라비디는 요즘 젊은이이다. 그는 작은 뒷거래와 아르바이트를 하고 룸메이트와 작은 집에 살면서 작가가 되기를 꿈꾼다. 어느 날 그는 엘리자를 만나고서 자신이 감당하지 못할 라이프 스타일에 대해 다시 생각하게 된다.
Le directeur de l’hôpital
정치적인 신념과 의사로서 의무 사이에서 갈등하는 한 의사를 통해 90년대 알제리 정치 상황 ‘암흑의 10년’을 재조명한다.
Le vieux fantôme
어느날 깨어나 보니 모든 기억을 잃은 상태. 누군가 자신을 이끄는 데로 따라가 본다. 그곳에서 만난 사람들을 통해 자 신을 기억해보려고 하지만, 그 역시 마찬가지. 그들의 제의 에 따라 같이 일을 하게 된 쥐스트는 그가 만나는 사람들을 자신이 처음 만났던 사람에게 데려다 주는 일을 하게 된다. 그러던 어느 날 지하철에서 자신을 기욤이라고 부르는 아 가트(주디스 쳄라)를 만나는 쥐스트, 그녀는 쥐스트에게서 자신이 10년 전에 만났던 한 남자를 떠올린다. 시간이 지날 수록 점점 가까워지는 두 사람. 하지만 어느 날 갑자기 쥐스 트의 모습은 아가트에게서 사라진다. 아무리 불러봐도 아가 트는 자신의 존재를 느낄 수 없는 상황. 과연 여기에는 어떤 일이 일어난 것일까?
Women and men are lost in their thoughts at random hours of the day and streets of the city. From this sudden intimacy, the murmurs of their little inner voice let us hear the anxieties of love.
Gina, an American flight attendant, falls in with a Parisian bartender on a layover only to find herself tangled in a web of deception, delusion and unrequited amour fou.
Monsieur Vannier
편집기사인 애인 로이스의 변심에 절망하는 게이 포르노 감독 안느는 의문의 연쇄 살인마에 의해 포르노 배우들이 하나 둘 죽어나가자 이에 영감을 받아 라는 문제작을 만든다. 70년대 캠프 미학과 슬래셔, 디알로 등 비주류적인 모든 것을 섞어놓은 작품. M83의 사운드트랙이 매력적이다.
이스마엘은 20년 전 사망한 부인 카를로타를 애도하고 있지만, 이제 연인 실비아와 살아가는 중이다. 어느 날 죽었다고 믿었던 카를로타가 다시 살아 돌아왔다. 스파이, 멜로드라마, 괴담을 오가며 복합적 테마를 다룬다.
Some years ago in Paris, a man frequented a strange place, a kind of secret club where "you watched people". A film producer senses that this experience could make interesting material for a film.
Le père
A car trip will be an opportunity for a son to at last tell his father everything that is weighing on his heart.
Seances, co-created with the National Film Board of Canada, presents a wholly new way of experiencing film narrative. By dynamically generating a series of film sequences in unique configurations, potentially hundreds of thousands of new stories are conjured by code. Each will exist only in the moment—no pausing, scrubbing, or sharing—offering the audience one chance to see the generated film. This project, co-created by the ever imaginative Guy Maddin, is a visual discourse on the impact of loss within film. All the sequences pay homage to lost silent films from the early day of cinema. Seances is nostalgic but it is also frequently hilarious. Part of the joy and sadness of Seances is that many possible narratives are created but they can be only viewed once before they disappear forever.
Bent / Minister of the Interior
무정부주의적인 스토리, 테크니컬러에 기초한 색채 미학, 장르의 혼성으로 점철된 완전히 새로운 미학을 시도하는 영화. 낡은 카메라와 필름 조각들에 대한 페티시즘을 전면화하면서 유령과 환영으로 이어지는 미로의 체험을 선사한다. (2015년 제16회 전주국제영화제) 리뷰 캐나다의 아방가르드 감독 가이 매딘이 쓰고 연출한 은 끝없는 상상력의 절경을 체험하게 한다. 꿈의 미로를 헤매는 것 같은 분위기로 좌중을 압도하는 이 영화는 종잡을 수 없는 방향으로 꼬리를 물고 이어지는 이야기의 연속이다. 간단한 시놉시스로 영화를 요약한다는 것조차 불가능하다. 가이 매딘은 2009년 이후 줄곧 협력해온 젊은 예술가 에반 존슨과 공동으로 이 영화를 연출했다. 무정부주의적인 스토리, 테크니컬러에 기초한 색채 미학, 장르의 혼성으로 점철된 이 영화는 시효가 끝나버린 영화형식으로 창조해낸 완전히 새로운 미학의 결정체이다. 무성영화 시대의 캐릭터와 영화, 스타일로부터 받은 영감을 현란하게 펼쳐놓으면서 매딘은 거대한 노스탤지어의 시간을 연출한다. 낡은 카메라와 필름 조각들에 대한 페티시즘을 전면화하면서 영화는 유령과 환영의 시간으로 안내하는 미로의 체험을 선사한다. 샬롯 램플링, 제랄딘 채플린, 마티유 아말릭, 마리아 드 메데이로스 등의 익숙한 배우들이 예상치 못한 순간에 튀어나오는 의외성도 일관되어 있다. (2015년 제16회 전주국제영화제/장병원)
Mario customer
Paris, North Station, anything comes by, even trains. One would like to stay, but they have to hurry up... Like other thousands lives crossing, Ismael, Mathilde, Sacha and Joan are going to meet here...
The Lawyer
말 중개상을 하는 미하엘 콜하스(매즈 미캘슨)는 다른 지방으로 넘어가려는 다리에서 새 남작이 강압적으로 통행료를 받고 있음을 알게 된다. 이에 반발하자 그에게 돌아온 건 여윈 말과 폭행 당한 하인, 그리고 소송장을 내러 갔다가 싸늘한 시체로 돌아온 아내였다. 급기야 딸의 목숨까지 위협해오는 공권력에 분노한 미하엘은 남작에 대한 복수를 계획하는데…
19세기 말 프랑스의 화려한 매춘굴 에 모인 창녀들은 외부와 격리된 삶 속에서 탈출과 구원에 대한 희망으로 하루하루를 살아가고 있는 반면 그들을 원하며 모여드는 남성들은 현실로부터의 도피와 그로 인한 또 다른 자유를 얻기 위해 이곳을 찾는다. 각자의 해방을 꿈꾸며 같은 장소에서 만나지만 철저히 외로울 수 밖에 없는 이들.
시대가 주는 변화와 산업화라는 시대의 몰락, 그리고 현실을 잊기 위한 섹스,
그러나 그들 앞에 놓인 세계는 또 다른 욕망으로 풀어내고픈 현실 속 판타지에 불과한데...
Le marquis
Early on in this engaging historical drama, a marquis (played by the singularly droll Jacques Nolot) offers a peddler a carriage ride on a remote country road. After sizing up his benefactor, the peddler fights motion sickness to deliver his sales pitch: “I have here a few objects of wonder, pious images, pamphlets against men of the cloth, newspapers from Amsterdam and London, holy cards, quills, writing paper…”
Isabelle teaches, Bruno steals. Together, they start believing that could be happy. The day when the police net starts tightening, Bruno fleesm taking Isabelle with him. Deep within the forest, they hide and love each other, outside of time, in a final attempt to hold at bay the world's violence.
Doctor Abeberry
Robinson, appropriately named as we will soon discover, is on vacation in Biarritz with his wife. What follows is the story behind the loss of his arm, a story that becomes increasingly bizarre and eventually apocalyptic, leading us down a narrative path of labyrinthine complexity. The resulting film is an extraordinary feat of imagination and daring, set against the backdrop of a world on the verge of destruction.
Pierre Pruez
A portrait of a 58-year-old man battling his inner demons on the search for self-discovery.
A portrait of a 58-year-old man battling his inner demons on the search for self-discovery.
Hotel manager
Manu arrives in Paris, in the early days of AIDS, at the beginning of the 1980s. He strikes up a friendship with Adrien, a wealthy doctor in his early fifties, who introduces him to Sarah and Mehdi, a young couple.
An affluent, middle-aged couple's uneventful lives are forever changed when they move into an isolated house in the country and befriend an odd, younger couple.
In a Parisian porn theater, a cashier, a 50-year-old man and a young projectionist are drawn into a complex love affair.
50-Year-Old Man
In a Parisian porn theater, a cashier, a 50-year-old man and a young projectionist are drawn into a complex love affair.
In a Parisian porn theater, a cashier, a 50-year-old man and a young projectionist are drawn into a complex love affair.
Charles Frendo
During the Second World War, in 1943, Anne Frendo, a young dreamer and artist, living alone with her father in Tunisia, discovers, by chance, the lifeless body of a French soldier, parachuted in. At the invitation of her aunt, Sophie Frendo, an Egyptologist, she sets out on a journey that leads her to Sfax, Egypt, taking with her a letter that the soldier had begun to write, and which seems to be intended for her.
Driss is a jack-of-all trades type who sells fish from his car and moves furniture from one end of his hometown Tangiers to the other. His girlfriend is a free-spirited and wealthy European lass who runs an antique shop. One day, Driss becomes fascinated with Fouad, an old man who runs a rundown café by the beach. Fouad disdains his fellow Moroccans, calling them lazy, preferring the company of Europeans -- particularly, as Driss later learns -- young European women. Always on the make, Driss offers Fouad a business proposition -- to revamp his establishment and turn it into a proper restaurant with Driss as his business partner. He is later shocked and hurt to learn that Fouad starts to remodel his business but without Driss. Sending out his friends as spies, Driss learns a number of unsettling things about his would-be associate.
장과 마리아는 프랑스의 해변으로 둘만의 여름 휴가를 떠난다. 일상에서 벗어나 모처럼만에 여유를 즐기는 것도 잠시 수영하러 다녀오겠다던 남편 장은 끝내 돌아오지 않는다. 그 휴가는 단지 악몽일 뿐이었을까? 다시 일상으로 돌아온 마리아의 곁에는 여전히 장이 있다. 그와 한 침대를 쓰고 아침을 함께 먹으며, 그를 위해 넥타이를 선물하는 마리. 하지만 문득 문득 그녀는 자신의 삶에서 무언가가 잘못 되어 있음을 느낀다. 정지된 남편의 신용카드, 유부녀인 그녀에게 남자를 소개 시켜주려는 친구들, 게다가 시어머니는 장이 그녀에게 만족하지 못해 떠나버린거라고 하신다. 도대체 세상이 어떻게 돌아가는 걸까? 이렇게 가까이에서 장의 손길을 느끼는데 다른 사람들에겐 그가 보이지 않다니.
The idea for this film about a generation and its lost ideals came to Romain Goupil after attending several funerals of friends in the fall of 1996, where the '68 generation, now in influential positions in media or politics, kept meeting each other. It seemed as if the revolution that they had tried to make was being buried with each coffin. A MORT LA MORT is in some ways an homage to this generation, now in their fifties. They were a privileged generation that thought that they could change the world, doing everything that their parents failed to do. There were no actual deaths in France as there were in Germany or Italy, but the system was not ideal for personal issues or for love. There was always a scapegoat for the injustices of the world, be it capitalism or imperialism. That way the blame could be placed somewhere else. Some of the '68 generation are still faithful to the principles of their youth and still continue to fight for the illusions of the past.
After ten years away, Jacques Pruez,an unmarried, 50-year-old, modestly successful actor, returns to his home village to comfort his dying mother. His father Yvan, a family barber who's counting on his "successful" son to support him in his old age, refuses to believe that his wife is sick and insists that her doctors are killing her. She dies, and Jacques finds out that Yvan is not his real father. Besieged by memories of his childhood, the village and the past, Jacques wanders the streets at night, reliving the moments that set him apart from the rest.
Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-1653) was one of the first well-known female painters. The movie tells the story of her youth, when she was guided and protected by her father, the painter Orazio Gentileschi. Her professional curiosity about the male anatomy, forbidden for her eyes, led her to the knowledge of sexual pleasure. But she was also well known because in 1612 she had to appear in a courtroom because her teacher, Agostino Tassi, was suspected of raping her. She tried to protect him, but was put in the thumb screws...
Monsieur Luminaire
Teenage siblings Nenette and Boni were raised apart as a result of their parents' divorce. Their mother, who doted on her son Boni, has died. He works for an interesting couple as a pizza baker, and is surprised and enraged when his younger sister, having run away from boarding school, suddenly turns up. There's a problem that they must confront.
A few stories are mixed, but all starts with Claire who one day brings back to Gregoire one of his books found at the university. Gregoire is the tenebrous romantic king, and Claire falls in love with him. But there is also Gregoire's circle, his disturbing neighbour, his maybe crazy grandmother Diane, his former teacher Hugo. And this is mixed up with Sebastien's attempts to seduce Claire then her mother Anne. And also Claire's psychiatrist.
Francis Marceau
Three aging and failed comedians, Georges Cox, Victor Vialat and Eddie Carpentier, hit the road again with a lousy production of a lousy play, of course under the worst possible conditions.
Monsieur Morelli
Monsieur Morelli
알제리 전쟁이 한창인 60년대 프랑스. 청년들은 전쟁을 피하기 위해 결혼을 하고, 학생들은 무엇이 옳고 그른지 치열하게 고민을 한다. 기숙학교에서 만난 프랑수아와 알제리인 세르주는 우정 이상의 감정을 갖고 가까워지지만 프랑수아는 소꿉친구인 메이테에게도 마음을 두고 있다. 지독한 성장통을 겪는 청년들의 삼각관계를 시골 마을의 목가적인 풍경과 함께 그린 멜로드라마. (2012년 제7회 시네바캉스 서울)
Spectator at the Cinema
In 1980s Paris, a series of murders captures public attention. Meanwhile, the gorgeous Daiga moves from Lithuania to Paris, immigrant musician Théo struggles to raise his young son, and Théo's brother, a gay transvestite named Camille, sings and dances in a cabaret for a living. All three grapple with isolation and the problems of modern living, but one of them could be so desperately alienated that they have a hand in the serial murders.
Short film based on a monologue by Jacques Nolot which he reads in a pub to a waitress.
Short film based on a monologue by Jacques Nolot which he reads in a pub to a waitress.
l'homme au cimetière
Elderly woman Berthe leaves her house to live with her daughter Emilie. Emilie and her brother Antoine had a falling out three years ago and have not seen each other since, but Emilie invites him for Christmas. Memories will resurface and impact both Berthe's destiny and the strange relationship between Emilie and Antoine.
Sébastien Fischer, a celebrated pianist, takes the advice of his agent and friend Gorgio and decides to take a break and spend some time in a little village in Provence, at the house of Avril Espart.
Georges Birsky
On a whim, the long-married Hélène decides to look up a former lover of hers. At his apartment, she is met by the man's grown son, Julien, who tells her that his father died just a few days before. Before long, she has become Julien's lover, but she is also increasingly becoming attached to the rather unlikely idea that Julien and she are genetically related. Meanwhile, her cardiologist husband cannot fathom her increasingly bizarre behavior. It is one thing to have an affair, even with a much younger man, but she seems to be edging ever-closer to the borderline between sanity and madness.
A good-looking but naive lad leaves his mountain village to try and make his way in Paris. He thinks maybe he will try acting but things don't go too well for him. Eventually he is forced to sell himself to men and though he meets an attractive girl she is herself a prostitute with a vicious pimp.
Le chauffeur de Charles
A billionaire Charles de Boisleve becomes a friend of a petty criminal Rachid after two of them meet in the supermarket.
Set in a cafe which has become the hangout for a group of unhappy and frustrated men, this slice-of-life film follows them as they complain to one another about their lives, discuss their options, and generally quarrel and suffer. They are joined by a woman who is the ex-lover of one of them. Her presence heightens the already immense sexual frustration of these unsuccessful men - so much so, that one of them rapes her in a back room of the cafe.
Marcel Amy
마르세이유에서 젊은 시절을 보낸 이브 몽탕은 자신의 지난날을 그린 뮤지컬 공연을 위해 마르세이유를 방문한다. 공연 연습 도중 그는 아름다운 가수지망생 마리온의 방문을 받게 되는데... 유명한 가수이자 배우인 이브 몽탕을 직접 등장시켜 영화에 대한 사랑을 고백하고 있는 자크 드미의 유작.
A woman becomes trapped in the middle of a feud between two men while attempting to free her younger brother from a life of petty crime.
Restaurant cashier
Roland and Martine, once child stars in a TV series, have sunk into a life of crime. Answering an ad from Isabelle, a young girl seeking work with children, they abduct her with the intention of selling her into prostitution. At the last moment, having become fond of her, they relent and set out to take her home. She rebels, insisting that she enjoys their exciting life of stolen cars, stolen cheques, hotels and restaurants left without paying the bill, and the threesome become a formidable team. Then Isabelle's mood changes again and she disappears with a hitch-hiker. Worried over her future, Roland and Martine trace her to the town where she is about to get married and abduct her, this time from the church steps. Roaring off in a stolen ambulance, the three are happily on the run again.
Le Père Sorbier
프랑스의 한 한적한 시골 마을, 소년 토마스(니콜라스 지라우디)는 숲속에서 도망친 죄수 마르탱(바덴 스탄크작)을 만나게 된다. 이혼한 어머니와 할머니와 함께 살고 있는 토마스는 돈을 가지고 오라는 마르탱의 협박에 매사가 공포스럽다. 한편, 바에서 일하는 토마스의 어머니 릴리(카트린느 드뇌브)는 이혼한 상태임에도 여전히 그의 전 남편이 계속 자신의 주위를 맴도는 것이 못내 부담스럽다. 탈출구를 찾으려 하지만 그 시골 마을을 벗어나지 않는 이상 어렵다는 것을 알게 된다. 그러다 칼에 찔려 쓰러져 있는 마르탱을 릴리가 도와주면서, 그들 모자 사이에 마르탱이 끼어들게 된다. 젊은 마르탱과 릴리는 그렇게 계속 가까워진다. 그런데 마르탱에게는 또 다른 젊은 애인이 있는 상태다. 그렇게 그들의 관계는 조금씩 파국으로 치닫는다.
Pierre Rousset
Claire Rousset visits her ex-husband Pierre who lives in the Lyon region. For some time now, Pierre's health and that of the other inhabitants of the village has deteriorated to the point of becoming worrying.
Rosa la Rose is the most beautiful prostitute of Les Halles. Every client wants her and she accepts everything. Her pimp is a sympathetic and generous man and there is not much to tell about Rosa’s life. Until one day she meets Julien, a young guy, and falls in love with him. But will it be worthy to leave her life for a madness love?
Max, a 40 years old gay, chases in railway stations. He takes his "prey" to the Parisian park, the Bois de Boulogne."Manège" will be the genesis for his later feature film "La chatte à deux têtes" (2002).
Max, a 40 years old gay, chases in railway stations. He takes his "prey" to the Parisian park, the Bois de Boulogne."Manège" will be the genesis for his later feature film "La chatte à deux têtes" (2002).
Max, a 40 years old gay, chases in railway stations. He takes his "prey" to the Parisian park, the Bois de Boulogne."Manège" will be the genesis for his later feature film "La chatte à deux têtes" (2002).
Nina, young girl from the provinces discovering the capital, meets people by chance, and carries out apprenticeship of the theatre and love. Paulot first of all, reassuring figure of an ordinary man, solid as a rock. Then Quentin, a fallen actor tormented by a past drama, violent as lightning. Finally, Scrutzler, an inflexible and exhausted director who chooses Nina, throws her on the stage. A revelation is born through these three meetings. But, it is with herself that Nina has an appointment.
Le gendarme chez Laura
While being transferred to another prison, two convicts - Stéphane Carella and Paul Brandon - effect a miraculous escape. They are pursued across the Verdon Gorge before arriving at an isolated farmhouse whose owner, Laura, offers them sanctuary. Since the death of her husband, Laura has longed to get her own back on the police and she agrees to help Carella and Brandon in their scheme to rob a casino in Nice. After a shoot out with the casino’s owners, Carella realises that not everything is what it seems. Brandon is not what he appears...
The movie starts with an interview with director Claude Lelouch. He pleads viewers not to disclose the plot of the movie after leaving the projection room. Even the movie's trailer shows only a long sequence of faces gazing speechlessly in space. "Like all my movies, this one is about a man and a woman", says Lelouch in the interview.
시골 미인대회에서 뽑힌 적이 있는 앨리안느(Eliane: 이사벨 아자니 분)는 마을의 의용 소방대원이며, 자동차 수리공인 홀로리몬도(알랭 수송 분)와 사랑에 빠진다. 앨리안느는 팡퐁(Pin Pon)이란 별명을 가진 홀로리몬도의 계속적인 구애에, 계획적으로 그의 집 곡간에서 하룻밤을 보내고 난 뒤 승리감에 취한 팡퐁의 목을 서서히 조이기 시작한다. 1955년부터 시작된, 일광욕을 하다가 자동 피아노를 가지고 다니던 사나이들에게 당한 윤간의 복수가-현대로 맥이 이어져 진행되기 시작한 것이다. 앨리안느는 오직 복수의 일념 하나로, 몸을 던지어 목적을 향해 간다. 하지만 마지막에 이르렀을 때 범인은 팡퐁의 아버지가 아니라 다른 사람인 것으로 밝혀진다.
Alain Pruez
Two brothers: one of them has become an actor and lives in Paris; he goes back home and meets his sibling who has stayed in the village where he married "la Matiouette", a local girl. The reunion is warm, but they soon discover that now they are worlds apart.little by little, the conversation becomes less friendly,less kind,and regrets, resentment resurface. Their reunion will leave them two broken men.
Roger (segment "Goûter de Josette, Le")
Nine short films about love.
Max Baumstein is a reputable businessman who founded an international organization fighting against violations of human rights. Why would he commit an act that apparently negates the principles he has striven for so long to uphold? As he is tried for first-degree murder for killing a Paraguayan ambassador in cold blood, he reveals a secret about himself that he kept hidden from his wife Lina. His act is the conclusion of a struggle that started many decades earlier in his childhood...
Shirt seller
In a future where daylight is fatal, a group of people hope to escape from the planet.