Production Design
The last years of Bettino Craxi, one of the most important and controversial italian leader of the 1980's.
Production Design
싱글 맘의 신분으로 어렵게 요양원에 임시로 취업하게 된 ‘니나’. 비슷한 처지의 동료들과 함께 일하는 것에 기쁨을 느끼던 것도 잠시, 그녀는 그 곳의 이사장 ‘마르코’에게 치욕적인 성추행을 당하게 된다. 위험한 상황에서 가까스로 벗어난 ‘니나’는 수사를 시작 하려 하지만, 어떤 이유에서인지 동료들은 오히려 ‘니나’를 몰아 세우기 시작한다. 한편, ‘니나’는 ‘마르코’가 카톨릭의 보호아래 오랜 시간 여직원들에게 성희롱을 저질러 왔다는 충격적인 진실을 알게 되는데… 지금부터, 그녀들이 세상을 바꾸기 시작한다!
Art Direction
Back from the hospital where he has been treated after a heart attack, Lorenzo is on his way upstairs to his top-floor apartment in Naples when he meets Michela. The charming young woman, who has just moved to the facing apartment, has forgotten her keys and finds herself locked out. Cynical and grumpy, the retired lawyer who has been living estranged from the rest of the world, should normally leave her to her fate but he mellows under her spontaneous charm. He helps her, becomes friends not only with her but with her husband Fabio and their two children. For once, the self-declared misanthropist seems to be experiencing the long forgotten feeling of empathy.
Production Design
Dino craft practice tattoos, Bruna is a beautician; their studies are facing each other. They learn of a mysterious treasure hidden in a chair that belonged to a woman now dead.
Production Design
A narcissistic artist's world turns upside down after his wife's affair and a disastrous exhibition of his work.
Production Design
A meek middle-aged man takes on every conceivable temporary job in order to feel useful and keep his dignity—until something shakes his inexhaustible optimism.
Production Design
After meeting during their vacation, two young people with solitary lives suddenly come into a relationship that could benefit both of them.
Production Design
To avoid being sued, a film director reluctantly agrees to set up and direct the Good Friday celebrations in a small Tuscan town.
Production Design
Claudio is a construction worker living in the outskirts of Rome. He's happily married and his wife is pregnant with their third child. However, a dramatic event comes to upset this simple and happy life.
Production Design
영국인 작가 제임스 밀러는 새로 펴낸 <기막힌 복제품>이란 책의 강연차 들른 이탈리아 토스카나에서 그녀와 만나게 된다. 아름답고 예민한 그녀는 홀로 아이를 키우며 골동품 가게를 운영하는 프랑스 여성으로 <기막힌 복제품>의 팬이다. 그의 책에 매료된 그녀는 하루 동안 토스카나의 시골지역을 소개해 주겠다고 자청하고, 함께 하면서 서로에 대해 알아가게 될 때쯤 두 사람은 ‘진짜 부부’인 척하는 장난스러운 역할극을 시작한다. 가벼운 마음으로 시작한 그들의 역할극은 점점 진지해지고, 진실과 거짓이 모호한 감정의 소용돌이 속으로 휘말리기 시작하는데...
Production Design
Romantically disillusioned woman finds herself organising her sister's wedding. Cue romantic mismatching and shenanigans...
Production Design
The story of two renowned actors of Fascist cinema, Luisa Ferida and Osvaldo Valenti, who were supporters of the regime until the very end. Accused of collaborationism and torture, they were summarily executed by Partisans during the Liberation.
Production Design
The arrival of an attractive young teacher in a small town in the Po valley disturbs the drowsy life of the place, leading eventually to a murder.
Production Design
B급 영화의 프로듀서인 브루노 보노모는 차기작의 제작비를 마련하는 데 어려움을 겪고 있다. 경제적인 파산과 가정문제로 곤경에 처해있던 브루노는 한 젊은 감독이 쓴 시나리오를 읽고, 거기에 빠져든다. 처음에 브루노는 평범한 스릴러라고 생각했지만, 곧 거기에 베르루스코니 정부에 대한 비평적인 폭로가 내재되어 있음을 알게 된다.
Production Design
Married for most of her adult life, Nina plunges into depression after being suddenly left by her husband. Eventually, she'll find a way out by having multiple affairs with strangers.
Production Design
The life of a Northern Italian middle-class family is turned upside down after their 12-year-old son falls overboard during a sea trip, only to be picked up by a boat of illegal immigrants.
Production Design
Giovanni, a married man with a child, meets on a train Maria, a former lover.
Production Design
Stefania works in a bookshop. Shortly before closing for summer holidays, Andrea, who was left behind by his fiancée, enters the store.
Production Design
일상적인 놀이 중 발견한 커다란 비밀 하나... 그것은 만남의 시작이었다.폐가에서 여동생의 안경을 잃어버린 미카엘은 안경을 찾던 중 우연히 마당 구석에 숨겨진 이상한 굴을 발견하게 된다. 두려움 반, 호기심 반에 두근거리는 마음을 안고 내려다본 구멍, 그곳에서 미카엘은 놀랍게도 누더기와 사슬에 묶여 갇혀 있는 또래 소년을 발견하게 된다. 지하 굴에 갇혀 눈도 뜨지 못하는 소년 필리포, 누군가 오래 전 그에게 물과 음식을 준 흔적은 있지만 도대체 누가, 왜 자신을 굴에 가두었는지 공포에 질린 필리포는 아무 것도 기억하지 못한다. 누가 널 거기에 가뒀니? 괜찮은 거야? 집에 돌아온 미카엘은 이 정체불명의 소년에 관한 수많은 상상의 세계에 젖고 하루하루 소년을 찾아가는 사이 미카엘과 필리포 사이에는 특별한 우정이 싹트게 된다. 이 기묘한 만남의 시작과 함께 미카엘의 주변에는 온통 이상한 일들이 일어나기 시작한다. 집안 찬장에서 낡은 오두막에 있던 것과 똑같은 냄비가 있고, 여행을 떠났던 아버지는 정체불명의 남자들과 함께 돌아와 밤새 텔레비전을 보며 알아들을 수 없는 이야기들을 늘어 놓는다. 그러던 어느날 마침내 미카엘은 TV 뉴스를 통해 납치된 소년의 소식을 접하게 되고 그가 바로 필리포이며 자신의 부모와 마을 사람 모두가 그 납치 사건에 연루된 것을 깨닫게 된다. 과연 모든 비밀을 알게 된 미카엘과 추악한 어른들에 의해 유괴된 필리포의 운명은 어떻게 되는 것일까
Production Design
Inspired by the work of Italian underground comic book prodigy Andrea Pazienza, Paz! is a 24-hour slice of life of a bunch of students living in a flat in Bologna during the 70's, divided between marjuana, university, girls and political activism.
Cliente Bar
Inspired by the work of Italian underground comic book prodigy Andrea Pazienza, Paz! is a 24-hour slice of life of a bunch of students living in a flat in Bologna during the 70's, divided between marjuana, university, girls and political activism.
Production Design
Antonio is a fallen angel, a rootless chauffeur in Rome, who relates only to the lonely heroes in the science fiction novels he grew up with. Only through a chance meeting with Maria, a woman struggling to hold onto her daughter and her business, does he discover a hope that's been in his detached existence.
Production Design
정신과 의사 지오반니는 사랑하는 아내와 남매를 둔 단란한 가족의 가장. 그러나 평온했던 그의 가정에도 아들인 안드레아가 스킨 스쿠버를 하다가 익사하면서 파란이 닥친다. 아들을 돌보지 못한 자신을 질책하는 지오반니, 히스테릭하게 변해가는 아내 파올라와 딸 이렌느 등 붕괴 직전에 몰린 가족은 안드레아의 여자친구가 이들을 방문하면서 안정을 찾기 시작한다.
Production Design
Antonio is a man born with unusually large incisors; his freakishly huge teeth made him an outcast as a child and as man he has become obsessive and controlling in his relationships with women. Convinced that his girlfriend cheated on him (with her dentist, ça va sans dire), Antonio insults her in a fit of anger and in the fight she breaks off one of his teeth. Antonio now must travel across the country, going from dentist to dentist in search of someone who can make a crown that will suit his extra-large smile.
Production Design
Production Design
Studying to become a teacher in 1950s Northern Italy, Sicilian immigrant Pietro is joined by his older brother Giovanni. While Giovanni is an illiterate worker, Pietro shows considerable promise in his field, prompting the elder sibling to take on even the toughest jobs in order to support his brother's academic pursuits.
Production Design
During the 20 months before Italy's liberation from Fascism, a group of university students trade empty rhetoric for action by joining the Partisans into the mountains of Nazi-occupied northern Italy. There, group leader Gigi falls in love with his best friend's girl. As the Resistance struggle continues, some of the "little teachers" are killed, and the brutal reality of war leaves its mark on their youthful idealism.
Production Design
From childhood to fatherhood, Piero learns things the hard way while growing up in a working-class neighborhood of Livorno.
Production Design
Jimi, a computer game designer, finds that his latest product has been infected by a virus which has given consciousness to the main character of the game, Solo. Tormented by the memory of his fled girlfriend Lisa and begged by Solo to end its useless "life", Jimi begins a search for people who can help him both to discover what happened to Lisa and to delete his game before it is released.
Production Design
Alex, a high-school boy fond of rock and punk music, falls in love with Adelaide, who shares his feelings but doesn't want to get too involved because she will soon leave for studying in America. Alex gets relief in music and his friend Martino who leads what looks to him as a more complete life.
Production Design
In a high school in the outskirts of Rome, it's the last day before the summer holidays. A literature teacher reminisces the past year and wonders what will become of the students he cared for as if they were his children.
Production Design
During a hot Sunday afternoon in a small Southern Italian town, a school serving as a polling place is occupied by a group of three locals and an Eritrean immigrant, all unemployed, desperate and armed.
Production Design
Depressed magistrate Damiano Fortezza relocates from Milan to a small town in Campania, where the three Fontana sisters, owners of a chain of incinerators, dominate. The youngest, Eugenia, is about to marry a well-known crook Fortezza has to prosecute. However, he ends up falling in love with Eugenia and questioning the priorities of his job.
Production Design
Cesare Botero, an ambitious and corrupt young minister, hires a new spokesman, honest and polite high school professor Luciano Sandulli.
Production Design
Crossword-solving waitress Gloria falls for a womanizing TV repairman.
Production Design
In 1939 Vicenza, a young petty thief befriends the local priest. Based on the novel by Goffredo Parise.
Production Design
Michele is a Communist MP who loses his memory in a car crash—although nobody seems to notice it. During a water polo match ahead of election day, he starts to remember his past life, revealing the picture of a man whose personal and political identity crisis mirrors the one of Italian communism.
Production Design
1848, Tuscan countryside. Edo and Lupo are two peasants running away after having robbed their boss. Chased by mercenaries, they'll meet bandits, damsels in distress, eccentric nobles, and revolutionaries along the way.
Production Design
Otello Morsiani, a north-eastern-italian lawyer, takes the job of estimating land holdings on the Po Delta, which are intended to be expropriated to make way for a national park. The lawyer soon discovers that in that area, once target of methane extraction, the soil is now at risk to sink, due to hydrogeological disturbance: in the meanwhile, he also digs out a mystery tied to a death dating back twenty years before.
Production Design
The endearing efforts of a divorced, simple baker to capture the attentions of a bourgeois society woman.
Production Design
Production Design
Deranged after a fall from a horse, a man has lived for twenty years in a castle laboring under the delusion that he is Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV. His psychiatrist concocts an elaborate scheme to shock him out of his medieval reverie.
Production Design
A young journalist buys a used typewriter and notices some text still legible on the ribbon; he reconstructs the story of a scientist who discovered that some types of terrain have the power to revive the dead.
Production Design
A rich Italian's shocking suicide means different things to his twin brother, mother and pregnant lover.
Production Design
Lubo is a Yenish and his story takes place against the backdrop of the persecution of gypsies in Switzerland in the late 1930s.