Tatiana Vialle

Tatiana Vialle

프로필 사진

Tatiana Vialle

참여 작품

Marie-Line et son juge
람세스의 아들들
Casting Director
람세스는 ′구뜨 도르′ 구역에서 활동하는, 약간 교활하고 사기꾼 기질도 있는 심령술사다. 돈벌이는 좋지만 그의 일은 합법과 비합법의 경계에 놓여있다. 이 깨지기 쉬운 균형은 탕헤르에서 온 소년들이 동네에 좀도둑질하러 왔을 때 위태로워진다. 람세스는 청소년들에게 좀 더 가까이 갈 수 있는 능력을 갖춘 영매이기 때문이다.
Emmanuel is in his twenties and studies at the dance conservatory. Between his administrative and financial setbacks and the fiasco of an audition that could have simplified everything, Emmanuel goes through a difficult day. But, by confronting some obstacles, he confronts himself and realizes how far he has come. Emmanuel has become a young adult.
단순한 열정
영혼마저 잠식한 열병 같은 사랑에 빠져버린 엘렌, 통제되지 않는 자신의 욕망 그리고 육체적 탐닉을 마주할수록 점점 혼란에 빠지고, 일상이 조금씩 흔들리기 시작한다. 2022년 노벨문학상 수상! 아니 에르노의 베스트셀러 원작! 그의 뜨거운 고백을 스크린에서 만나다!
Little White Dude
Charles, a 18 year old kid, grew up in a quiet village but dreams of being a black rapper who lives in a big city. His fantasy has a name: Black Charles. A double of himself that follows him everywhere, including on this day when he decides to break with his everyday routine to join his older brother in Paris, hoping for a new life.
Little White Dude
Charles, a 18 year old kid, grew up in a quiet village but dreams of being a black rapper who lives in a big city. His fantasy has a name: Black Charles. A double of himself that follows him everywhere, including on this day when he decides to break with his everyday routine to join his older brother in Paris, hoping for a new life.
J'ai perdu Albert
Casting Director
Chloe has been living a successful life thanks to one trick: Albert Einstein is in her mind. But one day, he decides to move and chooses another body: Zac, a depressive beekeeper.
The story revolves around 22-year-old Laure, who is trying to find her feet. After performing brilliantly in her literature studies, she enrols as a communications officer in the Naval Fusiliers. She will quickly have to adapt to and assimilate the rules that apply within the institution. But Laure is a determined woman, and she has a thirst for knowledge – still. A thirst to learn to get to know and be comfortable with herself, and to find her place.
Je vais mieux
A fifty-year-old man suffers from a sore back. All the world's doctors, radiologists, and oesteopaths can do nothing for him : the roots of his illness are pyschological. But what should he change about his work, his wife and his family in order to get better ?
Family Business
When their aunt's inheritance is given to their annoying cousin, three brothers and sisters have to work to get it back.
Kiss Me!
Claude falls in love with Cécile. She is convinced that she is the woman of her life unlike her mother who knows the tumultuous sentimental life of her daughter.
Emilie is a bright young workaholic manager in Human Resources, working for a huge French agro-food company. But, one day, one of the employees commits suicide at the company in front of her. While an investigation is underway, stuck between her traumatized colleagues and under pressure of a powerful hierarchy, she will have to get by on her own.
The Confession
Under the German occupation, in a small French town, the arrival of a new priest arouses the interest of all women... Barny, a young communist and atheist woman, can not however be more indifferent. Driven by curiosity, the young skeptic went to the church in order to challenge this.
When a feared judge of the French court, Xavier Racine, encounters a French-Danish juror, Ditte Lorensen-Coteret, at a murder trial, their shared past is slowly uncovered.
Neither Heaven Nor Earth
Afghanistan, 2014. As the withdrawal of troops approaches, Captain Antarès Bonassieu and his squad have been assigned a surveillance mission in a remote valley of Wakhan, on the border of Pakistan. Despite Antarès and his men’s determination, control of the secluded valley will slowly fall out of their hands. One dark night, soldiers begin to mysteriously disappear in the valley.
Forty-year-old Paul-André is a timid, rather introverted man. Rich but alone, he is deeply bored and ends up concluding that what he needs is a family. Violette, a forty-year-old full of energy, is threatened with eviction and is afraid she'll lose custody of her two children. Paul-André then proposes a totally above the board contract to rent the family in exchange for him paying off Violette's debts. For better and for worse..
Although he's now eighty years old, Claude Lherminier is still as imposing as he ever was. But his bouts of forgetfulness and confusion are becoming increasingly frequent. Even so, he stubbornly refuses to admit that anything is wrong. Carole, his oldest daughter, wages a daily and taxing battle to ensure that he's not left on his own. Claude suddenly decides on a whim to go to Florida. What lies behind this sudden trip?
마리 이야기: 손끝의 기적
빛도 소리도 없는 세상에 갇힌 마리는 누구에게도 마음을 열지 않는다. 수도원에 온 마리를 만난 순간 소녀의 따뜻한 영혼을 느낀 수녀 마가렛은 마리가 세상과 소통할 수 있도록 자신의 생을 바쳐 돕기로 결심한다. 마가렛은 마리가 가장 애착을 가지고 있는 물건을 이용해 수화를 만들고, 반항심으로 똘똘 뭉친 마리는 그런 마가렛의 헌신에 조금씩 마음을 열기 시작한다. 두 사람은 전쟁과도 같은 교육의 시간을 겪으며 서로를 조금씩 변화시키지만, 이별의 시간 또한 가까워오는데…
The Chef's Wife
Marithé works in a training center for adults. Her mission: to help other people to change direction in their work and to find their vocation. Carole, who lives and works in the shadow cast by her husband, Sam, an energetic and talented Michelin-starred chef, arrives in the center one day. It's not so much a change in job that Carole seems to need, as a change in husband. Marithé does everything she can to help Carole set out down a new path. But what are the real motives behind this devotion? After all, Marithé doesn't seem to be impervious to Sam's charms, or to his cooking.
My Son's Murderer Will Die Tonight
자전거 탄 알세스트
한 때 유명세를 날렸지만 이젠 대중들로부터 잊혀진 배우 세르주. 지난 3년 동안 홀로 고독 속에 살던 세르주의 유일한 낙은, 매일 같이 자전거를 타며 주위 풍경들을 감상하는 것이다. 그의 친구이자 잘 나가는 배우인 고티에는 몰리에르의 희곡 ‘미장트로프’를 연극으로 제작하려 하고 세르주에게 역할 하나를 제안한다. 고티에는 사회와 세상으로부터 멀어지고 있는 세르주가 이 작품을 재기의 기회로 삼아 선뜻 수락할 것이라 믿지만, 세르주는 그리 호락호락하게 넘어오지 않는데... (2015 시네프랑스)
웃는 남자
17세기 유럽의 어딘가, 눈보라를 헤치고 우르수스가 살고 있는 집을 두 고아가 찾아온다. 유랑극단 공연자인 우르수스는 기이하게 찢어진 그윈플렌의 입을 보고 깜짝 놀라지만, 두 아이를 불쌍히 여겨 그윈플렌과 눈이 먼 데아를 자신의 아이들로 받아들인다. 훗날 그윈플렌은 자신의 찢어진 입을 무기로 최고의 광대로 성장하게 된다. 타고난 연기력과 기괴하게 찢어진 입으로 유럽 전역에서 유명해진 그윈플렌의 공연은 대성황을 이루지만 그 소식을 듣고 어린 시절 자신의 입을 찢어놓은 누군가가 공연장을 찾아오기 시작하고 세상은 그윈플렌의 인생을 바꿀 거대한 준비를 시작하는데….
플라이 미 투 더 문
오늘, 우리 이혼할까요? 결혼보다 조금 더 어려운 그녀의 이혼 만들기! 집안 여자들의 첫 번째 결혼은 무조건 실패한다는 저주를 믿고 있는 이사벨. 오랫동안 만나 온 사랑하는 남자친구 피에르와의 성공적인 결혼생활을 위해 10분만에 결혼과 이혼을 함께 할 수 있다는 덴마크로 떠난다. 그러나 결혼하기로 한 남자는 나타나지 않고, 이대로 돌아갈 수는 없단 생각에 이사벨은 기내 안에서 만난 어리숙하고 수다스런 남자 쟝을 타겟으로 결혼할 계획을 꾸민다. 그를 따라 케냐까지 가 온갖 방법을 동원해 그를 유혹한 후 초스피드로 결혼에 성공하는 이사벨. 가까스로 그를 따돌리고 프랑스로 돌아온 그녀에게 이제 남은 건 고대하던 피에르와의 행복한 결혼식 뿐! 그러나 이미 혼인신고가 되어 있어 이혼서류에 사인을 받지 못하면 결혼할 수 없다는 청천벽력을 듣는다. 이제 이사벨은 쟝과 이혼하기 위해 모스크바까지 날아가 그를 화나게 할 온갖 일들을 꾸미지만, 그녀에게 푹 빠진 그에겐 이런 그녀가 그저 사랑스러울 뿐인데… 결혼보다 더 어려운 이혼 대작전! 과연 이사벨은 이혼에 성공해 피에르와의 해피엔딩을 이룰 수 있을까?
Les Mauvais Jours
Qui a envie d'être aimé ?
Antoine is forty years old. Happily married to a woman he loves, father to two beautiful children, a brilliant lawyer, one could say that he has made a success of his life. But one day Antoine has an unexpected, irrational, and earth-shattering encounter. One that is also a little scandalous as well. Antoine encounters God, something he just did not expect. Not at all ! Nor did his wife.
초콜릿 로맨스
젊고 아름다운 초콜릿 장인 앙젤리크는 일상에서 불편을 느낄 만큼 지나치게 소심하고 감정적이다. 우연히 작은 초콜릿 공장에 취직하게 된 그녀와 사장인 장르네는 서로 호감을 느끼지만, 그 또한 앙젤리크와 마찬가지로 작은 일에도 지나치게 긴장하는 성격이다. 초콜릿을 사랑한다는 공통점이 있지만 서로 선뜻 다가서지 못하는 단점도 닮은 두 사람은 과연 행복한 커플이 될 수 있을까? 로 낯익은 이자벨 카레와 의 브누아 포엘부르데의 사랑스러운 연기 앙상블, 달콤한 초콜릿 이미지의 향연이 즐거움을 선사할 로맨스 영화. (2016년 제2회 서울국제음식영화제)
커플들의 관계정리에 관한 한 세계적 실력을 자랑하는 ‘하트브레이커’ 팀은 남자 때문에 낚인 여자들이 헤어질 수 있도록 성공률 99.9%의 훈남요원을 현장에 파견하여 미션을 수행한다. 치밀하고도 완벽한 수행작전을 통해 여자들이 훈남요원과 사랑에 빠짐으로써, 원래의 애인과는 이별하게 만드는 하트브레이커 팀의 철칙은 “오직 연애 때문에 불행한 여자들만 접수한다.” 한다는 것! 어느 날 ‘하트브레이커’ 팀의 알렉스(로망 뒤리스)에게 프랑스 최고 재벌가의 외동딸이자 가십걸 줄리엣(바네사 파라디)의 결혼식을 막아달라는 의뢰가 들어온다. 영국 훈남이자 스마트한 재벌로 손꼽히는 조나단(앤드류 링컨)과의 결혼식을 단 10일 앞두고 있는 줄리엣. 생애 최고의 결혼식을 앞두고 있는 그녀의 결혼을 깰 수 있는 방법은 과연 있는 것일까? 사랑이 흔들리는 그녀의 선택은?
Nadia is in her late 30s and begins a serious relationship with a teen named Pierre.
17살 쿠르드인 청년 비랄은 사랑하는 연인이 영국으로 떠나자 그녀를 만나기 위해 영국 행을 결심한다. 4.000km 사막을 걸어 프랑스에 도착했지만 밀항 도중 이민국 경찰에게 체포되어 추방 당한다. 더 이상 영국으로 갈 수 없는 위기에 놓인 비랄은 수영으로 도버해협을 건너기로 결심하는데...
D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers
Mme Delaunay
Exile and possibly death are in the cards for the Queen of France in this edgy cloak-and-dagger adventure based on Alexandre Dumas' unrivaled tale of THE THREE MUSKETEERS and their reckless romantic friend D'Artagnan. Supernatural powers and dark mystical forces add an exciting twist to this classic tale.
On the island of Porquerolles, Alice spies on Bernard, a man who has returned to France after living in Brazil for some years. The two had once been lovers, and Alice's obsession with Bernard -- which apparently didn't wane during their time apart -- sets in motion a string of events culminating with the aforementioned car crash. Dysfunction abounds.
C'est jamais loin
In Dieppe, a taciturn young man is fascinated by a woman whom he has only seen in the street. One day, he leaves Dieppe and Lola, the girl he was living with. He becomes a truck-driver. In the Middle East, Christian's travels end in a prison in the heart of the desert. There he meets Eliot who lives an isolated life within the prison environment. Since Eliot talks, Christian who was mute up to that point, listens then speaks too. But Eliot receives letters from a woman: Marie. And Christian starts dreaming that she's the woman he saw on the streets of Dieppe.
Frame Up Blues
Vito's Maid
A crime lord offers him a job to catch his cheating wife in the act. The only problem is Finch falls for the woman (Roberta Bizeau). As well as having troubles with his ex-girlfriend/manager, being set up for a murder, & trying to figure out who done it.
Love Comedy
Une doucelle
According to the book Journal Particulier de Paul Léautaud, the love story that was born between him and Marie D., whom he met at the Mercure de France in 1922, on the occasion of an article she wrote to appear.
State of Grace
She is Florence Vannier-Buchet. Married to Protestant banker Jean-Marc Buchet. Florence leads a major sporting goods company with happiness and firmness. He is Antoine Lombard, Professor, son of a teacher, he is Secretary of State at the Universities. He divides his time between his ministerial activity and his riding in the working class suburb of Chartres. An elected member of the "pink wave". They met during a stormy assembly of the CNPF. The action takes place in 1983. Florence is engaged in a daring industrial and financial operation, while Antoine is putting the finishing touches to a bill for the renovation of Higher Education. Everything separates them and yet they do not manage to live separated from each other ...
À toute allure
Casting Director
Anti Squat
Paris, today. 38 y.o. Ines, mother of teenage Jules whom she is raising alone, is threatened with eviction. She absolutely must get a stable job to find them a place to live. She is taken on 2 months trial at “Anti-Squat”, a start-up company offering temporary housing in empty suburbs office buildings. But the rules are very strict and the tenants have no rights. As a manager, Ines must live and sleep in the building to monitor the residents. But children are forbidden... She has two months to go, two months to complete her trial period, two months to start a new life at the risk of losing her most cherished values.
Suzanne et Osmane
Madame de Sévigné
In the middle of the 17th century, the Marquise de Sévigné wanted to make her daughter a brilliant and independent woman in her own image. But the more she tries to control the young woman's destiny, the more she alienates her. Mother and daughter then experience the throes of a singular and devastating passion. A major work of French literature is born from this devastation.