Marcus Brody (archive footage) (uncredited)
냉전이 최고조에 다다른 1957년. 인디아나 존스는 친한 동료 맥과 함께 소련의 한 비행장에서 목숨을 위협하는 소련 특수부대 이리나 스팔코 일당의 추격을 피해 힘겹게 탈출한다. 일상으로 돌아간 인디아나 존스는 대학에서 고고학 강의를 하며 평범하게 지내고 싶어하지만 소련에서의 탈출 사건과 고고학 연구에 관련해 자신의 교수직을 해고하려는 정부의 또 다른 압력이 있다는 것을 알게 된다. 어쩔 수 없이 모든 것을 정리하고 대학을 떠나려던 찰나, 그의 앞에 반항기 가득한 청년 머트 윌리암스가 나타나는데...
Self (archive footage)
A film biography with a difference, Sir John Mills' Moving Memories charts the life of one of Britain's most distinguished actors. Compiled from interviews with the man himself and with his family and friends, it traces his career from humble beginnings to all-time great of British cinema. The many film clips reveal an electric screen presence and a willingness to undertake a range of difficult, challenging roles.
Selsdon Mowbray / The Burglar
Hired to helm an Americanized take on a British play, director Lloyd Fellowes does his best to control an eccentric group of stage actors. With a star actress quickly passing her prime, a male lead with no confidence, and a bit actor that's rarely sober, chaos ensues in the lead up to a Broadway premiere.
Father LeBlanc
Mary Linden works for the French Red Cross in Occupied France during World War II and helps allied soldiers who have been shot down to escape to the unoccupied side. Her activities are complicated by her high profile and her daughter's love affair with a German officer. Based on the true story.
George Smiley
At the request of his old war time colleague Ailsa Brimley, George Smiley agrees to look into the murder of Stella Rode. Brimley had only just received a letter from her saying she feared for her life at her husband's hand. The husband, Stanley Rode teaches at Carne School, but Smiley is doubtful that he had anything to do with his wife's death. As Smiley investigates, he learns that Stella was a nosy busybody who loved to learn other's little secrets and then gossip about them - or possibly blackmail them. When a student is killed and Smiley unearths a secret, he has the evidence to name the killer.Based on John Le Carré's 1962 thriller (his first) in which George Smiley is brought out of spy retirement to solve a murder in a British public school. The setting is based on Le Carre"s own schooldays in Sherborne and his brief experience teaching at Eton.
Bayou La Teche, Louisiana sizzles as the Cajun town celebrates the wedding of Splendid and Dolan. The trouble comes on the wedding night when Splendid is determined to maintain her innocence. On the other side of town Splendids' cousin has her own problems. Her man has been sleeping with Thais, the town hooker. She heads to the Tiger Cafe with gun in hand to get back her man.
미국의 한 고등학교에 침입한 컬럼비아의 테러리스트에 의해 90여 명의 학생과 교사들이 인질 상태에 놓인다. 이들 두목의 아버지가 마약범으로 체포되어 미국으로 호송된 것으로 담당판사의 아들이 이 학교 학생임을 알고 온 것이었다. 하지만 이미 그 학생이 정부에서 데려간 것을 안 테러리스트들은 석방에 응하지 않으면 전체 학생들과 더불어 학교를 폭파, 자폭하겠다며 위협한다. 이러한 상황 속에서 빌리 등 악동들은 평상시에는 교장 선생님과 기숙사 사감을 골탕 먹이는데 이용하던 지혜와 천재성을 테러리스트들의 위협에서 벗어나는데 한껏 사용하며 통쾌한 승리로 이어간다. 평상시에는 악동들에게 엄하던 사감은 학교밖에서 머물면서 이러한 악동들의 지혜와 순수성이 반드시 좋은 결과를 갖고 올 것이라는 강한 믿음과 애정을 보여준다. 빌리 등 친구들은 마침내 자신들과 학교를 테러리스트들에게서 구하면서 자신들의 순수성과 용기, 우정을 그동안 자신들을 문제아들로만 바라보던 모든 사람들에게 한껏 보여준다.
William Filmore
Lily Whitmore is the heir to a crumbling factory that she's determined to restore to its former glory. Unfortunately, Lily must instead turn her attention to the conniving Lionel Filmore who's determined to marry into the family no matter what.
Thomas Wilkins
Thomas Wilkins has faithfully worked his entire life on Saville Row. Suddenly he is fired by his boss Mr Gerald, who wants a younger man with new ideas. Thomas advertise under "Lonely Hearts" and receives an answer.
James O'Hannon
An aging school teacher (Lansbury) at a Catholic grammar school in Minnesota questions her life's existence when she has to start battling a new bishop (Prosky). As a result she retires and moves to Ireland where she seeks an admirer (Elliott) with whom she has been corresponding for five years.
A man, always very devoted to his mother, decides to look for his father whom he never met. He meets a seducing older woman prone to drinking and her aged boyfriend whom she grew tired of.
Dr. Marcus Brody
자신이 재직 중인 바네트 대학으로 돌아온 인디는 몇 달만을 비워뒀던 대학 연구실에서 오래 전에 도착한 아버지의 일기장을 발견한다. 고고학에 관심 많은 학생들을 피해 겨우 창문으로 빠져나온 존슨 박사는 윌터 도노반이라는 사람을 만난다. 도노반은 자신이 앙카라 북쪽에서 발견한 반쪽짜리 신의 석판의 탁본을 보여주며 헨리 박사의 일기장을 참고로 나머지 반쪽 석판과 예수가 최후의 만찬 때 사용했다는 술잔 성배를 찾아 달라고 부탁한다. 인디아나 존스는 아버지 헨리 존스 박사가 나치에게 납치 되었다는 소식을 듣고 베니스로 달려가는데...
Colonel Grayson
A group of war prisoners has spilt blood, sweat and tears to construct a bridge over the river Kwai in Thailand. Just when the bridge is ready, an American bomber arrives and destroys it. Camp commander Tanaka wants to set an example and orders that some of the prisoners must be executed. Just in time major Harada arrives with orders that the healthiest prisoners must be transported to Japan by train and boat. A treacherous journey since the allied forces keep a close eye on railroads and practically own the seas.
Abelard, a famous teacher of philosophy at the cathedral school of Notre Dame, falls in love with one of his students, Héloïse d'Argenteuil. A sixteen-year old girl raised in a convent, Héloïse has an intellectual curiosity and rebels against the status of women in 12th century Europe. When others begin to suspect their relationship, Heloise's uncle Fulbert and the bishop of Paris work together to put a stop to it. Héloïse becomes pregnant with Abelard's child, and they are married in secret. Abelard struggles for acting against the will of God, yet is unable to escape his love for Heloise.
1921년 부다페스트에서 저명한 극작가의 딸로 태어난 한나(Hanna: 마르슈카 데트머스 분)는 히틀러의 유태인 탄압으로 작가의 꿈을 단념하고 팔레스타인 농과 대학에 입학한다. 한나는 제2차 세계대전이 전 유럽을 휩쓸 때 영국 공군 소속 특공대에 가입하여 맹훈련을 받은 후, 유고슬라비아로 투하된다. 이반 소령의 도움으로 헝가리 국경으로 향하던 한나는 독일군에게 잡혀 독방에 감금된다. 모진 고문을 견디지 못한 한나는 자신의 이름을 자백하게 되나, 체포당한 어머니와 함께 잔인한 고문을 이겨낸다. 드디어 소련군이 헝가리 국경으로 진주해 온다. 재판에 회부된 한나에게 예상대로 유죄 판결이 내려진다.
At the height of the cold war, a known Russian spy ("Kyril") is sent to the UK under falsely reported pretenses in order to hopefully indirectly spark an unknown mole in the KGB to reveal himself; the endeavor eventually has repercussions which none of the initial players could have predicted.
Inspector Basil Crisp
The keys to freedom for citizens of Hong Kong are U.S. passports, as their city quakes with the imminent transition to Chinese Communist rule. A deadly black market for passports is thriving, controlled by Hong Kong's warlords.
Old Geraint
It's Christmas Eve in Wales. A young boy named Thomas is excited about the holiday, but he's also disappointed because it's raining instead of snowing. His grandfather gives him an old snow globe as an early Christmas present and starts telling colorful, amusing stories about his childhood Christmases that are shown in flashback. Thomas keeps asking his grandfather more questions because he likes the stories and because he doesn't want to go to bed. His parents finally insist that he go to bed, and his grandfather tells him one last story about going to bed on Christmas night while listening to his family singing carols downstairs. After Thomas falls asleep at last, his grandfather opens the bedroom window and sees falling snowflakes.
주말이 되어 레인의 집에 모인 친구들은 서로 사랑에 빠진다.
Sir Henry 'Jock' Delves Broughton
In 1940 Kenya as their country prepares for war, the local aristocratic social set lives a decadent, self-indulgent lifestyle, that leads to murder. The same events were also dramatised in the feature film White Mischief, which was released seven months after the first transmission of The Happy Valley.
Doctor Barry
20세기 초 영국, 케임브리지 대학교. 우연히 만나게 된 모리스와 클라이브는 낡은 관념의 무료한 대학 생활 속에서 서로에게 해방감을 줄 수 있는 존재로 발전해가고, 누구보다 가까웠던 두 사람의 우정은 서서히 사랑의 감정으로 변해간다. 하지만 사랑 하나면 모든 걸 버릴 수 있는 모리스와 그 모든 걸 잃는 게 두려운 클라이브의 사랑은 조금씩 흔들리기 시작한다.
Scoop is a 1987 TV film directed by Gavin Millar, adapted by William Boyd from the 1938 satirical novel Scoop by Evelyn Waugh. It was produced by Sue Birtwistle with executive producers Nick Elliott and Patrick Garland. Original music was made by Stanley Myers. The story is about a reporter sent to Ishmaelia (a fictional African state) by accident.
67 year-old Victor is forced to move into an old people's home but he prefers to grow old disgracefully.
Vernon Bayliss
닉은 젊고 야심적인 신문기자. 그는 마크햄 하원의원의 스캔들에 관해 조사하게 된다. 마크햄 하원의원은 KGB 요원과 비밀스런 관계를 갖고 있었으며 이로 인해 소련의 스파이라는 의심을 받는다. 닉은 자신의 신분을 경찰로 속이고 마크햄의 부인에게 접근한다. 그리고 취재한 것을 기반으로 신문에 기사를 싣게 된다. 닉의 상관 버논은 마크햄 의원의 결백을 주장하며 취재를 말린다. 하지만 닉은 자신의 소신대로 의원이 스파이라는 기사를 싣는다. 의원은 결국 사임의사를 표하고 닉은 파티 자리에서 만취한 상관 버논을 집까지 바래다준다. 다음날 닉은 버논이 숨진 채 발견됐다는 소식을 접한다. 사인은 심장마비로 발표되지만 닉은 버논의 책상을 뒤지게 된다. 85년 영국에서 제작된 스릴러물. 정치세계의 어둡고 부패한 현실을 매우 비장한 어조로 파헤쳐들어간 영화다. 가브리엘 번과 그레타 스카키 등의 출연작. 쉴새없이 이어지는 긴박한 편집이 특징적인 작품이다.
Col. Phelps
도시 생활에 염증을 느껴 휴양도시 팜비치에 온 바니(Barney: 폴 로드리게즈 분)와 제이크(Jack Bateman: 마이클 오키프 분). 그들은 도착 직후 우연히 참석하게 된 어느 부부의 애견 추모 파티에서 명문가의 상속녀 올리비아(Olivia: 루신다 제니 분)를 만나게 되고, 제이크는 그녀에게 난생 처음 사랑을 느끼게 된다. 그러나 올리비아는 예의바르지만 결코 애정을 느낄 수 없는 재력가와 결혼해야할 처지에 놓여있었고, 그녀에게 청혼한 제이크는 무일 푼 건달일분. 자신의 청혼에 난감을 표하는올 리비아의 반응에 낙담한 제이크. 보다못한 바니는 제이크에게 펠프 대령(Colonel Phelps: 덴홈 엘리오트 분)이 운영하는 예절학교에 다닐 것을 권하고 에티켓을 고양이 먹이 등의 블란서 단어로 여기는 그들의 교양 강좌 수강은 폭소만발의 해프닝들을 불러일으킨다. 그후 제이크는 새롭게 변모된 모습으로 올리비아 앞에 나타나지만 재력가 스트로브(Strobe: 스티븐 데이비스 분)의 방해 공작으로 상황은 어려워져만 가는데.
George Parker
A rich widow shocks her snobbish WASP family when she decides to marry her Jewish, divorced, doctor. His family is equally shocked.
Philip Neville
Hotel du Lac, a screenplay version of the Booker prize-winning novel by Anita Brookner, starring Anna Massey, was released in 1986 as an episode of the BBC's "Screen Two" series.
Mr. Emerson
여행지 피렌체에서 ‘전망 좋은 방’을 루시에게 양보한 조지는 충동적이고 열정적인 몽상가. 그녀의 약혼자는 여성을 예술품처럼 소유하려는 보수적인 세실. 관습과 자유로운 삶 사이에서 갈등하며 진정한 사랑을 선택하려는 루시. 고지식한 사촌 샬롯의 가이드 없이 그녀는 지도 밖으로의 여행을 시작한다.
Dr. Savary
When high class hooker Nicole is kidnapped from her brothel, Rich businessman Hugo Motherskille hires her ex love Roy Bain to find her. Investigating the disappearance, he eventually finds traces that lead to Dr. Savary, who has produced a strange white powder that's coveted by a race of deformed human beings who live in the underworld in the sewers below the city.
Count de Noilly
Camille is a courtesan in Paris. She falls deeply in love with a young man of promise, Armand Duval. When Armand's father begs her not to ruin his hope of a career and position by marrying Armand, she acquiesces and leaves her lover. However, when poverty and terminal illness overwhelm her, Camille discovers that Armand has not lost his love for her.
Dr. Swaby
In the summer of 1947, Britain prepares to commemorate the wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Prince Phillip. To get around food-rationing laws, Dr. Charles Swaby, accountant Henry Allardyce and solicitor Frank Lockwood are fattening a black-market pig for the big day. Egged on by his wife, meek Gilbert Chilvers steals the swine, but the couple must conceal it from inspector Morris Wormold.
Elliott Templeton
An American WWI vet undertakes a spiritual quest that takes him from Paris to Nepal to the Himalayas and back to his hometown. Upon his return, he discovers he is not the only one who has changed.
Dr. Mortimer
Sherlock Holmes comes to the aid of his friend Henry Baskerville, who is under a family curse and menaced by a demonic dog that prowls the bogs near his estate and murders people.
증권 중개 회사를 경영하는 대재벌 듀크 형제 랜돌프(랄프 벨러미 분)와 모티머(돈 에머치 분)는 내기를 건다. 그것은 밑바닥 인생을 사는 흑인 거지 빌리(에디 머피 분)와 앞날이 창창한 듀크 회사의 전무인 루이스(댄 애크로이드 분)의 처지를 서로 바꾸는 것이었다. 이들은 한낱 재미에 불과한 장난이지만 본인들은 서로 인생이 바뀌는 모험 속에 빠지고 만다. 졸지에 마약 거래범으로 체포되어 거지가 된 루이스는 결국 자살 시도까지 하고, 또 거지에서 증권 중개인으로 성공한 빌리는 상류 사회에 빠져든다. 결국 두 사람은 자신들의 인생이 듀크 형제에 의해 놀아난 것을 알고 복수를 계획한다. 루이스의 집사인 콜먼(덴홀 엘리오트 분)과 거지가 된 빌리를 도와준 창녀 오필리아(제이리 리 커티스 분)의 힘을 빌린 두 사람은 듀크 형제가 돈을 벌 계략을 알아내어, 이것을 이용, 마침내 듀크 형제의 전재산을 날리게 하고 자신들은 일약 거액의 돈을 버는데 성공한다.
Sir Ralph Skelton
Caroline is to be wed to Sir Ralph and invites her sister Barbara to be her bridesmaid. Barbara seduces Ralph, however, and she becomes the new Lady, but despite her new wealthy situation, she gets bored and turns to highway robbery for thrills. While on the road she meets a famous highwayman, and they continue as a team, but some people begin suspecting her identity, and she risks death if she continues her nefarious activities.
Tom Bates
Produced in 1976 for BBC's Play For Today. Banned for 11 years, and finally broadcast on August 25th, 1987. It was remade, with Denholm Elliot returning to the cast, in 1982.
The Bishop of London
In 1905, after 10 years of missionary work in Africa, the Rev. Charles Fortesque is recalled to England, where his bishop gives him his new assignment - to minister to London's prostitutes.
Tom Bates
A strange young man has a sinister effect on the family of a middle-aged writer.
Dr. Marcus Brody
1936년 남아메리카. 인디아나 존스 박사는 험난한 밀림 지대를 헤치고 독거미와 온갖 부비트랩을 뚫고서 고대 문명의 동굴에 보관된 보물을 손에 넣는데 성공하지만, 마지막 순간 악덕 고고학자 벨로크에게 빼앗기고 만다. 대학으로 돌아온 인디에게 정보국 사람들이 찾아온다. 정부로부터 성서에 나오는 성궤를 찾으라는 명령을 받는은 인디는 단서를 하나하나 찾아가며 성궤의 행방을 추적해 나간다. 그런데 나치군들도 역시 전쟁에 가지고 나가기만 하면 모든 전쟁에서 승리를 거둘 수 있는 무서운 힘을 지닌 성궤를 찾아나서는데...
Parker (segment "An Englishman's Home")
A sex comedy anthology containing four stories, each from a different country (England, France, USA and Italy). "An Englishman's Home" "The French Method" "Armando's Notebook" "Skippy"
Jack Hill
A reclusive, elderly author is visited by a young admirer … but both men are more than they claim to be.
Raglan Thistle
The South African businessman David Swansey is delivering illegal German helicopters to Rhodesia. That makes the patriot Gideon Marunga an angry man.
Charles Seymour
Stingy landlord Rigsby manages to scam his lodgers John, an art student, and Philip, an African medical student, making both pay for a room they must share. However Rigsby's favorite lodger, Miss Jones, flirts with Philip rather than him, despite his pitiful attempts at seduction.
Stefan Vognic
심리학 박사인 알렉스 린덴은 음독자살을 시도한 애인 밀레나의 곁에서 초조하게 기다리며 그들의 첫 만남을 회상한다. 비엔나 교외에 있는 호화스런 파티장에서 처음 만난 그들은 하루를 함께 지내며 연인으로 발전한다. 그들은 서로가 원하면서도 밀레나는 한 남자에게 소유받는 것을 싫어했고 알렉스는 소유욕이 강해서 궁합이 안 맞았다. 알렉스와 밀레나는 질투를 느끼고 다투고 다시 화해하는 식의 생활이 한동안 계속되다가 밀레나가 떠난다. 그녀가 떠나자 초조해하던 알렉스는 다시 그녀를 만나게 되자 또 그녀를 원하나 밀레나는 그의 생각을 나무란다.알렉스는 밀레나가 자살할지도 모른다는 생각을 하고는 그의 아파트로 달려가나 추한 모습에 만취되어 있는 밀레나를 보고 다시 돌아가려하자 자살하겠다고 협박을 하는데...
F J Dobbs
An Edwardian house party given by a Fabian woman, her business-man husband and assorted guests from politics and the Arts - including a young man prone to disturbing premonitions.
Alan Quine
Michael Frayn's play about a college reunion.
Donald Skinner
쿠바의 바티스타 정권은 게릴라와 폭동이 난무하는 가운데 엄청난 혼돈 속에 휘말린다. 사태가 점점 심각해지자 벨로 장군(General Bello: 마틴 발삼 분)은 냉소적이지만 풍부한 경험을 가진 유능한 영국 용병, 로버트 데입스(Major Robert Dapes: 숀 코넬리 분)를 불러들인다. 하바나에 도착한 로버트는 사태가 생각보다 심각하다는 걸 깨닫는다. 그를 불러들인 벨로 장군을 포함하여, 관료들은 부패했고, 국민들은 부당한 대우를 받고 있었다. 게다가 게릴라와 폭도들도 부패한 정권을 무너뜨리고 새로운 정권을 새우기 보다는 자신들의 탐욕을 채우기에 급급하다. 한편, 로버트는 그 곳에서 옛 연인이었던 알렉산드라를 만나게 된다. 그녀는 부유한 쿠바 유지의 부인이 되어 있었다. 그러던 어느 날 알렉산드라(Alexandra Pulido: 브룩 아담스 분)가 젊은 게릴라 대원에게 납치되는데...
Colonel Pulleine
In 1879, the British suffer a great loss at the Battle of Isandlwana due to incompetent leadership.
William Leigh
Jack Flowers is an American hustler trying to make his fortune in 1970s Singapore in small time pimping. His dreams of building a fortune by running a brothel himself and returning to the States is materialized when he is offered the opportunity by the CIA to run a brothel for the R&R activities of U.S. soldiers on leave in Singapore.
Jeffrey Treasure
Life in an English public school - with all the parts played by adults.
Cowslip (voice)
리처드 애덤스가 쓴 동명의 소설을 영화화한 애니메이션이다. 작가는 이 소설을 자신의 딸들과 함께 읽기 위해서 썼다고 하지만 소설이 담고 있는 내용은 단지 어린 아이들이 읽고 이해하기에는 조금 난해하고 어둡다. 소설은 토끼라는 동물을 등장시켜 자유의 소중함을 일깨우는 일종의 우화다. 영화 역시 소설이 담고 있는 내용을 충실하게 스크린으로 옮겼다.
Sidney Beynon
미국 대중소설의 거장 아이라 레빈의 소설 브라질에서 온 소년들을 영화화한 작품. 남미 파라과이. 아우슈비츠의 유태인 수용소에서 잔인한 인체 실험을 하던 멘게레 박사를 중심으로 나치 잔당이 집합하여 65세 된 공무원을 사고사 또는 자살한 것처럼 위장하여 죽이는 계획을 추진하고 있었다. 이 사실을 도청한 유태계 청년이 빈에 살고 있는 나치소탕의 명인 리버맨에게 전화로 보고하다가 피살된다. 이들의 목적도 모른 채 세계 각지에서는 65세되는 공직자가 희생된다. 리버맨은 조사에 착수하는데 그는 각지에서 같은 용모를 한 소년을 발견한다. 이들은 멘게레 박사가 만든 복제인간들이다.
Director Paul Morrissey applies a hefty dose of humor to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's classic detective story in this interpretation of The Hound of the Baskervilles. Comedian Peter Cook takes on the role of brilliant detective Sherlock Holmes, who's not so gifted here as he relegates much of the investigation of demonic dogs to his bumbling sidekick, Watson (Dudley Moore), while he spends time with his mother and searches for an assistant.
An ageing surgeon falls in love with a thirteen-year-old girl.
ex-Detective Chief Superintendent Jupp
The plot is set on a group of bank robbers, who are both violent and successful, strangely getting away each time with an amount around the £60,000 mark, and often leaving behind cash in excess of this sum. The robbers are willing to kill their own team, to get away. As Jack Regan himself puts it after the first raid in the film: "I've never seen so many dead people". Armed with gold-plated Purdey shotguns, they evaded Regan and the Flying Squad for quite some time, before Regan finds encouragement from his Detective Chief Superintendent who was sent down for corruption because Jack wouldn't testify in court for him.
During the closing days of the Second World War, a young Czechoslovakian woman, Blanka, is caught between ideologies of the Soviet regime. Part of BBC2 Play of the Week.
English Delegate
John Cleese is hilarious as the descendant of Sherlock Holmes in this modern detective drama of international power politics and intrigue. Unlike his illustrious grandfather however, he only succeeds in bungling every job he organizes. Also stars Arthur Lowe as the "bionic" grandson of Dr. Watson, Stratford Johns as the Commissioner of Police, and Connie Booth as Mrs. Hudson.
RAF meteorologist officer
제2차 세계대전 중 연합군이 참패한 실제 이야기다. 아이젠하워는 독일 국경과 연결되는 여섯 개의 다리를 확보하기 위해 군대를 파견하지만 날씨, 작전의 오류 등으로 인해 수많은 인명만 희생된 채 작전은 실패로 끝나고 만다.
The Signalman
A traveller comes across a signalman stationed by the exit of a railway tunnel in a deep cutting. The traveller becomes familiar with the signalman, and finds that he is troubled by an apparition which appears by the tunnel.
Admiral Canaris
A luxury liner carries Jewish refugees from Hitler's Germany in a desperate fight for survival.
Will Scarlet
Robin Hood, aging none too gracefully, returns exhausted from the Crusades to woo and win Maid Marian one last time.
Henry Beddows
An American occult novelist battles to save the soul of a young girl from a group of Satanists, led by an excommunicated priest, who plan on using her as the representative of the Devil on Earth.
John Grey
When a business competitor assassinates her father when the father refuses to sell his firm, young woman takes over her father's paper company and with the help of her gangster boyfriend learns how to fight back against competitors.
John Petapiece
An RCMP officer is ordered to discreetly take a Russian immigrant into custody in advance of a state visit by the Soviet premier. When the prisoner is kidnapped, the officer is drawn into a complicated assassination scheme.
Dr. Frank Henson
Two escaped convicts hold a couple hostage in their country home.
Sir Emmanuel Whitbread
Percy, the man with the world's first penis transplant, discovers that there is a chemical in the world's water that makes men impotent.
The younger son of a working-class Jewish family in Montreal, Duddy Kravitz yearns to make a name for himself in society. This film chronicles his short and dubious rise to power, as well as his changing relationships with family and friends. Along the way the film explores the themes of anti-semitism and the responsibilities which come with adulthood.
Robert Murray
A dark tale in which a successful novelist is unbalanced by an assured young female fan.
Nils Krogstad
Nora Helmer has years earlier committed a forgery in order to save the life of her authoritarian husband Torvald. Now she is being blackmailed, and lives in fear of her husband finding out, and of the shame such a revelation would bring to his career. But, when the truth comes out, Nora is shocked to learn where she really stands in her husband's esteem.
Diltant (segment 5 "Drawn and Quartered")
The sequel to Tales from the Crypt. Five strangers trapped in a basement vault converse about their recurring nightmares. Their stories include vampires, bodily dismemberment, east Indian mysticism, an insurance scam, and an artist who kills by painting his victims' deaths.
Jack Black
Jack Black is a disturbed actor who believes himself to be trapped in a television play, followed around by an invisible camera.
malcom De Vere
A CIA agent is used as a pawn in an insane woman's plan to steal a Polaris submarine.
Tom Lewis
After a scientific experiment goes horribly wrong during a demonstration, a scientist finds himself trapped in an alternate reality that bears some similarities to our own, but also has some striking differences. In this other reality the Second World War had never occurred, mankind had not yet traveled into Space and Mt. Everest had not yet been conquered, just to name a few things. Also in this other reality he is no longer a scientist but rather a well known author. After a personal tragedy in this alternate world, he finds himself back in his own world and desperately trying to locate the woman he fell in love with in the other world. Little does she know, however, that her life depends on him finding her.
Hjalmar Ekdal, Hedvig's father
A devestating, yet bracing look at a family whose proximity to each other belies the decay of their relationships, The Wild Duck is just as modern today as it was when first staged. When Gregors Werle comes to stay with the Ekdals, his idealist nature refuses to tolerate the dreamworld of lies the family is living. However, in his bid to force the Ekdals to see the truth, the skeletons he unearths destroy the family that he wanted to redeem.
Charles Hillyer (segment 1 "Method for Murder")
A Scotland Yard investigator looks into four mysterious cases involving an unoccupied house.
Emmanuel Whitbread
Edwin Antony (Hywel Bennett) is emasculated in an accident which kills a young philanderer. Doctors successfully replace his member with that of the dead man, but refuse to tell him the full story of the organ's origin. So Edwin begins a search which takes him to the philanderer's wife - and also to his many, many girlfriends...
Peter NIss
Fresh-faced young Michael Rimmer worms his way into an opinion poll company and is soon running the place. He uses this as a springboard to get into politics and in the mini-skirted flared-trousered world of 1970 Britain starts to rise through the Tory ranks.
Captain Hornsby
A WWII film set on a Pacific island. Japanese and allied forces occupy different parts of the island. When a group of British soldiers are sent on a mission behind enemy lines, things don't go exactly to plan. This film differs in that some of the 'heroes' are very reluctant, but they come good when they are pursued by the Japanese who are determined to prevent them returning to base.
The eternal triangle can change shape but always has three sides.
Dr. Yevgeny Dorn
Film adaptation of Anton Chekhov's story of life in rural Russia during the latter part of the 19th century.
Vance Fowler
Rachel arrives in New York from her Amish community intent on becoming a dancer. Unfortunately Billy Minsky's Burlesque is hardly the place for her Dances From The Bible. But the show's comedian Raymond sees a way of wrong-footing the local do-gooders by announcing the new Paris sensation "Mme Fifi" and putting on Rachel's performance as the place is raided. All too complicated, the more so since her father is scouring the town for her and both Raymond and his straight-man Chick are falling for Rachel.
Two couples let tensions build between them in this 'Wednesday Play'.
Mr. George Beauchamp
Jamie McGregor (Barry Evans) is a virginal sixth-former in suburbia delivering groceries for the local supermarket, but he is more interested in other matters - Mary, Linda, Paula and Caroline. He tries to seduce the girls of his dreams in the swinging sixties.
George Devlin
In this Dan Curtis production of the Robert Louis Stevenson classic, Jack Palance stars as Dr. Henry Jekyll, a scientist experimenting to reveal the hidden, dark side of man, who, in the process of his experiment, releases a murderer from within himself.
Inspector Barrada
The lady of a top fashion magazine doubles as a jewel thief and becomes involved in Moroccan intrigue.
A dog with a spying device under its skin is sent to the Russian government as a present. When the Russians send the dog to a veterinary, British intelligence must get to the dog first and retrieve the spying device.
The Abortionist
매력적인 남자 알피는 완벽한 레이디킬러다. 그의 레이더에 걸려든 여자들은 예외없이 그의 유혹에 걸려든다. 여자에 관한 한 실패란 없는 알피, 그러나 그는 결코 감정적으로 얽히는 법이 없다. 다만 쿨하게 만나고 헤어질 뿐이다. 그렇다고 그를 악당으로 봐서는 곤란하다. 그는 다만 여자에 대한 주체할 수 없는 욕망을 가진 남자일뿐. 그러나 알피의 잘 나가는 인생에도 암초는 존재한다. 어느날 갑자기 건강에 적신호가 켜지는가 하면, 자기가 입양한 것도 아닌 아이를 떠맡게 된다. 게다가 임신한 여자와도 얽혀 중절수술을 해줄 의사까지 주선해야 하는 처지가 된다.
미군 상병 킹(Corporal King: 조지 시걸 분)은 미군과 영국군, 호주군이 함께 수용되어 있는 연합군 전쟁 포로 수용소에서 암시장을 꾸려나가고 있다. 다른 포로들이 비참한 생활을 하는 동안 킹은 자신이 빼돌린 물품으로 주변 인물들을 자기 마음대로 부린다. 한편 킹은 영국 장교 피터 말로우(Peter Marlowe: 제임스 폭스 분)가 원주민과 대화를 하는 모습을 보고 그를 끌어들여 좀더 돈을 챙기려 한다. 말로우는 킹이 일본 장교들과도 장사를 할 수 있도록 그의 구역을 넓혀주고 두 사람은 서로 공생하며 우정을 키워간다.
Captain Tabasco
A motley group of soldiers are set loose on swinging England in an initiative test to collect a selection of esoteric items
A television dramatization based on the life and work of Florence Nightingale. The story, set in 1856, relates the incidents in her life following the war in the Crimea, where she had gained such fame that her name was virtually a household word.
This story of love and espionage focuses on political turmoil as a small nation struggles to free itself from colonial rule, and one man tries to serve both justice and his own heart.
Charlie Prince
Success has James Brewster's name written all over it, and he also has his heart set on his boss's daughter. A con artist hires him to help out on a bank scheme, but then again, James will do anything to get rich and be the most successful businessman in Britain-even if it means murder!!!
Montague Corry
The rise of the legendary 19th-century British politician and prime minister Benjamin Disraeli.
A beautiful blonde joins a small group of men running an oil station in the Sahara Desert and starts the emotions soaring.
Oliver Larker
An Englishman and a cabby try to save an heiress from murder in Spain.
The Writer
A staid, dull Englishman abruptly deserts his wife and children to become a painter in the South Seas.
Sir Robert Morton
In pre-WW1 England, a youngster is expelled from a naval academy over a petty theft, but his parents raise a political furor by demanding a trial.
Edgar Norton
Mistreated foundling Heathcliff and his stepsister Catherine fall in love, but when she marries a wealthy man, he becomes obsessed with getting revenge, even well into the next generation.
Arthur Grimble
Life is strange and worrying for a cadet who arrives in the Pacific in the colonial service. And the testy resident commissioner, who had been expecting an experienced man, soon shows his disapproval.
Fl. Lt. McKenzie
영국 공군의 다코다기가 비행중에 실종된다. 실종된 다코다기에는 공군중장 존 하디를 비롯, 8명의 승객과 5명의 승무원이 타고 있었다. 하지만 비행기 실종사건은 미리 예견돼 있었다. 하디 중장이 마지막 비행을 떠나기전 친구 로버트슨 집에서 개최한 파티에서 해군중령 린지가 참석해 비행기 실종을 말했기 때문. 린지는 이 자리에서 자신이 전날 꿈속에서 다코다기를 보았으며 그 속에 하디중장등 8명의 승객과 5명의 승무원이 있었고 비행기는 곧 폭풍우로 길을 잃어 일본의 한 어촌에 불시착하게 된다고 얘기한다. 린지의 설명에 참석한 사람들은 모두 웃지만 마지막 순간에 동행하게 된 로버트슨은 웬지 불길한 예감을 느낀다. 당초 두명이던 승객이 여섯명이 되고 다시 여덟명이 되면서 로버트슨의 불안감은 극에 달하지만 오키나와에서 두명의 병사가 무사히 내리자 안도의 숨을 내쉰다. 하지만 미처 말하지 않은 두 명이 더 타게됐다는 매켄지 대위의 설명에 로버트슨은 더욱 불길한 예감이 들어 절대로 그들을 태워주어서는 안된다고 주장한다.
Framed in flashback, The Man Who Loved Redheads is an anecdotal comedy about a man (John Justin) whose life is defined by his first romantic experience. That liaison occurred in Justin's youth, when the young man matures and enters the diplomatic world, he spends the rest of his career searching for his first love.
Martin Blake
The parson of a small rural community knows he is dying and this makes him reconsider his life so far and what he can still do to help the community.
Sergeant Corcoran
In Greece during the war a small group of British commandoes and patriots land on an island with orders to attack two airfields from which the Luftwaffe is threatening allied forces in Egypt. The island is crawling with troops, and even moving by night the men soon run into trouble.
Based on Graham Greene’s novel, a married colonial police chief struggles with his conscience when he has an affair with a younger woman.
The Chimney Sweep (voice)
A chimney sweep and his beloved shepherdess are aided by Wonderbird in their escape from a ruthless dictator
2차대전 당시 상선의 선원이었던 에릭슨(Lt. CmDr. Ericson: 잭 호킨스 분)은 구축함인 '컴패스 로즈'의 함장에 임명된다. 하지만 에릭슨을 제외한 다른 선원들은 바다에 대한 경험이 전혀 없는 사람들이다. 에릭슨은 3주간의 훈련을 마친 이들과 함께 독일 잠수함의 공격을 막는 임무를 받고 대서양으로 나간다. 한편 비열한 성격의 소유자인 베넷 (First Officer Bennett: 스탠리 베이커 분) 대위가 떠나자 록하트(Sub-Lt. Lockhart: 도날드 신든 분)가 대위에 임명되어 에릭슨 함장의 오른팔이 된다. 어려운 일이 있을 때마다 록하트는 에릭슨에게 진심으로 위로를 했고, 서로에 대한 신뢰감은 굳어진다.
Michael Gregory
An English clergyman's neglect of his grown children, in his zeal to tend to his parishioners, comes to the surface at a Christmas family gathering.
John Lemley
An underhand solicitor receives threatening notes, and the police are called in to protect him.
Christopher Ridgefield
2차대전의 영웅 토니(Tony Garthwaite: 니젤 패트릭 분)는 비행기 개발 회사의 사장 딸 수잔(Susan Garthwaite: 앤 토드 분)과 결혼을 한다. 장인은 초성능의 비행기 개발에만 집착한 나머지 뛰어난 비행사들을 실험용으로 희생시켜 딸과 갈등한다.
Oswald Morfrey
A modern-day retelling of Arnold Bennett's novel, in which a Treasury official with a reputation for fiscal prudence is left a great deal of money and has no idea how to cope with sudden personal wealth.