Pedro Luque

Pedro Luque

출생 : 1980-11-20, Montevideo, Uruguay


Pedro Luque, originally from Uruguay, made a grand entrance in 2016 as the cinematographer for the runaway horror hit Don't Breathe, directed by Fede Alvarez for Sony Pictures' Screen Gems. The film was nominated for a Critics' Choice Award for Best Sci-Fi Horror Movie. Upon its release, Peter Travers, writing for Rolling Stone magazine, noted Luque. "What makes this so memorably nerve-frying is the way Alvarez and cinematographer Pedro Luque use night-vision and every trick in the book and ones not invented yet to trap us in their vise." Luque went on to shoot the 2018 modern gothic psychological thriller movie Look Away, for director Assaf Bernstein (the critically-acclaimed director of Netflix's massive hit series, Fauda, 2015); the 2018 science fiction film Extinction for director Ben Young for Good Universe; the 2019 remake of the horror film Jacob's Ladder for director David Rosenthal; and the 2021 sequel Don't Breathe 2. Luque also served as DP on 2018's The Girl in the Spider's Web for Sony Pictures, starring Claire Foy, and on 2020's Antebellum for Lionsgate. Luque recently wrapped La Sociedad de la Nieve for Netflix. Based in Los Angeles, he lives with his wife and two kids and speaks both English and Spanish fluently.

프로필 사진

Pedro Luque

참여 작품

안데스 설원의 생존자들
Director of Photography
1972년 10월 13일, 럭비팀을 칠레로 데려가기 위해 전세기를 띄운 우루과이 공군 571편이 안데스 산맥의 빙하와 충돌합니다.
파라노말 액티비티: 넥스트 오브 킨
Director of Photography
어릴 적 엄마 세라에게 버림받은 마고는 유전자 분석회사를 통해 알게 된 친척 샘을 만나게 된다. 마고는 자신의 사연을 담은 다큐를 제작하기 위해 촬영 감독 크리스와 음향 담당 데일과 합류한다. 마고 일행은 아미시의 일원이던 샘의 안내로 세라의 아버지이자 아미시 공동체의 지도자인 제이컵의 베일러 농장에 도착한다. 헛간을 둘러보던 마고는 세라가 아직도 여기 있다는 말을 하는 여자 아이를 만난다. 그날 밤, 마고는 엄마가 살았던 다락방에서 병적인 숭배를 비판하는 세라의 편지와 함께 낯선 존재를 느낀다. 제이컵은 교리에 맞서려던 세라가 외부인과 만나 임신했으며 교리에 의해 아이를 키울 수 없었던 세라가 병원에 마고를 버렸다고 말한다. 마고 일행은 마을에서 멀리 떨어진 숲에서 교회를 발견하지만 제이컵은 마고 일행이 교회에 들어가지 못하도록 막는다. 그날 밤, 마고는 머리가 두 개인 새끼 염소를 교회에 제물로 바치는 장면을 목격한다. 그 후 교회에 몰래 들어간 마고와 크리스는 교회 안에서 아스모데우스의 그림과 숨겨진 깊은 수직 갱도를 발견하는데...
맨 인 더 다크 2
Director of Photography
끔찍한 일이 벌어졌던 그날 밤 이후, 비밀스러운 과거를 가진 소녀 ‘피닉스’와 함께 세상과 단절된 일상을 보내던 눈 먼 노인 ‘노먼’ 어느 날 밤, 정체불명의 괴한들이 침입해 ‘피닉스’를 납치하고 소녀를 되찾기 위해 잠들어 있던 그의 광기가 다시 깨어나는데… 그는 과연 소녀의 수호자인가 괴물인가? 9월, 어둠 속 진실이 밝혀진다!
Director of Photography
남북전쟁이 한창인 가운데 남부의 한 농장에서 주인공 에덴을 포함한 흑인 노예들은 매일 매일이 지옥 같은 삶을 살고 있었다. 어느날 잠에서 깬 에덴은, 자신이 베로니카라는 유명 작가이자 인권 운동가이며 남편과 사랑스러운 딸과 함께 현대에 살고 있는 것을 알게 되는데...
야곱의 사다리
Director of Photography
전투에서 치명상을 입은 군인을 응급 치료하는 제이콥. 환자가 동생인 것을 알고 충격을 받지만 살리지 못한다. 1년 후, 죽은 동생이 살아서 돌아오고 환청과 함께 환각이 제이콥의 정신세계를 지배한다. 악마의 환영과 강박의 원인을 뒤쫓으면서 동생과 참전한 전쟁에 숨겨진 음모와 비밀을 마주하는데… 보이는 것만이 전부가 아니다!
거미줄에 걸린 소녀
Director of Photography
젊은 천재 해커 리스베트(클레어 포이)는 여성을 괴롭히는 남성을 찾아가 자신만의 방법으로 처단해서 악의 심판자라 불린다. 한 의뢰인으로부터 자신의 연구 결과를 해킹해달라는 제안을 받은 그녀가 이번에 해킹해야 하는 곳은 미 정보국 NSA. 무사히 해킹에 성공하지만 괴한의 공격을 받고 자료를 뺏기게 된 그녀는 자료를 되찾기 위해 추적을 시작하고, 이 일이 국제 해커 범죄 조직 스파이더와 그녀의 쌍둥이 여동생 카밀라(실비아 훅스)가 관련돼 있다는 것을 알게 된다. 사건의 진실과 스파이더스의 정체를 파헤칠수록 더 큰 위협에 처하게 되는데...
룩 어웨이
Director of Photography
성형외과 의사인 아빠와 항상 다정다감한 엄마, 그리고 부유한 저택까지 모든 걸 다 가진 듯한 아름다운 소녀 ‘마리아’는 사실 학교에서 심한 따돌림을 당하는 소녀다. 항상 완벽한 외모를 강요하는 아빠의 강압 때문에 내성적인 성격을 가지게 된 ‘마리아’는 어느 순간 거울 속에서 자신과 똑같이 생긴 ‘애럼’을 마주하게 된다. ‘애럼’과의 대화를 통해 점점 자신감을 얻은 ‘마리아’는 학교 졸업 무도회에 참가하지만 전교생들 앞에서 끔찍한 일을 당하게 되고, 이 사건으로 큰 충격을 받은 ‘마리아’에게 거울 속 ‘애럼’은 자신과 몸을 바꿔준다면 원하는 모든 것을 얻게 해주겠다며 위험한 거래를 제안하는데… ​
익스팅션: 종의 구원자
Director of Photography
누구도 믿지 않았다, 그의 악몽이 현실이 되리라고는. 외계 세력의 침략에 맞서 소중한 가족을 지키려는 남자. 그의 처절한 사투 속에, 또 다른 악몽이 발톱을 드러낸다.
The Watcher
Director of Photography
Unaware of its terrible history, a young couple purchases their dream home. But it soon becomes clear that they may not be alone in the house... and that someone -- or something -- is determined to drive them out.
하늘의 침묵
Director of Photography
자신의 집에서 성폭행을 당한 후 남편에게 그 사실을 말하지 않기로 한 아내. 남편에게 남모르는 근심과 복수 계획이 있다는 건 알지 못한다.
맨 인 더 다크
Director of Photography
10대 빈집 털이범 록키, 알렉스, 머니는 밑바닥 삶을 청산하기 위해 눈 먼 노인을 겨냥한 마지막 한 탕을 준비한다. 노인이 잠 든 사이 거액의 현금을 쟁취하려던 순간 마침내 그가 깨어나게 되고, 이들의 치밀한 계획은 아무것도 보이지 않는 암전 속에서 모두 역전되기 시작하는데…
쇼킹 오브 데스
Director of Photography
전편 BiFan2013에서 상영되어 큰 호응을 얻었다. 2년 만에 돌아온 속편 는 나이지리아에서 영국, 그리고 브라질과 그 사이의 모든 장소를 아우르는 야심 찬 작품이다. 각 알파벳에 해당하는 26장으로 구성된 이 영화는 현대 장르영화계를 이끄는 감독들이 한 장씩 연출하여 관객들에게 가장 충격적인 장면을 선사한다. (2015년 제19회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
Local God
After living through some tragic events, a rock band composed of twenty-year-olds immerse itself in a conceptual project that winds-up becoming a three track album that deals largely with their guilts, fears and traumas.
High Five
Director of Photography
Andres and Elias get together one evening for their last summer joint. On his way home, Elias finds a hidden case containing 5 different types of drugs. The next morning, Elias calls Andres to catch up on his discovery. He tells him he wants to gather round with some friends to perform an experiment: each should take a different drug and see what happens. The experiment takes a sudden turn when Andres girlfriend calls him to say her grandma has died.
이블 데드
Additional Photography
샘 레이미의 이블데드(1981) 의 리메이크 작품이다. 애쉬에 해당되는 데이빗의 여동생 미아의 마약 중독을 끊기 위해 산장으로 온 다섯명의 친구들이 산장에서 네크로노미콘을 발견하면서 생기는 참극을 다루고 있다.
Director of Photography
The film provides a look at the 1980 Mundialito, an international friendly soccer tournament organized by the Uruguayan Soccer Association, which brought together the World Cup-winning national teams and the Netherlands, and was organized in Uruguay during an unconventional political situation.
사일런트 하우스
1944년 11월 우루과이한적한 전원주택에서 끔찍한 살인 사건이 발생한다.선명한 핏자국과 수 많은 폴라로이드 사진들 그리고 장난감들이 뒹굴고 있는 사건 현장. 핏자국 사이로 바닥에 아무렇게나 방치되어 있는 끔찍하게 훼손된 남성 시체 2구. 그 중 한 시체는 얼굴이 사라져있다. 생존자는 젊은 여성 1명. 하지만 그녀마저도 실종된 상황. 누가, 왜 이런 사건을 일으켰는지 사건은 미궁에 빠져있다. 지금부터, 마지막 피해자가 살해된 그날의 86분이 실시간으로 재현된다! 당신의 두 눈으로 놀라운 진실의 순간을 마주하라. 지금부터 당신이 보고 듣고 느끼는 모든 것이 공포가 된다!
Miss Tacuarembo
Director of Photography
Miss Tacuarembó is a unique mixture of drama, comedy, musical with touches of parody and nostalgia which for its beautiful narration will attract many open-minded viewers not only in Latin American world. The story of Natalia, the main hero, and her life's struggles is shown in different three eras of her life.
Panic Attack!
Guy in the Car
Giant robots appear out of the mist and attack the city of Montevideo, Uruguay.
Panic Attack!
Director of Photography
Giant robots appear out of the mist and attack the city of Montevideo, Uruguay.
The Dead Man
Director of Photography
A rural worker suffers an accident and understands that in a few minutes he is going to die. In absolute solitude and surrounded by a natural environment indifferent to his tragedy, he will face, without drama, the fact that these are his last minutes of life and nothing he can do to modify that destiny. Based on a story by Horacio Quiroga.
Camera Operator
The Silva family is pioneer and a role model within the community; it shows values and the goal to not let the candombe tradition fade away. Not only do they have an internal hierarchy, but also in his neighbourhood, Waldemar “Cachila” Silva is a respected leader. Cachila decide to pass on his legacy to his sons Matias and Wellington, who should now lead the family business, afro descendants playing candombe, a drum rhythm for the carnival contest and keep the privilege place obtained by the family. Patriarchy, hierarchy and cultural traditions are the concepts that drive this documentary about the life of a man of African descent and a dysfunctional family trying to perpetuate its power, which is crucial for the future of a culture.
Director of Photography
The Silva family is pioneer and a role model within the community; it shows values and the goal to not let the candombe tradition fade away. Not only do they have an internal hierarchy, but also in his neighbourhood, Waldemar “Cachila” Silva is a respected leader. Cachila decide to pass on his legacy to his sons Matias and Wellington, who should now lead the family business, afro descendants playing candombe, a drum rhythm for the carnival contest and keep the privilege place obtained by the family. Patriarchy, hierarchy and cultural traditions are the concepts that drive this documentary about the life of a man of African descent and a dysfunctional family trying to perpetuate its power, which is crucial for the future of a culture.
Director of Photography
Through the memories and confessions of some of the most important names in Uruguayan music, the film brings back to life the stories of the songs that defined a country and that, in some cases, helped change history.
Director of Photography
A box with no addressee or sender arrives at an office awakening the desire of the employees to get a hold of it.
La Matinée
Camera Operator
This is the story of a group of veteran musicians joined by two young artists to perform together after more than 20 years of inactivity in the Uruguayan carnival scene. In addition to demonstrating their talent, this film provides a look at their personal lives, lives that have always revolved around the magic of the carnival (Which lasts just a month per year), but that inevitably must make room for their daily life, far from show business and public recognition.
La Matinée
Director of Photography
This is the story of a group of veteran musicians joined by two young artists to perform together after more than 20 years of inactivity in the Uruguayan carnival scene. In addition to demonstrating their talent, this film provides a look at their personal lives, lives that have always revolved around the magic of the carnival (Which lasts just a month per year), but that inevitably must make room for their daily life, far from show business and public recognition.
Two Hitlers
Camera Operator
One is a former police officer, bodyguard and hairdresser. Currently retired, he takes care of his extravagant and almost hundred-year-old illiterate mother. He writes poems and hopes to see them published one day. The other, a declared womanizer, workaholic, and leftist, was imprisoned during the dictatorship, runs a small grocery shop, and controls the life of his young second wife. Both were born in the Uruguayan hinterland during the Second World War, and share the same name as well as the fact that neither has wished to change it. The film is a tragicomic portrait of a country whose cultural diversity, its peculiar history and the character of its inhabitants allow the existence of exceptional and remarkable persons that depict a live picture of Uruguay, with its plurality and contradictions, its small and large history, without departing a single moment from irony or reflection.
Two Hitlers
Director of Photography
One is a former police officer, bodyguard and hairdresser. Currently retired, he takes care of his extravagant and almost hundred-year-old illiterate mother. He writes poems and hopes to see them published one day. The other, a declared womanizer, workaholic, and leftist, was imprisoned during the dictatorship, runs a small grocery shop, and controls the life of his young second wife. Both were born in the Uruguayan hinterland during the Second World War, and share the same name as well as the fact that neither has wished to change it. The film is a tragicomic portrait of a country whose cultural diversity, its peculiar history and the character of its inhabitants allow the existence of exceptional and remarkable persons that depict a live picture of Uruguay, with its plurality and contradictions, its small and large history, without departing a single moment from irony or reflection.
Hobby Metal
Director of Photography
A strange character looks for metals at the beach.
Sea Males
Director of Photography
An exploration of the passionate dramas experienced by people who spend too much time lying at the beach.
Redrat: The Rebellious Rodent
Director of Photography
A laboratory rat which was sacrificed with scientific purposes comes back to life. The rodent claims for revenge but in its search for the culprits, it is manipulated by the members of a love triangle to solve their problems.
Words of Truth
Director of Photography
The documentary looks in the life and work of Mario Benedetti, especially in his poetic work, the keys to an illustrious Montevideo. A man who has had to live several exiles and has received all the awards that this world can give. But above all, the affection of an unconditional, massive and faithful audience that follows him everywhere and pampers him every day with their applause and reading. A sad childhood, a youth full of work and reading, and a maturity full of commitments marked Benedetti. His work testifies the history, that which only artists can tell.
Keep Off the Flowers
Camera Operator
At the time of the dictatorship in Uruguay, the University was one of the main centres of repression and a channel for the dissemination of state ideology. The institution's freedoms and rights that had been won through the process of autonomy and co-government were revoked. This documentary shows us university students during that period, their activist strategies, their struggles for participation, and the long road they travelled before finally playing an important role in the transition to democracy.
Keep Off the Flowers
Director of Photography
At the time of the dictatorship in Uruguay, the University was one of the main centres of repression and a channel for the dissemination of state ideology. The institution's freedoms and rights that had been won through the process of autonomy and co-government were revoked. This documentary shows us university students during that period, their activist strategies, their struggles for participation, and the long road they travelled before finally playing an important role in the transition to democracy.