Assistant Medical Examiner
Sandra Carpenter is a London-based dancer who is distraught to learn that her friend has disappeared. Soon after the disappearance, she's approached by Harley Temple, a police investigator who believes her friend has been murdered by a serial killer who uses personal ads to find his victims. Temple hatches a plan to catch the killer using Sandra as bait, and Sandra agrees to help.
Penny Addams lives in a constant state of depression stemming from the trauma of her father's death when she was just a young girl. Her brother, Chase, and stepmother, Lee, work to help Penny process her grief through psychotherapy and revisiting their past, but only the revelation of long-buried family secrets -- including her mother's secret lover and the true nature of her father's death -- can bring Penny out of her intense despair.
Man at Club (uncredited)
어느 저녁, 이름난 범죄심리학 교수 완리의 가족들은 잠시 여행을 떠나고, 교수는 친구들과 함께 클럽에서 중년의 허망함에 대해 애기한다. 클럽을 나서던 완리는 옆 가게의 쇼윈도에 걸려있는 한 여인의 초상화 앞에서 발길을 떼지 못한다. 어느 저녁, 클럽을 나서던 완리는 앨리스란 아가씨를 만나는데, 그녀는 쇼윈도에 걸려 있던 초상화와 너무나도 닮았다. 그녀의 초상에 반해있던 완리는 함께 그녀의 아파트에 가게되고, 불쑥 들이닥친 엘리스의 남자친구와 몸싸움 끝에 살인을 하게 이른다.
English Colonel
A cocky Air Force pilot stationed in England during World War II falls for a daring female flier. After he's killed on a mission, he is sent back to Earth by heavenly General with a new assignment.
King Oscar (uncredited)
어린 폴란드 물리학 박사 마리는 잠시 동안 피에르의 연구실에서 일하게 되고 둘은 결혼한다. 베크렐의 영향을 받은 그들은 방사능을 연구하기로 한다. 많은 실험 후 그들은 우랴륨보다 훨씬 강한 방사능성을 내는 물질을 발견하고 그것의 분리작업을 시도한다. 대학교의 임시 연구소에서 수년의 실험후에 그들은 극소량의 새로운 원소를 분리하는데 성공한다. 그러나 그들의 대단한 발견에도 불구하고 남편 피에르는 교통사고로 사망한다. 퀴리부인의 일대기를 다룬 영화로 과학도로서의 그녀의 꿈과 사랑을 다룬 전기영화다.
Mr. Jamison
Hired actors posing as Russian royalty complicate a social-climbing mother's efforts to fix up her son with the daughter of a wealthy Texas rancher.
In 1940 England, aristocratic Prudence Cathaway alarms her snobbish parents by joining the WAF service branch. She soon meets and falls in love with the brooding Clive Briggs, despite his prejudice against the upper classes, and agrees to spend a week with him at a Dover hotel. When Clive's soldier friend, Monty, arrives to retrieve him, Prudence learns that Clive went AWOL after Dunkirk, and urges him to recall why England must fight the war.
Cafe Patron
An Austrian prince flees his homeland when the Nazis take over and settles in London. He meets a beautiful Austrian émigré who makes him realize his mistake in leaving. He makes a deal with the Nazis to return in exchange for some Austrian prisoners, but discovers that the Nazis are not to be trusted.
Rightful owner of the kingdom, the Duchess of Zona, is engaged in a power struggle with the evil General Gurko. Edmond, the son of Monte Cristo, dons many disguises to come to the aid of the Duchess.
British Naval Officer
올리 올젠은 늘 고향으로 돌아가 농장을 하고 싶어하는 스웨덴 출신의 선원이다. 그러나 그는 항해가 끝나고 부두에 정착하게 될 때마다 동료 선원들과 함께 술에 만취하게 되고 그 결과 고향으로 돌아가려는 소원을 이루지 못하고 또 다시 배를 타게 되곤 한다. 올리가 타고 있는 배에는 아일랜드 출신으로 선원들의 리더인 드리스콜, 두고 온 아내와 자식에 대한 죄의식으로 괴로워하는 스미티, 소년처럼 감상적인 엑셀 등이 등장한다. 2년이란 오랜 선상 생활 속에서 우정을 키워온 거친 바다 사나이들은 부두에 정착한 뒤 배에서 내려 마음껏 술을 마시며 여흥을 즐긴다. 하지만 술로 인해 고향으로 돌아가려는 꿈을 이루지 못했던 올리는 애써 술을 피하는데 사악한 술집 주인과 작부의 음모로 결국 술을 주문하게 되고, 약을 탄 술을 마신 올리는 정신을 잃고 쓰러진다. 그리고 또 다시 고향으로 돌아가려는 꿈은 깨지고 만다.
적령기를 맞고 있다. 온순하고 마음이 착하며 만사에 내성적인 맏딸 제인에 비해, 둘째 딸 엘리자베스는 인습에 사로잡히지 않고 재치가 넘치는 발랄한 아가씨였다. 제인은 근처에 이사온 늠름한 청년 빙리를 사랑하게 되지만, 신중하게 자기 애정을 숨기고 있다. 빙리의 친구 다시는 겉치레를 우습게 알기 때문에, 성격 연구가임을 내세우는 엘리자베스에 대해서조차 신분을 내세우는 `오만`한 남자라는 인상을 주지만, 결국 자유롭고 활달한 엘리자베스를 사랑하게 된다. 그러나, 다시는 베네트 부인과 아래로 세 명의 딸들이 어리석게 행동하기 때문에 그 이상 더 엘리자베스와 관계가 깊어지는 것을 꺼려하였다.
빙리도 역시 제인을 사랑하고는 있었으나, 그녀의 사랑을 받을 수 있을 것인지 자신감을 상실하게 된다. 이리하여 결국 이들 두 청년은 그 땅에서 떠나간다. 다시는 그 뒤 신분의 격차가 있고, 저속한 중매인에 대한 혐오감도 있지만, 그 모든 장애를 뛰어넘어 엘리자베스에게 구혼한다. 그러나 그녀는 다시가 `오만`하다는 `편견`을 가지고 있었기 때문에 그 구애를 거부 한다. 그러나 경박하고 낯이 두터운 콜린스와 싹싹하기는 하지만 성실하지 못 한 위컴과의 교제를 통하여 첫인상이 중요하지 않다는 사실을 깨닫게 된다. 그 외에도 여러 가지 사건과 만남을 통하여 다시가 실은 너그럽고 생각이 깊은 인물이라는 사실을 알게 되어, 엘리자베스는 자기 `편견 `을 시정한다. 한편 다시는 빙리에 대한 제인의 사랑이 진실되다는 사실을 알고, 두 사람의 결혼을 주선한다. 그리고 다아시와 엘리자베스도 이해와 애정과 존경으로 맺어진다.
The Grand Hotel formula that was so overworked in the 1930s made an encore appearance in 1940's Escape to Glory. The story is given timeliness by placing the characters on a British merchant ship on the very day that World War II is declared. The ship is attacked by a Nazi U-Boat, resulting in a variety of reactions from the diverse passengers--one of whom (Erwin Kalser) is a German doctor. Constance Bennett is glamorous, Pat O'Brien is boozy, John Halliday is pensive, and everybody else (except for the German medico) is plain fearful.
Toff (uncredited)
제2차 세계대전 중 휴가를 나온 로이 대위는 복귀를 앞두고 워털루 다리를 산책한다. 공습 경보가 울려 대피소로 향하던 로이는 마이라라는 아름다운 여성과 만난다. 발레리나인 마이라는 로이 대위와 사랑에 빠지지만 로이는 곧 전쟁터로 호출되는데...
비비안 리의 청순한 모습을 만날 수 있는 마빈 르로이 감독의 작품으로, 국내에서 할리우드 멜로 드라마의 고전으로 알려졌다.
Elevator Passenger (uncredited)
Kenny Williams, a lieutenant on the homicide squad, is engaged to Maxine Carroll, the Mayor's secretary. Or isn't he rather married with his job? For each time he has a date with his longtime fiancée, he is prevented from keeping it by his devotion to duty. Maxine, in desperation, decides to take action and bring Kenny to the altar. Who will win, Maxine's curves or the glorious fight against crime?
Banker (Uncredited)
The struggle of a man to build a steam ship to take him across the Atlantic in spite of all setbacks, and his win against a crack sailing boat in the early 19th century.
Senator Ashman (uncredited)
잭슨시를 대표하는 상원의원이 임기 중에 급사한다. 잭슨시의 다른 상원의원인 조세프 페인은 잭슨시 주지사에게 전화를 걸어 새로운 상원의원을 선출하라고 지시한다. 새로운 의원의 조건은 페인과 그의 재정적 후원자인 짐 테일러의 댐건설 계획을 방해하지 않을 인물이어야 한다는 단서가 붙는다. 주지사는 고민 끝에 보이스카웃 단장인 제퍼슨 스미스를 임명한다. 아이들과 다람쥐나 잡으러 쫓아다니는 순박한 촌뜨기야말로 정치판의 꼭두각시 역할로 적격이라는데 의견을 같이했기 때문이다. 스미스는 죽은 아버지의 친구이자 존경하는 정치가인 페인 의원과 함께 워싱턴으로 향한다. 상원의원으로 임명된 제퍼슨은 잭슨시의 월워크 계곡에 소년 야영장을 만들려는 계획을 입안하여 상정하려 하지만 월워크 계곡에 댐을 건설하려는 페인과 테일러의 계획과 맞부딪친다. 이에 페인은 스미스를 등원시키지 않으려고 음모를 꾸미는데...
Undetermined Role (uncredited)
The future is bleak for a troubled boy from a broken home in the slums. He runs away when his step father breaks his violin, ending up sleeping in the basement of a music school for poor children.
과거 1600년대 루이 13세는 아들이 생기며 그의 온 국민들과 좋은 시간을 보내고 있었다. 같은 시각 왕에겐 또 한 명의 아들이 생기면서 문제가 생긴다. 그의 신하 콜베트경은 분쟁을 피하기 위해 총사대장인 달타냥에게 2번 째 아들을 키우게 왕에게 제안한다. 왕은 그의 제안을 받아 드려 그 아이에게 필립이라 이름을 지어주고 달타냥은 그의 고향인 가스코뉴로 향한다. 20년 후 루이 14세는 그의 신하 푸케경의 계획에 따라 온 갓 세금을 올리고 국민들의 생활은 점점 힘들어져만 간다. 왕은 스페인의 공주 마리아 테레사 공주와의 약혼식을 앞두고 가스코뉴에 납세를 거부하는 반역자들이 있다는 소식을 접하고 그들을 체포하란 명령을 내린다. 다음날 왕은 대성당으로 하는 중 암살을 계획하는 자들이 있다는 소식도 접한다. 왕의 명령으로 체포된 자들은 달타냥의 총사들의 필립. 왕은 필립을 보고서 놀람을 감추지 못하고 그를 대성당으로 보내 죽음을 피할 계획을 세운다.
Ambulance Doctor
Hugh “Bulldog” Drummond is on the precipice of matrimony to his beloved Phyllis -- but a bank robbery and a daring escape is going to get in their way before they reach the altar.
Wedding Master of Ceremonies
Captain Drummond and his girlfriend want to marry but a hidden treasure in the house in which they want to celebrate their marriage is complicating the situation involving a series of deaths and an elusive murderer.
Robert Louis Stevenson's hero David Balfour joins rebel Alan Breck Stewart in 18th-century Scotland.
In 1921, British Lord Athleigh arrives in Dublin with his daughter, Helen, to engage in peace talks. As wanted Irish rebel leader Dennis Riordan is not recognized in public, he is able to move about freely and saves the Athleighs from an assassination attempt by a radical faction. Dennis and Helen meet again and, unaware of his position, Helen falls in love with him. Later when Dennis admits his identity, Helen must make a fateful decision.
Survivors of a shipwreck find refuge on a tropical island--but so do the ship's cargo of lions and tigers.
Assistant Commissioner Kenyon
Fresh from Chinatown in New York, Harry Young has taken over the illegal import business in the seamy Limehouse district of London, where he cold-bloodedly disposes of rivals and runs a smoky nightclub. He falls for a low-class, white pickpocket, diminishing his pride in the Chinese half of his heritage and sparking the jealousy of the nightclub's moody star performer.
Beatrice's Butler Jarvis
A struggling widow and her daughter take in a black housekeeper and her fair-skinned daughter. The two women start a successful business but face familial, identity, and racial issues along the way.
Max's Butler
광고미술을 하는 길다는 파리행 기차에서 젊은 예술가 조지와 토마스를 만난다. 두 청년은 동시에 길다의 매력에 빠지고, 그녀를 사랑하게 된다. 두 청년 중 한 명을 선택할 수 없던 길다는 그들의 친구이자 뮤즈가 되어 셋이 함께 지내자고 제안한다. 그러나 그들의 플라토닉러브는 유통기한이 그리 길지 않고, 그들의 관계에는 균열이 생긴다.
노엘 카워드의 동명희곡을 각색한 작품으로, 루비치는 세 남녀의 모호한 관계를 통해 할리우드의 도덕성을 꼬집는다.
Capt. Robin S. Pyke
In London, a secret society led by lawyer Thaddeus Merrydew collects the assets of any of its deceased members and divides them among the remaining members. Society members start dropping like flies. Sherlock Holmes is approached by member James Murphy's widow, who is miffed at being left penniless by her husband. When Captain Pyke is shot, Holmes keys in on his mysterious Chinese widow as well as the shady Merrydew. Other members keep dying: Malcom Dearing first, then Mr. Baker. There is also an attempt on the life of young Eileen Forrester, who became a reluctant society member upon the death of her father. Holmes' uncanny observations and insights are put to the test.
Sir John Lawson--Barrister
A London nobleman (Lionel Atwill) takes the blame and stands trial after his son strangles a lover (Greta Nissen).
Surgeon (uncredited)
동유럽의 카르파티아 산중에 드라큘라 백작이 살고 있다. 런던에 있는 카팩스 수도원 양도 문제 때문에 그를 찾아가는 한 신사에게, 마을 사람들은 드라큘라가 흡혈귀라며 위험하니 가지 말라고 극구 말린다. 하지만 렌필드가 약속 때문에 가야 한다고 단호히 말하자, 한 노파가 그를 보호해줄 물건이라며 십자가를 쥐어준다. 겁도 없이 험난한 산길을 타고 허름하고 음산한 고성에 당도한 렌필드는 백작이 건네준 술을 마시고 정신을 잃는다. 드라큘라에게 피를 빨린 렌필드는 그에게 맹목적으로 복종하는 노예가 되어 함께 배를 타고 런던으로 향한다. 도중에 폭풍우를 만나 배는 난파되고 선원들은 모두 죽는다. 유일한 생존자 렌필드는 정신착란 상태로 발견돼 시워드 정신병원에 수감된다. 시워드 박사와 이웃이 된 드라큘라는 다음 희생타자로 박사의 딸 미나에게 눈독을 들인다. 시워드는 갑자기 쇠약해진 딸의 건강을 염려해 그 방면의 전문가인 홀란드의 밴 헬싱 교수를 초청해 도움을 청한다. 한편 미나의 친구인 루시가 원인 모를 과다출혈로 사망하고, 아이들이 습격을 당해 목을 물리는 사건이 발생한다. 최근 미나의 목에 생긴 자국과, 렌필드가 특정 약초에 대해 민감하게 반응하는 점, 그리고 드라큘라의 반영이 거울에 나타나지 않는 것과, 박쥐와 늑대의 출현 등을 종합해 미루어 헬싱은 백작의 정체를 의심하고 뱀파이어를 물리치기 위해 대책을 세운다. 미나의 약혼자 존 하커는 흡혈귀란 단지 허구 속 인물이라며 교수의 말을 웃어넘긴다. 그러다 정신병원을 탈출해 몰래 수도원으로 가는 렌필드를 뒤따라간 하커는 미나의 비명소리를 듣게 되는데... 순간 해가 떠오르고, 낮 동안 휴식을 취하고자 관 속으로 들어간 드라큘라를 찾아낸 교수는 심장에 말뚝을 박음으로써 그를 영구히 처치한다.
RFC Squadron Commander
참고 사항. 하워드 휴즈의 전기 영화 에도 표현되어 있듯, 현재까지도 비행 전투 장면에 있어서 최고의 장면으로 기록된다. 3명의 조종사가 촬영 도중 사망했고 '유성 영화'가 등장하자 처음부터 재촬영을 했던 전설적인 영화다.
A film directed by Sinclair Hill.
John W. Tunston
Billy, after shooting down land baron William Donovan's henchmen for killing Billy's boss, is hunted down and captured by his friend, Sheriff Pat Garrett. He escapes and is on his way to Mexico when Garrett, recapturing him, must decide whether to bring him in or to let him go.
The Squire
'Devon. Rich widow helps poor squire by pretending his ancestor hid treasure.' (British Film Catalogue)
Mayor McKibben
Neglected by her moneyed parents and disillusioned with her boyfriend Buddie Larkins, vocalist Ruth King joins a school for stage and fancy dancing, thus playing into the hands of DeLeon, ....
Franklin Ames
Hard-boiled underworld melodrama, with gang wars and gunfights, in which criminal lawyer turns prosecutor to avenge a friend's death.
Ed Marsh
A couple undergo hardship homesteading in Alberta, where they are plagued by bad weather and financial woes.
Hubert Knollys
When she goes to tell her husband Hubert that she is expecting a child, Caroline Knollys finds him in the arms of another woman. Caroline leaves him and, not telling him of her pregnancy, runs off to Europe where she has her child and becomes the toast of European society. Then she returns to settle with her husband once and for all.
Gerald Shannon
Alan Trent (Ronald Colman), his cousin Gerald Shannon (Wyndham Standing) and neighbor Kitty Vane (Vilma Bánky) have grown up together, as close playmates When World War I starts, both Alan and Gerald enlist in the British Army as officiers, and Kitty sees them off to war. Many months later, Alan and Gerald come back to Kitty, on a short furlow. Alan and Kitty reveal their love for each other. Gerald (who's in love with Kitty, too) congratulates his friends. But before Kitty and Alan can arrange to be married the next day, the furlow is cut short and both men head back to the front lines. Weeks later, Gerald will not give Alan leave to marry Kitty. Still arguing, both men volunteer for a reconiscience raid into enemy lines, where a grenade goes off near Alan and appears to kill him. Gerald and Kitty mourn Alan's death. After the war ends, Gerald and Kitty become engaged to be married.
Daniel Strathmore
The drama of a girl who knew beauty's power.
James Dunbar
Diane Duprez falls in love with Leslie in the snows of a Canadian village. And when they are trapped by a blizzard, her father thinks wrong of her...
Stephen Lee
Stephen Lee doesn't want his nephew Wally Sanders to marry chorus girl Violet Dayne, because he believes all chorus girls to be ruthless gold diggers, always chasing after the men's money. Violet's friend Jerry La Mar decides to 'gold dig' Stephen, to show him what a nice and unselfish girl Violet is, but then she realizes that she's really in love with Stephen Lee....
The Earl of Bloomsburg
Jockey Johnny Jones is hired to ride The Earl of Bloomsburg's horse at the English Derby. Crooked gambler Robert Anstead frames Johnny as a thief and kidnaps his sweetheart in order to make Johnny throw the race. Will he succeed?
John Carteret
The story is essentially the same as the popular Jane Cowl play, with Talmadge in the dual role of Kathleen and Moonyean. Kathleen, a young Irish woman, is in love with Kenneth Wayne but is prevented from marrying him by her guardian John Carteret. John is haunted by memories of his thwarted love for Kathleen's aunt, Moonyean.
Sir Fergus Cassidy
A sweet-natured young Irish woman is courted by a romantic poet and a local country gentleman. Which man will she choose?
Murray O'Neil
Alaskan railroad magnate Curtis Gordon hires engineer Dan Appleton to design a railroad route up the Salmon River to the rich gold country. Gordon turns down the engineer's proposed route in favor of his own, and Appleton quits. Murray O'Neil, a rival builder, hires him and falls in love with his sister Eliza, while Appleton courts Natalie, Gordon's stepdaughter. Following Appleton's plan, O'Neil lays the trail with a bridge crossing the river in face of Gordon's opposition.
Richard Desborough
When Jim Rittenshaw learns that his friend Richard Desborough is having an affair with Jim's wife Daisy, Jim kills Richard. The murdered man's ghost then takes up residence and attempts to positively influence the lives of those he had wronged.
Hugh Mason
Vania is a political refugee who travels from Russia to the United States. But even in America, she is pursued by assassins known as "the Ring of Death" because she carries certain papers given to her back home by her father. She marries a man who turns out to be a drug addict, and in a heated argument, she shoots him. A young lawyer defends her, then falls in love with her.
John Arnold
A 1919 film directed by Edward José.
Henry Thresk
Stella Derrick and Dick Hazelwood love each other, but their families want them to make better financial matches.
Lord George Daw
Judge Robert Appleton (Winter Hall) has led an exemplary life. His four children, however, fell short once they grew up and had to fend for themselves. When Appleton dies, his widow (Lydia Knott) explains that his last request was that each child spend one hour of contemplation with his body. The first is the youngest daughter, Daisy (Rosemary Theby), an artist of note who was betrayed and left with a son to raise out of wedlock. Next is Luke (Milton Sills), a wild young man who ran away at 19, and even though he is now married and a father, he still can't quite settle down. The eldest son, Bob (Wilfred Lucas), is next -- he wed a wealthy woman, but the marriage has no love.
Larry Gibson
Gloria Swann becomes a dancer at the Palm Garden cabaret, trying to secure a better future and accepts Judge Malvin's offer of marriage despite the disparity of their ages and social stations. One day while Gloria and the judge are driving in the park, their car nearly runs over Larry Gibson, a soldier blinded in World War I. A remark by Gloria's friend, Teddy Safford, has aroused her maternal feelings, and the sight of the lonely soldier makes her even more sympathetic. Gloria takes Larry home and visits him daily. Larry plays banjo and writes songs about soldier life to cheer suffering servicemen.
Frederick Lawton
A tough fellow from out West falls for young woman who is being pursued by a smarmy high-society type.
David Maber
Sylvia Martin is a destitute young woman who is taken home by Louis Gordon. She doesn't realize he's the leader of a gang of crooks until after she marries him.
Jimsy Smith
A bookkeeper's embezzling scheme is discovered by his wife, while his boss's romantic feelings for her complicate matters further.
Richard Steel
Ruth Minchin is unhappily married to her father's former business partner, a drunken brute. She contracts a friendship for Severino, a pianist, who lives in the same apartment house, and Minchin, discovering them together, orders the pianist from the room and knocks his wife down. Severino kills Minchin in a delirium following pneumonia, and Ruth is suspected of the crime.
Hugo Smith
During a party held in honor of his daughter Marion, Thomas Sterling announces that he will turn over his shipbuilding plant to the United States government for the duration of World War I. Sterling wants Marion to marry his partner, Hugo Smith, but she prefers Gordon Brett, who proposes to her after the party. Marion's father catches the two in an embrace and orders Gordon out of the house. Later that night, Sterling is found murdered. Gordon is the principal suspect, but Marion refuses to believe he is guilty and hides him in the house. Later she discovers Smith sending a message to the Germans on a wireless hidden in the attic.
Vincento Perez
Vincento Perez, the governor of the Portuguese colony of Exile, is an unscrupulous and brutal man who is hated by the natives. Furthering his schemes, Perez tries to force silk dealers out of business, and reveals his plans to government engineer Richmond Harvey in a letter appealing for the American's help.
Richard Harding
In order to save her mother from disgrace, Margaret marries Richard Harding even though she really loves Geoffrey Morton.
Dudley Kent
This morality play of the starts off with Grace Vaughn running off with married man Dudley Kent (Wyndham Standing). While sailing to England, they meet Mr. and Mrs. Hargrove. Mrs. Hargrove tries to talk Grace out of ruining her life, but the girl won't listen. After a few months, Kent leaves Grace and she gets mixed up with a woman who runs a house of ill repute.
Hugh Wiley
Naomi Sterling and John Bancroft are lovers. The girl loves frivolous things and Bancroft, a divinity student, finally estranges himself from her by his continual efforts to preach to her. Attracted by Hugh Wiley, a gambler, from a nearby city, Naomi finally elopes with him and eventually becomes known as the gambling queen.
Franklin Walden
An narcissistic woman with the ability to charm, Leila Aradella reaps delight from preying upon weak men. Her first victim is John Morton, a talented lawyer, whom she ruins both morally and financially. Her second victim, Rex Walden, the generous son of society matron Mrs. Walden, becomes her complete slave. Mrs. Walden sends her elder son Franklin to try to dissuade Leila from toying with Rex's affections. Franklin, however, also falls under Leila's spell, and Rex is driven to suicide by her callous behavior. Desperate, Mrs. Walden enlists Adele Harley, a girl of strong moral character, to fight Leila for Franklin's affections. Adele's determined victory causes Leila to lose her confidence, and in a drunken state, she cuts her own face with a shard from her shattered mirror. Permanently disfigured, Leila ends a broken and lonely woman.
Capt. Guy Douglas
Dr. Robert Lowndes of the British army practices in a small Indian outpost during a cholera epidemic, and to ease his fever, uses morphine. He becomes an addict, but his sweetheart, Betty Archer, makes him promise to reform. Another of Betty's suitors, however, Captain Guy Douglas, uses drugs to tempt Lowndes.
A man recalls his earlier days when he was married and his wife cheated on him.