Three adult siblings return to their childhood home, where their parents were allegedly murdered many years ago. Their plan is to get the house and estate ready to be sold but an evil force tries to prevent them from doing so.
Ricky Rapper is bored because his best friend Nelly Noodlehead is only interested in young pop singer Ville Pyry. Everything changes when downstairs neighbour Lennart Lindberg lends Ricky his old video game.
Grump's life follows the same familiar routines: spring is here and the early potato harvest is ripening. But Grump crashes his beloved Ford Escort and the car has to be scrapped. A new, modern vehicle is no match for quality and the nearest Escort, a 1972 model, can be found in Germany. When the Grumps's sons refuse to help, he must travel to Germany alone.
Temporarily homeless Jarna is in the deepest trouble of his life. Debtors have come to collect old drug debts and Jarna is given 24 hours to pay up, setting off a frantic, amphetamine fueled battle against time. Manic speed, fear of killers on his tail, paranoia and self-loathing over old wrongs eventually lead to a traffic accident. Jarna can no longer escape, his pace slows and he is on the verge of giving up. The moment has come when a near-lifetime of running must come to an end.
In his youth, the author Frej has already found a deep connection and passion with an upper-class girl, Stella Rabell, that has lasted between them through the decades. When Stella's older brother Alex falls victim to a stabbing attack, Frej begins to reminisce about the events of decades past. Frej's memories from the bright 1970s to the present day are filled with love, jealousy, betrayal, life and death.
The approaching baptism of his ex-wife's new baby destroys Antti's ability to function and puts him in catatonic state. Tuomas and Nippe take action to cheer him up and decide to take him on a singles cruise.
Documentary movie about a Finnish professional ice hockey player, Jere Karalahti. More than 50 people have been interviewed for the documentary film, such as Jere's family, coaches, journalists, fellow players and childhood friends. A profound documentary consists of archive material and dramatized scenes in addition to interviews.
Serena Rapper gets a strange prediction: a genius has been born to her immediate family. When Serena finds a drawing Ricky has made, she is certain that Ricky is Vincent Van Gogh reborn. She decides to show Ricky's drawing to the intendant of the Art Museum. At the same time, a sketch of one of Van Gogh's paintings is found in Finland! This discovery starts an exciting chain of events, and in the end, the janitor of the Art Museum, a keen amateur detective, helps Ricky and Nelly to solve the mystery.
1939년 8월, 유럽 전역은 전쟁의 발 앞에서 공포에 떨고 있다. 당시 에스토니아는 스탈린의 소련과 히틀러의 제3국(히틀러 치하의 독일을 일컫는 말)에 맞서 홀로 서있었는데, 국가의 반(反) 소비에트 정보국장이 살해되면서 치명적인 타격을 입게 되며 그들 내각 내의 스파이에 대한 의혹이 제기된다. 불가사의한 이중첩자를 찾는 임무를 맡은 에스토니아 스파이 펠릭스 캉구르는 반역자를 쫓기 위해 나선다. 세계, 정치, 군사적 사건들이 걷잡을 수 없는 속도로 전개됨과 동시에 독일과 소련이 폴란드를 침공하려는 움직임을 보이고, 그 와중에 펠릭스는 그 뒤에 숨겨진 소름 끼치는 계획을 발견하게 된다. 바로 소련의 붉은 군대가 에스토니아를 무력으로 합병하기 위한 비밀 작전을 계획하고 있었던 것이다. 양국에 파괴적인 결과를 가져올 이 사건을 막기 위해, 펠릭스는 폴란드 미술사학자인 마리아와 비밀 관계를 맺기로 하는데…
Pasi returns to his childhood town, asked to reconfigure the local plywood factory. With a child on the way with his upper-class wife, Pasi sees an opportunity – this is his ticket to climb the professional ladder in the company. On arrival, he bumps into his childhood friend Janne, who works in the factory he is about to downsize. Pasi begins to struggle with the fact that he is supposed to care for the profits – not for the people.
A couple inherit a 'house of their dreams' and for a while they think they got lucky, but soon find themselves in the middle of a renovation nightmare.
Antti Pasanen juggles between taking care of Paavo, his work and personal life, until Enni has an accident and he has two kids to take care of.
Executive Producer
Live action comedy about a fictional town and it's uncommon people, based on a comic strip 'Fingerpori', by Pertti Jarla.
The story of Kari Tapio, who sang his way into the hearts of the Finns in the 70's and whose popularity lasted until his death in 2010.
Ricky and Nelly decide to take part in arm wrestling competition during their summer holiday.
Anni, a daughter of a wealthy family and used to secure life, falls in love with Veikko, a war invalid of the Continuation War. Anni leaves her past behind her and starts leading the life of a pioneer, in the wild forests of northern Karelia, in a settlement farm. After a rosy start, the fate crushes Anni’s dreams and her love for Veikko is put to a test.
평범한 가정에서 자란 15살 소녀 매그니아, 자유분방한 스텔라를 만나면서 그녀의 삶은 180도 바뀌기 시작한다. 어린 시절부터 시작되는 그들의 파란만장하면서도 처절한 삶이 과거와 현재를 오가면서 펼쳐진다. 실화를 바탕으로 한 작품.
The Grump prepares to die – everything is done and his wife is dead. He’s making his own coffin when the life walks in, all of a sudden. The granddaughter needs the stubbornness and wisdom of her grandpa. In return, The Grump gets a meaning for his life – and a big secret.
Executive Producer
Eevi works in a beauty parlor, leading a humdrum life in the suburbs of Helsinki with his husband Kari, a wannabe rocker. After the jackpot, the couple agrees to carry on with their lives as before, without telling anyone about the stroke of luck. But the money is burning holes in their pockets and that’s hard to hide. Their opinions about themselves and their relationship are put to the test. Everyone seems now to have a strange attitude towards them – although they try to pretend to be the same people as before. Do the millions bring happiness after all?
Lasse is an old racist who has lives in an apartment block filled with a selection of refugees and immigrants. Kamal is a 16-year old boy who's fed up in his life in Finland, and dreams of moving to Nairobi to live with his father. Only problem is that he doesn't have the money to buy the ticket.
Executive Producer
The career of Tuomas’ in the music industry is in a downhill spiral – but his plans of getting married with Leila are in full swing. Niklas and Antti decide to throw Tuomas the bachelor party of all times – but things don’t always turn out as planned – and the dudes end up in the funeral service of their old classmate.
Executive Producer
기성 문화에 맞서 젊은 에너지로 문화를 바꿔보려는 두 작가 ‘잉카’와 ‘유하나’ 뜨거운 사랑을 나눔과 동시에 서로의 뮤즈가 되어 각자의 글을 써 내려간다. 그렇게 사랑을 키워가던 중 ‘잉카’의 책은 베스트셀러가 된 반면 여전히 책을 완성하지 못한 ‘유하나’는 열등감에 휩싸여 삐뚤어진 사랑 표현을 하고. 계속 타오를 것 같던 두 사람의 관계에 금이 가기 시작한다..
Unrest breaks out in eastern Helsinki as a Finnish family man gets hospitalized in the summer of 2015. Gangs of young people are burning down cars and public buildings, confronting the security guards and the riot police. The narrative goes backwards, towards the riots which mark the end of our movie. As the story begins, the unrest is still bubbling under, ready to explode any time. Vandalism and robbery are not uncommon in the suburbs; neither is violence towards the police and the security guards. Frustration, alienation, isolation and poverty corrode the asphalt surface of the multicultured society, otherwise relatively harmonious.
Executive Producer
Career woman finds out that her boyfriend is living a secret double life. She finds a bag of money and decides to make a run for it. She is accompanied by a little girl who is also on a run from her criminal step-father. Together they're trying to make it to her grandmothers house.
Executive Producer
Luokkakokous is a story about three men that travel back to their hometown to attend their high school class reunion.
Jussi Vares find two bodies of Turku outskirts of women, which has been shot in the head, and the man whose body is full of runes similar to the cuts, which suggest that the murder would have been part of the dark ritual. A year later, Vares is hired to investigate these homicides. Cable Wires take Varesta towards Turku underworld dominant invisible godfather, sheriff. Sheriff is the man whom nobody knows and we do not discuss. Vares drifts dangerously close to the "jury", the secret underworld lord clubs, the members of the human spirit is a cheap commodity. Rummaging through the case Vares get too close to the truth.
A stubbornly traditional eighty-year-old farmer - whose social attitudes verge on the prehistoric - raises hell when he is forced to move in with his sadsack, city-dwelling son and domineering daughter-in-law.
A stubbornly traditional eighty-year-old farmer - whose social attitudes verge on the prehistoric - raises hell when he is forced to move in with his sadsack, city-dwelling son and domineering daughter-in-law.
Executive Producer
25-year-old Iiris and Karoliina have been best friends since childhood. Karoliina has been travelling and living abroad for some years now, but is coming back home for the summer as Karoliina has gotten them a job as waitresses in Hanko, the best summer city in Finland!
A ravishing story about little Pete and his survival and growth in the gray area between love and fear.
Urho Kaleva Kekkonen, the long-time president of the Republic of Finland, is scheduled to visit Alli’s Bar on his way to northern Finland. He is blindly worshiped and the nearer the visit draws, the more envy, competition and dirty tricks come to bear in this small town setting. No one is spared the brutality!
Aarno Lamminparras hijacked an airplane with a gun in 1978. A true story.
The tango king Harry Koivikko was found dead six years ago in a sleazebag motel, with a knife is his back. The biggest manhunt in the county faded away without results. Jussi Vares gets a phone call from a down-and-out journalist; the informant tells Vares he knows the murderer. Then the journalist disappears without a trace and Vares has to face the biggest challenge of his career. To add insult to the injury, an old acquaintance Veikko Hopea gets his first prison furlough…
스탈린의 공포 정치를 겪은 ‘알리드’는 고향 사람들이 숱하게 시베리아로 강제 추방 당한 가운데 홀로 살아 남아 수십 년째 외딴 집을 지키고 있다. 어느날 밤, 그녀는 러시아 마피아에게 붙잡혀 성 노예로 착취 당하다가 극적으로 탈출한 소녀 ‘자라’를 발견한다. 상처받은 두 여인이 서로를 알아가는 가운데, 에스토니아가 구 소련의 지배하에 있던 시절, 한 가족이 견뎌야 했던 비극이 밝혀진다. 남자를 지키기 위한 한 여자의 기나긴 형벌의 시간.. 형부를 사랑한 죄로, 형부를 살리기 위해 숱한 고문을 견디고 심지어 소련 경찰과 결혼까지 하게 된 ‘알리드’. 사랑하면 안 되는 한 남자를 사랑해서 모진 아픔의 시간을 견디며 살아왔던 그녀는 친언니의 손녀 ‘자라’가 찾아오면서 또다시 격동의 인생을 맞게 된다.
Jussi Vares falls in love with a beautiful brunette - only to lose her in a horrible way. After dating Sole a few weeks, her body is found in a bird-watching tower. The investigations come to a standstill, until Vares promises to solve a mystery of messy denunciation letters. Before the letters reveal their secret, a lot of things happen. A gun-for-hire, Stahanov, gets an assignment. Sole's brother finds his wife in the arms of a wrong man and goes on a rampage, accompanied by a black cat. In the end the clues lead to a familiar person and more death in unavoidable
The body of a young woman whose heart has been ripped out of her chest is found in a remote are in Finland. The finder of the body, a dismissed pastor, hires private investigator Jussi Vares to investigate the crime. Vares uncovers a criminal ring involved in extortion, religious scams, exploitation of minors and stock market speculation.
Life for Sale is the story of one unlucky man's descent into disaster, a dramatic, human-destiny thriller with contemporary social undertones.
In the heat of the night, a man from faraway plays the piano. In the local hillside prison, a bitter double-crossed convict stares at the city life over the roofs. A revenge is brewing in his mind; the blood-thirsty killer prepares his escape. Vares gets a client who needs private investigations. Despite the beautiful wife, Vares smells a rat... In the middle of the summer night, a shot rings out. One life comes to an end and Vares finds changes in his assignment. The clues lead him to first-hand encounters and second-hand bookshops; a visit to the gym reveals a drug-smuggling route from Stockholm... Vares finds himself entangled in hot money and cool silk. In the background slithers a cunning garter snake.
Tough Finnish detective Jussi Vares gets hired by a friend at a newspaper to investigate a 15 year old mystery regarding the disappearance of 3 girls.
Executive Producer
Summer begins, Aku graduates high school and faces a great emptiness. As his girlfriend, parents and friends all leave the city, it looks to be the dullest summer ever. Everything changes at Midsummer when Aku meets Juli, a beautiful, strange and wild girl. Juli asks Aku for a ride to eastern Finland. Aku agrees – without any idea what he's getting himself into.
A young college student is found stabbed to death,and private detective Vares life takes an interesting turn when the girls family asks him to investigate the case.
Executive Producer
The director Lauri Nurkse tells that Veijarit is a film about "arjensietokyvyttömyys" (= inability to tolerate everyday life) and about the Peter Pan complex. The main actor Mikko Leppilampi says it's about "kolkyttoistavuotiaat" (= thirtyeenagers = people of thirty behaving like teenagers). An immediate reference point is the commedia all'italiana of the 1950s and the 1960s, the black comedy often exposing the infantile stage of development of the Italian male. Saku and Ässä are anti-heroes, but we never fail to sense the humanity behind their shallow and crazy ways. Veijarit is a satire and a parody of a superficial way of life, but there is a vitality in the protagonists that we feel can lead them to a more meaningful stage of existence after the prolonged youth full of sound and fury. There is a motif of transcendence in the imagery of flying: will the balloons carry me or will they burst.
15살의 에밀리아는 사실상 집의 가장이다. 부모님의 이혼 후, 항상 ‘다 잘 될 거야’라고 말하는 대책 없는 아버지와 살면서 아직 어린 여동생을 도맡아 돌보기 때문이다. 그러던 중, 여름방학 마지막 날, 에밀리아는 자신이 그토록 꿈꾸던 모습으로 살고 있는 시리를 만난다. 용감하고 자유로우며 독립적인 시리. 우정으로 시작된 그들의 관계는 점점 복잡해지고... 과연 에밀리아는 시리와의 얽혀있는 관계에서 자유를 찾을 수 있을까? (2011년 제13회 서울국제청소년영화제)
Executive Producer
Reindeerspotting is a documentary film of a group of young guys living in Rovaniemi, Arctic Circle, dabbling in petty crime and hard drugs. One of them, Jani, has lost five years of his life and two fingers to his debotators. He wants to leave Lapland and his old life behind. Robbing a supermarket is a start for his getaway. A few years back a documentarist, Joonas Neuvonen, was a young men living on social welfare, using drugs on daily basis. He started to film his friends and their life. This is the story of Jani.
In the mid-1960s, three small-time Finnish bootleggers seize control of their Helsinki neighborhood's black-market liquor business.
Executive Producer
A farce about blackmailing, a kidney transplant operation performed at home, deviants and human relationships.
Executive Producer
사라는 자폐증이 있는 어린 소녀. 그녀의 아버지는 그녀를 병원에서 데리고 나가기로 결심한다. 하지만 탈출 중에 엘리베이터가 고장 나고, 엘리베이터 문이 다시 열렸을 때 병원은 잘린 시체와 괴물들로 가득한 지옥으로 변해버리는데...핀란드를 대표하는 다재다능한 아티스트 로디(Lordi)가 직접 출연 및 제작에 참여하여 화제가 된 좀비 영화.
Executive Producer
Haunted by his traumatic past and cautious about the prospects of an uncertain future, a fourteen year old boy named Juhani winds up in an isolated boys' home known as The Island. Juhani has been shuttled between foster homes and temporary families for the past six years, leaving any prospect of stability in his life a faded dream. When Juhani winds up in a remote shelter for troubled youth known as The Island, he has little idea of how ruthless superintendent Olavi Harjula can truly be.
Executive Producer
The tough Detective Vares, get hired by a friend accused of murdering a girl. His job is to find the real killer, but people aren't talking. Before he can get traction another homicide takes place- and things move toward a dire conclusion.
Executive Producer
Looking to outrun the horrors of his past, a tormented cabbie flees Helsinki for an apartment complex in the suburbs, only to discover that new neighbors bring new problems. What ensues is a raw, realistic tragedy with an unwaveringly humane core.
Executive Producer
Four Olympic gold medals, seven World Championship titles, four World Cup tour championships, and forty six World Cup circuit victories. Once his career as a professional athlete ended however, the other side of his personality emerged into public view in all of its vulgarity. An alcohol dependency, several marriages accompanied by numerous marital problems, petty crime, uncontrolled acts of violence, and greedy hangers-on.
Matti and Niila, growing up in the mid-sixties in the harsh and conservative environment of a Finnish-speaking part of Tornedalen in Swedish Laponia, close to the Finnish border. Their big dream is to become rock stars. In the present the now grown-up Matti feels guilt for the death of his drug-addicted rock star friend Niila.
Executive Producer
Vares, a film noir comedy from Finland, is yet another twist on PULP FICTION. And, just in case we miss the similarities of splattered blood mixed with outrageous incidents, the movie explicitly references PULP FICTION and has a comedic scene in which two guys argue about McDonald's hamburgers. Still, VARES - PRIVATE EYE, by director Aleksi Mäkelä, manages to be kind of fun even not especially original. The script has more characters than the screenwriter can handle, leaving the audience frequently confused about who is doing what and why. The two best scenes are one about a wacky wedding and another about a guy who answers a cell phone call while he is busy enjoying the pleasures of a sex parlor.
Executive Producer
30대의 여성 죠나는 광고회사에서 인정 받고 있는 커리어 우먼이다. 평범한 남편과 결혼해 두 아이의 어머니로 완벽한 삶을 살고 있는듯한 죠나에게는 아무도 모르는 그녀만의 비밀이 있다.
평범하고 일상적인 가정생활과 직장 일에 무료함을 느낀 그녀는 잠시 즐길 하룻밤 상대를 찾기 시작한다.
전혀 죄책감 없이 많은 상대들의 육체를 탐닉하고 컨트롤 하는 죠나. 수많은 남자들과의 관계에서 그녀는 그들을 통치하고 컨트롤 한다는 생각에 희열을 느끼고 이런 그녀의 자만심은 가정과 직장에서도 여지없이 보여진다.
새로운 남자를 물색하던 죠니는 알렉스라는 젊은 요트맨을 만난다. 서로의 육체에 매료된 죠나와 알렉스는 끊임없이 서로를 탐닉하게 되고, 언제나 남자들과의 관계를 자신 마음대로 조정할 수 있다고 믿었던 죠나는 알렉스 역시 그 중 한명이라고 생각한다. 하지만 시간이 갈수록 죠나는 알렉스에게 점점 빠져 들어가고...
Executive Producer
The story bases on four Finnish brothers, nicknamed 'the Eura Daltons' who received nation-wide notoriety for tearing gas pumps apart when they needed cash. The cast is an impressive one: the brothers are portrayed by Peter Franzen, Lauri Nurkse, Niko Saarela and Jasper Pääkkönen while their really evil father is played by Vesa-Matti Loiri, one of the grand old men of Finnish cinema.
Executive Producer
An old dog has a hard time learning new tricks in this drama set in Turku. Ari, a paramedic, is a chronic womanizer; he makes it a point of pride to never sleep with the same woman twice, and his nights are a long series of brazen one-night stands. But when Ari meets Tiina (Laura Malmivaara), something unexpected happens - he falls in love. For the first time, Ari finds himself pursuing a long-term relationship, and he makes a genuine effort to remain faithful to her. But old habits die hard; Tiina introduces Ari to her circle of friends and temptation arises as he encounters Hanna-Riikka, a theology student, and Ilona, who is soon to be married. Despite Ari's feelings for Tiina, he begins having affairs with both Hanna-Riikka and Ilona, leading to an unpleasant revelation on the day of Ilona's nuptials. ~ Mark Deming, Allrovi
Production Manager
The colonel's wife's tin pints need to be cleaned up, and Sergeant First Class Körmy tasks two privates to do so.
The colonel's wife's tin pints need to be cleaned up, and Sergeant First Class Körmy tasks two privates to do so.
Production Manager
About the history of the contraceptive tool and reminds us of the importance of using a condom in combating sexually transmitted diseases.
Young Maja is married off to their neighbour's son, Janne, and the couple settle on a barren island in the Åland archipelago in the early 19th century.
Inspector Palmu gets to solve a new case, when a wealthy real estate millionaire connected to Germany is murdered in Kaivopuisto, middle of post-war Helsinki. The murder is only beginning for the events that will shake the city even more violently than Soviet bombers during the war.
When a minor German prince becomes an unlikely king candidate, the assignment to teach him the language of his future subjects seems purely formal at first. But as the offbeat candidate is elected king, the pupil and his tutor find themselves in the midst of ugly political intrigue. Ultimately, both of them have to give up their life dreams in order to save a nation from ruin.