Maika, a pregnant woman, is running along a farm road at night with nothing but her clothes on her back. Her beaten face is discolored, one eye is swollen, and she is bleeding from the edge of her mouth. The headlights of a car approaching from behind frightens Maika, and she loses her balance and falls. Just as she is about to get up, her cell phone rings. It's a call from Masayoshi, her abusive husband. Out of fear, Maika knocks the phone to the ground and breaks it. Slowly, she picks herself up and continues walking down the street at night. She arrives at a love hotel hidden in the suburbs of a provincial city.
Kensuke Sonomura directs the legendary Hitoshi Ozawa in this ultimate V-Cinema actioner. Kaiko City is plagued with poverty and crime. When a corrupt businessman decides to run for mayor and starts eliminating opponents from the rival mafia, a former police captain serving time for murder is secretly released and put in charge of a special task force to arrest him.
Inspector Torada
Kensuke Sonomura directs the legendary Hitoshi Ozawa in this ultimate V-Cinema actioner. Kaiko City is plagued with poverty and crime. When a corrupt businessman decides to run for mayor and starts eliminating opponents from the rival mafia, a former police captain serving time for murder is secretly released and put in charge of a special task force to arrest him.
A former boxing gym owner and his younger brother rise up to help a boy and his teacher's daughter from a vicious religious group that preys on good people.
In a studio at the foot of Mt. Fuji, Gaku Hamada is struggling to shoot a movie with a dog in the lead role. Enter a huge cast of veteran actors who get involved in misadventures while on set.
The 7th popular series starring Hitoshi Ozawa. Hitoshi Soma, the leader of the Soma group, went to the third chairman, Goichi Yajima, with his feet settled with Keizo Sakai, who planned to take over the Shinseikai, and asked him about the killing of the same gate. On the other hand, the Hanshin Tigers' Murasame prepares to fight with the Soma group because Sakai's Odai was killed, but the chairman, Harimoto, takes measures. The Soma group and the Hanshin Tigers did not appear at the regular meeting of the headquarters. The stage is moved to Kochi, and the conflict between the Soma group and the Hanshin Tigers begins.
Jin Ozawa
수수께끼의 남자, 이즈모에게 조직을 읽은 전직 조폭, 류는 아우인 다츠와 류 반점을 열지만 손님이 전혀 오지 않는다. 그러던 어느 날 유튜버가 류 반점을 소개하며 가게는 인기 맛집이 된다. 그 사실을 알게 된 전직 조폭이자 류의 라이벌 오자와는 류 반점 코앞에 라멘 트럭을 여는데
Seki Masatora
일명 '칠흑의 흉악고교'로 악명높은 오야고교. 그곳에는 정시제와 전일제로 나뉘어 정시제의 리더 무라야마 요시키(야마다 유키)가 오야고교의 우두머리를 맡고 있다. 오야고의 전일제로 전학온 하나오카 후지오(카와무라 카즈마)는 언젠가 무라야마와 1대1 맞대결에 도전장을 내밀기 위해, 전일제 천하를 손에 넣을 야망을 갖고 있다. 현재 오야고교의 전일제에는 실력 최강을 자랑하는 토도로키(마에다 고키)와 시바만(류), 츠지(스즈키 타카히데)의 토도로키 일파(派)와, 이학년을 장악한 나카고시(카미오 후주)와 일학년을 장악한 나카오카(나카지마 켄)가 통솔하는 나카・나카 일파(派), 미친 듯한 전투 공략으로 벼락출세한 야스시(사토 류지)와 키요시(우에키야 사토시)가 통솔하는 야스・키요 일파(派), 후지오와 그의 소꿉친구 츠카사(요시노 호쿠토)와 부하 쟈무오(후쿠야마 코헤이)가 장악한 츠카사 일파(派) 등, 새로운 세대가 패권을 다투는 전국시대를 맞이한다.
Despite the peace efforts of Soryukai supreme advisor Kano (Yudai Ishiyama), the war between the Soryukai and Sakata-gumi intensified. Due to the actions led by the president Takeshi Kanzaki (Kazumi Matsuda), the Soryukai is designated under the Violent Crime Control Law, and Osaka police officer Umezawa (Hoka Kinoshita) and others begin a raid on the house. Upon receiving the news, the Greater East Asia Federation also requested a response from the fourth Sakata-gumi. Meanwhile, Tatsuichi Kuroki (Dan Tokio), the retired leader of the Sakata III clan, suddenly collapsed and fell into a coma. Kanzaki, his own son, goes to see Kuroki...
This is the sequel to the previous work Kizu to Okite 2 one year ago. Anzai Mikoto came to a jazz club operated by Sinkai Yuuzi, to listen to the performance of Pianist Namura Miyako, who had been in love with him since she was young. However, one day, Mishima went to the jazz club. He listened to Miyako's performance and fell in love with her soon. He had been pursuing Miyako since then. Miyako gradually felt attracted to Mishima too. Anzai noticed some of her strange behaviors, and asked his team member to investigate...
2015년부터 2018년까지 연재된 자스민 규의 만화가 원작. 야쿠자간 분쟁에 패하여 파리목숨이 된 야쿠자 3인방이 목숨만은 부지하기 위해 보스의 명령으로 성전환수술을 하여 아이돌에 도전한다는 황당무계한 스토리이다. 지난 2019년 1분기에 TBS에서 연속드라마로도 방영이 되어 매니악하지만 나름 폭발적인 반응이 있었으며, 드라마에 앞서 영화판이 먼저 선보였다. 반짝반짝 10대 아이돌을 표방하지만 속은 뼛속까지 야쿠자 아저씨들인 미소녀들이 아이돌판에 적응하기 위한 거친 고군분투가 웃음을 자아낸다
End of duology
First movie in a spin-off duology of the Conflict series
Final entry in the main Conflict series
7th entry in the Conflict series
6th entry in the Conflict series
5th entry in the Conflict series
학점이 모자라 아버지에게 잔소리를 들으며 하루하루가 우울한 대학생, 료. 어느 날 충동적으로 친구들과 대마를 피우다 떨어져 훔치기로 한다. 그렇게 세 친구는 금고에 대마가 가득하다는 클럽에 잠입하는데
Washio Kazuma
일본 최대의 관동 야쿠자 조직 천도회. 천도회 6대 회장으로 추대 된 카즈마는 중진 다테와 쿠라타로 하여금 관료에게 로비하도록 해 카지노 유치에 박차를 가하지만, 관료는 갑작스런 암살로 살해당하고, 다테가 그 누명까지 쓰게 된다. 사건의 배후에 과거 숙적이었던 묘진의 동생 아키나리라는 소문이 돌고, 더불어 판왕회라는 조직은 틈을 타 경찰과 정치인까지 매수해 카지노 이권을 빼앗으려 한다. 살인자라는 오명을 씻고 이권을 되찾기 위한 천도회의 처절한 항쟁이 시작된다.
4th entry in the Conflict Series
This is the third masterpiece by the all star cast. In this one, the Orikikumumi, who aimed to unify Owari, had a feud for the dispute between the eldest son Nobunaga (Hitoshi Ozawa) and his second son, Nobuyuki (Masaki nishinomori). Under such circumstances, the Imanishi Gumi of Suruga started to invade Owari in full scale due to the brutality of Nobuyuki...
Sakamoto Toshiya (Kawahara Hideyuki), a young assistant head of the Yamashinkai, is imprisoned himself after his partner is killed in a feud with the Takahara family. When Sakamoto was released from prison eight years later and returned to the Yamashinkai, the organization was already under the control of the Takahara family and was involved in the sale of shabu, which was a taboo practice. Sakamoto tries to rebuild the organization with Yamahashi and his subordinate, Asada, but the Takahara family spots him and the chairman, Hirano, excommunicates him.
Tatsumi, the third head of the Togo clan, recalls Wanibuchi Ichizo (Motomiya Yasufu), the young head of the Makikawa clan, who was known as the "bare handed" Emperor. Wanibuchi attracted many young people with his overwhelming charisma and the strength of his fighting skills. Mr. Makikawa wanted to give such young people a cup and expand his power. One day, however, Wanibuchi defeats the members of the Yamato clan, Japan's largest organization, with his bare knuckles, and the Makigawa clan is in danger of survival.
Washio Kazuma
When Tendokai's headquarters are attacked, underboss Washio Kazuma orders his trusted lieutenant to investigate a possible mole inside the family.
Washio Kazuma
Tendokai's Washio Kazuma, the underboss of Japan's largest crime syndicate, goes on the warpath when his blood brother and family turn up dead.
A massive yakuza war begins when the most powerful clan in Kansai plans to conquer all control of the country after attacking several headquarters of other clans in Japan and China.
A skirmish in Fukui sparks a conflict between the local yakuza group Sakashita and the Kyowakai.
Kyowakai in the West and Marukami Rengo in the East are two major organizations vying to create a new order in Japanese yakuza society. However, in Tohoku, a conflict broke out between organizations that were conspiring to invade Tohoku by taking advantage of the problem of the heir to the Shobukawa family, a long-established Shinno group in Aomori.
A new conflict spreading throughout Shikoku
보스 대신에 총알을 맞고 10년 형을 받은 무나가타파의 부하 타케시가 출소하는 날, 그의 딸은 친구와 제니섬에 놀러간다. 하지만 섬에는 곧 좀비 바이러스가 퍼지고, 갓 출소한 아버지는 딸을 구해야 한다. [제 19회 부천국제판타스틱영화제]
Under the command of the second generation leader of the Kawatani group, Himuro (Yasukaze Motomiya), the largest organization in Nagoya, the problem of the Shigemitsu family's heir is resolved, but the Hiroshima yakuza Genbukai and other groups of 12 organizations, the western Japan. be established. Shikoku, who became the vanguard, was invaded by Akashi, Hyogo, who is a Shinogi, by the Patriotic Giyuto, and Omoto, the head of Kyowa Kaisha, was killed. Burning with revenge, Himuro and Tamura (Yoshiyuki Yamaguchi) launch a violent counterattack.
Kondo Isami
평범한 농부 출신 곤도, 자신의 출신을 뛰어 넘어 천하를 호령하는 무사가 되고픈 큰 꿈을 지닌 그는 자신의 벗 히티카타와 함께 그 험난한 길을 같이하길 약속한다. 3년 후, 농민 출신인 그들은 어엿한 무사가 되고 세리자와 가모, 니이미 니시키, 곤도 이사미를 국장으로 내세운 미부낭인조가 탄생하는데, 결성된 지 다섯 달 수하의 무사들도 속속 모여 불령낭인 처단에도 성과를 올리던 미부낭인조의 명성은 더욱 드높아져 갔다. 그러나 필두국장인 세리자와 가모의 횡포가 더해지면서 곤도와 세리자와 사이엔 갈등이 생겨나기 시작하는데...
Detectives Shintarou Sakurai (Sho Aikawa) and Koichi Hikage (Susumu Terajima) are partners. They are also corrupt and often blackmail criminal groups and seize their money. One day, the Chief of Police becomes aware that 2.5 million yen in seized money is missing. He orders Shintarou and Koichi to bring the money in by tomorrow morning. Shintarou and Koichi are in big trouble. They then read an article about a pension fund embezzlement case involving 6 billion yen. The prime suspect of the pension fund embezzlement case spent most of that money, but he has 2.5 billion yen left.
한국에서 수감되어 있던 쿠로키파 두목 쿠로키는 사면을 받는 조건으로 현재 한국 마피아 간부 카지를 죽이라는 거래를 제안 받는다. 쿠로키는 마약 거래를 가장해 카지와의 만남을 성사시키지만 그는 순식간에 배신을 당하고 최악의 상황에 몰리게 된다. 카지는 쿠로키에게 “너도 버려진 돌에 불과하다”고 한마디를 남기고 사라지지만 이내 두 사람은 일본에서 마지막 격돌을 벌이는데...
아이돌 데뷔를 앞두고 불미스런 일로 탈퇴해 일본으로 건너가 잡일을 하며 살아가던 세용. 고질적인 허리통증에 시달리다 결국 치료를 받기 위해 도쿄로 향하고, 한편 아이돌을 목표로 성실히 오디션을 준비중인 준Q와 건우. 어느 날 일본에서 K-POP그룹을 기획중인 한 기획사의 매니저를 만나게 되고, 그들의 재능을 높이 산 매니저의 추천으로 사장과의 만남을 갖게 된 날, 우연히 허리치료를 받기 위해 도쿄에 온 예전 맴버 세용과 재회하게 되는데, 한국이 아닌 일본 신오오쿠보에서 KPOP그룹을 탄생시키기 위한 고군분투가 시작된다.
First part of a long series of films (V-Cinema) in which we follow the rise of a Yakuza clan.
The story is of a three-way composition of a corrupt prefectural police and a hostile organization, through friendship and death
The head of the Tatsumi family falls ill and dies after telling his son(Bell), who disappeared 15 years ago, to take over. The Tatsumi family, including the young head Ryu, decides to search for his son's whereabouts in order to keep his will. They finally found his son and learn he is actually a shemale. Meanwhile, the hostile Honjoukai are plotting to steal the Tatsumi family's territory.
The head of the Tatsumi family falls ill and dies after telling his son(Bell), who disappeared 15 years ago, to take over. The Tatsumi family, including the young head Ryu, decides to search for his son's whereabouts in order to keep his will. They finally found his son and learn he is actually a shemale. Meanwhile, the hostile Honjoukai are plotting to steal the Tatsumi family's territory.
The head of the Tatsumi family falls ill and dies after telling his son(Bell), who disappeared 15 years ago, to take over. The Tatsumi family, including the young head Ryu, decides to search for his son's whereabouts in order to keep his will. They finally found his son and learn he is actually a shemale. Meanwhile, the hostile Honjoukai are plotting to steal the Tatsumi family's territory.
The Kansai Tiger Fang Association and Kanto Shoryukai have decided to hold an unprecedented handmade harmony ceremony in response to the upheaval of the Exclusion Ordinance. However, Takasaki of the Togakai and Fujiki of Shoryukai had the feeling that they could not accept the harmony ceremony. At that time, a murder incident targeting Tajima, the president of the Kansai Tiger Fang Association, occurs at the hotel there.
어느날 토시에게 찾아온 회렬회 보스인 다나카가 더 이상 독고다이로 살지말고 동생들을 데리고 자신의 조직으로 들어올것을 제안한다. 심기 일전 남자로서 살아갈 것을 결의한 토시는 신주쿠 무투파 조직이라는 회령회 소속 집단으로 세력을 확대시켜 나가면서 조직을 규합 시킨다. 어느날 상대파 조직과의 싸움에 휘말려 살인을 하게 되고 토시는 감방으로 향한다 전설의 토시는 출소 후 모든 세력을 규합하여 신주쿠 가부키쵸를 장악하고 전설이 된다.
느닷없는 괴한들의 침입으로 부인과 아들을 잃고 홀로 살아남은 니자키. 습격의 이유조차 알 수가 없었던 그는 병문안을 온 옆집 야쿠자를 통해 자신의 가족을 옆집 야쿠자로 오해받아 습격을 당했다는 사실을 알게 되고, 불타는 복수심에 총을 구하기 위해 오사카로 향한다.. 그 곳에서 알게 된 옆집 야쿠자의 동료들과 만나게 되고 새로운 사건에 휘말리게 되는데..
2차 세계대전이 끝난 후, 요코스카에 돌아온 이시다는 조직의 형제들과 함께 지낸다. 우연히 휘말린 사건을 통해 오시즈카라는 사람을 만나게 되고, 그의 밑으로 들어가 제대로 된 야쿠자의 길을 걷기로 한다. 그로부터 몇 년 후, 오시즈카는 이시다에게 너는 더욱 크게 될 사람이라며 이나무라 카쿠지의 밑으로 들어가라는 말을 건넨다. 오시즈카를 존경하는 마음으로 살아왔던 이시다는 거절하지만, 은퇴하기 전의 부탁이라는 그의 말에 이나무라의 밑으로 들어가게 되고, 그로 인해 그의 지위는 나날이 높아져 가는데…
Sequel of gedobo
Mashiba works hard for a group called Wakagashira's However, Mashiba was not satisfied with the people who loban, including the boss, who were blinded by money and had no humanity. One day, he meets a monk doing alms on the street. With that encounter, Mashiba's destiny begins to change.
오사카부 경찰본부. 야쿠자 조직을 일망 타진 하기 위해 특별 대책본부가 들어서고 그 진두 지휘를 위해 폭주족의 단속에서 혁혁한 성과를 올린 코미아 경부보가 발탁이 된다.
First part of a long series of films (V-Cinema) in which we follow the rise of a Yakuza clan.
The cruelty of the yakuza that emerges under incandescent light
The cruelty of the yakuza that emerges under incandescent light
The cruelty of the yakuza that emerges under incandescent light
경찰 이누카이(오자와 히토시)가 범인을 체포하던 도중 우연히 의문의 USB를 손에 넣게 된다. 문제의 USB는 국가의 운명을 쥐고 있는 엄청난 것이었다. 그 이후 공안경찰은 물론 그가 신뢰하고 있던 동료들까지 악의 손이 되어 이누카이의 목을 죄어온다. 그의 곁에 있는 소중한 이들이 죽어나가고 결국엔 사랑하는 아내 카나(카쿠라자카 메구미)까지 잃고 마는데...
College student Yu (Kobayashi Yuto) becomes friends with Fumie (Suzuki Sawa), a married woman who often comes to his store, but their relationship soon develops into something more. With very little romantic experience, he finds himself absorbed in this adult woman.
빛쟁이들에게 시달리다 결국 날치기까지 해서 빚을 갚았지만 하필이면 피해자가 자신의 근무지에 와서 신고를 하는 바람에 하루하루 좌불안석인 형사 타시로. 사이비교단과 깊은 관련이 있는 경찰 스즈키, 승진욕심에 동료의 뒤를 캐는 안자이. 서로의 비리를 숨기기 위해 서로의 뒤를 쫒다 결국 스즈키는 안자이에 의해 살해당하고 안자이는 그를 빌미로 사이비교단의 새로운 개가 되는데.
Sequel to 2004's Dark Warrior. Hoichi the Earless is once again the main character.
Final Part of Ootori
Third Part of Ootori
Second Part of Ootori
FIrst Movie of a Quadrilogy of a Yakuza man, starring Hitoshi Ozawa.
Saburo Okouchi (Hideo Ishiguro), is your somewhat shy, but otherwise average, teen entering high school. Unfortunately for Saburo, his two older brothers left a looming legacy at the high school. His brothers were legendary troublemakers and now Saburo takes the crown of "elite yankee."
The history of the Yakuza Eiga at the TOEI studio is roughly outlined. Real Yakuza and also their connections to the movie business are discussed, and many important actors and directors of the genres are interviewed. Former real yakuza boss turned actor Noboru Ando, Takashi Miike, Sonny Chiba and many more get a chance to speak.
With stalker crimes on the rise in Tokyo, the Meiji Jingu Gaien police department decides to form an all-female Sex Crime Investigation Unit. As the first order of business a member of the theft division is paired with a member of the community safety division. With no experience in brutal crimes, the pair is obviously unprepared for what they're going to face, so two more experienced detectives are soon dispatched to join the them. However, it's already clear to the public and media that this unit is just a gimmick to improve the station's public image.
With stalker crimes on the rise in Tokyo, the Meiji Jingu Gaien police department decides to form an all-female Sex Crime Investigation Unit. As the first order of business a member of the theft division is paired with a member of the community safety division. With no experience in brutal crimes, the pair is obviously unprepared for what they're going to face, so two more experienced detectives are soon dispatched to join the them. However, it's already clear to the public and media that this unit is just a gimmick to improve the station's public image.
Dr. Matsuda
Yuki (acted by Asami Kai), a senior high school student, is the leader of FIGHTING EXPRESS. Fujioka, who used to be a mercenary, is now a member of FIGHTING EXPRESS. One day a woman called Rei (acted by Kana Tsugihara) shows up to tell them she wants to join them. Rei is assigned the first mission after she has completed the hard training to join a member of FIGHTING EXPRESS with Fujioka. In Rei's first mission, there is a big conspiracy to threaten the continued existence of all humankind! Will Rei and Fujioka save the world?
Noriko is an ex-prostitute married to Satake, a charismatic, wise-cracking lady-loving Yakuza. But when Satake is called upon to murder a rival, Noriko must take up the mantle to lead his gang.
Based on the bestselling memoir - Yakuza Moon - by Shoko Tendo. The author stars as herself in the film adaptation of her tumultuous life as the daughter of a Yakuza boss, chronicling her many battles with drug addiction and domestic abuse. Directed by Hiroyuki Tsuji.
Based on the bestselling memoir - Yakuza Moon - by Shoko Tendo. The author stars as herself in the film adaptation of her tumultuous life as the daughter of a Yakuza boss, chronicling her many battles with drug addiction and domestic abuse. Directed by Hiroyuki Tsuji.
Tony, Max, and Rei, who are mixed-race children of Japanese and Filipino, have lived together as brothers and sisters with no blood connection from a young age, despite the fact that they are discriminated Eventually, Tony One day, seemed to have an opportunity to score a big difference in the underworld...
A yakuza must take care of some children from a nursery
Junji Kudo
Okawa Family’s yakuza, Junji, is released from prison, and is told to take over a local radio station by his boss. Junji tries to explain that it is not a yakuza’s job to talk on the radio, but no one listens to him. He reluctantly goes to the radio building, and is met by a young, upbeat girl broadcasting a talk show and playing pop music. Will this seasoned gangster really fit in on such a show?
Final of the trilogy of yakuza don
Kazuki moves to Tokyo, aspiring to rise to the top in his Yakuza group. Working directly under his group's kumicho (the Yakuza don) and surviving the group in-fightings, he learns what it really takes to be Yakuza.
Youji Himuro comes out of hiding and faces off against a powerful new foe from a rival dojo.
Sequel of Yakuza Don
From Minoru Kawasaki, the director of "The Calamari Wrestler," "Executive Koala," "The Entire World Sinks Except Japan," and "The Rug Cop," comes the epic story of a giant crab who washes ashore, befriends a boy, finds love, and becomes a sports legend. The film has been described by Kawasaki as being 'like Forrest Gump...but with a crab.'
A former gangster gets released from prison and goes to work for a group of people. The leader of this group becomes his mentor and the fight to combat criminals and for world peace. The whole resulting in the wanted and are chased of all families mob in Japan. They may however be a little unexpected help from the police.
A man and a woman are together on the 'Chrysalis Day', the fatal day everything in your life will be decided depends on how you spend the day. A violent man holding pure love, Sai and a stunningly beautiful playgirl, Sheila. While Sheila flees with a large sum of money, she is chased by a cool but violent gang, crazy killers and an out of control cop. No one can stop Sai and Sheila's love runaway.
The battle for life begins now, which one will survive? A clash that transcends the boundaries between police and the Yakuza.
Adult video store clerk, Issa, feels like a total loser after losing his job and being dumped by his girlfriend. He is blessed by a stroke of luck when his invention, a curry package squeezing tool, suddenly gains immense popularity. Not only does his invention attract buyers and money, it even attracts unwanted attention from the Yakuza.
After serving a term in prison because of shooting the leader of the rival group, Goro finds out that his fellow Yakuza Shiroyama, left the group and living as a normal people.
When a lowly thug gets brought into a powerful Yakuza gang by his successful younger brother, he is tasked to take the hit on a rival gang leader.
A yakuza war breaks out in a small peaceful town in the northern region of Kanto.
Hoichi the Earless must face an assortment of historical warriors.
Part 3 of 4 about Sarutobi Sasuke
야쿠자 조직의 중간 보스인 오자키는 최근 정신이 이상해졌다. 길에서 우연히 마주친 차나 애완견을 보고 야쿠자 공격용으로 만들어진 것이라고 주장하며, 주위를 불안하게 만든다. 마침내 조직의 보스는 오자키의 심복인 미나미에게 그를 죽이라고 명령한다. 오자키와 함께 나고야 부근을 여행하던 미나미. 어느 순간 오자키는 사라지고, 미나미에게는 온통 이상한 일들과 기인한 인간들이 그의 앞에 나타난다.
Condemned Criminal 1
Tenshu is imprisoned and sentenced to death for murdering the men who raped his girlfriend. However, he manages to survive his execution and is presented with an option: face another execution attempt or subject himself to their bizarre and dangerous experiments.
Yakuza film directed by Hiroki Matsukata.
The Dragon Tiger brothers who live as yakuza in the Han Chinese district of Japan. The arm of his brother, Noboru, is engraved with a dragon rising to the sky, and the arm of his brother, Takeshi, is engraved with a tattoo symbolizing himself. After the war, they draw the blood of Sangokujin Wang Haidong, who was killed in a mutiny in abandoned Japan, but has been gratefully serving the leader of the Takeda group who murdered his father. One day the group leader tells them to take over the group. Honda, a young leader who is not convinced by this, partnered with the head of black society, Wang Rei, and began taking over the Han Chinese district and the Takeda group. As a result, brothers Ryu-Tora and Wang Retsu will play a deadly battle without meeting the real brothers who draw Wang Haidong's blood.
The Dragon Tiger brothers who live as yakuza in the Han Chinese district of Japan. The arm of his brother, Noboru, is engraved with a dragon rising to the sky, and the arm of his brother, Takeshi, is engraved with a tattoo symbolizing himself. After the war, they draw the blood of Sangokujin Wang Haidong, who was killed in a mutiny in abandoned Japan, but has been gratefully serving the leader of the Takeda group who murdered his father. One day the group leader tells them to take over the group. Honda, a young leader who is not convinced by this, partnered with the head of black society, Wang Rei, and began taking over the Han Chinese district and the Takeda group. As a result, brothers Ryu-Tora and Wang Retsu will play a deadly battle without meeting the real brothers who draw Wang Haidong's blood.
The Dragon Tiger brothers who live as yakuza in the Han Chinese district of Japan. The arm of his brother, Noboru, is engraved with a dragon rising to the sky, and the arm of his brother, Takeshi, is engraved with a tattoo symbolizing himself. After the war, they draw the blood of Sangokujin Wang Haidong, who was killed in a mutiny in abandoned Japan, but has been gratefully serving the leader of the Takeda group who murdered his father. One day the group leader tells them to take over the group. Honda, a young leader who is not convinced by this, partnered with the head of black society, Wang Rei, and began taking over the Han Chinese district and the Takeda group. As a result, brothers Ryu-Tora and Wang Retsu will play a deadly battle without meeting the real brothers who draw Wang Haidong's blood.
The last war in hiroshima begins
The long awaited visualisation of the original manga
After World War II, in Hiroshima, the Yakuza clans start a war for control of the city.
The second installment of the "Gokudo Seisen" series, a hard-line action OV that presents the original draft of Shigenori Takechi under the supervision of Takashi Miike of "IZO". A hot-blooded yakuza challenges a "holy war" against a company that earns a lot of money in a villainous way. Big actors such as Taishu Kase and Hiroki Matsukata set aside.
The first in the "Gokudo Seisen" series, a hard-line action OV that presents the original draft of Shigenori Takechi under the supervision of Takashi Miike of "IZO". It depicts the activities of the martial arts yakuza who challenge the major general contractors who are plotting wrongdoing. Actors such as Taishu Kase and Hiroki Matsukata performed well with the men living in Shuraba.
Based on a novel "The Battle Of The Yanagawa-Gumi" by Koichi Iiboshi, it tells the story of criminal Jiro Yanagawa. Released from prison, Jiro joins the notorious Yoshimizu Yakuza family as a member. Not long after however, he sets out to form his own Yakuza clan in Osaka. This sparks a bloody territory war with the Devils Dragons.
When a young Yakuza torments the customers in a rival crime family's nightclub, it is not long before his dead body is found. Soon, inter-family retaliation follows, resulting in the death for a prominent crime boss. Devastated by this turn of events, the temperamental Kenzaki vows to avenge his boss's death and, as bloody violence ensues, the body count reaches excessive proportions.
Straight to video sequel
A new yakuza war erupts in Hiroshima
Fight fiercely with a duo of hitmen to protect the witnesses of the trial!
Kuroki is crazy about gambling and Shirakawa loves unrivalled women. The pair are investigating a bank robbery.
Kyokutokai from the yakuza clan Samurai Domon and Jack Davao from the Philippine Mafia , who were once raised as brothers and fought together. However, the organizations are in conflict with each other over the route of drug smuggling in the Philippines. The samurai and Jack became enemies staring at each other. And finally, the lives of the two men who were once bound in a deep bond now collide violently! Domon, a Japanese yakuza, and Jack, a Filipino mob, who once fought together and considered each other brothers. However, it shows the two fighting in a terrible conflict.
The conflict that broke out due to the expansion of the power of the Ninryukai was further intensified of both political and police powers.
Yakuza Zombie opens with an introduction to a mysterious Yakuza graveyard deep in the forest, and a story of the baddest Yakuza of them all, Naruo Ryuuji (shown in cut scenes played by Ozawa Hitoshi). Naruo Ryuuji was a fearless killer who eventually got into heroin and, exactly like Ishimatsu Rikuo in Takashi Miike's Graveyard of Honor, eventually leaps to his death from the top of a prison, claiming he'll be back. I'm assuming this is a reference to real life crazy Yakuza Ishikawa Rikio, whom the original Graveyard of Honor was based on. It's established that the corpse of the fierce Yakuza Ryuuji is buried in the graveyard beneath a marker with the Japanese characters "Jingi" (Honor), and then we are taken to the modern day.
Former childhood friends Kadoya Kaneo and Tochino Masatatsu cross paths again. Kaneo is now a yakuza member, while Masatatsu is a nightclub owner with a distaste for crime gangs. When a yakuza boss dies, a struggle for his position takes place between Kaneo's boss Awano and the young Nakahira. Nakahira's men try to extort money from Masatatsu, bringing him in between a yakuza battle.
A cocaine deal is about to go down between yakuza and Hong Kong triad gangsters and a small time porn peddler is used as a mole by a dirty cop.
In 1974. Shogo was suddenly called back by his father, Haruo Yuge who was the leader of Hakusan-gumi in Wakayama. What awaited him was the crisis of survival of the Hakusan-gumi. The decision Shogo made to get out of this mess was to get out of the yakuza business and get back on his feet.
It depicts the fierce battle between the Shanghai Mafia, who is trying to expand its power with sneaky hands, and Kuroiwa, the young head of the former Ryuo group.
신주쿠에서 야쿠자들이 중국계 마피아 조직에 연거푸 살해당한다. 죠지마는 요코하마의 차이나타운에서 ‘일본인도 중국인도 아닌2, 중국계 일본인의 영웅 류이치를 만난다. 난치병에 걸린 딸의 치료비를 구하기 위해 고군분투하는 형사 죠지마. 유학을 보낸 동생과 함께 조직을 확장할 꿈을 꾸는 중국계 일본인 류이치. 그러나 그들의 미래는 결코 보장되지 않는다. 그들은 서로, 자신의 잘못은 아니지만, 상대방의 모든 희망을 빼앗아버린다.
Three criminals pull off a major heist at a Tokyo bank and one of them hides the money in aplace that only he knows while the rest go into hiding. A year later, the one who hid the money is now dead and the two remaining robbers are desperate for the loot with crooked cops who are also in hot pursuit of the sizable bounty fast on their trail. They enlist the services of freelance criminals to aid them in their search, except there is a traitor in their midst. With the clock ticking the race is on to find the money first, but at what cost.
Executive Producer
Three criminals pull off a major heist at a Tokyo bank and one of them hides the money in aplace that only he knows while the rest go into hiding. A year later, the one who hid the money is now dead and the two remaining robbers are desperate for the loot with crooked cops who are also in hot pursuit of the sizable bounty fast on their trail. They enlist the services of freelance criminals to aid them in their search, except there is a traitor in their midst. With the clock ticking the race is on to find the money first, but at what cost.
Three criminals pull off a major heist at a Tokyo bank and one of them hides the money in aplace that only he knows while the rest go into hiding. A year later, the one who hid the money is now dead and the two remaining robbers are desperate for the loot with crooked cops who are also in hot pursuit of the sizable bounty fast on their trail. They enlist the services of freelance criminals to aid them in their search, except there is a traitor in their midst. With the clock ticking the race is on to find the money first, but at what cost.
Three criminals pull off a major heist at a Tokyo bank and one of them hides the money in aplace that only he knows while the rest go into hiding. A year later, the one who hid the money is now dead and the two remaining robbers are desperate for the loot with crooked cops who are also in hot pursuit of the sizable bounty fast on their trail. They enlist the services of freelance criminals to aid them in their search, except there is a traitor in their midst. With the clock ticking the race is on to find the money first, but at what cost.
Three criminals pull off a major heist at a Tokyo bank and one of them hides the money in aplace that only he knows while the rest go into hiding. A year later, the one who hid the money is now dead and the two remaining robbers are desperate for the loot with crooked cops who are also in hot pursuit of the sizable bounty fast on their trail. They enlist the services of freelance criminals to aid them in their search, except there is a traitor in their midst. With the clock ticking the race is on to find the money first, but at what cost.
Tomoyo was the lover of Udo, a leading member of the Japanese mafia. When Udo disappears with a bundle of dirty money, she is a suspected accomplice. tomoyo is a woman who has always depended on men, and she often sleeps with them in order to survive. Yuki spent all her time around dangerous men, until her luck finally ran out. Beaten, raped and left in the trunk of a car, she ends up overhearing Udo as he assassinates his fellow mafia agents. Yuki is a woman who has always confronted men, and she often spills blood in order to survive. Thrown together by chance, Tomoyo and Yuki must work together, or die at the hands of the syndicate. They're always ready to love, always read to kill, and never ready to trust.
A full-scale drama that visualizes a feature-length novel by Koichi Iiboshi from "Battle Without Honor and Justice." It depicts a shocking rivalry set in Shinjuku, the largest entertainment district in Asia, such as robbery, kidnapping, theft, and the murder of a blue dragon sword. Show Aikawa enthusiastically plays a lone wolf gangster. Co-starring Hitoshi Ozawa and others.
Miss Hotetor was killed in the sand group Shima. Hitoshi Kamibayashi, who rushed to the scene, was hit by a fierce shooting by a man in a black leather coat. It was Jin who responded, but he let the man escape. The sand group was struck by the anomaly of shooting 30 bullets at one woman. At that time, the young head of the Kyushu Genryukai is killed. Sakai, the chairman of the Kanto Ichienkai, orders the extermination of Sakoda, a former Genryukai executive who attacked Hitoshi and Yoshiro. And that Sakoda was undoubtedly the man in that black leather coat.
Yuko Moriyama stars in this ninja period piece as one of seven women determined to exact revenge on the evil lord Akinari Katou and “The 7 Spears”, the band of soldiers he commands. Trained assassins and skilled in sorcery, these men took over the Aizu prefecture and took its most beautiful young women as concubines. They left behind 7 daughters now seeking out Jyubei Yagyuu to help get revenge.
Yuko Moriyama stars in this ninja period piece as one of seven women determined to exact revenge on the evil lord Akinari Katou and “The 7 Spears”, the band of soldiers he commands. Trained assassins and skilled in sorcery, these men took over the Aizu prefecture and took its most beautiful young women as concubines. They left behind 7 daughters now seeking out Jyubei Yagyuu to help get revenge.
A contract killer accepts a final assignment: to act as a bodyguard for a Chinese girl wanted by a criminal organization...
A contract killer accepts a final assignment: to act as a bodyguard for a Chinese girl wanted by a criminal organization...
A contract killer accepts a final assignment: to act as a bodyguard for a Chinese girl wanted by a criminal organization...
Hitman Joker
A contract killer accepts a final assignment: to act as a bodyguard for a Chinese girl wanted by a criminal organization...
Tachibana of Mutsumi Yato Kogyo, whose leader was assassinated. He is glared at the work of the hostile organization Konan Service, but his big brother Kurosaki is well rounded up with his traces as bait. Masa and Jun, who are the thugs, ignore the unsuccessful executives and aim for the Konan service leader who was the chairman of the Mutsumikai, but failed! Jun is captured and killed. Kurosaki tries to secure Yato Kogyo in exchange for Jun's life.
A small time Yakuza thug is thrown into a bloody battle after a bank robbery he was forced into goes wrong when all the men begin to turn on each other a hitch-hiking serial killing couple decide to steal their loot.
A small time Yakuza thug is thrown into a bloody battle after a bank robbery he was forced into goes wrong when all the men begin to turn on each other a hitch-hiking serial killing couple decide to steal their loot.
Yuriko, once a concert pianist, now practices home-making while husband Takashi stays out late with co-workers, leaving her to decay into severe mental illness.
When yakuza member Okamoto (Hitoshi Ozawa) begins to search for Nami (Reiko Yasuhara), a woman he saw in an underground porn video, he finds himself on a path to his own destruction. Action film based on a manga by Takashi Ishii.
동네 야구단의 멤버이기는 하지만 긴장 때문에 좋은 성적을 거두지 못하던 마사키는 삼진아웃을 당해 팀을 지게 만든다. 경기 후 일터로 돌아온 마사키는 우연히 야쿠자와 싸움을 하게 되고, 결국 카즈오와 함께 총을 구하기 위해 오키나와로 향한다. 그곳에서 그들은 야쿠자인 우에하라와 타마키를 만나고, 총을 건네받는다. 마침내 총을 손에 넣은 마사키와 카즈오는 복수를 위해 도쿄로 돌아오는데...
This work further strengthens the neo-chimpira line of Toei V-Cinema which has a reputation for being more powerful than the movie.
Shingo Maekawa
A heated argument between middle school thugs leads to a fierce war between two rival high schools when Toru's girlfriend, Shoko, gets involved.
Shingo Maekawa
With thugs under gang leader Shingo attempting to make a name for themselves, Toru and crew must brace for an all-out war between their two schools.
Story of 4 men and women in Okinawa.
Shingo Maekawa
College student Mayumi takes a mutual interest in Hiroshi, but their happiness is cut short when two thugs expelled from school eye the new couple.
Shingo Maekawa
A sly prep school thug uses his girlfriend to lure Hiroshi and Toru to a fight, but the scheme escalates to an all-out war between everyone involved.
Tetsu gets into an argument with some Okinawa yakuza and is murdered by them. His brother Ryo comes to Okinawa shortly thereafter and teams up with Tetsu's girlfriend and Max an ex US soldier to extract revenge.
An upbeat, action-filled drama that depicts the lives of two obnoxious high school students, Koji and Toru, who are caught in exciting and dangerous adventures involving their fellow students. Based on the best selling comic series, “Be-Bop High School” has gained popularity among the young audience, and become an icon of Japan’s pop culture in the 1980’s.
Kôji Takeuchi
Nikkatsu Roman Porno