Lyn Murray

출생 : 1909-12-06, London, England, UK

사망 : 1989-05-20

참여 작품

Tandy, Merideth and assorted others unexpectedly wake up in a steambath with no easy exit. After spending some time there, it becomes clear that the steambath is a sort of Afterlife, where indifferent souls come to tell their stories to God who happens to be the attendant picking up the towels.
Also known as "Dragnet 1966," this TV movie was originally the pilot for the 1967 relaunch of the original 1950s "Dragnet" radio show and TV show (which also had it's own movie in 1954, from the same creative team). However, the pilot wasn't actually aired until 1969. In this feature-length entry, Sgt. Joe Friday is called back from vacation to work with his partner, Officer Bill Gannon, on a missing persons case. Two amateur female models and a young war widow have vanished, having been last seen with one J. Johnson. In the course of tracking down Johnson and the young ladies, the detectives wind up with two different descriptions of the suspect, one of which closely resembles a dead body found in a vacant lot. But the dead man, later identified as Charles LeBorg of France, proves not to be J. Johnson, when a third young model disappears.
The Smugglers
Original Music Composer
A woman and her stepdaughter attempt to sneak a few souvenirs past customs and inadvertently become the couriers for an international smuggling ring.
Escape to Mindanao
Original Music Composer
Two American POWs break out of a Japanese jungle prison camp with their captors' secret decoding device and try to reach freedom despite being slowed by an opportunistic sea captain, his pretty daughter, and a black marketeer.
Now You See It, Now You Don't
Original Music Composer
A bumbling art expert, hired by an insurance company to protect a Rembrandt on loan from the Louvre, schemes to steal it.
Original Music Composer
An eccentric Los Angeles dowager decides to fight back when her two greedy daughters attempt to have her declared legally insane.
Promise Her Anything
Original Music Composer
A widowed mother decides to go after the child psychologist she works for because she thinks he'll be able to provide for her toddler, the catch is her employer doesn't know about her son and he doesn't particularly care for children despite his profession.
Signpost to Murder
Original Music Composer
An escaped mental patient, reported to be homicidal, hides out in a woman's rural home.
피어리어드 오브 어저스먼트
Original Music Composer
테네시 윌리엄스의 희곡을 영상화한 죠지 로이 힐 감독의 첫 데뷔작. 신혼여행 중인 한 신혼부부가 결혼에 문제가 있는 친구들을 방문해 그들의 결혼생활 문제를 도우려 한다.
자렌에서의 탈출
Original Music Composer
중동 가상의 산유국 자렌에서 권력을 잡은 통치자는 소련과 동맹을 맺고 자렌을 공산화하려고 한다. 자렌의 장군인 사이프는 이에 반기를 들다가 투옥되어 사형되기 직전에 동료들로부터 구출되고 다른 죄수 3명과 함께 자렌을 탈출하려고 하는데...
All Hands on Deck
Original Music Composer
The admiral is coming, so a sailor and his buddy hide their girlfriend and pet turkey.
Magoo's Masquerade
The near-sighted Mr. Magoo is on his way to take a French ballet star to a ball, but he makes a wrong turn and ends up escorting an ostrich, a zoo fugitive, in her place. A detective becomes suspicious, as well he might, when the ostrich becomes attached to some of the guest's jewels. Magoo finally takes his date home and he suspects that she would like for him to call again.
잊을 수 없는 그날
Original Music Composer
노르만디 침공을 배경으로 한 전쟁터가 배경이 된다. 다가오는 전투에 맞닥뜨린 미국과 영국의 두 장교를 통해 그들의 사랑을 회상하며 전형적인 전개로 시작된다. 미국군 장교인 G.I는 아프리카 전쟁터로 나간 영국 특공대 군인의 아내와 사랑에 빠지게 되면서 그들의 운명은 갈라지게 된다.
On the Threshold of Space
Original Music Composer
In the early stages of the space program, Capt. Jim Hollenbeck undergoes any experiment needed to ensure success in the new Air Force branch -- even though he's not required to be a subject in the tests. Always remaining a constant source of support, his wife, Pat, accepts his unwavering commitment to scientific progress. When Maj. Ward Thomas becomes the new head of the program, Hollenbeck must convince him of the necessity of taking the extra steps.
나는 결백하다
Original Music Composer
최고급 호텔인 리비에라 호텔에서 보석 강도 사건이 벌어진다. 경찰은 범행 대상과 범행 방식이 왕년에 보석강도로 유명했던 존 로비(캐리 그란트 분)와 매우 유사하다는 점을 발견하고 그를 범인으로 지목한다. 한편, 집에서 머물고 있던 존 로비는 갑작스런 경찰의 방문에 당황한다. 쫓고 쫓기는 추격전 끝에 겨우 도망친 존은 감옥 동기가 운영하는 식당으로 가지만 그 곳에서도 냉대를 받는다. 결국 존은 자신의 수법을 그대로 흉내 낸 범인을 직접 잡아 누명을 벗기로 결심한다. 경찰의 추격을 따돌리면서 진범을 잡기 위해 애쓰던 존은 카지노에서 스티븐슨 부인과 그녀의 딸 프란시스(그레이스 켈리 분)를 만나게 된다. 모든 정황이 존에게 불리한 상황. 프란시스 역시 그를 보석강도 사건의 진범이라고 생각하고 결정적인 증거를 포착하기 위해 접근한다. 그런데 그 와중에 프란시스의 감정이 미묘하게 변하기 시작하는데...
원한의 도곡리 다리
Original Music Composer
동해에서 작전 중인 미해군 항모의 항공대에 어려운 임무가 부여된다. 수차례의 공습에도 불구하고 험준한 지형과 그물같은 대공방어망에 의해서 난공불락으로 버티고 있는 북괴군의 주요 보급로인 도곡리의 철교를 폭격하라는 것이었다. 홀든이 이끄는 비행대는 비같이 쏟아지는 대공포를 뚫고 결사적인 돌입을 감행하여 드디어 철교를 명중시킨다. 돌아오는 길에 그는 2차목표에 대한 공격을 하다가 그만 적탄에 맞아 낙하를 한다. 동료들이 방어를 해주는 가운데 필사적으로 구조대를 기다리던 홀든은 그만 북괴군의 총탄에 쓰러지고 만다.
Casanova's Big Night
Original Music Composer
Italy 1757, Pippo Popolino, a lowly tailor, disguises himself as the great Casanova in order to romance the attractive widow Francesca. He little suspects what awaits him... Locked into the incongruous role by the desperation of the real Casanova's creditors, Pippo must journey to Venice on a delicate mission far beyond his capabilities.
Here Come the Girls
Music Director
Bob Hope stars as an inept member of the chorus boy in a turn of the century stage show. After being fired, he finds himself starring acting as a decoy when a killer goes after the real star.
Here Come the Girls
Original Music Composer
Bob Hope stars as an inept member of the chorus boy in a turn of the century stage show. After being fired, he finds himself starring acting as a decoy when a killer goes after the real star.
The Girls of Pleasure Island
In the spring of 1945, World War II is coming to a close. Roger Halyard, a dignified, strait-laced Englishmen, lives on a South Sea atoll with his three daughters, Gloria, Hester and Violet, along with the housekeeper, Thelma, who has raised the girls since childhood. Other than their father, the girls have never seen another man. Halyard is informed that 1500 U.S. Marines will soon arrive to establish an air base on the island. Halyard is rather apprehensive over the prospect of his daughters, who have never met another man, being thrown together with 1500 Marines who haven't seen a woman in months.
페일페이스의 아들
Original Music Composer
Peter Potter Jr. returns to claim his father's gold, which is nowhere to be found.
The Big Night
Original Music Composer
A young man zigzags through the sordid vortex of downtown Los Angeles while seeking vengeance on the man that beat his father.
Original Music Composer
로스앤젤레스, 캘리포니아. 직업에 불만을 품고 업무상 문제를 남 탓으로 돌리는 경찰이 유부녀 집에 수상한 사람이 배회한다는 제보를 받고 수사하게 된다.
로스앤젤레스, 캘리포니아. 직업에 불만을 품고 업무상 문제를 남 탓으로 돌리는 경찰이 유부녀 집에 수상한 사람이 배회한다는 제보를 받고 수사하게 된다.
Magic Carpet
Original Music Composer
A young student living in Rome gets a job as a tour guide and falls in love with a young stowaway who is being sought by the police.