Shotaro Ishinomori

Shotaro Ishinomori

출생 : 1938-01-25, Miyagi, Japan

사망 : 1998-01-28


Shotaro Ishinomori, born as Shotaro Onodera and previously known as Shotaro Ishimori, was a Japanese manga artist who became an influential manga artist, having creating several immensely popular long-running series such as Cyborg 009, the Super Sentai series and the Kamen Rider Series.

프로필 사진

Shotaro Ishinomori

참여 작품

Shin Kamen Rider
Shin Kamen Rider is an upcoming Japanese tokusatsu superhero film written and directed by Hideaki Anno, produced to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Kamen Rider Series and is a reboot of the original 1971 Kamen Rider series.
Shin Kamen Rider
Shin Kamen Rider is an upcoming Japanese tokusatsu superhero film written and directed by Hideaki Anno, produced to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Kamen Rider Series and is a reboot of the original 1971 Kamen Rider series.
가면라이더 비욘드 제네레이션즈
Original Series Creator
잇키는 '행복탕' 에서 오래된 우표가 들어있는 분실물을 줍는다. 그 분실물의 주인인 모모세 히데오에게 전해주러 가는 도중에 잇키는 강력한 적에게 습격당하고 바이스와 변신해서 싸우는 잇키의 위험에 도우러온 소설가 카미야마 토우마와 함께 싸우지만 둘은 고전. 거기에 2071년의 미래로부터 갑자기 찾아온 가면라이더 센츄리의 공격까지 받게된다. 센츄리는 누구인가? 왜 가면라이더를 공격하는가? 그리고 이야기의 열쇠를 가지고 있는 수수께끼의 과학자 모모세 류노스케에 의해 밝혀진 가면라이더 사상 최대의 비밀!
극장단편 가면라이더 세이버 불사조의 검사와 파멸의 책
Original Story
성검으로 뽑힌 검사들 '소드 오브 로고스' 앞에 압도적인 힘을 가진 바하트/가면라이더 팔시온이 나타난다. 봉인돼 있어야 할 파멸의 책들이 바하트에 의해 해방되고, 책에서 쏟아진 어둠에 의해 현실 세계와 원더 월드가 삼켜져 간다. 종말을 향한 운명을 앞두고 토우마는 소드 오브 로고스 동료들과 함께 바하트와의 결전에 도전한다.
가면라이더 헤이세이 제네레이션즈 FOREVER
Original Series Creator
가면라이더를 사랑해주신 당신에게. 토키와 소고와 키류 센토의 세계에 이변이 일어났다. 마치 딴사람으로 바뀐거처럼 동료들이 서서히 기억을 잃어가는 것이었다. 거기다 두 사람 앞에 나타난 슈퍼 타임재커 티드. 그는 어나더 덴오와 어나더 W이라는 강력한 부하를 내세워 1명의 소년, 신고를 추적하고 있었다. 신고를 지키려는 싸움속에서 소고는 가면라이더를 좋아하는 청년 아타루와 만난다. 한편, 티드에게 혼자 도전한 센토는 세뇌당해 조종당하고... 강대한 적을 앞에두고 신고를 구하려한 소고 일행이었지만 그러던중 아타루가 어느 고백을 한다. "가면라이더는, 현실의 존재가 아냐" 그는 수수께끼의 이매진 후타로스와 몰래 계약하고 있었다. 그 말의 진의란 대체? 왜, 언제부터 가면라이더는 허구(픽션)의 존재가 되버린걸까? 의문이 깊어지던 중 소고와 센토가 쫓던 티드는 초대 헤이세이 가면라이더 탄생의 땅. 쿠로가오카 유적지에 있었다. 당신의 기억속엔 그들은 살아있을까?
극장판 가면라이더 빌드 Be The One
동도, 서도, 북도 3개의 수도가 펼쳤던 전쟁이 끝났다. 판도라 타워에는 새로운 정부가 수립되고 3개의 수도에는 이제까지의 수상을 대신하여 각각 장관이 배치된 평화를 위한 새로운 체제가 확립되었다 그랬어야 했다... 그러나 그것은 가면라이더 빌드 / 키류 센토를 박멸하기 위함이라는 숨겨진 진실과 이어진 완벽한 계획이었다! 최고의 파트너를 잃고 최악의 상태에서 도출해낸 답은 기적의 법칙!! 어째서 빌드 드라이버에 2개의 보틀이 필요한 것인가? 어째서 가면라이더 빌드 / 키류 센토는 싸우는 것인가? 그 답은 단 하나 『반드시 할 수 있어... 너와 나라면... 자아, 최후의 실험을 시작해볼까』
가면라이더 아마존즈 더 무비 최후의 심판
The “Amazon Livestock Project,” a mysterious care facility, the Amazon extermination organization 4C (Competitive Creatures Control Center) pursuing Haruka Misuzawa . . . all come together in a tale of symbiosis and competition; the mortal combat between the carnivore and herbivore. And, finally, an end to the troubles and conflicts of the Riders, two beings confronting a fierce fate.
가면라이더 헤이세이 제네레이션즈 FINAL 빌드&에그제이드 with 레전드 라이더
Kamen Riders Build and Ex-Aid team up with the legendary heroes of the Heisei Generation - OOO, Fourze, Gaim, and Ghost.
Cyborg 009: Call of Justice 3
The story will depict Joe Shimamura and the other cyborgs' struggle with the Bresudo, a group of people who possess superhuman powers and intellect, and have manipulated human history since ancient times. Their goals are unknown, and they cast a dark shadow over the world. Though few people believe in the Bresdo's existence, one American journalist named Lucie Davenport heads to Texas to contact a certain family, and she meets the cyborgs. The cyborgs themselves have been freed from their duty of protecting humanity ever since the establishment of the UN Guardian troops, and they now live quiet lives of peace.
Cyborg 009: Call of Justice 2
The story will depict Joe Shimamura and the other cyborgs' struggle with the Bresudo, a group of people who possess superhuman powers and intellect, and have manipulated human history since ancient times. Their goals are unknown, and they cast a dark shadow over the world. Though few people believe in the Bresdo's existence, one American journalist named Lucie Davenport heads to Texas to contact a certain family, and she meets the cyborgs. The cyborgs themselves have been freed from their duty of protecting humanity ever since the establishment of the UN Guardian troops, and they now live quiet lives of peace.
Cyborg 009: Call of Justice 1
The story will depict Joe Shimamura and the other cyborgs' struggle with the Bresudo, a group of people who possess superhuman powers and intellect, and have manipulated human history since ancient times. Their goals are unknown, and they cast a dark shadow over the world. Though few people believe in the Bresdo's existence, one American journalist named Lucie Davenport heads to Texas to contact a certain family, and she meets the cyborgs. The cyborgs themselves have been freed from their duty of protecting humanity ever since the establishment of the UN Guardian troops, and they now live quiet lives of peace.
극장판 가면라이더 고스트 100개의 아이콘과 고스트 운명의 순간
Original Concept
카논이 인간의 모습으로 돌아오고 첫 생일을 맞이한 밤, 갑자기 사건이 일어났다. 타케루 일행의 앞에 3명의 가면라이더 다크 네크롬을 이끌고 가면라이더 다크 고스트가 나타난 것이다. 싸움 도중, 타케루, 마코토, 앨런, 그리고 아카리, 오나리, 카논은 무지개 빛 너머로 가게 되었다. 그들이 도착한 곳은, 역사 속의 위인들의 혼이 실체화해서 살아가고 있는 불가사의한 마을이었다. 하지만, 다크 고스트는 이들의 혼을 이용해 100개의 아이콘을 모아 궁극의 아이콘을 완성시킬 음모를 꾸미고 있었다. 아이콘이 완성되면, 모든 세계의 인간을 고스트로 만들 수 있다. 다크 고스트의 정체는 앨런의 형이고, 죽었을 터인 아르고스. 한편 마코토는 오랫동안 행방불명 상태였던 아버지 후카미 다이고와 재회한다. 아르고스의 계획에 반발하는 앨런, 그리고 납치당한 카논을 구하려는 마코토는 이해할 수 없는 행동을 하는 아버지와 격렬하게 충돌하고, 가면라이더 스펙터와 가면라이더 제로 스펙터의 부자 대결로 치달았다! 완성되어가는 궁극의 아이콘, 수많은 시련을 넘어선 타케루는 지금, 궁극의 선택을 강요당한다. 전인류 고스트화 계획을 멈추는 방법은 단 하나 뿐이다. "안녕히. 나!" 운명의 순간, 타케루는, 그리고 아카리는 무엇을 보는가?
가면라이더 1호
Original Concept
지금으로부터 45년 전, 그 남자는 악의 비밀결사 쇼커에 의해 개조 인간이 되었다. 그날 이래로 인간의 자유를 지키기 위해 그 남자는 계속 싸우고 있었다. 그의 이름은 혼고 타케시. 이 세상에 탄생한 최초의 가면라이더이다. 오랫동안 해외에서 악과 싸워온 타케시는 한 소녀의 위기를 알고 급히 귀국한다. 소녀[3]의 존재는 과거의 최고 간부 지옥 대사를 부활시키기 위해 불가결한 것이었다. 타케시는 가면라이더 고스트 = 텐쿠지 타케루와 그 동료들과 만나 쇼커가 소녀를 노리는 이유를 찾고 있었다. 한편, 너무나도 가혹한 나날을 보내왔던 타케시의 육체는 이미 한계에 다다른 것이었다......[4] 소녀의 위기, 그리고 새로운 조직 ・ 노바 쇼커가 불러온 일본 최대의 위기에 전설의 전사 혼고 타케시가 「변신」한다. 싸움을 계속 해 온 타케시를 기다리고 있는 것은 안식인가, 아니면...
Sabu and Ichi's Detective Stories
Bunsei era, at a time when Edo culture is at its peak, and barely 50 years before the arrival of the Meiji Restoration in 1868. Sabu is a cheerful, honest young man who left his hometown with the dream of becoming a policeman. He is an informant to the policeman Saheiji of Asakusa in Edo and stays with him and his daughter Midori. One day, Sabu encounters the cool master swordsman Ichi, who makes a living giving massages, and they become partners in an unexpected way. Although Sabu is still an informant, he and the blind Ichi collaborate in a way that compensates for each other’s shortcomings. Sabu becomes Ichi’s eyes while Ichi becomes Sabu’s right-hand man and solves cases with his well-honed skills of deduction as they search for the truth in difficult cases in Edo. One case starts with the discovery of two dead bodies in the Sumida River. The bodies have diagonal slashes and were left in boxes.
사이보그 009 Vs 데빌맨
Comic Book
After discovering that demonic hordes threaten Japan, the cyborgs led by Dr. Gilmore encounter Devilman, a powerful demon who appears to be an ally of Black Ghost, an evil terrorist organization.
키카이더 리부트
Original Series Creator
로봇에게 마음을 가지게 하려는 코묘지박사와 그것을 부정하는 연구원 길버트가 대립하면서 일어나는 이야기를 담은 영화.
극장판 가면라이더 슈퍼히어로 대전 : 또 하나의 세계
The Underground Empire Badan makes its move, intending to invert the world. Kouta and Mai are pulled through one of these inversions where the discover a boy named Shu, who also holds the power to invert the world. As the Riders fight to protect Shu, Fifteen appears again, seeking Shu. As Kouta flees, past Riders gather and fight one another, split between the Showa and Heisei era Riders. But, the truth of Badan is not as it seems…
사이보그 프린세스
웨스턴 블록과 이스턴 블록으로 나뉘어 대치 중인 근 미래의 지구. 웨스턴 블록과 이스턴 블록 사이에 위치한 군사경계 지역에는 여러 밀수조직이 불법적으로 인신매매, 장기매매, 밀입국 등을 하고 있다. 이런 암적 비지니스를 소탕하기 위해 웨스턴 블록에서 특수훈련을 받은 사이보그 요원인 ‘밀렌’이 파견된다. 그녀의 코드네임은 009-1. 암적인 밀수조직을 소탕한 009-1에게 웨스턴 블록의 핵심 과학자인 닥터 클레인을 구출하라는 임무가 주어진다. 인질을 구출하기 위해 현장으로 파견된 그녀는 자신보다 더 뛰어난 힘을 가진 사이보그에게 공격을 받게 되는데…
009 사이보그
한때 세계를 수 많은 위기에서 구한 9명의 전사, 009 사이보그는 세계전쟁이 종결 후 평화를 대가로 활동을 중단 각기 고국으로 귀환했다. 그 중 리더인 009 ‘죠’는 과거의 기억을 봉인 된 채 살아가야만 했다. 그러나 전세계에 초고층타워 연쇄 폭파 테러 사건이 일어나 보이지 않는 충격과 공포에 휩싸이고 세계전쟁 도래의 위기가 닥쳐온다. 더 이상 환영 받지 못하는 009 사이보그 멤버들은 과연 무사히 조우할 수 있을까?
Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger vs. Space Sheriff Gavan: The Movie
Original Concept
The legendary Space Sheriff Gavan is hired to capture the Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger. However, Gavan himself is captured by Ashurada, a Zangyack prison chief and descendant of his old enemy Don Horror, and jailed in the worst prison in the universe. The Gokaigers resolve to rescue the sheriff from the prison and join forces with him to fight Ashurada.
고카이저 고세이저 슈퍼 전대 199 히어로 대결전
고카이저 고세이저 슈퍼 전대 199 히어로 대결전
009: The Reopening
A short 3D CGI anime of Cyborg 009 directed by Mamoru Oshii.
Kamen Rider: The Next
Bent on the destruction of the human race, the secret underground organization Shocker secretly planned to plunge the world into chaos. But they didn’t count on the revolt of both of their experimentally “reconstructed” human beings, the Kamen Riders. Two years after their first battle with Shocker, a 3rd Rider arises to confront them, known only as “Version 3.” The arrival of the third Kamen Rider will hurl the heroes into their most terrible battle yet and the fate of the world hangs in the balance.
극장판 가면라이더 덴오 이 몸, 탄생!
Original Concept
보석 도둑에게 빙의한 이매진을 쫓다가 과거의 세계로 날아가버린 료타로 일행. 하지만 그것은 덴라이너를 뺏기위해 파놓은 함정이었다. 주모자는 시간의 열차만을 노리는 강도 집단의 수장 가오. 그는 "신의 노선"을 달리며 모든 시간을 지배할 수 있는 '신의 열차'를 손에 넣기 위해 오더들을 인질로 덴라이너를 과거로 향하게 한다. 남겨진 료타로와 하나에게 덴라이너로부터 탈출한 모모타로스가 합류하지만 료타로는 가오의 발길질에 당한 충격으로 덴오에 관한 기억을 잃어버린 상태. 이때 11살의 료타로가 지크와 함께 나타난다. 작은 료타로는 시간을 뛰어넘는 열차에 타고 싶다는 이유로 료타로들과 행동을 함께하기로 한다. 사쿠라이 유토의 도움을 받아 제로라이너로 가오의 뒤를 쫓는 일행. 여러 시대를 뛰어넘어, 료타로 일행이 덴라이너를 발견한 것은 에도시대 초기의 '오사카의 난' 시기. 그곳에서 가오는 신의 노선에 가기위한 최후의 봉인을 풀려고 하고 있었다.
1970년대 일본을 풍미했던 대표적인 슈퍼히어로인 가면 라이더의 새로운 극장판. 뛰어난 능력을 지닌 사이보그 가면라이더는 자신이 인간이었으나 악당들의 음모로 사이보그가 되었다는 사실을 알게 된다. 기계문명과 결합된 일본판 고전 슈퍼히어로.
인조인간 하카이다
In the far future, peace and violence walk hand in hand. The citizens of Jesus Town, a false utopia ruled by the iron fist of Gurjev and his cyborg enforcer Michael, long for a savior from their veil of peace. While a small band of rebels search for a new weapon to aid in their fight against Gurjev, a dark force begins to stir. Hidden far from civilization lies what could be the answer to everyone's prayers. After a long imprisonment, Hakiader, the destruction rider, is discovered by the rebel forces. Kaoru, a member of the rebellion, enlists Hakaider to aid in their fight. Now aware of the new menace, Gurjev seeks to crush the rebels and remove the threat Hakaider once and for all. Will Hakaider prove to be a long desired savior, or an unstoppable force that will destroy all?
Ultraman vs. Kamen Rider
Original Series Creator
A special retrospective of the two franchises, with segments making comparisons between the different characters, their weapons, powers and so forth. The final segment of the special is the short film "Super Battle: Ultraman vs Kamen Rider" The main characters, Ultraman and Kamen Rider 1 appear on the scene separately, each fighting an original kaijin and kaiju. When the two monsters are nearly defeated, they merge into a more powerful kaiju. Ultraman experiences trouble and calls for Kamen Rider 1's help. Kamen Rider 1 is then able to grow to enormous size to fight alongside Ultraman.
가면라이더 ZO
유전자공학의 권위 모치즈키 박사는 네오 생명체를 만드는 연구에 몰두해 조수 아소 마사루의 개조 실험을 강행한다. 4년간의 잠에서 깨어난 아소 마사루는, 메뚜기의 유전자를 수중에 넣은 전사 가면라이더 ZO (젯트 오)로 변신. 덤벼드는 괴인으로부터 모치즈키 박사의 아들 히로시를 보호하며 인류를 위협하는 네오 생명체 도라스와의 결전에 도전한다!
Future Memories: Last Christmas
A romantic tale from the team of Fujio F. Fujiko and director Yoshimitsu Morita. The two heroines are played by Shizuka Kudo and Misa Shimizu, and it co-stars Motoya Izumi, David Ito, Toshiaki Karasawa, Isao Hashizume, Kyoka Suzuki, et al. The soundtrack is packed with hit songs incouding Wham's "Last Christmas", Earth, Wind & Fire's "Let's Groove", Kome Kome Club's "Roman Hikou," Saki Kubota's "Ihoujin" among others.
Shin Kamen Rider: Prologue
Original Story
Doctors Kazamatsuri and Onizuka are geneticists researching cures on diseases such as AIDS and cancer by performing experiments to strengthen the human body. The test subject is Shin Kazamatsuri, motorcycle racer son of Doctor Kazamatsuri. Unknown to them, their operation is funded by a syndicate group, who plan to use this research to have the bodies of men strengthened for their own gain—they have already been experimenting in the field of cyborg soldiers, to a less-than-successful attempt. However, they did not count on Onizuka's own secret ambitions; the mad Onizuka wanted to create a new species, by fusing a grasshopper's DNA with the test subject's, in order to start a new civilization and be their god. He has tested on himself, but seems to be having greater success with Shin.
Shin Kamen Rider: Prologue
Man with Listening Device in Beginning
Doctors Kazamatsuri and Onizuka are geneticists researching cures on diseases such as AIDS and cancer by performing experiments to strengthen the human body. The test subject is Shin Kazamatsuri, motorcycle racer son of Doctor Kazamatsuri. Unknown to them, their operation is funded by a syndicate group, who plan to use this research to have the bodies of men strengthened for their own gain—they have already been experimenting in the field of cyborg soldiers, to a less-than-successful attempt. However, they did not count on Onizuka's own secret ambitions; the mad Onizuka wanted to create a new species, by fusing a grasshopper's DNA with the test subject's, in order to start a new civilization and be their god. He has tested on himself, but seems to be having greater success with Shin.
가면라이더 BLACK 공포! 악마고개의 괴인관
Original Story
토에이 만화 축제에서 개봉된, 홋카이도 유바리시 홍보용으로 만든 단발 작품
가면라이더 BLACK 도깨비섬으로 급행하라
Original Story
아이들이 행방불명되어 자취를 감추는 사건이 발생한다. 그것은 암흑결사 고르곰이 새로운 개조 괴인을 만들어내기 위한 가공할 계획이었다. 사건 뒤에 고르곰의 그림자를 느낀 미나미 고타로는 가면라이더 BLACK으로 변신해 유괴를 실행하는 카멜레온 괴인에게 싸움을 건다.
가면라이더 BLACK 도깨비섬으로 급행하라
아이들이 행방불명되어 자취를 감추는 사건이 발생한다. 그것은 암흑결사 고르곰이 새로운 개조 괴인을 만들어내기 위한 가공할 계획이었다. 사건 뒤에 고르곰의 그림자를 느낀 미나미 고타로는 가면라이더 BLACK으로 변신해 유괴를 실행하는 카멜레온 괴인에게 싸움을 건다.
This is Kamen Rider Black!
A behind-the-scenes TV special, introducing the Kamen Rider Black series.
Birth of the 10th! Kamen Riders All Together!!
Ryo Murasame is an aircraft pilot, one day he was taking his sister out on a ride along the Amazon when they were shot down by an UFO. They survived, captured by the Badan Empire with his sister killed while Ryo became the Combat Roid known as ZX. His memory is erased by the Badan Empire and worked as their agent of evil. This does not last long as an accident occurs which causes Ryo to regain his memory and escapes Badan. A year later, Ryo begins his attack on Badan as they finish the preparations on their doomsday weapon: the Space Break System. However, a coordinated attack by the Kamen Riders disables the Badancium 84 supplies needed for Space System to work When Ryo arrives, he thinks Kamen Rider V3, Riderman and Kamen Rider Super-1 are enemies until they get him to listen as only one truck full of Badancium 84 makes it to the Badan's base run by Ambassador Darkness.
Executive Producer
트랜실배니아 왕국의 제1왕녀 루나는 친선사절로 미국에 향하는 도중 우줴서 떨어진 물체와 충돌해 위기에 빠진다. 이때 우주에서 온 프로이에 의해 구해지며, 우주를 파괴하려는 파괴마 '환마대왕'의 존재를 알게된다. 프로이는 이를 막기위해 초능력을 가진 사람들을 모으라 전언한다. 한편, 도쿄에서는 고교생 아즈마 죠가 밤거리를 거닐다 초능력자 베가에 의해 습격당한다. 이 사건으로 초능력을 각성한 죠는 위기를 넘기지만, 이 모든 것이 루나가 죠의 초능력을 알아보기 위한 시험이었다. 모든 배후와 자신의 역할에 대해 알게 된 죠는 되려 도망치려 드는데...
트랜실배니아 왕국의 제1왕녀 루나는 친선사절로 미국에 향하는 도중 우줴서 떨어진 물체와 충돌해 위기에 빠진다. 이때 우주에서 온 프로이에 의해 구해지며, 우주를 파괴하려는 파괴마 '환마대왕'의 존재를 알게된다. 프로이는 이를 막기위해 초능력을 가진 사람들을 모으라 전언한다. 한편, 도쿄에서는 고교생 아즈마 죠가 밤거리를 거닐다 초능력자 베가에 의해 습격당한다. 이 사건으로 초능력을 각성한 죠는 위기를 넘기지만, 이 모든 것이 루나가 죠의 초능력을 알아보기 위한 시험이었다. 모든 배후와 자신의 역할에 대해 알게 된 죠는 되려 도망치려 드는데...
Batten Robomaru: The Movie
Batten Robomaru is the second entry in the Toei Fushigi Comedy Series created by Shotaro Ishinomori and produced by Toei.
Brain 17
Brain is the world's greatest computer, and also the most intelligent being on planet Earth. One day, Brain decides to abandon its terrestrial moorings, and it's up to The Defenders to track it down. Unfortunately, Brain has developed an amazing army of deadly giant robots, including one with a huge "17" emblazoned on its chest-plate, with which it plans to subjugate its creators. A young boy whose family was killed by Brain's followers manages to activate Daitetsujin 17, which thereafter comes to his rescue whenever he is in danger from Brain's minions.
Bokura Mangaka: Tokiwa-sou Monogatari
Animation Director
Tokiwa was the apartment complex where a group of stellar artists lived in 1953. Hiro Terada, Motoo Abiko and Hiroshi Fujimoto, Shotaro Ishinomori and Fujio Akatsuka shared the trials and tribulations of being struggling young artists and writers with no money and no luck with editors or girls, with a spirit of insane youthful enthusiasm that enabled them to survive the lean years and emerge as stars of the manga firmament.
Kamen Rider Super-1: The Movie
The Dogma Kingdom attacks the Matagi (mountain tribe) village of Yamabiko to steal the sacred Flying Dragon Fortress and wreak havoc all over Japan. Six children from the fallen village take refuge in a nearby town, keeping their identities as Matagi citizens a secret. Kamen Rider Super-1 must protect these children from the Dogma Kingdom, as they hold the secret to the Flying Dragon Fortress' weakness.
사이보그 009 초은하전설
야마구치 야스히로의 디자인으로 새롭게 리메이크된 1979년 TV 시리즈 극장판이다. 시리즈를 감독한 아케히 마사유키의 연출. 지구의 에너지 고갈을 해결하기 위한 초에너지를 찾기 위해서 길모어 박사는 9명의 전사들을 다시 불러모은다. 이들은 다시 우주 여행을 떠난다.
Kamen Rider: Eight Riders vs. Galaxy King
When a new threat from outer space called Galaxy King arrives on Earth seeking an equation for a new type of energy, Skyrider, and the other seven Kamen Riders join forces to fight off the new foe and the armies of Neo-Shocker.
Kamen Rider: Eight Riders vs. Galaxy King
When a new threat from outer space called Galaxy King arrives on Earth seeking an equation for a new type of energy, Skyrider, and the other seven Kamen Riders join forces to fight off the new foe and the armies of Neo-Shocker.
Kamen Rider: Eight Riders vs. Galaxy King
When a new threat from outer space called Galaxy King arrives on Earth seeking an equation for a new type of energy, Skyrider, and the other seven Kamen Riders join forces to fight off the new foe and the armies of Neo-Shocker.
Age of the Great Dinosaurs
A UFO transports three children back to the prehistoric. Three kids who have heard a mysterious call from advanced beings whom are about to take them in a journey of self discovery through the ages learning from love and friendship but also hate in a world of dinosaurs.
Age of the Great Dinosaurs
A UFO transports three children back to the prehistoric. Three kids who have heard a mysterious call from advanced beings whom are about to take them in a journey of self discovery through the ages learning from love and friendship but also hate in a world of dinosaurs.
Age of the Great Dinosaurs
Jun's Father (voice)
A UFO transports three children back to the prehistoric. Three kids who have heard a mysterious call from advanced beings whom are about to take them in a journey of self discovery through the ages learning from love and friendship but also hate in a world of dinosaurs.
Age of the Great Dinosaurs
A UFO transports three children back to the prehistoric. Three kids who have heard a mysterious call from advanced beings whom are about to take them in a journey of self discovery through the ages learning from love and friendship but also hate in a world of dinosaurs.
Message from Space: Galactic Wars The Movie
The movie version of Ryu and Hayato fighting against the Gavanas Empire.
우주에서 온 메시지
Mechanical Designer
평화로운 제루시아 행성은 야만스러운 가바나스 제국의 침략에 의해 완전히 폐허가 된 상태. 간신히 살아남은 사람들의 앞날은 위태롭기만 하다. 현명한 지도자는 8개의 성스러운 리아베 씨앗을 우주에 뿌린다. 이 씨앗들은 우주를 떠돌며 자신의 주인으로 합당한 영웅들을 선택해야 한다. 과연 제루시아 행성의 운명은 어떻게 될 것인가. (2003년 제7회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
우주에서 온 메시지
평화로운 제루시아 행성은 야만스러운 가바나스 제국의 침략에 의해 완전히 폐허가 된 상태. 간신히 살아남은 사람들의 앞날은 위태롭기만 하다. 현명한 지도자는 8개의 성스러운 리아베 씨앗을 우주에 뿌린다. 이 씨앗들은 우주를 떠돌며 자신의 주인으로 합당한 영웅들을 선택해야 한다. 과연 제루시아 행성의 운명은 어떻게 될 것인가. (2003년 제7회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
재커 전격대 VS 고렌쟈
While investigating a UFO in the Sky Ace, J.A.K.Q. is caught off guard by the return of Iron Claw, with the Big Four now leading the remnants of Crime and the Black Cross Army.
Daitetsujin 17: Aerial Battleship
Captain Gomes uses a flying battleship to battle the giant robot Daitetsujin 17. Theatrically-released abridgement of Episode 15 of the TV series.
Daitetsujin 17
Young orphan Saburo uses a special helmet to command the Iron Robot 17 against the forces of the renegade computer Brain. Theatrical release re-edited from the first two episodes of the TV series, which actually preceded the original broadcast of the second episode.
비밀전대 고레인저 폭탄 허리케인
The Gorenger head for Matsuyama to prevent the Black Cross from firing a missile to destroy Japan. Himitsu Sentai Gorenger: The Bomb Hurricane is a theatrical film based on the Himitsu Sentai Gorenger television series. It was originally shown on July 22, 1976 (between Episodes 56 and 57 of the TV series) as part of the Toei Manga Matsuri film festival. It was the only Gorenger film that was a completely original work and not a theatrical version of a TV episode.
Space Ironman Kyodain: The Movie
Captured by an alien empire from the planet Dada, Dr. Hayama has programmed the personalities of his two kidnapped sons, Joji and Ryuji, into two Cyberroids to combat the Dada Robot Army and care for his youngest son, Kenji.
The Adventure of Robocon
Feature film adventure of Robocon and his pals.
All Together! Seven Kamen Riders!!
The special opens with Tachibana Tōbei taking some children to a Kamen Rider roadshow. Just as he's reminiscing about all the heroic modified humans he's lived alongside- Ichigō, Nigō, V3, Riderman, X, Amazon, Stronger and Tackle- the first seven Riders gradually show up to greet him in their human guises, unrecognised by the crowds. When it's revealed that the kaijin onstage are 'real', not actors, the Riders henshin to save the crowd and Rider actors, uniting their power to defeat the Delzer Army's true leader, Great General Darkness in his hideout beneath the stadium.
All Together! Seven Kamen Riders!!
The special opens with Tachibana Tōbei taking some children to a Kamen Rider roadshow. Just as he's reminiscing about all the heroic modified humans he's lived alongside- Ichigō, Nigō, V3, Riderman, X, Amazon, Stronger and Tackle- the first seven Riders gradually show up to greet him in their human guises, unrecognised by the crowds. When it's revealed that the kaijin onstage are 'real', not actors, the Riders henshin to save the crowd and Rider actors, uniting their power to defeat the Delzer Army's true leader, Great General Darkness in his hideout beneath the stadium.
Robocon: Mugyogyo!! Don't Eat
Robocon and his fun-loving robot pals return in the 39th episode of his TV series released theatrically as part of the Toei Manga Matsuri.
Robocon: Fun Friends
The 30th episode of the TV series about comedic robots is released theatrically.
Kamen Rider Stronger: The Movie
Waniida from Black Satan attacks a young boy and long-time Kamen Rider ally Tōbei Tachibana, but Kamen Rider Stronger and Electro Wave Human Tackle run in to make the save. However, Shigeru and Yuriko fall into separate traps and are captured by Black Satan. Yuriko fights for her life as Shigeru is brainwashed by the organization.
Robocon: The Movie
Robocon and his friends in a theatrical release of the ninth episode of the TV series.
Kamen Rider Amazon: The Movie
The Kamen Rider Amazon movie is a theatrical version of episode 16, Garander's Tokyo Sea of Flames Operation!!, depicting Gengoro Beastman's attempt to execute Garanda's Tokyo Sea of Flame plan.
Inazuman Flash
Episode 12 of Inazuman Flash, released theatrically.
Five Riders vs. King Dark
During a motocross practice, Keisuke Jin is ambushed by two Myth Cyborgs created by a secret organization that's attempting to control Japan, G.O.D. (Government of Darkness). He transforms into Kamen Rider X, but little does he know that his battle is recorded and analyzed by King Dark, G.O.D.'s commander, to create a super cyborg. Other G.O.D. cyborgs are attacking all over Tokyo and in the middle of the crisis, the original four Riders return to Japan from different countries around the world. The five Riders unite to lead a counter attack against G.O.D.
Kamen Rider X: The Movie
A little girl named Sayoko witnesses the murder of an Interpol agent by the G.O.D. kaijin Hercules. Keisuke Jin saves her before Hercules disposes of her. Sayoko tells Keisuke that G.O.D. is targeting an important official named Kibara. Kamen Rider X has his hands full when G.O.D abducts Kibara and takes Sayoko and her mother hostage.
Kamen Rider V3 vs. Destron Mutants
A physicist named Tetsuo Okita discovers a new mineral called "Satanium," which is more powerful than uranium and emits destructive effects to anyone exposed to it. However, Destron abducts Okita in hopes of finding the source of Satanium and collecting more of it to expedite their run for global domination. Kamen Rider V3 must act fast in rescuing Professor Okita and preventing Destron from collecting more of the deadly mineral.
Kikaider 01: The Movie
When Hakaider starts his own evil organization, Dr. Komyoji's android Kikaider 01 awakens to protect Japan from the forces of evil.
Robot Detective: The Movie
Robot Detective K and his human colleagues battle the criminal organization BADDO. Theatrical release re-edited from episodes 1-9, 11, and 12 of the TV series with newly-added narration.
Kamen Rider V3: The Movie
During a battle against Destron's forces, Shiro Kazami helps a priest who has been attacked by the evil organization's kaijin Hasami-Jaguar. Little does he know that the church where the priest resides is a front for a Destron hideout. After finding out the organization's latest motive, Kamen Rider V3, along with the Double Riders, must stop Destron from detonating a nuclear bomb in Tokyo.
Flying at Ya', Android Kikaider
Professor Gill has created a machine that lets him restore destroyed robots. This machine is used to recreate all of the destructroids that had been destroyed by Kikaider. Kikaider is forced to destroy them all once again, and a new Destructoid Multi-Colored Sand Lizard.
Kamen Rider vs. Ambassador Hell
Takeshi Hongo and FBI agent Kazuya Taki fake their deaths when they are attacked by Shocker soldiers during a motocross race. They disguise themselves as Shocker soldiers and infiltrate the main headquarters, but it doesn't take too long for Ambassador Hell to find their whereabouts and trap them. Before he detonates a bomb within the base, Ambassador Hell tells Kamen Rider 1 and Taki that Shocker is preparing a giant laser capable of destroying cities. Our two heroes must escape from the base's self-destruction and stop Shocker from arming their latest weapon. Not only that, they must rescue Tachibana and the racing club, who have been abducted by Shocker's minions.
Henshin Ninja Arashi: The Movie
During the Edo period, Henshin Ninja Arashi and his allies fight for peace.
Kamen Rider vs. Shocker
Professor Daidōji has developed a gravity machine called the GX Device. Unfortunately, Shocker wants it; so they attack the professor and destroy his laboratory, but come home empty-handed. Shocker's agents find out that the plans for the GX Device are with Daidōji's daughter, who is celebrating her birthday. Now the Kamen Riders, along with FBI agent Kazuya Taki, must protect Daidōji's daughter and prevent Shocker from obtaining the plans.
Go Go Kamen Rider
The Shocker Organization sends two of its Inhumanoids to destroy an atomic plant, but their plan is foiled by an invisible barrier that surrounds the complex. Because of this, they abduct a top soccer player and convert him into Tokageron, a lizard Inhumanoid capable of kicking a 5 kg bomb to destroy the plant's barrier. Kamen Rider must once again combat the Shocker and prevent them from destroying the atomic plant.
하늘을 나는 유령선
Original Story
Hayato's home city is under attack from a gigantic robot. His parents are lying dead in the rubble and the only remaining friend is his dog. His only thought now is revenge against the owner of the Phantom Ship (from where the robot said he was sent). He ends up in the house of Kuroshio, the leader of the fight against the Phantom Ship and the most important person in the city. By complete accident, Hayato finds his way to an underground passageway where he realises that the true nature of events does not mesh with what Kuroshio has told him. His life is now in great danger, and only he can stop the plans of the evildoers.