게 남긴 쪽지엔 의문의 한 단어뿐―타르탈로. 신성 모독 사건까지 일어나자 경위는 다시 부름을 받는다. 그녀를 바스탄으로 이끄는 자 누구인가.
사일런트 워
Sergeant Manuel Castillo
내전에 패배한 공화군은 정부 수복을 선언하고 디데이에 앞서 기간시설 파괴작전에 돌입한다. 다리 폭파 작전은 정부군의 함정으로 전대원이 사망하고 대폭발로 청각을 잃은 유일한 생존자는 숲으로 숨는다. 정부군의 필사적인 추적과 잔혹한 사냥에 맞서 생존을 건 독한 게릴라 전쟁이 시작되는데… 무자비하게 되갚아준다!
적법한 해고
아르헨티나에서 일하는 스페인 출신 중역. 고급 세단에 절세 미녀 태우고 그림 같은 저택에서 살 팔자였건만, 낯선 행인한테 길 한번 잘못 알려줬다가 인생이 제대로 꼬였다!
Chaos and Order: Manuel Felguérez and His Abstract Work
Documentary about the life and work of abstract artist Manuel Felguérez; one of the most important Mexican painters and sculptors of the 20th century, and a benchmark of the Generación de la Ruptura (Breakaway Generation). At 87 years-old, Felguérez is a consecrated master who creates by starting from chaos, generating random shapes and spots, to later give them order and finally turn them into art.
The Great Illusion
Known as "El Mago Pop," illusionist Antonio Díaz shocks and awes celebrities and bystanders around the world with his mind-blowing performances.
The Great Illusion
Known as "El Mago Pop," illusionist Antonio Díaz shocks and awes celebrities and bystanders around the world with his mind-blowing performances.
Mi valle
Imanol Arias
The last train travel of the year from Barcelona to Madrid, suddenly stops by a voltage drop in the middle of nowhere during a fierce snowstorm. Because of the peculiarity of its passengers, will begin to emerge hilarious conflicts between them.
Eva Doesn't Sleep
Dr. Ara
In 1952, Argentina's beloved First Lady, Eva Perón, died of cancer at the age of thirty-three. A renowned embalmer was commissioned by the grieving Juan Perón to preserve her body for display, and Argentines flocked to be near "Evita". Three years later, when his government was overthrown by a military coup, Perón fled the country before he could make arrangements for the transportation of his wife's body. The military junta now in control kidnapped the corpse; so afraid were they of Eva's symbolic power that they even made it illegal to utter her name.
스파이타임 코드명: 아나클레토
전설의 스파이, 아나클레토. 그에게는 30년 전 감옥에 집어 넣었던 악명높은 천적 바스케즈가 있다. 바스케즈는 아나클레토에게 복수하기 위해 아나클레토와 그의 아들 아돌포를 죽이려는 음모를 꾸미고 아나클레토는 자신의 아들을 악당의 손아귀에서 지켜내기 위해 고군분투하는데… 한편 아돌포는 모든 일에 무기력한 집돌이 그 자체이다. 야망이 없다는 이유로 여자친구에게 이별을 통보받을 정도로 삶에 모험을 찾아볼 수 없는 아돌포에게 어느 날 찾아 온 청부살인업자! 두려움에 떨던 아돌포는 어느 순간부터 자신도 몰랐던 현란하고 숙련된 솜씨로 적을 제압하고 급기야 청부살인업자를 하늘나라로 보내기까지 한다. 그 순간 나타난 아버지, 그리고 아버지를 따라 고향인 농장에 가서 며칠 머무르기로 결정한 아돌포는 무심코 아버지를 찾아 부엌에 들어갔다 아무렇지 않은 표정으로 잔인하게 살인을 저지르는 아버지를 마주하게 된다. 아돌포는 아버지가 싸이코패스라 주장하고 아버지는 자신을 전설의 스파이라 칭하며 비밀 요원이라고 밝히는데…! 과연 두 사람의 앞날은 어떻게 펼쳐질 것인가.
미스터 토렌테 - 카지노를 털어라!!!
Piloto avión
미래의 2018년 교도소에서 출소한 엉뚱한 전직 경찰 토렌테(산티아고 세구라). 존 마샬(알렉 볼드윈)의 솔깃한 제안을 수용, 유럽의 라스베가스라고 불리우는 ‘유로베가스’를 털기 위한 드림팀을 구성한다. 폭파 전문가, 보안해제 전문가, 천재 해커, 미모의 여성까지… 다소 엉뚱하지만 순조롭게 팀을 구성하고 카지노를 털기 위한 사전 답사를 포함한 완벽한 계획을 수립한다. 토렌테와 존 마샬은 거래에 대한 합의를 했음에도 불구하고 서로가 배신할지 모르는 상황에 대한 나름의 안전장치를 준비하고 있다 실제 상황과 다르게 아슬아슬하게 카지노에 잠입, 성공적으로 거액의 돈을 훔쳐 나오는데 성공하는 토렌테 일행 존 마샬을 따돌렸다고 생각하는 순간, 팀웍에 생각지 못한 균열이 생기기 시작한다. 거액을 둘러싼 공항에서의 마지막 일전을 준비한다.
Dying Beyond Their Means
Isaki Lacuesta presents a social satire in which five common or garden citizens, from a country pretty much identical to our own, see their lives ripped apart by the economic crisis. With nothing more to lose, they come up with a crazy plan to save the Spanish and world economy: kidnap the chairman of the Central Bank and demand that he return everything to the way it used to be.
Five years after the passing of the iconic filmmaker Humberto Solas, one of the founders of the New Latin American Cinema, partners, friends and family gather to evoke aspects of the life and work of Cuban artist of universal size.
Vicente Ferrer
Vicente Ferrer
Vicente Ferrer traveled to India in his youth as a member of a Jesuit mission. Years later, he returns to the Asian country in the company of a group of collaborators to develop his humanitarian work. Agustín Crespi directs this biographical film that takes place in India and reviews the last 30 years of the Spanish aid worker and his struggle to help the most disadvantaged . Vicente Ferrer was a figure admired for his humility, his perseverance and his dedication to others, work that was recognized with prestigious awards as the Prince of Asturias de la Concordia. Manuel Arias takes on the challenge of embodying the former curator of Barcelona, a man whose complex idiosyncrasies try to reveal this work. A personality impossible to understand completely without the figure of Anna Ferrer, played by Aída Folch. Folch incarnates the English girl who fell in love with the worker, given in body and soul, from the age of 21, to the cause of her future husband.
리버레이터 : 자유를 위해
Juan Domingo de Monteverde
시본 볼리바르는 스페인 제국령 베네수엘라의 수도인 카라카스 태생의 귀족이다. 그는 스페인에서 만난 사랑하는 아내를 풍토병으로 잃은 뒤 모든 희망을 잃은 채 삶을 흥청망청 낭비한다. 그런 시몬을 안타깝게 여긴 로드리게스는 시몬에게 프랑스 혁명을 소개하고, 이에 시몬은 스페인으로부터의 독립을 꿈꾸며 다시 살아갈 희망을 얻는다. 위대한 독립운동가인 미란다 장군에게 도움을 요청하는 것을 시작으로 시몬은 독립의 꿈을 현실로 만들어나가기 시작하는데…
Mi primera boda
Miguel Ángel Bernardo
On her wedding day, Adrian, nervous, make a small mistake that aims to hide Leonora, his girlfriend, to avoid problems. But far from avoiding them, complicates the matter and the party runs the risk of end badly, like the future marriage of the couple.
Paper Birds
Jorge del Pino
At the end of the Spanish Civil War, the members of a group of vaudeville performers have been stripped of everything: all they have left is hunger and the instinct to survive. Day after day, agonizingly, lost and helpless between the victors and the vanquished, the musician Jorge, the ventriloquist Enrique, the couplet singer Rocío and the orphan Miguel search tirelessly for something to eat and a safe place to live.
What The Tourist Should See
Homage to Fernando Pessoa and the city that lies next to the Tagus River.
Lo que tiene el otro
Rif 1921, una historia olvidada
Manuel Horrillo has visited for 7 years the fields where the clashes between the Spanish troops and the rebels of the protectorate took place during the so-called Rif War, a forgotten war of the Spanish collective imaginary.
마법의 세계 녹터나
Pastor de gatos (voice)
소심하고 얌전한 성격 탓에 고아원에서 외톨이 신세를 면치 못하는 소년 팀. 밤을 무서워하고 내성적인 팀은 종종 다른 고아원 아이들에게 놀림감이 되기 일쑤다. 하지만 팀에게는 고독한 고아원 생활과 아이들의 따돌림을 견딜 수 있는 유일한 위안거 리가 있었으니, 바로 밤에만 볼 수 있는 아름다운 별 아드하라. 그러던 어느 날 친구들의 놀림을 피해 천장으로 달아난 팀은 밤 하늘에 반짝이던 자신의 별 아드하라가 더 이상 보이지 않는다는 걸 발견하고 의아하게 생각한다. 그리고 그 곳에서 만난 야옹치기와 함께 밤의 세계 녹터나에서 벌어지는 모든 일을 책임지고 있다는 모카 대장을 만나러 가게 된다. 밤 하늘의 별 아드하라를 구하기 위한 팀의 여정은 그렇게 시작된다.
Sexo en el plató
How are the sex scenes filmed? What tricks are used to fake the desire? How do the interpreters prepare and feel? Spanish actors and directors talk about the most intimate side of acting, about the tricks and work methods when narrating exposed sex. In Spain the general rule is that there are no rules. Each film, each interpreter, faces it in very different ways.
La semana que viene (sin falta)
Executive Producer
La semana que viene (sin falta)
Teo Morales
The 3 Wise Men
Baltasar (voz)
A brilliantly animated adaptation of the classic Christian story, 3 WISE MEN features the voices of Emilio Estevez, Martin Sheen, and Mexican television star Jaci Velasquez. Created by the same artists who animated FANTASIA 2000, HERCULES, and TARZAN, the family-friendly film artfully brings to life the journey of Melchior, Gaspar, and Balthazar--the Three Kings who traveled to baby Jesus' birthplace under the guidance of the Star of Bethlehem.
Besos de gato
Fran, a successful lawyer with a comfortable life but lacking in communication with his family, arrives at his house for dinner. That night his daughter Carlota has not returned yet, somewhat unusual for her, so Fran, pressed by his wife, goes out to search for her.
Spanish drama about anti-immigrant racism and family problems. Berta is a single nurse raising her deceased sister's three teenage children in a Spanish port city. The two boys are neo-Nazis with a flaming hatred for African immigrants, and the girl has a boyfriend who runs an underground business smuggling illegal aliens from Africa. Into this time bomb comes a cop, Eduardo, who is investigating the vicious assault of a black man. He and Berta fall for each other and make tigerish love in scenes that are much hotter than you might expect from middle-aged actors.
A House with a View of the Sea
Tomás Alonso
In the foothills of the Andes, the dreams of a widowed father and his son shelter their quiet relationship from the cruelty of neighbors, until a desperate act of violence tears them apart. It takes the brave intervention of a stranger to reunite them once again in the place of their dreams.
His Master's Voice
Basque Country, Spain, 1980s. In Bilbao, a gray city dominated by political corruption and nationalist terrorism, Charli works as a chauffeur for Oliveira, a businessman engaged in shady deals. Alarmed by a series of threats and attacks, Oliveira decides to entrust Charli with the protection of his daughter Marta.
Mary Magdalene
Employed as a spy and given the task of investigating the threat posed by John the Baptist, Mary Magdalene is overwhelmed by John's powerful message of the coming of the Messiah. Gazing into John's eyes before he dies, Mary is left with the certainty that her place is at the side of this great man, Jesus Christ.
Buenos Aires Kills Me
Focuses on the lives of six young people whose paths intersect on the opening night of La Nave, where the extravagant Countess Pavlova is a transvestite who claims to be Lenin's granddaughter.
In Praise of Older Women
In the turmoil of the Spanish Civil War, a young man comes of age sexually, through a string of relationships with a wide range of mature, older women.
Comanche Territory
Mikel Uriarte
Spanish TV reporters covering the War in Bosnia. Based on true experience.
Ilona Arrives with the Rain
Maqroll, Ilona, and Abdul all share a common dream: to sail the world in a tramp-steamer. But who could afford such a thing? Over the years they have become separated. Alone in Panama City, smuggler Maqroll is finding neither great success nor happiness — until the tropical rains come, bringing Ilona: friend, lover, and partner in crime. Abdul, in Morocco, has found a steamer to suit them. In Panama, Ilona and Maqroll begin a new scheme, in search of impossible wealth. But fate has further twists in store.
Un asunto privado
Alex is a famous singer who lives in a big mansion. One quiet night, a hooded stranger comes into his home, shoots the butler and then takes the mask out. Surprisingly, it's a woman. At the beginning she just want to have dinner with him.
Martín (Zoe Berriatúa) is a teenager living in the San Blas district of Madrid. He is upset with his father Arturo (Imanol Arias) because he blames him for his mother's death. With the help of his girlfriend África (Elena Anaya), who will become his stepsister, he tries to get revenge on him.
La leyenda de Balthasar el Castrado
Duque de Arcos
At the end of the seventeenth century, in Naples, still dominated by the Spaniards, a young pupil, Balthasar,is castrated to preserve the purity and beauty of his voice. The Duchess dies and her son, the Duke of Arcos, takes charge of the inheritance, which includes Balthasar. With the entrance of Maria Loffredo, former lover of the Duke, a triangle is established that unchains tragic consequences to the allegedly callous life of Balthasar.
비밀의 꽃
로맨스 소설 작가인 ‘레오’(마리사 파레데스)는 남편 ‘파코’(이마놀 아리아스)를 사랑하지만, ‘파코’는 더 이상 아내를 사랑하지 않는다. 그런 남편의 태도에 속상한 ‘레오’는 친구 ‘베티’(카르메 엘리아스)에게 마음을 털어 놓지만, 얼마 안 가 남편이 진정으로 사랑하는 여인이 그녀의 가장 절친한 친구인 베티라는 사실을 알게 되는데…
All Men Are the Same
Juan Luis
Three divorced men who share a flat live together without trouble until they hire a cleaning lady.
Sálvate si puedes
In childhood and youth, the three were "the inseparables." Luisa married Ángel, then two years later, she left him to marry Ramiro. After ten years, Ángel reappears, back from South America, broke and ill. Luisa is overcome with sentimentality and, over Ramiro's objections, takes Ángel into their house. Ángel is bitter, he and Ramiro have shifted from best friends to enemies. Luisa wants to be in love with both. Ramiro hopes he can wait out Ángel's declining health, and Luisa wants to heal Ángel through force of will. What is Ángel's plan? Observing the roiling emotions are Luisa and Ramiro's precocious young children. Who's in danger here?
Wild Tango
A biopic based on the life of one of the pioneer argentine rock stars 'Tanguito'. The movie tells the story of his rise and fall from grace, encompassed in violent times of a military regime.
El amante bilingüe
Joan Mares obsession for the lovely and luscious Norma Valenti takes epic proportions because he cannot let go of her. After he is injured by some skin heads, he uses his scars to pursue his life as a street musician. He devices a plan to get to Norma and she never catches on to his deceit, except she realizes that as Juan Faneca his performance in bed is exactly what she had experienced with Joan Mares because she concludes they were taught sex by the same prostitute.
Tierno verano de lujurias y azoteas
A youngster recently arrived to Spain from Russia falls in love with his own cousin who is an astonishingly beautiful actress and, besides, much older than him.
Una mujer bajo la lluvia
Welcome to Veraz
An old man teaches a young man to live in the forest and to understand the wild world.
Alone Together
A blind woman is the witness of a murder.
El Lute II: Tomorrow I'll Be Free
Eleuterio Sánchez 'El Lute'
This is the story of a man fighting with all his might for his life and his freedom. Eleuterio (”El Lute”) embarks upon an action-packed future, fuelled by the notions of freedom and dreams of living just as his countrymen, ever-growing in his mind. Nothing and no-one can stop him. After escaping the Puerto de Santa María prison, the reunion with his family is just the beginning of what will become an endless escape.
Lute: Forge On or Die
Eluterio Sánchez 'El Lute'
In Spain of the 1960s, a poor family of quinquis - a nomadic ethnic group with a tradition as old as that of the gypsises of Spain but with even more obscure origins - have a nomadic life marked by poverty. The son, Eleuterio Sánchez Rodriguez, nicknamed "El Lute", steals some chickens and is condemned to six months in jail. El Lute moves to the slum outskirts of Madrid with his common law wife, Chelo, starting an itinerant life as a peddler of pots and pans and living in a quinqui shantytown. He gradually embarks upon as life of petty criminality, eventually participating in the theft of a jewelry store during which a bystander is killed.
Divine Words
Séptimo Miau
A work of Valle-Inclán, the story takes place in Galicia in the early twentieth century. To escape poverty, the wife of a sacristan uses a hydrocephalic child as a sideshow attraction. This causes a confrontation with her sister-in-law.
Bandera negra
Tiempo de silencio
Pedro Martín
Pedro Martín, a young and ambitious doctor, is studying the effect of cancerous cells on mice, but he has run out of mice in his laboratory, since they do not breed there, and he has no funds to purchase more of these expensive laboratory animals from the United States. Nevertheless, his assistant, Amador, informs him that he gave some of the mice to an old trapper, nicknamed “el Muecas”, who lives in precarious conditions in a shanty town outside Madrid, and that this poor man has successfully bred them with the help of the natural heat of his daughters. The incredulous scientist goes to the shanty town to obtain the mice. There, Pedro meets Muecas, Muecas's wife Ricarda and their two daughters Florita and Conchi. With the warmth of the women’s breasts, as the flirtatious Florita shows Pedro, the mice are able to reproduce.
Lulú de noche
German, a young theater director, tries to organize a theater play about Lulu, a prostitute that was killed in London by Jack the ripper. While looking for the protagonist, Rufo appears, an introvert jazz musician. He could play Jack the ripper.
Eternal Fire
The movie is based on a popular tale from the Basque Country and tells the story of a woman that becomes a widow the same day she gets married, and decides to keep living with the husband's dead body for 6 years.
Ladislao Gutiérrez
In Buenos Aires of the 1840s, a young Jesuit and a wealthy socialite fall in love and begin a torrid affair. They escape from the city, and, in disguise, set up house in a village, assuming they are safe and beyond the cares of anyone. However, both the church and Camila's family are enraged, vowing to hunt down the lovers for a capital crime. Based on a true story.
Mikel's Death
Opening at the funeral mass for Mikel, we flashback to those that played a part in Mikel's life and death; his estranged wife, his traditional Basque mother, a female impersonator and friend to Mikel in his coming out, and even the local priest.
Don Juan
Mallorca, 1865. Mr Bearns' funerals, "better to dye thant to mix blood". Juan Mayol, orphan unknow his past and decides to rebuild his family history
Demons in the Garden
Juan is the handsome, irresponsible, best-loved second son. When his older brother, who runs the family's black-market business with their steel-willed mother, marries Juan's lover Ana, Juan heads for Madrid to work for Franco. Juan also leaves behind his impoverished cousin, Ángela, pregnant with his son. Jump ten years. Juanito, the lad, has rheumatic fever. The doctor says to pamper the boy. Ángela, Ana, and his grandmother comply. As Juanito recovers, his father returns in desperate need of cash; Juanito witnesses a theft blamed on his innocent mother. Things come to a head at a saint's-name party for father and son. Jealousies, betrayals, and a bullet converge.
The Beehive
Novio de Victorita
As in the novel of the same title from Camilo Jose Cela, "La Colmena" is a sad composition with the stories of many people in the Madrid of 1942, just the postwar of the spanish civil war. The main theme of the film is the contrast between the poets, surviving close to misery under the Franco's regime, and the winners of the war, the emerging class of the people that makes easy money with illegal business.
정열의 미로
Riza Niro
An array of outrageous people, including a desperate nymphomaniac and a terrorist with an acute sense of smell, seek love and happiness in Madrid.
The story of Cecilia is a story of the society that dominated 19th-century Cuba, a society divided between whites, blacks, and those who were mixed, the mulattos. (Since the Spanish conquistadors killed off the Indian population in Cuba not long after they took over the island, there are no mestizos, or those of mixed-Indian blood in Cuba as in other Caribbean nations.) At any rate, the drama about the life and loves of Cecilia (Daisy Granados) takes place against the backdrop of graphically violent mistreatment of slaves and the rumors of a slave rebellion after the Cubans hear of slaves turning against their captors in Haiti.
La Corea
Chico de la pensión
Toni is a seventeen year old young man who comes to Madrid from a little village in search of work. A friend from the same village of Toni puts him in touch with Charo, "La Corea", a mature woman dedicated to facilitating contacts and boys to American men at the military base of Torrejón.
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