Ivan Triesault

Ivan Triesault

출생 : 1898-07-14, Reval, Russian Empire [now Tallinn, Estonia]

사망 : 1980-01-03


Ivan Triesault (born Johann Constantin Treisalt; 13 July [O.S. 1 July] 1898 in Reval (now Tallinn) – January 3, 1980 in Los Angeles) was an Estonian-born American actor. His parents were from the island of Hiiumaa. His first stage appearance was at the German Theatre in Tallinn aged 14, before moving to the United States aged 18. There he began to train in acting and dance, working on Broadway before moving into film. His notable roles include appearances in Cry of the Werewolf (1944), The Story of Dr. Wassell (1944), A Song to Remember (1945), Notorious (1946), 5 Fingers (1952), Jet Pilot (1957), Journey to the Center of the Earth (1959), It Happened in Athens (1962), Von Ryan's Express (1965), Batman (1966) and The Wild Wild West. He died in 1980 due to cardiac failure at age 81. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

프로필 사진

Ivan Triesault

참여 작품

The Lady, or the Tiger?
The King
A visually experimental adaptation of the classic Frank Stockton short story.
The Search for the Evil One
West German Delegate (uncredited)
전 세계를 장악하기 위해 캣우먼, 조커, 리들러, 펭귄 등 지하세계의 네 악당이 함께 뭉쳐 최대의 걸림돌인 배트맨을 물리치기 위한 음모를 꾸미고, 이에 맞서는 배트맨과 로빈의 활약이 펼쳐진다.
Lt. Brandt
A German living in India during World War II is blackmailed by the English to impersonate an SS officer on board a cargo ship leaving Japan for Germany carrying a large supply of rubber for tyres. His mission is to disable the scuttling charges so the captain cannot sink the ship if they are stopped by English warships.
탈주 특급
Von Kleist
제2차 세계 대전이 끝나가는 1944년 이탈리아 북부에 있는 한 연합군 포로 수용소에 폭격 임무중 격추되어 포로가 된 미공군의 조셉 라이언 대령이 오게 된다. 이 포로 수용소에는 영국군과 미군이 함께 수용되어 있는데 패전을 예상한 이탈리아군이 관리 책임을 맡고 있지만, 독일군의 강압적인 태도에 불만을 품고 연합군 포로들에게 우호적이다. 상급자인 라이언 대령은 자연스럽게 연합군 포로들의 지휘관이 되는데 마침 이탈리아에는 정변이 일어나 무솔리니가 실각하고 이탈리아 정부는 연합군과 협상을 하려한다. 포로 수용소의 연합군 포로들도 이 소식을 듣고 기뻐하지만 독일군은 이탈리아 북부를 재빨리 점령하고 포로수용소도 접수한다. 그리고 연합군 포로들을 독일 본토로 이동시키는 계획을 수립하고 포로들을 열차 편으로 수송하기 시작하는데, 이를 알게 된 연합군 포로들은 라이언 대령의 지휘로 수송열차를 탈취해서 중립국인 스위스로 탈출하려고 한다. 알프스 산중에서 수송열차를 탈취한 포로들은 곧 독일군의 대대적인 공격을 받게 되고 격전 끝에 가까스로 국경을 넘는데 성공하지만 지휘관인 라이언 대령은 독일군에게 사살된다.
비바 라스 베가스
Head Captain (uncredited)
라스 베이거스의 자동차 수리공이자 레이서인 럭키(엘비스 프레슬리)는 호텔 수영장 강사 러스티(앤 마거릿>에게 한눈에 반해 갖은 구애 끝에 그녀의 사랑을 얻어낸다. 연인관계가 된 러스티는 럭키의 위험한 레이싱을 반대하는데 그 말에 아랑곳하지 않는 럭키는 모터 살 돈을 구하려고 장기자랑 콘테스트에 나간다. 1등을 하긴 했지만 돈 대신 허니문 상품권을 얻은 럭키는 레이스 참가를 포기해야 할지 고민에 빠진다.
It Happened in Athens
Grandpa Loues / Mr. Trisapopolis
In 1896 it is announced that the Olympic Games will be revived in Athens. A young shepherd, Spiridon Loues, decides to enter the 26-mile marathon. Once in Athens, he meets Christina Gratsos, a young woman from his hometown who is now the personal maid of Eleni Costa, Greece's most glamorous actress. Though he has arrived after the qualification date, Spiridon's athletic prowess so impresses Coach Graham of the American team that he is permitted to enter the contest. Eleni informs the press that she will marry the victor, confident it will be her lover, Lieutenant Vinardos.
Escapade in Florence
Professor Levenson
American students, Tommy and Annette, find themselves in a heap of trouble when they accidentally discover an art forgery ring in Florence, Italy.
바라바는 예수 대신 석방되어 도적질과 폭력으로 가득했던 예전의 삶으로 돌아간다. 그러나 그가 총애하던 창녀 라헬은 기독교도가 되었다 돌에 맞아 죽는다. 사람을 죽이고 도둑질을 일삼는 삶을 계속하던 바라바는 다시 체포되어 평생 동안 광산 노역을 선고받는다. 바라바는 광산에서 기독교도인 사하크를 만나고, 바라바를 알아본 사하크는 그를 공격하려 들지만 둘은 얼마 안 가 친구가 된다. 바라바는 광산에서 20년을 일하며 죽음을 선고받았던 때의 고통과 예수의 희생에 대한 기억으로 고통받는다. 바라바와 사하크는 광산의 매몰에서 살아남아 로마 콜로세움으로 가게 된다. 둘은 그곳에서 검투사로 훈련을 받지만 사하크는 죽음을 당하고, 바라바는 사하크의 복수를 감행한다. 기독교도인 사하크의 시신을 기독교 모임으로 옮겨간 바라바는 섣부른 신앙을 내보였다가 그곳에서도 배척받는다. 신의 말씀을 잘못 이해한 바라바는 로마의 대화재에 가담하지만, 결국은 순교자가 된다.
Lewis Venable (uncredited)
The epic story of a family that's involved in the Oklahoma Land Rush in 1889.
I'll Give My Life
This story opens with John Bradford throwing a graduation party for his son, Jim, who has just earned a degree in engineering. John has planned to make his son a partner in his engineering firm for many years. However, Jim has decided to enter the ministry.
The Amazing Transparent Man
Dr. Peter Ulof
An ex-major forces a scientist to develop a invisibility formula, with which he plans to create an invisible army and sell it to the highest bidder. However there are side effects to the formula.
마그마 탐험대
Prof. Göteborg
계속 영화화되는 쥘 베른의 걸작 SF 소설 '지구속 여행'을 원작으로 하는 영화. [지구속 탐험]이라는 제목으로 알려져 있기도 하다.
Mardi Gras
Bernard - Maitre d' (uncredited)
A military school cadet romances a visiting French actress during Mardi Gras. With songs, kissing and New Orleans locations.
Prof. Julius Angermann
In melodramatic fashion, the film tells the tale of a young German woman who finds herself alone in the world when the rest of her family is killed in a WWII air raid. Helping an American military man escape the Gestapo, she finds herself on the run from the Russian Army. Escaping to the American (and safe) side of Berlin, she registers herself as a prostitute (unknowingly) and finds herself caught between the German officer who thinks she is for sale and the American officer who she saved and is now in love with her.
젯 파일럿
Gen. Dimitri Langrad
John Wayne stars as U.S. Air Force aviator Jim Shannon, who's tasked with escorting a Soviet pilot (Janet Leigh) claiming -- at the height of the Cold War -- that she wants to defect. After falling in love with and wedding the fetching flyer, Shannon learns from his superiors that she's a spy on a mission to extract military secrets. To save his new wife from prison and deportation, Shannon devises a risky plan in this 1957 drama.
Not One Shall Die
Military Officer
A short film by the United Jewish Appeal, directed by David Lowell Rich and starring Guy Madison, Felicia Farr and Agnes Moorehead, made by the core crew of many Columbia noirs, including cinematographer Burnett Guffey, art director Cary Odell, editor Al Clark, set decorator Frank Tuttle, and composer Morris Stoloff.
걸 인 더 레드 벨벳 스윙
Ludwig (uncredited)
Broadway showgirl Evelyn Nesbit (Joan Collins) is the object of affection of two men: playboy architect Stanford White (Ray Milland) and wealthy but unstable Harry Thaw (Farley Granger). She marries Thaw, but White’s continued pursuit puts him in the path of Thaw’s volatile temper. Inspired by true events that occurred at the turn of the 20th century.
Her Twelve Men
Erik Haldeman
An inexperienced female teacher is hired at a private elite school for boys where she raises a few eyebrows among the all-male faculty.
Charge of the Lancers
Dr. Manus
The downward spiral of the quality of films Paulette Goddard appeared in in the 1950's would cause a gravitational blackout to anyone viewing them in a single day, but with some of the all-time great schlock names serving as the producers---Sam Katzman, the Danziger brothers, Albert Zugsmith and---gasp---Sigmund Neufeld--- the results easily met the low expectations.
Border River
Baron Von Hollden
A Confederate officer travels to a wild Mexican border town to buy guns, aiming to keep up the fight against the Yankees - but who can he trust in this lawless place?
Young Bess
Danish Envoy
The mother died under the executioner's axe; the daughter rose to become England's greatest monarch -- the brilliant and cunning Queen Elizabeth I. Jean Simmons portrays young Bess in this rich tapestry of a film that traces the tumultuous, danger-fraught years from Elizabeth's birth to her unexpected ascension to the throne at a mere 25. Charles Laughton reprises his Academy Award®-winning* role as her formidable father Henry VIII. Deborah Kerr plays her last stepmother (and Henry's last of six wives), gentle Catherine Parr. And Simmons' then real-life husband, Stewart Granger, adds heroics as Lord Admiral Thomas Seymour. In a resplendent world of adventure, romance and court intrigue, Young Bess reigns.
A Tale of Two Cities
The President
A dramatization originally for TV on the Plymouth Playhouse. A retelling of the Charles Dickens story.
Ma and Pa Kettle on Vacation
Henri Dupre
The Kettles are in Paris along with their daughter-in-law's parents the Parkers. Pa tries to buy racy postcards. He also gets in big trouble when he is given a letter to deliver to Adolph Wade, a spy who gets killed by spies Inez and Cyrus Kraft.
미녀와 건달
Von Ellstein
여배우 조지아 로리슨과 감독 프레드 아니엘과 작가 제임스 리 바틀로우, 프로듀서 헤리 펩벨의 요청으로 헐리우드 사운드 스테지의 모임의 초대 받았다. 펩벨은 스튜디오 국장 조나단 실드와 일하고 있다. 조나단은 스튜디오의 제정적인 곤란을 겪고 있고 있으며 대히트를 해야만 한다. 만약 이 세명이 새로운 프로젝트에 참여 한다면 그가 손해볼 일은 없을거라 그는 확신한다.
사막의 여우
롬멜(Erwin Rommel: 제임스 메이슨 분)과 다른 동료들은 히틀러의 광기 어린 통치로 인해 조국이 패망의 길로 치닫고 있음을 점차적으로 깨닫게 되고, 나라를 구하는 길은 오직 히틀러를 제거하는 길 뿐임을 인식한다. 롬멜은 서방과의 평화 복원을 위해 총통을 암살할 계획을 세우지만, 계획은 실패로 돌아가고, 이어 대대적인 반역자 색출 및 제거 작업이 뒤따른다. 북아프리카 전선에서 사막의 여우같은 능수능란한 전술을 구사했던 롬멜은 조국을 사랑했던 성실한 군인의 표상으로 묘사되는데, 자신의 상급 지휘관이었던 폰 룬슈타트 장군과 함께 연합군의 노르망디 상륙을 저지하지 못했던 것이 베를린 수뇌부의 적절치 못한 간섭에 기인한 것으로 설명된다. 이를 계기로 롬멜은 히틀러에 대한 암살 가담 결심을 굳히지만 계획이 성공하지 못하자, 베를린 수뇌부에 의해 곧 반역자로 지목되는데...
The Lady and the Bandit
King George
Highwayman Dick Turpin rides 200 miles to save his wife from the gallows in 18th-century England.
My True Story
Alexis Delios
Ann Martin (Helen Walker) is serving time as a jewel thief. She is paroled and determined to stay clean. She quickly finds out that she was paroled by an old, vicious boss that has picked her for a job. It is dangerous for her to say yes or no.
The Russian
During the British Raj, the orphan of a British soldier poses as a Hindu and is torn between his loyalty to a Buddhist mystic and aiding the English secret service.
Frank Bigelow is about to die, and he knows it. The accountant has been poisoned and has only 24 hours before the lethal concoction kills him. Determined to find out who his murderer is, Frank, with the help of his assistant and girlfriend, Paula, begins to trace back over his last steps. As he frantically tries to unravel the mystery behind his own impending demise, his sleuthing leads him to a group of crooked businessmen and another murder.
The Sickle or the Cross
I.V. Morse
Reverend John Burnside, American missionary in the Far East, prepares to return home after twenty years to take up the fight against Communism. The Reds imprison him and send in his place a spy who is his double, but who is instructed to come out for Communism. The spy is accepted in Burnside's home town, and he reports to local Communist headquarters, where James John, prominent local businessman but in reality a Red agent, has instructions to assist him in all details of his mission. He does a series of personal appearances and radio interviews and talk shows, using an anti-Communist approach.
조니 알레그로
Pelham Vetch
Treasury Department officials recruit a florist (Raft) to lead them to a wanted criminal (Macready); but once he gets too close, he finds he's the hunted.
Home in San Antone
Jewel Theif
Posing as unemployed musicians, Roy Acuff and his Smoky Mountain Boys, are being helped by Ted Gibson owner of the Harmony Inn in San Antonio, Texas. Gibson is impoverished because he keeps buying his kleptomaniac Uncle Zeke out of trouble, supports his Ma, and Grandpa. He wants to marry Jean Wallace, and doesn't know that Acuff and his musicians are traveling incognito for the radio show "Who Am I Helping?" If he guesses their identity, he wins $100,000.
The Woman from Tangier
This one has Nylon, an American dancer fleeing Morocco after her employer gets into trouble with the police, and she stops off at Tangiers on her way to Gibraltar. $50,000, in gold, is stolen from the ship's safe and the captain tells the police that the purser was the thief and that he had to kill him in self defense, but the purser must have hidden the money before he got dead. The purser isn't in any position to make a disclaimer. Everybody buys that with the exception of an insurance detective, Shapley, who, along with the audience, suspects the captain of being the thief shows up to investigate further. Written By Les Adams
골든 이어링스
Major Reimann
A British colonel escapes from the Gestapo to the Black Forest and poses as a Gypsy's mate.
The Crimson Key
Peter Vandaman
Larry Morgan, a private detective, is hired by a woman who wants Larry to trail her husband. The husband is murdered and, shortly afterwards, the wife is also killed. Larry shuffles through a long list of suspects before revealing the killer...
Crime Doctor's Man Hunt
A criminal psychologist investigates the murder of a veteran with amnesia.
Eric Mathis
2차 세계대전 말기 미국에서 나치 첩자 한 명이 징역형을 언도받는다. 아버지의 활동에는 전혀 관여하지 않았던 그 첩자의 딸인 엘리샤는 방탕한 생활을 보내고 있다. 어느날 데블린이라고 자신을 밝힌 정부 기관원이 그녀에게 접근해 정부의 극비 임무를 수행해 줄 것을 부탁한다. 그녀는 그 부탁을 받아들이고 두 사람은 함께 리오로 떠난다. 그런데 두 사람은 사랑에 빠진다. 그러나 데블린은 그녀가 플레이걸이었다는 사실이 마음에 걸려 그녀와 일정한 거리를 유지한다. 엘리샤의 임무는 아버지의 옛 동료인 세바스찬에게 접근하는 것이다. 세비스찬은 브라질로 피신해 있는 유명한 나치들에게 자신의 집을 은신처로 제공하고 있다. 그녀는 세바스천과 접촉하는 데 성공해 곧 그의 집을 정기적으로 드나들 수 있게 된다. 세바스천은 그녀를 사랑하게 되고 결국 청혼을 한다. 그녀는 데블린이 세바스천과의 결혼에 반대하길 원했으나 그러지 않자 그 청혼을 받아들인다. 이때 그녀는 데블린으로부터 세바스천이 항상 휴대하고 다니는 지하 포도주 저장실의 열쇠를 손에 넣으라는 지령을 받게되는데...
Sgt. Johann Grillparzer
Two Russians fight to escape the seven Nazi soldiers trapped with them in a bombed building.
Escape in the Fog
Hausmer, Schiller's Henchman
A military nurse recovering at an inn from a nervous breakdown keeps having dreams where she sees two men trying to murder a third. When she meets a man who is a federal agent at the inn, she is astounded to discover that he is the man in her dream who is the intended murder victim.
송 투 리멤버
Monsieur Chopin (uncredited)
폴란드의 세계적인 음악가인 프레데리크 프랑수아 쇼팽의 전기영화. 작곡가이자 피아니스트인 쇼팽의 이야기에 픽션을 가미하여 제작되었다.
Strange Affair
Dr. Igor Baumler (Uncredited)
Eminent psychiatrist Dr. Brenner invites cartoonist Bill Harrison and his wife, Jack, to a banquet honoring war refugees. Bill volunteers to pick up fellow psychiatrist Dr. Baumler at the train station, but the man vanishes when he has Bill stop so he can use a pay phone. At the dinner, Bill and Jack are seated with Brenner's daughter, Freda, and, to Bill's surprise, another man is introduced as Baumler -- who dies moments later.
Cry of the Werewolf
Jan Spavero
A young gypsy girl turns into a wolf to destroy her enemies.
머미스 고스트
Museum Guide (uncredited)
An Egyptian high priest travels to America to reclaim the bodies of ancient Egyptian princess Ananka and her living guardian mummy Kharis. Learning that Ananka's spirit has been reincarnated into another body, he kidnaps a young woman of Egyptian descent with a mysterious resemblance to the princess. However, the high priest's greedy desires cause him to lose control of the mummy...
Days of Glory
German Lieutenant (uncredited)
A heroic guerilla group fights back against impossible odds during the 1941 Nazi invasion of Russia.
The Black Parachute
Colonel Pavlec
A paratrooper drops behind enemy lines to rescue the deposed king of a mythical Balkan nation.
Mission to Moscow
Mr. Tukhachevsky (Former General) (uncredited)
Ambassador Joseph Davies is sent by FDR to Russia to learn about the Soviet system and returns to America as an advocate of Stalinism.