Production Design
Antoinette, a school teacher, is looking forward to her long planned summer holidays with her secret lover Vladimir, the father of one of her pupils. When learning that Vladimir cannot come because his wife organized a surprise trekking holiday in the Cévennes National Park with their daughter and a donkey to carry their load, Antoinette decides to follow their track, by herself, with Patrick, a protective donkey.
Production Design
큰 폭의 인건비 절감 및 기록적인 이익에도 불구하고, 페랑 산업의 경영진은 공장폐쇄를 결정한다. 1,100명의 직원들은 직장을 잃지 않기 위해 대변인 로랑 아메데오를 앞세워 회사의 잔인한 결정에 맞서 싸우기로 한다.
Production Design
목가적이고 평화로운 일상을 보내던 노르망디 지방의 귀족 ‘잔느’는 가난한 자작 ‘줄리앙’을 만나 사랑에 빠지고 그와 함께하는 행복한 삶을 꿈꾼다. 하지만 기대와 달리 생각지 못한 사건들이 연달아 일어나자 괴로워하던 ‘잔느’는 신부님을 찾아가 진실을 털어놓는데…
Production Design
회사의 부당한 구조조정으로 인해 한 순간에 실업자가 된 ‘티에리’. 그는 사랑하는 아내와 아들을 지켜야 하는 한 집안의 가장이다. 2년 간의 구직 활동 끝에 그는 대형마트의 보안 요원으로 취직하게 되고, 매장 내 감시 카메라를 통해 모든 사람을 감시하는 업무를 맡게 된다. 그러나 일자리를 얻은 기쁨도 잠시, 티에리는 예상하지 못했던 도덕적 딜레마와 마주하게 되는데… 과연 그는 이 모든 것을 버텨내고 소중한 가정을 지켜낼 수 있을까?
Production Design
Juliette was simply not sure about coming to live in this residential suburb of the greater Paris metropolitan area. All the women here are in their forties, have children to raise, houses to keep and husbands who return home late at night.Today she has an appointment in Paris that is important for her career, but she also has to run errands and pick up the kids from school. During the course of her day, monopolized by petty, everyday tasks, Juliette can feel the noose of domestic obligations and household chores slowly tightening around her neck.
Production Design
Forty-eight-year-old Alain Evrard is obliged to return home to live with his mother. This situation causes all the violence of their past relationship to rise to the surface. Alain then discovers that his mother has a fatal illness. In the last months of her life, will they finally be capable of taking a step toward each other?
Production Design
Jean-Claude Delsart, a 50 years-old bailiff, with his worn-out smile and heart, abandoned a long time ago the idea that life could give him pleasures. Until the day, he dares to push the doors of a tango lesson...
Production Design
Chantel is happy: her son's away at school playing soccer, she and her husband get along, her neighbor Agnès is her best friend, and her job at a government office is easy. When her husband is laid off and she wonders for how long, her office pal Jackie recommends Alban, a psychic (and compulsive gambler), who promptly tells Chantel of a curse on her that will take three sessions (and 10,000 FF) to dispel. Through happenstance, she meets Alban's half-brother; thinking she is following the psychic predictions, she tries to start an affair with him. She also undergoes Alban's exorcism, and soon, terrible things indeed start to happen. Is there any way out of her misery?
Art Direction
Irene is an ordinary married woman living in Amiens, in the North of France. She works in a bank where, one day, she finds herself duty-bound to strip a client of her credit card and check book for ten years. Later on, while walking in a park Irene notices a mysterious homeless woman wearing a yellow coat. At a time she witnesses her shoplifting in a store. One night, on her way back home, she is attacked by the mysterious woman.
Production Design
Didier, 28 years old, is still livning with his parents. Prisoner of his own habits, he doesn't communicate with them anymore. When he casually meets his former girlfriend, Valerie, he finds again his serenity.
Production Design
Clémence Alpharo, who, in order to get a permanent contract in the company that has just hired her, must push Henri Giffard, a sales representative at the end of his career, towards early retirement. But Giffard refuses. His work is the only thing that still gives meaning to his life. Caught between the prospect of a professional future that would allow her to escape her family history and the unexpected affection she feels for the salesman, Clémence must choose. A choice that will inexorably push Clémence and Henri to the limit.