Herbert Weißbach

출생 : 1901-11-12, Bernburg-Germany

사망 : 1995-10-13

참여 작품

Die Senkrechtstarter
In the not too distant future, in the year 1999: In Germany, payment may only be made by credit card, which leads to many people purchasing things they cannot pay for. A nasty debt collector from the almighty central bank sends out employees to take back unpaid goods from customers by force. A girl who calls herself Egon is also forced to work for this evil person. In the process, she meets nice Mike, with whom she falls in love. Soon Mike and his friend, the aging playboy Löffler, are in a turbulent adventure to free Egon from the clutches of the bank villain.
Year of the Turtle
Herr Baumann
The story of an impossible love between a 60 years old jobless bookkeeper and an unpredictable 40 years younger woman, who seems to be in big troubles.
Golden Boy
Boundaries of Time - Caspar David Friedrich
A study of German 19th Century Romantic art through the writings and paintings of Carl David Friedrich and his fellow artist, Carl Gustav Carus.
Otto - The Movie
Interrupter at Retirement Home
East Friesian Otto moves to the big city Hamburg. There he gets into trouble with a loan shark and needs to find a way to impress his love interest Silvia.
Nonstop Trouble with the Family
Mr. Stuckenschmidt
A series of murders eliminates the poverty-stricken heirs to a 10 million-dollar fortune while Didi Dodel, the unsuspecting main heir, blithely escapes the attempts on his life. After a wealthy miser dies and leaves his fortune to Didi and five others, the five each hit upon the idea of eliminating Didi from the list (Didi does not know he has been named), but they do not realize how fate can step in and alter the best and worst of intentions.
A Love in Germany
In May of 1983, a man turns 49 and, with his 17-year old son, journeys to the village in Baden that he left 40 years before. He wants to discover what happened then, the truth about an affair his mother had with a young Polish prisoner of war, how the authorities came to learn of it, the lovers' arrest, and the aftermath. While his son takes Polaroid photographs, he retraces the steps of his childhood and interviews those who should remember. The story is disclosed in flashbacks that focus on the lovers (Paulina and Stanislaus), on a jealous and conniving neighbor, and on Mayer, the local SS commander who wants to find a way out of inevitable consequences.
Die Wildente
Bühne frei für Kolowitz
Warum die UFOs unseren Salat klauen
A biologist has succeeded in growing a particularly energy-rich lettuce and now the whole world wants to get hold of the product.
The Woman Across the Way
A middle-aged man's doubts about himself transform themselves into paranoia about his younger wife's behavior in this psychological thriller. The husband plants listening devices around their apartment and eventually drives the heretofore innocent woman into the arms of one of his co-workers.
Ein Mord am Lietzensee
Onkel Ebilein
Millowitsch-Theater - Der doppelte Moritz
Zero Hour
In July 1945, US troops are leaving Saxony and Thuringia while the Red Army takes control of the territories. In a small village near Leipzig, the inhabitants try to adjust to the new authority.
Ein Fall für Sie: Sonnenschein bis Mitternacht
Felix Hermlin
Die preußische Heirat
Schloßverwalter Katellan
Millowitsch - Theater: Week-End im Paradies
Robinson and His Tempestuous Slaves
Robinson, a down-on-his-luck pharmacist who’s pestered by his nagging wife and overbearing mother-in-law, dreams of seclusion on a remote island with the girl of his fantasies. Finally fed up, he decides to leave and make his dream a reality. But beware! there are cannibals.
Sex After Six
Älterer Herr
A wedding celebration comes close to the end the bridal couple moves back to the bedroom. Meanwhile the guests sit together and describe the events of their own wedding night. Amazing and tingling stories come to light This is a very odd film that only the Europeans could have made in the early 1970s. I suppose in German it would be just a straight throwback to the early nudie films but we do mind what makes this bizarre.
Virgin Report
Part documentary, part mockumentary, part sexploitation, all Franco. Starting in the Garden of Eden we are taken on a voyage around the world that covers various rites of passage and cultures deflowering of the virgin.
Junge Leute wollen lieben
Dr. Friedrich Ludwig
Nicht nur zur Weihnachtszeit
An elderly lady has a trauma and simply must celebrate Christmas every day of the year, to the dismay of her family and relatives.
A wealthy, eccentric chemical company owner sends his woman to get an American writer to take a mind control drug, Kemek, to verify its potential. She accomplishes her mission, but falls totally in love with the writer. The chemical magnate, satisfied with the results of the test, rewards her with murder, just as she is about to flee to Naples with her new lover. Her ex-husband and a private detective track the killer behind it all to a remote hideaway to unravel the solution.
The Fire Tong Punch
Oberschulrat Hinzelmann
The title refers to the Feuerzangenbowle punch consumed by a group of gentlemen in the opening scene. While they exchange nostalgic stories about their schooldays, the successful young writer Dr. Johannes Pfeiffer realizes he missed out on something because he was taught at home and never attended school. He decides to make up for it by masquerading as a student at a small-town high school. At the school, he quickly gains a reputation as a prankster. Together with his classmates, he torments his professors Crey, Bömmel, and Headmaster Knauer with adolescent mischief. His girlfriend Marion unsuccessfully tries to persuade him to give up his foolish charade. Eventually, he falls in love with the headmaster's daughter and discloses his identity after provoking the teachers into expelling him from school.
Liebling, sei nicht albern!
Die spanische Fliege
Anton Tiedemeyer
We Two
Dr. Weisshappel
Two former lovers start a new relationship.
Löwe gesucht
Zweiter Bühnenarbeiter
Christoph Kolumbus oder Die Entdeckung Amerikas
De Sade
M. de Montreuil
The 18th-century French marquis recalls his sadomasochistic experiments and goes to jail for lewd behavior.
The Swingin' Pussycats
An eighteen year-old girls wants to preserve her virginity, living in a family that manages the erotic arts.
Charleys Onkel
Pinkus sen.
Spanking at School
Ein ehrenwerter Herr
Zur Hölle mit den Paukern
Pepe Nietnagel and his fellow students of the Mommsen school come up with all kinds of ideas to get out of doing any actual school work. This includes simulating suicides, setting off the air-raid sirens and abusing the school director's new broadcasting system. They succeed in sending their teacher to a sanatorium and get a replacement that turns out to not be so bad after all.
Kollege Crampton
Prof. Kircheisen
Der Revisor
Iwan L. Rastakowskij
Cat and Mouse
In 1966, a former gymnast returns to his hometown Danzig, which is now a part of Poland. He begins to reflect on one of his classmates, Joachim Mahlke, who disappeared during World War II. Mahlke was initially marked as an outsider due to his oversized Adam’s apple, but when he turned out to be a great diver, the in-crowd embraced him. Then he steals a Knight’s Cross from a soldier and is expelled from school. Volunteering for war service, he earns a medal himself and hopes his reputation will be rehabilitated. But the school principal refuses and Mahlke deserts from the army…
Weiß gibt auf
Das Fahrrad
Die Verschwörung des Fiesco zu Genua
Graf Lomellino
Der Doktor
Dr. med. Gaebeler
Ein Frauenarzt klagt an
Karl Sand
Erster Kaufmann
Dead Woman from Beverly Hills
Detective C.G. (Klaus-Juergen Wussow) begins to investigate the death of an attractive woman (Heidelinde Weis) whose naked body was found in Beverly Hills. When he recovers her journal, he is taken into her past where he finds that she lead a sexually promiscuous life. Perhaps in the pages of the diary will be a clue to her killer's identity. This thriller was the first German feature to be shot in Hollywood after WWII as well as the first feature for German television director Michael Pfleghar. Based on a bestselling novel by Curt Goetz, Die Tote Von Beverly Hills/The Corpse of Beverly Hills was adapted to the screen only a few short years after his death.
Es war mir ein Vergnügen
Die Mondvögel
The Liar
When the wife of Sebastian Schumann left her family, he told his little daughter that her mother has died, because he thought that this was the easiest way for her to accept that her mother is now gone. But this was only the beginning of a lot of lies he tells her continuously, mostly about himself and his job. This way he also tries to hide away from her the fact that he had to quit his job as a traveler and is now paid much less than before.
Die Wildente
Stadtrat Flor
Die Ehe des Herrn Mississippi
Küß mich Kätchen
Harry Tabor
Zu jung für die Liebe?
더 리턴 오브 닥터 마부제
The supposedly dead and buried Mabuse returns to his criminal activities, as his longtime foe Police Inspector Lohmann, a dauntless girl reporter, and an American - who may be an FBI agent, or maybe a Chicago mobster - investigate a series of gruesome murders connected to a maximum security prison and involving a minister who has written a book called "The Anatomy Of The Devil".
Der Geizige
Herzog von Blacas
Stefanie in Rio
A Glass of Water
Intrigue and scheming at the court of Queen Anne of England between liberal Lord Bolingbroke and Lady Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough. German comedy after the play of Eugène Scribe.
Freddy und die Melodie der Nacht
Onkel Hugo
Das Haus voller Gäste
Inspektor Bauer
We Cellar Children
The Day the Rains Came
A motorcycle gang in post-war Germany wreaks havok on a town, until one of their members begins to have second thoughts after a run-in with the police.
Macht der Finsternis
Herbert Engelmann
Dr. Ruckstuhl
Peter schießt den Vogel ab
Herr Pieps
Peter schießt den Vogel ab is a German film comedy first released in 1959.
Mond über dem Fjord
Christian Tangen
The World's Craziest Army
Graf Seefels
사랑할 때와 죽을 때
패색 농후한 1944년 이른 봄, 러시아 전선에서 고향으로 일시 귀환한 독일군 병사 에른스트는 폐허로 변한 거리를 보고 충격을 받는다. 부모님도 행방불명이고, 가까스로 어린 시절의 여자친구 엘리자베스와 재회하지만 어머니의 주치의였던 그녀의 아버지도 게슈타포에 끌려가 소식 불명인 상태이다. 어느덧 사랑이 싹튼 두 사람은 결혼하고 연락이 끊어졌던 부모님과도 연락이 되지만, 그는 다시 전장으로 돌아가야만 한다. 격전지를 전전하던 그는 종전이 가까워진 이른 봄날, 아내로부터 아이의 탄생을 알리는 편지를 받고 기뻐한다.
Windhund und Seehund
Tim O'Hara
Ein weißer Elefant
Jim und Jill
Sir George Lancaster
Der widerspenstigen Zähmung
The Count of Luxemburg
Hassling, Gerichtsvollzieher
Schön ist die Welt
Blocks Diener Anton
Ferien auf Immenhof
The pony hotel has just been opened, but so far no guests have arrived. Dick gets Ralf to design a brochure about the hotel. The girls and Ethelbert then lead the village children on horseback to Lübeck, where they all distribute the brochure - not knowing that Dalli has added some embellishments to the text.
Das einfache Mädchen
Baron Westhoff
Der tolle Bomberg
Count Murveldt
Kopf oder Zahl
Jail Guard Tarpey
Der müde Theodor
Das haut hin
Und das am Montagmorgen
Stadtrat Hardacre
Kalle wird Bürgermeister
Du bist Musik
Fräulein Blaubart
Secret Confession
Der Prozeß Mary Dugan
The Girl from Flanders
A love story between a German soldier and a young Flemish woman amidst World War I.
Furlough on Word of Honor
Feldwebel Schneider
Roman einer Siebzehnjährigen
Sohn ohne Heimat
Hermann Schulze
Heldentum nach Ladenschluss
Der Sachse
Ina, Peter und die Rasselbande
Herr in Schwarz
Große Starparade
Wachtmeister Konrad
Zwischenfall im Roxy
Rote Rosen, rote Lippen, roter Wein
Knall und Fall als Detektive
Was nicht im Baedecker steht: Bitte, einsteigen zu Käses Rundfahrt!
Der Onkel aus Amerika
Dr. Ernst
You Only Live Once
Remake of the 1931 film The Man in Search of His Murderer.
Postlagernd Turteltaube
Refugees from East Germany try to make a living in the west.
Der bunte Traum
The Heath Is Green
Ein Schlesier
After the end of World War II Lüder Lüdersen, the former owner of a feudal estate in the East, and his daughter Helga arrive as refugees in the Lüneburg Heath. While living a seemingly happy life on the estate of his cousin, Lüdersen hides a dark secret: he is a poacher.
Alles aus Liebe
Meyer - Manager im Kristall-Palast
Our Daily Bread
2. Skeptiker
A story about a family after the Second World War. The petty bourgeois cashier Karl Weber of Berlin observes from a distance how his son Ernst participates in the building of a new socialist society. Karl does not understand Ernst's visions, instead he confides in his other son Harry. However, Harry becomes involved in illicit business and Karl quickly realizes that it would be best to join his son Ernst in the citizen-owned factory.
Die Kuckucks
Der große Mandarin
Vor uns liegt das Leben
The Woman of My Dreams
Blonde goddess Marika Rökk plays Julia Koster, a ravishing red-headed musical revue star and her opening number, "At Night It Isn't Right To Be Alone", playing to a packed theater, is both an eye-popper and a jaw-dropper.
Ich habe von dir geträumt
Leichtes Blut
Romance in a Minor Key
A grieving husband tries to uncover the truth behind his wife's suicide, leading him to discover a tragic tale of infidelity and redemption.
Hab’ mich lieb!
Tanz mit dem Kaiser
The young emperor Joseph II of Austria and Hungary is not interested in romance and marriage, and every time his mother makes arrangements for him to meet eligible young ladies, he escapes under some pretense. This time he is off on a 'tour of inspection' with his trusted friend von Kleber. Things become complicated when von Kleber, pretending to be the emperor so as to protect the real Joseph from discovery, falls in love with Christine, the landlady of their lodgings. And when Christine later writes to the emperor, her letter is read by the mother of the real emperor, as keen as ever to see him getting married, and so the lady is invited to the imperial court.
Women Are Better Diplomats
Kassierer im Casino
A seductive dancer (Marika Rökk) helps her uncle to fight against the closing of his casino. Through her feminine charm she achieves diplomatic success.
Alles für Gloria
Eduard Wiesel
Immer nur Du
Reklameagent bei Zeisig
The two stars of an upcoming operetta performance quarrel constantly. but they also fall in love with each other.
U-Boat, Course West!
This Nazi propaganda film follows the exploits of a German submarine as it prowls the North Atlantic.
A biographical film of Otto von Bismarck, the Prime Minister of Prussia, and how he and his policies - including aggressive war - helped to unite Germany.
Der dunkle Punkt
Wie konntest Du, Veronika!
The Rothschilds
Biopic about the Rothschilds, a Jewish family whose members rose to the top of the European banking community during the Napoleonic era.
Sommer, Sonne, Erika
Actually, Erika and Werner wanted to take a pleasant boat trip on the Isar. But who would have thought what could happen during such a simple outing?! Werner Merk, who works as an engineer for a large car company in Munich, finds out, that the head of the firm, Director Feldmann, is spending his summer vacation at his house in the mountains. Werner up and decides to make his way their to introduce himself to Feldmann in a relaxed atmosphere.
Sensationsprozess Casilla
Verdacht auf Ursula
Fahrendes Volk
ein Verehrer
Fernand has escaped from prison and finds shelter in the traveling circus Barlay, where his former wife Flora works as a predator trainer. Their son, now grown up, Marcel is an art rider and does not know that Fernand is his father. Marcel loves Yvonne, the daughter of director Barlay. He is against the connection, sends his daughter to Italy and convinces Marcel that Yvonne does not return his feelings.
An operetta directed by Herbert Maisch.
Lilian Harvey plays a young heiress in long-ago France named Madelon who is raised by her grandfather as a boy in order to frighten away fortune hunters. But when the old man dies, her guardian Cesaire wants to marry her off to the rich prefect Barberousse. She is tricked by Cesaire with the portrait of a young man (Viktor von Staal) which is presented to her as that of her future husband. But when Madelone discovers this scheme she flees, again in men's clothing. But on her route to escape, she meets the young man from the portrait and falls in love with him. But Madelone can't give up her disguise right now...
Ich liebe Dich
Percys Freund Günther
Percy, a young, rich American, is on vacation in Germany and thinks that every girl wants his sorry ass. He’s far from right: There’s the hugely admired Eve, whom he’s decided will be the love of his life, but who isn’t in the slightest bit impressed with either him or his Dollars. To finally be able to talk to her without being disturbed so he can express his feelings, he slips a mickey in her drink and takes her to the house of his friend Max. When Eve finally emerges from the drug-induced nap forced upon her, Percy admits his love (!) and is told to drop dead. And this is their idea of a romantic comedy?!?
Der lachende Dritte
In a remote village in Southern Bavaria, hostilities run rampant between a farmer and a luxury hotel proprietor. The former has a smelly dung heap and he hopes to force the hotelier into buying him out at a large profit.
Die letzte Fahrt der Santa Margareta
April, April!
Ein Freund Finkes
Douglas Sirk's first feature film.
Warum lügt Fräulein Käthe?