A journey through the work of Spanish filmmaker Juan Piquer Simón (1935-2011).
Hour-long documentary about distinctive-looking Spanish character actor Víctor Israel.
Don Luis
This movie has any coherent plot. It is more the portrait of the lives of different people in the hard years of post-war in Spain (the 40's), and how people manage to survive in a country desolated by the war. Like other films: la colmena or roma (fellini) it shows us lots of characters and some moments of their lives.
Captain Kidd
Adaptation of the Edgar Allan Poe novel.
Fugitive teens hide out in a carnival magician's mansion, stirring ancient soldiers of Satan.
General Alonso
Sture Lundblad was a Swedish volunteer fighter in the Spanish civil war. Sture is now dead. His son Michael has inherited a house in Spain and decides to follow the trail of his father.
핵잠수함 싸이렌 1호가 대서양 한 가운데서 사라진다. 싸이렌 1호의 제작사인 콘덱사의 시장 마크는 원설계자인 빅 헤이즈(Wick Hayes: 잭 스칼리아 분)에게 책임을 전가시키려고 음모를 꾸민다. 몇 일 후 싸이렌 1호가 실종된 해역에서 수천마리의 물고기와 물개가 죽어있는 것을 발견한 마크는 필립 선장과 해양생물학자 크롤리(Lt. Nina Crowley: 데보라 애다이어 분)와 빅 그리고 컴퓨터 전문가 로빈(Robbins: 레이 와이즈 분)을 한 팀으로 싸이렌 2호를 대서양상에 출범시킨다. 잠수함이 실종된 다네킨 리프트에 도착한 싸이렌 2호는 25000피트의 어두운 심해에서 급성장하고 있는 해초군락을 발견하고 해초 샘플을 채취한다. 크롤리에 의해이 해초는 산소를 흡수하고 독소를 뿜어내는 해초로서 인간의 몸에 닿게 되면 썩혀서 인간의 세포를 파괴한다는 사실을 알게 된다. 싸이렌 1호의 블랙박스 신호를 따라 심해의 동굴로 들어가는 도중 연구실이 온통 급성장한 식인해초로서 뒤덮힌 것을 발견하게 되고 일단 오염된 곳을 폐쇄시킨다. 그리고 그곳 동굴에서 생물학을 이용한 DNA가속장치의 실험실을 발견하게 되고 곧 이어서 DNA 촉진기에 의해 이상 진화된 끔찍한 바다 생물의 습격을 받게 되는데...
Frank Phillips
조용한 시골 마을. 오랜 시간에 걸쳐 공장에서 화학 약품들을 무단 방류한 탓에, 오염된 하수구에 살고 있던 달팽이들이 약물로 인해 변화한다. 그 뒤 몸집이 커지고 공격적인 성격으로 바뀌면서 마을은 삽시간에 재난에 휩싸인다. 호수에서 물놀이를 하던 젊은이를 시작으로, 마을 주민들이 달팽이에 의해 처참한 죽임을 당한다. 결국 많은 인명 피해를 겪은 뒤, 뒤늦게 사태 파악에 나선 인간들은 달팽이들의 서식지를 찾아 반격에 나선다.
Park Policeman
시끄러운 비행기 소리에 정신을 차린 클레어은 스페인의 공항 옆 초원에서 쓰러져 정신을 잃은 자신을 발견하곤 혼란에 빠진다. 옷은 온통 피투성이에 자신이 왜 그곳에 왔는지 이해할 수 없으니. 그러나 그녀는 기억을 더듬어 왜 자신이 그곳에 있는지를 하나하나 생각해 내기 시작한다. 클레어는 공중곡예를 보여주는 스카이다이버이다. 일생 일대의 가장 큰 묘기를 선보이기 위해 그의 동거남이자 매니저인 델과 함께 연습에 열중하던 그녀는 한때 뜨거운 사랑을 나누었던 어거스틴의 편지를 받는다. 그는 그녀를 버리고 스페인에서 마리와 결혼생활을 보내며 살고 있었다. 그녀는 어거스틴에 대한 사랑을 버리지 못하고 델에게 공연 전까지 꼭 돌아오겠다는 쪽지를 남긴 채 스페인으로 떠난다. 스페인에서 어거스틴을 찾아간 클레어는 어거스틴을 유혹하지만 어거스틴은 그녀를 거부하고, 마리는 갑자기 나타난 클레어에게 강한 질투와 분노를 느낀다. 클레어는 스페인에서의 자신의 일상을 생각해 낸 뒤, 미국으로 돌아가기 위해 애쓰지만 결국 공연날짜는 다가와 버리고, 스페인에서 만난 키트와 낸시와 함께 시간을 보낸다. 그들의 파격적인 삶에 함께 빠져드는 클레어는 그러나 결국 자신의 삶에 대한 의지를 버리지 못한다. 조금씩 조금씩 자신이 왜 그 공항에 버려져 있던가에 대한 회상의 깊이를 늘려나가던 클레어는 자기를 증오했던 어거스틴의 부인 마리를 자신이 우발적으로 죽였다는 확신을 갖고 경악한다. 공항 근처에 버려져 있었던 때 자신의 옷에 흥건히 뭍어있던 피를 생각하며 그녀는 어거스틴의 집으로 달려간다. 그러나 어거스틴의 집으로 모여드는 사람들 사이를 해치고 들어간 곳에서는 자기가 죽인 줄 알았던 마리가 경찰에 체포되어 끌려나오고 있는 것이다. 그순간 클레어의 머리 속엔 마리에게 칼에 찔려 고통스러워 하는 자신의 모습이 갑자기 기억난다.
A man marries a wealthy woman (the daughter of a Nazi general) for her money and she "accidentally" dies in a fire. Soon after, prostitutes he brings back to his castle are being killed by a gloved killer.
Juan Jose Moreno Cuenca, alias the Heifer, is 23 years old and tells his story as a criminal offender from 1 Ocaña Toledo. Fatherless, the offender has his childhood and how everything changed when her mother went to prison.
In 15th century England, a civil war called Wars of the Roses is being fought between two rival houses who want the throne. Fresh from battle, a knight finds his family dead. He joins the outlaws led by the Black Arrow (Stephan Chase) to seek justice. The noble Black Arrow foils Sir Brackley's (Oliver Reed) plan to kill one ward (Benedict Taylor) and marry the other. This is a classic story by Robert Louis Stevenson turned into film by Disney pictures.
Mr. Bedford
Based on the adventures of the hero Tex from the comic strip by Bonelli. An interesting spaghetti-western/fantasy movie that blends magic and mythology with six-guns and stagecoaches.
After a gang of thugs brands a hard working truck driver a traitor and murders his bride, He retaliates by being even more violent than his attackers.
Bruno (as Franck Braña)
Paul, a mercenary in Africa, decides that he can no longer work for the Organization because of their brutal tactics. But the evil Organization refused to release him, and Paul finds that he must fight his way out.
After a meteor-like object lands in the woods, poachers unearth a cave filled with alien eggs. As they attempt to destroy the eggs, one of them is killed by an unseen creature, leaving one egg intact. A young boy named Tommy finds the remaining egg and brings it home to hatch. As more murders occur around town, Tommy learns that his new pet alien, who he names Trumpy, possesses telekinetic powers.
Born in a tribe of fierce warrior women, Hundra has been raised to despise the influence of men. An archer, fighter and sword fighter, Hundra is superior to any male. Hundra finds her family slain and takes a vow of revenge until one day she meets her match.
Det. Sgt. Holden
A frustrated Boston detective searches for the maniac responsible for mutilating a number of university coeds.
Van Hassel
Teodoro García
Black Wolf is forced again to fight his rival, who now has been appointed California Governor. Against such power, the lonely 'wolf' fights a duel to the death.
An enterprising woman reporter enlists the help of a hardened African explorer to try to locate a missing showbiz man who disappeared some time ago.
A young European boy living in San Francisco is reluctant to marry his long-term girlfriend because he wants to travel around the world first. His wealthy uncle agrees to send him on a global expedition aboard his ship, but en route the boy and his travelling companion are shipwrecked on a remote island, populated by countless prehistoric creatures as well as gold-hunting bandits.
Teodoro García
A version of "Zorro" (fox in Spanish) but this time is a wolf... and black, located in California in mid-nineteenth century
In this film Paul Naschy embodies the Roman general Agrippa Vipsanio in a fierce battle against the tribal leaders Cantabrians, Corocota. Fierce battles, gladiators fighting, adventure and intrigue in this film as in the Roman conquest of Hispania.
Mike Haddon (as Francisco Braña)
Merli, teamed with Mexican star Hugo Stiglitz as his photographer buddy, plays a journalist investigating the shady activities of the local Mafia. Eventually the shit hits the fan, and Merli is cornered and beaten for sticking his nose to close to the action. After his girlfriend is raped, Merli dishes out some vigilante justice and punches, shoots, and bitch slaps his way through the Mafia ranks.
Damián's Companion #1
Kronos, hero of a distant galaxy, tangles with mad scientist Gulik over the fate of mankind.
An American intelligence agent travels to pre-Islamic Revolution Iran to try to thwart a power-mad European baron from using a stolen cruise missile to destroy an unspecific target in that country.
El Esquinao
Perros Callejeros is based on the juvenile delinquency of the 1970s and 80s in Spain. The story is set in Barrio de la Mina in Barcelona one of the most conflict neighbourhoods in Spain. The characters chosen were real juvenile delinquents all with criminal records, which the director used to give the film a realistic touch. This film is very powerful and dramatic, it shows how these kids were brought up to survive on the streets.
Like in the novel of Jules Verne four persons try to get to the centre of the world by entering into a world of caves by a volcano. On their way they discover among other things also prehistoric animals like some dinosaurs,
Two bandits steal a number of gems and other valuable art from a museum in the Dominican Republic. They are helped by their American partner, Tom who double-crosses them and escapes with the stolen treasure.
Otto Kramer
The SS puts a slutty nightclub singer in charge of a train car full of prostitutes whose "services" are reserved solely for Adolf Hitler.
Dan Robinson
A sailor escapes a mutiny on his ship and finds himself stranded on a jungle island--with a tribe of gorgeous amazon women.
Santo fights diamond smugglers.
Guardia civil
Paco, a truck driver who has always been dedicated to smuggling, hires Curro as an assistant, a young man wanting to make money without caring about the way to get it. The two drivers are surprised by an offer that far exceeds what they use to perceive: they have to transport illegal immigrants from Portugal to the French border.
A jewel heist goes wrong, resulting in several deaths. Naschy is left with the loot and he takes off with the the cash before the gang is supposed to meet back up. Gang leader Frank Brana sets out to track down the man and the jewels with the help of his gang.
A policeman must infiltrate the criminal underworld to investigate the theft of some paintings. The first clue leads him to a Latin American country, where a military prepares for a coup.
Peter Castle
An action drama about an assassin who is ordered to kill an old friend and the repercussions when he refuses. At the same time, although it has nothing to do with the plot, there seems to be a relentless undercurrent of sadism and masochism with a homosexual aura.
El Minero
The parallel stories of a police commissioner and a bank robber whose lives eventually come together.
Jimmy is in pursuit of outlaw Marco but stops and helps farmers battle a greedy landowner who is attempting to buy up and control the entire region.
Carl Ransome
Crime film.
A snake-oil salesman is chased across the desert by a gang of Mexican bandits. He finds out, however, that he is being protected by the spirits of Davey Crockett, Pecos Bill and Johnny Appleseed.
Guy Malone
Commissioner Mendoza must join forces with the honorable civil guard, to stop the activities of a network of drug traffickers with international contacts that intend to act in Spain.
Masked Mexican wrestler and superhero Santo plays private investigator, called in by government officials to investigate the mysterious vandalism of a high profile painting. With the help of his two counterparts, he uncovers the truth behind an art collector/chemist who may be murdering female models.
Macedo, bloodthirsty leader of a gang of Confederates shoots the captain of the Northerners, Jeff Mallighan, known as "Fast Hand", shattering his right hand. Jeff, wounded on the ground, could not see the face of the villain, but his silver spurs have stuck in his mind as well as his unique gun. Some time after this event Macedo continues with his misdeeds, however, a mysterious horseman dressed in black will stand in his way.
Guardia mudo
After years in prison, a gang of criminals are deported from Bavaria and arrive as free immigrants to America. They kill an Indian by accident and do different jobs such as cleaning latrines, until they get installed in an abandoned house next to an Indian woman. One day someone will propose to perpetrate a robbery ...
With their time machine, the three Supermen try to recover antique treasures and end up in the West and find the most famous treasure of THE BANDIT. But the treasures vanish when they try to take them into their time.
Capo Mercenario
A tribe of vicious female warriors terrorizes the countryside, and especially the males, until one day the men and some local villagers decide to fight back.
James Barton
A revived mummy needs the blood of young women to slake his thirst.
500 years after they were blinded and executed for committing human sacrifices, a band of Templar knights returns from the grave to terrorize a rural Portuguese village during it's centennial celebration. Being blind, the Templars find their victims through sound, usually the screams of their victims. Taking refuge in a deserted cathedral, a small group of people must find a way to escape from the creatures.
Abdul Hamid - The Blind Sailor
Two archaeologists on a scientific dig come across a vampire burial ground and discover that the creatures are about to awaken and attack a nearby village.
Sargento I
Adaptation of the text of Azorin theater play. In 1808, Napoleon's troops invaded a village in the Sierra de Madrid. Love triangle between a girl, guerrilla leader and French officer who falls in love with the girl.
Austin Styles
A bounty hunter named Arizona helps a group of beleaguered farmers in their fight against a large landowner named Austin Styles and his gang of outlaws.
In the Canary Islands there is a love story between a young and attractive woman, dissatisfied in her marriage to a man older than her, and a handsome sculptor of her age who lives in a bohemian way.
Thanks to his ability, Danny can draw each of the bandits who robbed the stage coach in which he was traveling with his father, who was killed. When he arrives to the next town he looks for a job helped by the sheriffs` daughter. In the bulletin board there are some posters of people and they offer a dollar reward for providing information about them. After many obstacles, each of the components of the band gradually disappears. Danny believes that only fits the sheriff, but he is in love with his daughter.
Sheriff Lewis Burton
A man comes to a western town willing to discover the perpetrators of the robbery of a bank, where a significant amount of gold disappeared and witnesses were cruelly murdered. One of the thieves is now getting rid of the accomplices, using some deadly snakes that only seem to obey him.
A bandit gang successfully executes a complicated bank heist but disagreements arise in the aftermath.
Don Sallust is the minister of the King of Spain. Being disingenuous, hypocritical, greedy and collecting the taxes for himself, he is hated by the people he oppresses. Accused by The Queen, a beautiful princess Bavarian, of having an illegitimate child to one of her maids of honor, he was stripped of his duties and ordered to retire to a monastery.
Royal Sentry at Winter Palace (uncredited)
대내외적으로 전운이 감도는 제정 러시아 말기. 오랫동안 기다려왔던 왕자가 태어나자 로마노프 왕가는 기쁨에 휩싸인다. 그러나 그것도 잠시, 왕자의 혈우병 사실이 밝혀지면서 황제 니콜라스(Nicholas: 마이클 제이스톤 분)와 황후 알렉산드라(Alexandra: 자넷 수즈만 분)는 깊은 슬픔에 삼긴다. 기적을 행하는 것으로 알려진 그레고리 신부가 죽음 직전에 이른 왕자를 살려내자 알렉산드라는 맹목적으로 그의 말만을 따르게 된다. 부동항을 얻기 위한 러.일 전쟁도 실패로 돌아가고, 전쟁과 굶주림에 시달린 백성들은 대규모의 폭동을 일으키는데 군대의 과잉 충성으로 수백명이 사살되는 엄청난 사건이 발생한다. 그럼에도 불구하고 왕권 신수설을 신봉하는 니콜라스는 의회와 사사건건 대립하면서 독일을 치기 위해 군대 총동원령을 선포하여 백성들로부터 신임을 잃고 만다. 한편, 활발한 지하 활동을 벌이던 공산 세력은 레닌을 중심으로 혁명을 꾀하는데...
Judge Finlay
Bill Nolan, Sheriff of Ockland, receives a telegram informing him of the arrival of a stagecoach with federal bank securities. Together with Judge Finley he organizes the custody of the stagecoach but it is attacked anyway and suspicion falls on the sheriff by his strange actions alone. The confidence of his assistants is weakened and everything gets complicated when he is accused of rape and one of his assistants is found dead. His only hope is to discover the masked bandit.
Glen Kovacs
Wells Fargo hires bounty hunters to protect its gold transports from the notorious outlaw Glenn Kovacs. Jeff Sullivan, one of the hired gunmen, buys the freedom of Dan Barker, a prisoner who may lead him to Kovacs. When Barker escapes from Sullivan, the other bounty hunters pursue him also, leading to the ultimate showdown between all parties.
Cesar Martin, better known as El Duque, is an elegant, charming and intelligent man, who has been obliged to be known by heart the Penal Code, as their profession is the scam. Cesar has another weakness: his beautiful daughter Silvia is always a decent person.
Dr. Lexter
Dead beings and a bloodsucking lizard-man populate this atmospheric and bizarre European gothic shocker! Scientist Michael Sharrington conducts strange experiments on the transmutation of human cells, which involves hibernating bodies and pumping chemicals into the bloodstream. One night he decides to perform these tests on himself and winds up buried in the local cemetery. When he returns to consciousness, the results will leave you screaming!
Sam Puttnam / One-Eye
Wily roving gunslinger Sartana arrives in a small town and tries to find a hidden fortune of half a million dollars in gold and two million dollars in counterfeit money. Naturally, a bunch of other treacherous folks who include conniving widow Senora Manassas, shrewd fellow gunslinger Grand Full, and the vicious and unhinged General Monk are also looking to get their greedy hands on said fortune.
Principe Giovanni
François Leduc
A British commando team heads into France to blow up a German-held dam in preparation for D-Day, while a British agent infiltrates the German garrison to give inside help. The twist is that the British officer is replacing his twin German brother.
Chief of torturers
Peter is whipped (twice) and chased away from his sweetheart, but his rescuer leaves him with a Chinese master who teaches him how to seek revenge on his tormentors.
A group of international criminals steal a large emerald from a heavily guarded Colombian mine and they plan to sell it on the black market. Unfortunately, the evil Dr. Igor is also manipulating other criminals, as well as the ones who stole the emerald, for his own benefit. Santo, a Mexican wrestler/Interpol agent works with the Colombian authorities in an attempt to recover the emerald and to stop Dr. Igor and his subordinates, as well.
The Three Supermen attempt to reclaim the stolen lease of a uranium mine.
El Fulminante
1938 at the battlefront along the river Ebro, Spain. It is the Spanish Civil War, and this movie depicts the attack of a group of commandos whose job it is to blow up the bridge spanning the river.
Peter Kolowsky
A German Captain and an American Captain help each other survive the North African desert during WWII. They meet again a year later during combat operations in France.
In 1881 Dallas, an ex-Union soldier attempts to expose a conspiracy of Southerners that killed his father, his friend and President James A. Garfield.
19세기 프랑스, 엄격한 여성 교장 포노는 외딴 곳에서 문제 학생를 위한 여자 기숙학교를 운영하고 있다.
여학생들은 다루기 힘들다지만, 그곳의 학생들은 자꾸 미스테리하게 사라진다.
Johnny was mentally traumatised when he witnessed as a child the killing of his father (a deserter) by a group of soldiers. As an adult he randomly kills every soldier he gets hold of, so that the army sends out the brutish Lieutenant Garringo to stop Johnny.
The young Flem Mascaslim it be a hindrance to Bill Warner and, like his father did, try to get rid of it to take over his ranch. Along with his manager devises a plan: will be arrested on suspicion of robbing a bank and present false witnesses to his sentence. But the Fox manages to free the boy, putting him safely home of a friend and her daughter.
Adventurers endeavor to find a tomb that houses a legendary diamond.
Frank's Gunman (uncredited)
프랭크가 보낸 세명의 총잡이가 기차역에서 누군가를 기다린다. 드디어 그들이 기다리던 한 남자가 하모니카를 불며 기차역에 도착하고, 그들 세 총잡이는 모두 이름 없는 그 남자의 총에 쓰러진다. 한편, 프랭크와 그 부하들은 아일랜드 출신인 맥베인 일가를 잔인하게 살해하는데, 뉴올리언즈에서 이제 막 도착한 맥베인의 새 아내 질로서는 황망할 수밖에 없다. 두 사람은 한달 전 이미 결혼을 한 상태였다. 다시 뉴올리언즈로 돌아가려던 질은 마음을 고쳐먹고 맥베인과 아이들의 시체만 있는 그 집에서 혼자 생활을 시작한다.
A court-martialed soldier saves a fort and the major who had dishonestly testified against him from an Indian attack.
Man With Jail Kay
After Cacopoulos manages to save himself from being hung on a false charge, he robs Cat Stevens and Hutch Bessy of a lot of money and steals their horses. This results in a merry chase and Stevens and Bessy become unwilling allies in Cacopoulus' revenge against the people who deserted him and framed him to get their money back.
Joe, il postiglione della diligenza
At the end of the Civil War, Jim Slade, a young confederate soldier and conscientious objector, returns to his ranch to find his parents murdered and the ranch practically destroyed. He finds and kills three of the murderers and learns the name of the fourth, a certain Corbett. Finally he discovers Corbett as the leader of a gang that has plans to rob a local bank and is invited to help defend the town from the bandits. Teaming with a preacher, who has an agenda of his own, the two take a stand against Corbett.
After his sister is kidnapped and murdered, a gunslinger's plans for vengeance involve assassinating two generals to prolong the Civil War.
A town is being terrorized by a gang of marauders led by Bill Anderson, a clever bandit boss. The town's leadership is deciding to do something against the problem, but it does not believe bringing in the military will be a solution. It is agreed upon that they will request help from the well-known Pinkerton agency. At the same time, Ringo, a gunslinger, is chasing after the bandits. He suspects a deeper-sitting conspiracy than random bandit assaults. He joins forces with the newly arrived under cover Pinkerton agent, to uncover a plot between a local businessman, the Mexican revolution and bandit's heist loot of gold. But the bandits have long planned to move on. Disguised as Mormons, they are moving west to start a new life of farming during the day and robbing stage coaches at night. Ringo and the agent track them down....
Unjustly accused of the murder of three women, the members of two rival gangs are joined to survive to the hunting that the whole town is making. Running away, they reach an abandoned fort in which the attempt to fend off attacks from the group that pursues them.
History Professor Brad Fletcher heads west for his health, but falls in with Soloman Bennett's outlaw gang. Fascinated by their way of life, Fletcher finally takes over the gang, leading with a new 'efficient' ruthlessness.
In this violent spaghetti western a murderous robber hijacks a payroll train, murders everyone aboard and then stashes his loot. A gunslinger learns about it and decides he wants the money for himself and so hatches an elaborate plot to get at it. He lures the crook into a rigged poker game, and afterward a gunfight ensues. The quick-drawing gunman makes short work of the robber, then teams up with an insurance agent to look for the hidden fortune. Unbeknownst to them, the robber had an ace up his sleeve...
Adventure film of Spanish production that follows point by point the parameters set by other literary characters, such as "El Zorro" or "El Coyote". José María Elorrieta, director with extensive experience in western spaghetti, is in charge of the direction and the script, in this film starring a gallant who was fervid among the female audience, Germán Cobos ("La patrulla", "La vida es maravillosa"). Shot on a small budget and with no other pretense than to entertain, "El falcón de Castilla" had considerable box office success.
A cowboy accused of robbery and murder escapes execution and becomes a notorious outlaw while searching for the real culprits.
Templer Henchman (uncredited)
A Mexican outlaw known as "The Stranger" is part of a band of thieves that steal a cargo of gold from a stagecoach. However, the Americans in the band betray him, and shoot all the Mexicans. The Stranger is not completely dead though, and crawls his way out of his shallow grave, continuing his pursuit of the gold, and exacting a bloody vengeance.
Captain of the Guard (as Francisco Braña)
A flirtatious sorcerous fancies a handsome human professor. Cross time antics arise when she attempts to bring the hapless professor into her alternate dimension.
Murphy's Henchman (uncredited)
This spaghetti western presents a fictitious version of the often filmed legend of Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid. Billy becomes innocently an outlaw while protecting his mother, but then turns into a trigger happy killer. When he falls in love he tries with the help of Pat Garrett, a fatherly friend, to change back. However, circumstances force Billy to become violent again and it is Garrett who is credited with the killing.
Bounty Hunter #2 (uncredited)
미국의 남북전쟁이 한창인 때, 블론디는 멕시코인 총잡이 투코와 함께 동업 중이다. 블론디는 현상범 투코를 잡아 현상금을 받고, 투코가 교수형을 당하는 순간 구해주는 역할. 한편 세텐자라 불리우는 범죄자는 엄청나 돈이 묻힌 비밀장소를 추적 중이다. 그런데, 투코와 실랑이를 벌이던 블론디는 돈이 묻힌 장소를 죽어가는 사람에게 듣게 되고, 결국 둘은 돈을 찾아 나서는데...
Widow's ranch hand
조나단 콜벳은 텍사스 지역 최고의 총잡이 중 한 명으로 수많은 악당들을 해치워 왔다. 그 명성에 힘입어 정치에 입문하라는 권유를 받을 정도이다. 하지만 정치적 야심이 없는 콜벳은 또 다른 살인 사건 용의자인 쿠칠로를 잡기 위해 묵묵히 멕시코로 향한다. 그러나 꾀 많은 쿠칠로는 결정적인 순간마다 콜벳을 따돌리고, 콜벳의 여정은 처음 계획보다 훨씬 길고 힘들어진다.
Blas Romero "El Platanito" is a bullfighter who begins to take its first steps in Merida. After a long journey, one day he is lucky enough, his performance is showed on TV and that brings him to top of the charts. From now on, his problems will be centered with the dilemma of having to give up their dreams of making serious classical bullfighting, or jump to a false bullfighting, between slapstick and temerity, which will give offer him numerous well-paid contracts.
Wade Dempsey
Escaped outlaw Jose Gomez returns to his home town pursued by bounty killer Luke Chilson. The towns people protect Gomez, unaware, at first, that he is now a changed and dangerous man.
U.S. Marshal Vic
Wanted north of the border, Jess Carlin resides safely in Mexico. Then he hears his brother was killed in a gunfight with another man. Knowning his brother never carried a gun he heads north to find his brother's killer. After battling bounty hunters he arrives in Rimrock, a town controlled by Luke Starr. Starr is the man he wants but he unable to find any evidence until he is given an item found by his brother's body.
Lanky Fellow has a typical cynical SW like way to earn his living. He observes valuable transports of money or gold, but when they are robbed he doesn't intervene, but follows the robbers and then brings the loot back to collect the insurance. When his "job" brings him in conflict with the notorious outlaw Gus Kenneback, he has personal reasons to protect the money as Kenneback was once responsible for the death of Lanky's brother.
A drifter helps a ranch couple fend off the approaches of a ruthless landowner.
Bud Messina
For a misunderstanding Franco and Ciccio, two Sicilian immigrants of very limited intellectual faculties, are enrolled in the police force in New York.
Lecomte henchman escorting Renoir
A halfbreed seeks revenge for the death of his sister, who kills herself after being raped by an officer of the Canadian Mounted Police. He gets involved in the historical revolt of halfbreeds and Indians led by Louis Riel in 1885 against the Canadian government.
David, Rojo's henchman
Shenandoah (Steffen) works his way into a band of highwaymen led by Rojo (Armando Calvo). His initiation consists of hunting down and killing a member of the gang who has 12 bullets while he is only given 2 bullets. When the bandits attempt to rob a wealthy rancher, whom Shenandoah knows, he warns him. The outlaws begin to suspect they were betrayed and commence to rough Shenandoah up. Shenandoah then reveals his true reason for joining the gang; one of them killed his wife and he is there for retribution.
Ranchester's henchman with red shirt
A gunslinger on the run for a murder he didn't commit goes to New Mexico where he hopes to find a person who can exculpate him. While on his way he finds a girl who has been kidnapped and tortured, sets her free and then takes his revenge at gunpoint.
Blackie, Member of Indio's Gang (uncredited)
감옥을 탈출해 나온 산적 두목이자 은행강도인 현상범 인디오는 부하들과 함께 살인과 강탈을 일삼고 다닌다. 회중시계와 뮤직박스에 병적인 집착을 보이는 그는 누군가를 죽일 때마다 회중시계를 꺼내 보는 버릇이 있다. 그를 잡기 위해 두 명의 사나이가 서부의 작은 도시에 등장한다. 한 명은 이름을 알 수 없는 차갑고 냉정한 총잡이인 '이름없는 자'로 현상금을 목적으로 이 곳에 왔으며, 또 한 명은 육군대장인 몰티머인데, 그는 인디오에게 청산해야할 빚이 있어 그것을 완수하기위해 그를 찾아온다. 이 범죄자는 그의 여동생의 죽음과 관련이 있었다. 인디오가 돈을 얻기위해 엘파소의 은행을 털 것이라는 직감을 갖고 이 두 명의 총잡이는 그곳으로 돌린다. 이들은 서로를 믿지 않았으나 보다 효과적으로 인디오를 잡기위해 '이름 없는 자'가 악당과 한 패가 된 것처럼 가장해 그들의 비밀 소굴로 쳐들어가 인디오를 사로잡기로 하는 기막힌 음모를 꾸미는데...
After marrying a rich heiress, a young man from humble origins is dedicated to looking for coal in the surroundings of Gijón.
Pistolero 1
The fictionalized story of Joaquin Murrieta, a real life Mexican bandit who terrorized California with his gang of raiders and cutthroats during the first half of the 19th century. Some saw him as a murderous outlaw, others as the Mexican Robin Hood.
Bandido (as Francisco Brana)
A gringo gunman and two Mexican families fight a bandit and his gang.
Story of a group of settlers and how they had to take refuge in a fort when they were attacked by Indians, as told by the only survivor
Baxter Gunman (uncredited)
로호 삼형제와 보안관 존 백스터가 주도권 싸움을 하는 멕시코의 한 마을 산 미구엘에 총잡이 조가 나타난다. 양 측은 조를 이용하는 것 처럼 보이지만 조는 그 가운데 자신의 잇속을 챙기려 하는데...
Frank Latimore is cast as Balboa, the heroic Spanish explorer who discovers the Pacific Ocean. Along the way, he must pacify the wrath of his enemies and battle his way through a forest inhabited by savage natives. This one features some really nice battles, stunning ocean photography, and tolerable reconstruction of historic events.
To avenge his father's death and free the people of Seriphos from the evil King Galinor of Argus, the noble Perseus must defeat a dragon -- and the monster Medusa, whose steely gaze has cast the kingdom's best soldiers into stone.
Amigo de Perico (uncredited)
Hector travels with Luisa by the road linking Madrid with Barcelona. When another car suddenly crosses his path, his vehicle leaves the road and plunges into a tree. Hector dies and she is seriously injured. The other car was occupied by Jorge and Paula, her lover. Several vehicles cross before the car crash and do not stop, each for a different reason. Among them is Julio, a truck driver who does not stop in order to reach his destination on time, not knowing that at the wrecked car travels his old girlfriend.
Alan Braves, captain of a pirate ship, is, by the treachery of a comrade, accused of a crime of which he is innocent. He decides to go to America, but during his trip, he finds a Spanish galleon that saved from attack by pirates, and escorting the galleon to Maracaibo. Braves is first received with full honors for saving a Spanish ship but after that is reported to the Governor, Braseeur, the pirate traitor. It is, therefore, arrested and sentenced to death from the visualization of torture ...