Umberto D'Orsi

Umberto D'Orsi

출생 : 1929-07-30, Trieste, Italy

사망 : 1976-08-31

프로필 사진

Umberto D'Orsi

참여 작품

Amici più di prima
Grand Master, Count Diego Catellani
A good-natured but unlucky Italian is constantly going on a difficult situations, but never lose his mood.
Smiling Maniacs
During an inquest, an ambitious judge finds out that a lot of high-rank politicians are corrupt to the core.
The Schoolgirl
A softcore erotic Italian-comedy movie, shot in Alatri (Frosinone, Italy) in 1975 (released in 1976) by Franco Lo Cascio (future porno director as Luca Damiano). The same Lo Cascio has written the script, based on a own subject, together with Piero Regnoli. The eighteen year-old Patrizia, after the school year in college, returned to his country being hosted by her grandmother and rediscovered his childhood girlfriends. By virtue of its lively temper, she arranges for itself and her friends a ballroom in a shed owned by a notary, who, determined to tear down the structure, calls for law enforcement to evict the young people from the building. The girl and her three uninhibited girlfriends, educated by Marilena (a prostitute also called "la bolognese") manage to corner the City Council by seducing its members: the tobacconist, the photographer and the butcher. They even help the girls to document the misdeeds of the treacherous notary and his lawyer brother.
The Crazy Bunch
direttore del manicomio
Tricky Dicky is after a gold treasure with his companion. He tracks the treasure down in insane asylums, Ku Klux Klan rallies, and finally, the outlaw's hideout.
Playing the Field
Il medico
A small-time soccer referee gets the chance of a lifetime when he gets to referee a major-league game. He becomes a celebrity and suddenly finds himself having to choose between his future as a referee and the temptations that come his way, especially the women, now.
The story is about a young hippy called Salvatore who sparks up a relationship with a high class prostitute, Maddalena. The two fall in love and try to start a new life together but things turn ugly when Maddalena is kidnapped by his old hippy pals and Maddalena's dangerous pimp...
내 이름은 상하이 조
Poker Player
A Chinese immigrant, recently arrived in America, fights to free Mexican slaves from their cruel master.
Theft in the Evening, a Big Coup Hopefully
A comedy about two friends attempting a heist.
In the West There Was a Man Named Invincible
Archibald McPherson / McPiedish
Cake in the Sky
This movie is an adaptation of a book by Rodari, a famous Italian poet and writer of children literature. A group of children in the outskirts of Rome bump into a spaceship that landed nearby. Soon the event draws the attention of the media, the military and rich entrepreneurs. The spaceship is pointed as the evil to fight against by the authorities, and nobody trusts the kids, who on the other hand try to preserve the spaceship (which is actually a harmless space-cake). –IMDb
The Sensuous Sicilian
Il cavaliere Carmelo
From his youth, Paolo Castorini, a Sicilian baron, is as attracted to women as they to him. Giovanna, a servant girl, Lillian, a serious girlfriend in Rome, a hostess at a post-war party, Paolo makes love to them all. He also feels dissatisfied with a life only of the body, compared to his journalist friend Vincenzo and his own father, a sober and serious thinker. When his father is on his deathbed, Paolo learns of syphilis in the family and something of the curse of dissolution. Some years later, he resolves to marry Katrina, the pure daughter of the woman he should have married. He wants her purity to redeem him so he can make something of his life. But is it too late?
I due gattoni a nove code... e mezza ad Amsterdam
Franco and Ciccio, two journalists, are sent to Amsterdam to investigate a mysterious murder. After having managed to infiltrate the libertine circles of the city, the two take a compromising photo that will get them into trouble.
Ubalda, All Naked and Warm
Mastro Oderisi
During the Middle Ages, a clumsy knight returns home where his wife awaits him. Sensuous and beautiful, she has attracted several male admirers during his absence, but her chastity belt has maintained her faithfulness. Now is her chance to wrest the key from him and enjoy herself. The knight’s portly friend has a similar problem with his equally gorgeous wife. And to top it off, both men have designs on the other’s wife — leading them to devise painful methods to discourage the other from trespassing.
The Return of Halleluja
Ramirez, the general of the Mexican revolution against Maximilian who has been appointed king of Mexico, organizes his forces to attack the king's General, Miranda. Ramirez realizes that the Aztec Indians would be allies of great value, so he offers to return to them an idol statue that has been stolen from them. Only Alleluja is capable of retrieving the idol from the thieves.
Story of Fear and a Knife
Ingegner Brambilla
A funk is believed to be a tough guy because of a magic bowler hat which gives him courage and strength.
Who Killed the Prosecutor and Why?
Romano, Don Salvatore's lawyer
Carlo, a young photographer, is making love with his girlfriend at the beach when he witnesses a murder being feebly staged to look like a car accident. Carlo takes incriminating shots of the murderers (the victim turns out to be the local public prosecutor) and attempts to sell them to various interested parties, including a gangster and a newspaper owner. One of the murderers' accomplices, a lowlife criminal, is gunned down by a black-gloved assassin, while another is stabbed to death...
Oplà, noi viviamo
Colpo grosso… grossissimo… anzi probabile
Naughty Nun
Domenico Mincaglia
To spite her father, a young woman enters a convent. However, the woman's old boyfriend shows up and tries to win her back.
Snow Job
A famous skier, his mistress and a ski instructor rob a bank in the Alps and hide the loot in a crevasse.
Husband of Domitilla
Five episodes :1) A husband has taken the place of the confessor to find out about his wife's betrayals and while he spends the night at the door of the house, the woman can freely receive her lover. 2) Judge Volfardo, to take revenge for the constant pranks of Lambertuccio, head of the guards, invites Leonetto, a young man whom women yearn for, to take advantage of his wife. But everything is resolved to their own damage 3) While Domitilla's husband sends the boy into his bed to be able to sleep with his lover. 4) Don Casimiro has Don Ciccillo treat his wife who will use a very intimate therapy. 5) Messer Ciccio and Messer Gerbino exchange confidences on how not to be betrayed by their wives, so that...
I due assi del guantone
Two waiters who work in a restaurant, whose owner is a big boxing fan, pretend one of them is a boxer and the other his manager. The supposed boxer wins his first matches thanks to set ups organized by the other but when he beats a champion from another part of town, he is severely beaten up by his supporters.
Touch and Go
Major Bruzzalini
North Africa, December 1942. Valentin, a professional gardener ruined by the bombings of 1940, has fled to Tunis, where he traffics stolen goods, transporting them from Libya to Tunisia on an old boat.
Oasis of Fear
Picture buyer
Two young sexually free hippies, Dick and Ingrid, finance their travels by selling naked snaps of Ingrid until their plan is brought to an abrupt end by the Police. Forced on the run the two seek refuge at a seemingly empty isolated large villa. As it turns out the house is inhabited by the middle-aged Barbara who invites them in for some potential three-way hanky-panky that soon locks them into something far more twisted and chilling!
I due della F. 1 alla corsa più pazza, pazza del mondo
Ambrogio Barillà
Two chaps who earn a living repairing household appliances are hired by a formula one manager who has had his best pilot kidnapped. One of them drives the car which is remote controlled by a device invented by the other.
Ma che musica maestro
onorevole Morbilloni
The love story between two youths born in rival villages is hindered by the other inhabitants.
...Scusi, ma lei le paga le tasse?
Dottor Ferrentini
Mazzabubù... quante corna stanno quaggiù?
Commendator Bordiga
During a monologue on the theme of adultery, a man reviews a series of famous and anonymous cases of conjugal betrayals ...
Il clan dei due Borsalini
Italian comedy
Basta guardarla
I due maghi del pallone
Commander Cazzaniga
The manager of a football team wants to hire a coach. Luckily the team begin to win but on the eve of an important match the opposing team has their best scorer kidnapped. Will they win the match all the same?
Tin Girl
Mr. Rossi lives in a small town. He works in a large financial company and is considered to be rather original and eccentric by his colleagues because he doesn't own a car and insist on rollerskating to and from work. One afternoon, from his office windows, he catches sight of an intriguing girl and decides to follow her...
Tears of love
Commendator Zibiletti
An English singer thinks his Italian wife has cheated on him and goes back to England. He is then involved in drug trafficking and ends up in jail. Luckily enough after a while the real culprit is revealed and he can go back to Italy and his wife.
Il Divorzio
Middle-aged man leaves his wife to devote himself to a carefree life.
Don Franco and Don Ciccio in a Year of Protest
Orazio Caccamo
Italy's best loved comedy duo play rival priests in the neighboring towns of Roccapizzone and San Antonio. Did Franco crash his bike through Ciccio's new stained glass window on purpose or was he just in town for their mutual confession? Their main beef with each other concerns their opposing football teams and this feud takes up a great deal of the picture.
Nel giorno del signore
Cardinale Ruffo
Margherita nicknamed Fornarina is Raphael's mistress. Beatrice, a noblewoman who is also in love with the famous painter tries to get her out of the way, by having her wrongly accused of the murder of a loan shark, whom she has in reality killed herself. Fornarina is sentenced to death. Will Raphael manage to prove her innocent?
Pensiero d'amore
Mr. Tibiletti
Il giovane normale
Car Driver
Giordano is a young man from Milan who accepts a ride from a married American couple sightseeing in Italy. The husband is an older and worldly professor of archaeology while his wife is interested in exploring living things. The young hitchhiker is seduced by the beautiful wife, while her husband continues to gaze at ancient ruins.
Franco e Ciccio... Ladro e Guardia
Direttore del circo
A cop has a cousin who is a thief, and one day while he is chasing him he ends up in a room with a murdered man. The two are photographed at the murder scene and believed to be the assassins. The police however believe in their innocence and send the odd couple on the trail of the real murderer who is thought to be working in a circus.
Without Knowing Anything About Her
Tells a dark story about a young lawyer that falls in love with a strange girl with an unknown past.
베아트리체 첸치
베아트리체는 1577년 2월 6일, 교활하고 포악하기로 유명한 이탈리아의 귀족 프란체스코 첸치(Francesco Cenci)와 그의 첫 번째 부인 사이에서 태어났다. 그리고 그녀는 삶이 채 꽃피기도 전에 아버지를 살해한 희대의 살인자로 사형을 선고받고 1599년 9월 11일 짧은 마감했다. 당시 그녀의 가족으로는 오빠인 지오코모와 계모 루크레지아페트로니, 이복동생 베르나르도가 있었는데 어린 베르나도를 제외한 모든 가족이 살인죄로 체포되어 함께 처형됐다. 처형되기 전, 그들을 구하기 위한 노력이 많이 시도됐지만 교황 클레멘스 8세(Pope Clement Ⅷ)는 사면을 허락하지 않았다. 그래서 교황이 그들을 파멸시킬 목적에서 행했던 것이라는 소문도 있다. 프란체스코는 엄청난 부와 영향력을 소유하고 있었는데, 로마의 유테인 게토 끝에 위치한 그들의 저택 첸치성(Palazzo Cenci)말고도 첸치가는 로마 북쪽의 리에티에 가까운 작은 마을인 페트렐라살토에 성을 소유하고 있었다. 그들의 재산은 물론 첸치가 사람들이 사형당하면서 모두 몰수됐다.
Puro siccome un angelo papà mi fece monaco... di Monza
A noble family assigns their younger son to the convent. The youngster has an affair with a novice, who becomes pregnant. The brothers, exasperated by his arrogance, denounce him to the Inquisition. As a punishment, the boy is walled up alive and released after fifty years. Due to a mysterious miracle, however, he remained as he is, just like the novice he impaled.
Franco, Ciccio e il pirata Barbanera
Creditore di Ciccio
Franco and Ciccio embark on a journey to find Pirate Flint's lost treasure, hunted by the fearsome Pirate Blackbeard.
Il Terribile Ispettore
Onorevole Giulio Scorzarelli-Micci
The ambition of a simple porter to become a real doctor, even though he has no diploma or degree, pushes him to enter the environment he likes so much.
아이 씨 네이키드
Seven sketches including the title sketch "I See Naked" in which a fashion editor begins to see naked women everywhere he goes.
I 2 deputati
Ugo Latterin
Francesco and Franco are brothers in law but, since their respective wives can't stand each other, are always arguing. When Francesco decides to run for Parliament, Franco is kidnapped by his opposing party and forced to run as well. The clashes between the two in-laws will continue in Parliament.
The Nephews of Zorro
Comandante della Nave
Two fellows from Sicily go to America thinking that they will find gold . For their bad luck in California they meet the brave Zorro who is protecting the helpless people. They have to help him which is followed by a lot of adventures and funny moments.
The Black Sheep
Roberto Franceschini 'Pampero'
Episode film about identical twin brothers. Mario is an honest government-minded deputy. Filippo lives by his wits, not quite legally. Eventually Filippo ruins his brother's career and mind, absorbs his wife and finally steps into his shoes as an honorable member of Parliament.
Don Chisciotte e Sancio Panza
Don Pietro
Comic version of the famous man of la Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes in which Don Quixote having read an adventure book too many sets out on his own adventures with his servant Sancho Panza.
I due Crociati
Goffredo di Buglione
Two inept crusaders almost sabotage the christians' plan to conquer Jerusalem.
죽음의 영혼
Hans (segment "William Wilson")
첫번째 에피소드(로제 바댕 연출/제인 폰다, 피터 폰다 주연). 프레데리크 백작부인(제인 폰다 분)은 기분 내키는 대로 방탕한 생활을 일삼다 숲 속에서 우연히 만난 빌헬름(피터 폰다 분)을 보고 한눈에 반한다. 그러나 빌헬름은 그녀의 유혹을 뿌리치고, 화가난 백작부인은 심복을 시켜 그의 마구간에 불을 지르게 한다. 말들을 구하려던 빌헬름은 불길에 휩싸여 죽고, 불길 속에서 검은 말 한 마리가 살아남는다. 프레데리크 백작부인은 그 말을 길들이려 하지만 검은 말은 그녀의 뜻을 따르지 않는다. 그러던 어느날 벼락이 떨어져 숲에 불이 나자 검은 말은 그녀를 태운 채 불 속으로 달려든다. 두 번째 에피소드(루이 말 연출 / 알랭 들롱, 브리지트 바르도 주연). 사디스트적인 기질을 가진 한 오스트리아 장교(알랭 들롱 분)가 타인을 모욕하고 괴롭히려 할 때마다 그와 아주 흡사하게 생긴 신입생이 개입해 그의 행동을 저지하게 되는데, 어느날 카드게임에서 패한 한 아름다운 여성(브리지트 바르도 분)을 능욕하려하자, 예의 신입생이 나타나 그의 속임수를 폭로하며 저지하려 한다. 이에 흥분한 장교는 그를 단도로 살해하고, 자신 역시 불행을 당하게 된다는 내용을 담고 있다. 세번째 에피소드(페데리코 펠리니 연출, 테렌스 스탬프 주연) 술에 취해야 천재성을 발휘하는 영국 배우 토비(테렌스 스탬프 분)는 페라리 한 대를 제공하겠다는 영화제작자의 말에 솔깃해 이태리로 날아온다. 공항에서 우연히 한 소녀의 공을 주워주게 되는데, 기다리던 제작자들을 만나 함께 차를 타고 가면서 다시 공을 주으러 뛰어가는 금발의 소녀를 목격한 토비는 전율에 휩싸인다. 이태리에서의 행사를 마치고 페라리를 받게 된 토비는 그를 괴롭히는 군중을 피해 혼자 시운전을 하게 되고, 무너진 다리 때문에 인부들이 통행을 막고 있는 도로에서 자신의 목을 걸고 도박을 벌인다.
I due vigili
Capitano Merli
Two traffic policemen help capture a dangerous robber after unwittingly contributing to his making off with the loot.
Colpo doppio del camaleonte d'oro
Il Dottore
Sailors on Deck
Teddy Rodano
Antonio is trying to become a successful singer when he suddenly has to leave for military service in the navy. With Little Tony, S. Rozin.
I Killed Rasputin
Grigori Rasputin becomes a fixture of Russia's Imperial Court after saving the life of Alexei Nikolaevich, Tsarevich of Russia, the haemophiliac heir to the throne. However as war breaks out, Rasputin's enemies see him as a cause and plot fatal revenge against the Russian mystic.
Death Walks in Laredo
Whitaker Selby, Lester Kato, and Etienne Devereaux, three eccentric gunmen, discover they are brothers. Their father left them all a mine located in Laredo, Texas. But they discover that Julius Caesar Fuller, the town's greedy landowner (who fancies himself Caesar) has taken control of their mine. They band together to fight Caesar and his black clad gunmen to repossess their mine and avenge their father. Source: SWDB
Two Sons of Ringo
Another spoof from the Franco and Ciccio team in which the boys, who are running a scam pretending to be bounty hunters, are 'persuaded' to help a real bounty hunter discover a treasure by claiming to be the heirs of a deceased lawman.
The Big Blackout
Joe Crane
Secret agent Perry Grant is called in to investigate a strange case which involves counterfeit money, industrial espionage, and a fashion company that may be functioning as a front for a secret criminal organization.
I due sanculotti
The brothers Franco and Ciccio La Capra moves to France in the days of the French Revolution, putting themselves in a lot of trouble.
Europa canta
Nonno / Mr. Lewis
Little Europe, a town in the American West, is chosen as the site for a European Music Festival to be internationally broadcast via television. The peace of the village is put in jeopardy when it comes to electing judges because the dormant antagonisms of the descendants of Italian, Spanish, French and Germans will be awakened, but the good sheriff easily resolves the dispute. Then the problem becomes more acute when the lawyer Betty, a comely young lady, who is late in coming to the event because she was seized by the henchmen of an industry bully who wants to influence the victory of one of his favorite songs.
How We Robbed the Bank of Italy
Dim-wits Franco and Cicco try to come up with a plan to rob the safes of the Bank of Italy, but with one muddle after another, they find themselves empty-handed after each attempt to do so.
Ischia operazione amore
Gennaro runs a small boarding house in Ischia, the beautiful island in the gulf of Naples. Each member of his family is involved: his wife cooks, his daughter has a small boutique and his married son courts the old and rich patrons under his wife's enraged eyes.
Me, Me, Me... and the Others
Man in Railway Station
Sandro is a well-known journalist and he is conducting a survey on human selfishness. Every man and every woman he meets turns into a theme for his inquiry. Even his own wife, Titta.
The Mona Lisa Has Been Stolen
A thief (George Chakiris) falls in love with a maid (Marina Vlady) and goes on the run after stealing Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa."
The Two Parachutists
American ambassador
Two penniless Italian buskers want to go to the USA but get on the wrong ship and end up in South America in a concentration camp where they are rescued by American parachutists from. Afterwards they become big shots in the States but their dream comes to an end : they are sent to fight in Vietnam
Rita the American Girl
Professor Serafino Benvenuti is a master of classical music who has the passion of the orchestra director. However, the young audience of the 60 does not appreciate classical composers like Mozart or Beethoven, and so Serafino is likely to have compromised his image as a director. One day Serafino receives the news that his adopted daughter Rita is about to return to Italy from America, where she is studying. Serafino is very happy, because at least he can teach her the real music. However, Rita is deeply grown and changed: she follows the musical patterns of her time: the rock music and blues. Serafino gets very angry, especially when he discovers that his daughter falls in love with a young man, a member of a band called "The Rockets.
Episodic comedy about the corrupting influence of money.
La vedovella
Assessore Raffaele Chianese
Italian comedy starring Margaret Lee.
How We Got Into Trouble with the Army
A sergeant finds out that a GI hides a child in the military barracks. The boy is the son of another soldier who sings in a night club but due to series of misunderstandings the sergeant believes he is his own son, born from a former love story.
Ernesto (I)
In the first episode, Quirino tries to conquer co-worker Gabriella. In the second episode, Prof. Beozi ends up in a raid of the police in a local for homosexuals when trying to avoid a scandal. In the third episode, Guglielmo passes all tests in order to become reader of the television news brilliantly, although the commission works with all subtleness's to exclude him.
Soldati e caporali
Alfredo Brambilla
Veneri al sole
Bevilacqua (segment "Intrigo al mare")
Three episodes: In the first one a girl gets a journalist to help her recover a case with some precious designs in it; in the second a worker keen on helping his boss gets him into trouble instead and in the third one a shy boy who tries to impress women pretending he is tough ends up in hospital and falls in love with a nurse.
Armando (segment "Una donna d'affari")
A vivid assortment consisted of three acts taken from the lives of modern 1960s Italians, always in orbit around the restless theme of sexual inhibition and the pursuit of pleasure in sex.
I ragazzi dell'Hully Gully
Filippo Salimbeni
Love and Marriage
(segment "Prima notte, La")
An anthology comedy with segments about love and marriage.
A Game of Crime
Commissioner Perrotti
In an isolated villa, Davide Lugani lives with his wife, Carlo, his brother, and their secretary Paolo. Wheelchair-bound Carlo is blind and mute, but his abnormal sensitivity allows him to predict events before they happen. Davide dies of a suspected heart attack and Carlo's nurse is shot dead. The police suspect Davide's widow as well as Paolo, who seems to be her lover. Just as the pair are about to be arrested, there is a twist...
Il gaucho
An italian film producer travels to Argentina with part of the crew to a Film Festival contest.
Le sette vipere (Il marito latino)
Emilio Bernasconi
Lorenzo is an industrialist married in Argentina to a cruel woman who manages to have all her husband's assets seized, to throw him out of the house and to be awarded the two children born of the unhappy marriage. The desperate industrialist repairs in Italy, where he takes with him the children he has kidnapped and the affectionate secretary. But even in Italy the law is against him.
The Twelve-Handed Men of Mars
Four extraterrestrials, X-1, X-2, X-3 and X-4, arrive on Earth in the early sixties. Here they decide to take on human features to study the terrestrials incognito, but end up getting involved in the Roman "dolce vita".
Queste pazze, pazze donne
Il Commendatore ('La garçonnière')
Four episodes preceded with a narrator in the role of psychiatrist who tells some cases of female madness.
The Lovers of the France
Mister Orgon
Seeing an opportunity to make a financial recovery for the family, a nobleman attempts to wed his son to his wealthy friend's daughter. His plan is to send the boy for a cruise on the SS France with the prospective female. Upon arriving to meet the lovely girl, the young man switches places with his valet. Unbeknownst to him, however, is the fact that the girl has pulled a similar deception. Though Jean-Marc Ripert is responsible for much of the cinematography in this New Wave comedy, it is Francois Reichenbach who handled the camera for many of the ocean-liner scenes.
Via Veneto
The Maniacs
Ilario Baietti (segment "La parolaccia") / Friar Egisto (segment "Il pezzo unico") / The Milanese Businessman (segment "L'autostop")
An anthology of brief comic sketches based on manias, mainly sexual, featuring several figures of Italian society.
렛츠 토크 어바웃 위민
Old Friend
Vittorio Gassman stars as different characters in each of the nine episodes of this unusual Italian comedy. Playing everything from a practical joker to a prisoner, he comments upon romance, love and women in general.
Il treno del sabato
Summer Frenzy
Il medico
Le tardone
Casimiro Bistolfi (episode 'L'armadio')
A collection of five episodes dealing with aging women.
The Thursday
It's the story of a day spent by Dino, separated by his wife, who sees his son Robertino after five years. Dino has not contributed anything in life and to win the affection of his son, invents a story about his past. At the end of the day however, he will succeed in establishing a positive relationship with his son and telling the truth about himself.
The Swindlers
Lucarini (segment "Siciliani")
A day in a tribunal where the defendants are: the manager of a soccer team, charged with bribery, two Sicilians who have sold fake archaeological findings, two nuns who have offended a public servant and an industry manager.
Il successo
Il fascista capitalista
With the desire to be rich gnawing at him, an arriviste pursues a golden real-estate opportunity at the expense of friends and family. Now, he has to renounce his dignity. What's the good of chasing success when you are left all alone?
Siamo tutti pomicioni
Colonel Jeremy Prescott (segment "Colonnello e signora")
The Little Nuns
Giovanni Menegatti detto Spugna
Two nuns come to Rome to protest to an airline about its jet planes which have been flying over their convent school, disrupting teaching of the little orphans who study there and damaging the ancient fresco of their patron saint through sound vibrations.
The Magnificent Adventurer
Granduca di Toscana
Benvenuto Cellini knows no obstacles when it comes to creating a work of art or conquering the heart of a woman.
Adultero lui, adultera lei
Piero Pelagalli
Lina, a young woman now tired of the constant betrayals from her husband, decides to cheat on him with a mutual friend, Piero.
I terribili sette
Maresciallo Toniolo
Some kids find by chance an infant in swaddling clothes left in a meadow. Initially, after having led in their lair, they think of selling it to a caravan of gypsies.
The Verona Trial
Luciano Gottardi
This film is the moving story of Edda Ciano, the daughter of Italian dictator Mussolini, who was unable to prevent the atrocious assassination of her husband by fanatics of her father.
The Hours of Love
Gianni and Marietta get along wonderfully as lovers, but not as a couple. Despite being married, they agree to become lovers again.
La donna degli altri è sempre più bella
Guido Stanuzzi (segment "La natura vergine")
Five episodes which show Italian peoples pathological unfaithfulness in marriage.
The Girl from Parma
Dora, driven away from her town by malicious gossip following her first love affair, has a series of short-lived adventures until she falls in love with Nino, a small time crook. In Parma, a police officer courts her but she keeps thinking of Nino.
La cuccagna
Dott. Giuseppe Visonà
Rossella, a beautiful young girl that lives in a family of popular class, looks for a job every day but soon discovers that the "greasy pole", which is the economic miracle, is only an illusion, and the world is far more ruthless than she could believe. But fate brings together Giuliano, the only man who did not ask for anything and who - like her - is not inclined to compromise.
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