Tabitha St. Germain

Tabitha St. Germain

출생 : 1964-10-30, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


Tabitha St. Germain is an award-winning Canadian stage actress. She has recently made the transition from stage work to voice work, and has since become one of the core female voice actresses working with Ocean Productions in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

프로필 사진

Tabitha St. Germain

참여 작품

LEGO Friends: Holiday Special
Betty (voice)
The holidays are coming to Heartlake City, and the LEGO Friends are full of holiday cheer. But can the group stick together after Andrea ditches Mia's holiday shopping plans?
극장판 마이 리틀 포니: 새로운 희망
Rarity (voice)
함께 할 때 가장 빛나는 우리! 반짝이는 희망을 찾아, 임무를 시작해볼까? 포니, 페가수스, 유니콘이 함께 조화를 이루며 살던 이퀘스트리아. 하지만 평화가 사라져버린 그곳, 신비로운 마법의 힘마저 잃었다. 예전처럼 모두가 친구가 될 수 있다고 믿는 어스 포니 ‘써니’에게 신비한 뿔을 가진 유니콘 ‘이지’가 나타나고, 운명처럼 친구가 된 둘은 잃어버린 이퀘스트리아의 마법과 우정을 되찾기 위해 머나먼 모험을 떠나는데... 과연, 친구들은 사라진 마법의 힘을 되찾을 수 있을까?
Dinosaur Train: Adventure Island
Spikey / Troodon Engineer (voice)
The Pteranodon family takes the Dinosaur Train to Adventure Island, a new theme park on a volcanic island! The Conductor's archrival Thurston is in charge: he proudly shows off the park's amazing robot dinosaurs! When an earthquake causes the pressure to get too high, the malfunctioning robots go rogue. It's up to Buddy and his siblings to navigate across the island and reunite with their parents.
마이 리틀 포니: 이퀘스트리아 걸스 - 선셋의 백스테이지 패스
Rarity / Announcer (voice)
The Starswirled Music Festival is finally here, and the Mane 7 are going to get their 'glamping' on! Sunset and Pinkie are the most excited to see their favorite band perform but when Equestrian Magic causes a 'Groundhog Day' inspired time loop to start, Sunset gets stuck reliving 'Festival Day 1' forever!
마이 리틀 포니 : 레인보우 로드 트립
Rarity (voice)
신비한 마법에 걸려 무지개 빛깔을 잃은 무지개 끝 마을에서 열리는 레인보우 축제에 귀빈으로 초대받은 레인보우 대시와 포니 친구들. 초대장을 들고 마을로 떠나지만, 그곳은 놀랍게도 색깔이 하나도 없는 신비한 마을이었다. 여섯 포니 친구들은 써니 시장님을 만나 색깔이 없어진 사연에 대해 듣게 되고 무지개와 색깔을 되돌려 놓는 일을 도와주겠다고 약속하는데… 과연 무지개 색깔을 되찾을 수 있을까?
마이 리틀 포니: 이퀘스트리아 걸스 - 엉망진창 봄방학
Rarity (voice)
The Equestria Girls spend their spring break on a yacht.
마이 리틀 포니: 최고로 멋진 선물
Rarity / Muffins / Flurry Heart (voice)
할리데이를 맞이해 재미있는 게임을 하기로 한 포니들! 딱 한 포니에게만 선물을 사준다는 소식! 다만 이런저런 자잘한 착오가 생기며 일이 꼬이기 시작하는데, 과연 최고로 멋진 선물을 찾아서 받게 될 포니는 누가 될까요?
마이 리틀 포니: 이퀘스트리아 걸스 - 우정의 롤러코스터
Rarity/Granny Smith
놀이공원 알바에 지원한 애플잭과 래리티. 둘 중 래리티만 퍼레이드 의상 디자이너로 일하게 된다. 바쁜 시간을 보내며 일 생각만 하는 래리티는 친구들과 점점 멀어지는데. 애플잭이 속상해도, 친구들이 하나둘씩 사라져도 정말 괜찮은 거야?
마이 리틀 포니: 이퀘스트리아 걸스 - 잊혀진 우정
Rarity / Princess Luna / Vice Principal Luna
친구들과 함께 열심히 학교 앨범을 만들고 있던 선셋 쉬머는 월플라워 블러시라는 아주 조용하고 존재감이 없는 친구를 만나게 돼요. 월플라워는 일년 동안 학교 앨범 제작 위원회에 있었지만 그 누구도 몰랐을 정도로 조용한 친구였어요. 그 후 앨범에 실을 사진을 찍기 위해 친구들과 바닷가로 갔지만 갑자기 친구들이 선셋에게 차갑게 굴기 시작했어요. 선셋과 화해하고 친구가 되었다는 사실을 잊은 것처럼요. 어떻게 된 일인지 알아보기 위해 선셋은 이퀘스트리아에 있는 트와일라잇 스파클 공주에게 도움을 청해요.
마이 리틀 포니: 더 무비
Rarity / Princess Luna / Granny Smith / Derpy Hooves (voice)
새로운 어둠의 힘이 포니 빌을 위협하고, 머뉴 6 - 트와 일 라잇 스파클, 애플 잭, 레인보우 대시, 핑키 파이, 펄 츠시 리, 그리고 레어 리티가 Equestria를 뛰어 넘는 잊지 못할 여정을 시작합니다. 우정을 살리고 그들의 집을 구하십시오. (구글번역)
Ready Jet Go! Back to Bortron 7
Eggplant (voice)
When Jet's parents need to return to their home planet, Sean and Sydney join the Propulsion family on an epic adventure to Bortron 7!
마이 리틀 포니: 이퀘스트리아 걸스 스페셜
1. Dance Magic - 마이 리틀 포니 멤버들은 에버프리 여름 캠프를 구하기 위해 댄스경연대회에 참가한다. 2. Movie Magic - 마이 리틀 포니 멤버들은 영화 달링 도 촬영에 참여하는데 누군가 영화가 완성되는 걸 방해한다는 것을 알게 되고 범인을 찾아내려 한다. 3. Mirror Magic - 영화관에서 일하는 주니퍼는 우연히 마법에 걸린 거울을 발견하게 된다.
마이 리틀 포니: 이퀘스트리아 걸스 - 에버프리의 전설
Rarity / Vice Principal Luna / Muffins (voice)
캔터롯 고등학교 학생들은 이상한 현상이 벌어지는 여름 캠프에 참가하게 된다.
갤럭시 히어로즈: 라쳇 앤 클랭크
Juanita Alvaro (voice)
은하계 최고의 악당 드렉은 행성들을 파괴하려는 음모를 꾸민다. 이때 은하계의 어벤져스 군단 ‘히어로즈’의 리더 캡틴 쿼크는 함께 우주를 지킬 새로운 멤버를 모집하고, 라쳇과 깡통 로봇 클랭크는 슈퍼 콤비를 결정해 지원하게 된다. 하나 둘 파괴되는 행성들, 이제 ‘히어로즈’만이 은하계의 유일한 희망! 엉뚱한 라쳇부터 잘난척 대장 쿼크까지 뭔가 엉성한 듯한 ‘히어로즈’ 정말 은하계 어벤져스 맞아??
마이 리틀 포니: 이퀘스트리아 걸스 - 프렌드쉽 게임
Rarity / Vice Principal Luna (voice)
크리스탈 프렙 아카데미 최고의 운동선수 트왈라이트 스파클과 스포츠 경기에서 대결하게 된 레인보우 대쉬, 애플잭, 그리고 친구들.
A Banner Day
Vice Principal Luna (voice)
Canterlot high will be hosting a competition between schools, and Vice Principal Luna needs a new banner design for the occasion. She tasks three students to design it: Flash Sentry (a musician), Micro Chips (a science nerd), and Sandalwood (a New Age-style artist)
Photo Finished
Photo Finish / Vice Principal Luna (voice)
Vice Principal Luna wants more impressive photographs for the school's yearbook. She asks the student Photo Finish, an aspiring fashion photographer, to provide her with these photos.
The Science of Magic
Rarity (voice)
Sunset Shimmer studies her friends' pony hybrid transformations to better understand how magic works in the parallel world.
바비의 프린세스 파워
Parker (voice)
소녀의 파워를 기대하시라! '바비'가 일상생활 속의 현대판 공주 카라로 등장한다. 어느 날 마법의 나비에게서 키스를 받은 후, 카라는 왕국 주위를 날라다니며 범죄와 싸우는 제2의 자아, 슈퍼 스파클로 변신할 수 있는 놀라운 초능력을 갖게 된 걸 알게 된다! 하지만 머지 않아, 그녀의 질투쟁이 사촌이 나비를 잡아 변신하게 되는데, 이번에는 슈퍼히어로 강적 다크 스파클로 변신한다. 이들은 하늘을 배경으로 경쟁을 벌이지만, 왕국의 진정한 적을 발견하면 서로의 차이를 묻어두고 강력한 한 팀을 이룰 수 있을까? 한 단계 성숙해져서 우정의 힘보다 강한 힘은 없다는 것을 발견해 보자!
마이 리틀 포니: 이퀘스트리아 걸스 - 레인보우 락
Rarity / Vice Principal Luna / Photo Finish (voice)
야단법석을 떨던 소녀들이 이제 밴드를 결성해서 반 친구들과 신나게 즐긴다.
바비와 비밀의 문
Malucia (Voice)
It's the ultimate fairytale musical! Barbie stars as Alexa, a shy princess who discovers a secret door in her kingdom and enters a whimsical land filled with magical creatures and surprises. Inside, Alexa meets Romy and Nori, a mermaid and a fairy, who explain that a spoiled ruler named Malucia is trying to take all the magic in the land. To her surprise, Alexa has magical powers in this world, and her new friends are certain that only she can restore their magic. Discover what happens when Alexa finds the courage to stand up for what's right and learns that the power of friendship is far more precious than magic.
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: Keys of Friendship
Since her arrival in Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle has learned the true meaning and value of friendship. With her very best friends (Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Apple Jack, Fluttershy and, of course, Spike) Twilight goes on the greatest of adventures and comes back with even more lessons. All of this has earned Twilight her wings and the crown of a princess and now you can learn what Princess Twilight Sparkle has learned and take with you the Keys Of Friendship.
A Case for the Bass
Rarity / Granny Smith (voice)
Granny Smith absent-mindedly sold Applejack's bass guitar to Flim and Flam's pawn shop, so Applejack and her friends confront the brothers to try to get her bass back.
Player Piano
Rarity (voice)
Rarity is trying to move a grand piano into the band room for practice, so she gets the Diamond Boys to help her.
Pinkie on the One
Rarity / Granny Smith (voice)
Rainbow is looking for a new drummer for her band and realizes that Pinkie does well on the drums as she does anywhere else.
Hamstocalypse Now
Rarity (voice)
Rarity helps Fluttershy volunteer at the animal rescue center to clean the hamster habitat.
Guitar Centered
Rarity (voice)
Rainbow Dash needs to buy a new guitar, but when she and Trixie have their eyes on the same one, they have a "shred off" to decide who gets it.
Music to My Ears
Mrs. Cake (voice)
Vinyl Scratch, or DJ-Pon3, puts on her headphones and listens to her favorite music as she stops by Sugarcube Corner Cafe on her way to school, while everything around her seems to react in time to her music.
바비 펄 프린세스
Purple Mer-Teen (voice)
가슴이 두근두근, 내게 숨겨진 비밀이 뭘까? 아름다운 바다 세계에 살고 있는 호기심 많은 인어 소녀 루미나. 화려한 도시와 왕궁에 가고 싶지만 실라 이모는 집 주변 산호초 밖에는 절대 나가지 못하게 한다. 친구인 해마 쿠다와 함께 노는 것이 유일한 낙이던 루미나에게 절호의 기회가 온다. 실라 이모가 며칠간 집을 비운 사이, 왕궁의 파티 초대장을 발견한 루미나는 쿠다와 왕궁으로 떠난다. 한편 왕궁에서는 새로운 왕위를 이어받을 친위대장의 아들 퍼기스를 위한 파티가 준비 중이다. 수년 전 하나뿐인 공주를 잃은 왕과 왕비는 조카인 퍼키스에게 왕위를 물려주기로 결정하고, 바로 파티에서 왕실의 상징인 대양의 진주를 하사할 예정이다. 하지만 친위대장 칼리고는 완벽하게 퍼기스에게 왕권을 물려주기 위해 왕과 왕비를 독살할 음모를 꾸민다. 초대장을 잃어버려 파티에 가지 못한 루미나는 우연히 헤어샵에서 일하게 되고, ‘진주의 마법’으로 손님들에게 큰 인기를 끈다. 그리고 헤어샵의 친구들과 함께 왕실의 파티에 초대받아 꿈에 그리던 왕궁에 가게 되는데...
Barbie & Her Sisters in A Pony Tale
Max (voice)
Barbie and her sisters set off on a Swiss adventure to the majestic Alps, where they're excited to spend the summer at a fun-filled riding academy! Barbie can't wait to find a new horse to bring back to Malibu. Stacie is super excited to prove she's an amazing equestrian. All Chelsea wants to do is ride the big horses, and Skipper...well let's just say she's more interested in writing about the great outdoors than experiencing it. The sisters' vacation gets off to a rocky start, but when Barbie discovers a mysterious wild horse in the woods, their visit becomes truly magical.
바비 마리포사와 요정공주
Willa / Zee (voice)
Mariposa becomes the Royal Ambassador of Flutterfield, and is sent to bring peace between her fairy land and their rivals, the Crystal Fairies of Shimmervale. While Mariposa doesn't make a great first impression on the King, she becomes fast friends with his shy daughter, Princess Catania. However, a misunderstanding causes Mariposa to be banished from their fairy land. As Mariposa and Zee returns to Flutterfield, they encounter a dark fairy on her way to destroy Shimmervale. Mariposa rushes back and helps Princess Catania to save their fairy land and together, the two girls prove that the best way to make a friend, is to be a friend.
Equestria Girls: Through The Mirror
Rarity (voice) (uncredited)
Go behind the scenes of My Little Pony: Equestria Girls to see how the magic of Equestria was brought into the human world.
극장판 마이 리틀 포니: 이퀘스트리아 걸스
Rarity / Princess Luna / Vice Principal Luna / Cup Cake (voice)
셀레스티아 공주가 다스리는 이퀘스트리아의 포니 마을에 살고 있는 유니콘 포니 ‘트와일라잇 스파클’은 공주의 왕관을 물려 받아 포니 마을의 평화를 지키려고 하지만 질투심 많은 욕심쟁이 포니 ‘선셋 쉬머’가 왕관을 훔쳐간다. 트와일라잇 스파클은 왕관을 되찾기 위해 선셋 쉬머가 숨어있는 다른 세계로 가고 그 곳에서 이퀘스트리아의 포니들과 똑 닮은 친구들을 만난다. 왕관을 되찾기 위한 트와일라잇 스파클의 모험은 계속 되지만 그 곁을 든든하게 지켜주는 친구들과 함께 선셋 쉬머에 맞서 우정의 힘을 배워가는데…
바비의 발레슈즈
Madame Natasha / Snow Queen / Sugar Plum Fairy / Swan Dancer / Stage Manager (voice)
Dance your way to a magical adventure with Barbie as Kristyn, a ballerina with big dreams! When she tries on a pair of sparkling pink shoes, she and her best friend, Hailey, are whisked away to a fantastical ballet world. There, Kristyn discovers she must dance in her favorite ballets in order to defeat an evil Snow Queen. With performances to the legendary Giselle and Swan Lake ballets, it's a wonderful journey where if you dance with your heart, dreams come true!
Barbie in A Mermaid Tale 2
Zuma (voice)
Surf's up for Barbie as she returns as Merliah, the fun and fashionable surfing champion who's also a magical mermaid princess! In this exciting sea-quel, Merliah makes a splash when she heads to Australia for the ultimate surfing competition. When the evil mermaid Eris escapes from her whirlpool with plans to take over the throne of Oceana, Merliah and her sea friends dive in to stop her. It's a fresh new adventure where Merliah learns that anything is possible and she really can have the best of both worlds!
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic: Adventures In The Crystal Empire
Rarity (voice)
Can Twilight Sparkle and her friends keep the Crystal Empire safe? A magical empire has suddenly appeared in the arctic north of Equestria, and Princess Celestia needs Twilight Sparkle and her friends to find a way to protect it. While her friends try to keep the Crystal Ponies occupied at the Crystal Faire, Twilight Sparkle searches for the hidden Crystal Heart that is the key to keeping their empire safe from harm!
바비의 프린세스 스쿨
Lorraine / Grace (voice)
Barbie stars as Blair Willows, a kind-hearted girl who is chosen to attend Princess Charm School: a magical, modern place that teaches dancing, how to have tea parties, and proper princess manners. Blair loves her classes -- as well as the helpful magical sprites and her new friends, Princesses Hadley and Isla. But when royal teacher Dame Devin discovers that Blair looks a lot like the kingdom’s missing princess, she turns Blair’s world upside down to stop her from claiming the throne. Now Blair, Hadley and Delancy must find an enchanted crown to prove Blair’s true identity in this charming and magical princess story!
바비의 패션 이야기
Marie-Alecia 'Alice' (voice)
Join Barbie in a colourful, modern-day fairytale filled with fashion, friends and fun! Barbie and her dog Sequin jet off to visit her Aunt's amazing fashion house in Paris, and much to her surprise it's about to be shut down forever. After she discovers three enchanting Flairies with sparkle-magic powers, Barbie comes up with a brilliant idea to save the business. She even inspires Alice, a shy fashion designer, and together they create a dazzling runway fashion show. Barbie shows that magic happens when you believe in yourself.
바비의 인어공주 이야기
Zuma / Deanne (voice)
Barbie stars as Merliah, a surfer who learns a shocking secret: she's a mermaid! She and her dolphin friend set out for an undersea adventure to rescue her mother, the queen of Oceana.
My Little Pony: Twinkle Wish Adventure
Scootaloo (voice)
When the wishing star disappears, Pinkie and all of her pony friends go on a journey to find it.
바비와 삼총사
Miette Walla (voice)
Corinne (Barbie) is a young country girl who heads to Paris to pursue her big dream – to become a female musketeer! Never could she imagine she would meet three other girls who secretly share the same dream! Using their special talents, the girls work together as a team to foil a plot and save the prince. It's all for one and one for all!
Barbie Presents: Thumbelina
Chrysella (voice)
Meet a tiny girl named Thumbelina who lives in harmony with nature in the magical world of the Twillerbees that's hidden among the wildflowers. At the whim of a spoiled young girl named Makena, Thumbelina and her two friends have their patch of wildflowers uprooted and are transported to a lavish apartment in the city.
너티 프로페서
천재적인 두뇌를 가졌지만 못생긴 외모와 소심한 성격으로 친구들에게 항상 놀림거리가 되는 해롤드. 그는 괴짜 발명가이자 교수인 할이버지의 권유로 영재 과학 학교에 입학한다. 새로운 학교에서도 여전히 왕따를 당하는 해롤드는 어느 날 학교 최고의 퀸카 폴리를 만나 사랑에 빠지게 된다. 그녀 앞에서 멋진 모습을 보이고 싶은 해롤드는 우연히 할아버지의 연구실에서 변신 약물을 발견하고 고심 끝에 들이키고 만다. 눈을 떠보니 그는 더 이상 찌질남 해롤드가 아닌 최고의 킹카 잭으로 변신했는데…..
바비의 크리스마스 캐럴
Spirit Of Christmas Past / Seamstress / Baby (voice)
바비와 함께하는 세상에서 가장 아름다운 크리스마스! 크리스마스 이브, 세상에 행복과 사랑이 가득한 날이지만 극장 최고의 스타이자 매력적인 디바 에덴은 크리스마스가 반갑지 않다. 크리스마스가 별 의미가 없는 그녀는 극장의 스탭들에게 크리스마스에 연습하게 하려한다. 그 날 밤, 세 명의 영혼이 그녀를 찾아오고 영혼에 이끌려 자신이 모르던 세상을 알게된 에덴, 과연 그녀는 크리스마스의 사랑과 기적을 경험하게 될까?
My Little Pony Live! The World's Biggest Tea Party
Minty / Thistle Whistle / Wysteria (voice)
For the first time ever on DVD! See your favorite ponies in a brand-new, live-action magical musical recorded live on stage! Pinkie Pie and her friends are planning the World's Biggest Tea Party and every pony has promised to bring something special to make the celebration positively perfect. As Pinkie Pie arrives at the party, she realizes that she forgot something very important - the tea! Will the ponies be able to save The World's Biggest Tea Party? This interactive musical production features fun and exciting sing-along songs that encourage dancing and participation! Join Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity the Unicorn and all your pony friends as they learn that teamwork and true friendship always come to the rescue!
The Legend of Zelda: The Power of the Triforce
Spryte (voice)
Follow the nonstop adventures as Link and Princess Zelda fight monsters ghosts icky creatures and even each other as they try to save Hyrule and the last piece of the Triforce from the evils of Ganon. Re-released version of "The Legend of Zelda" TV series.
Bratz Kidz: Fairy Tales
Madame Snootsville / Fairy Godmother / Mindy (voice)
When the Bratz kids are rehearsing for a school play, a talking frog transports them into their fairy tale book, where Jade must be Snow White, Sasha must be Red Riding Hood, Cloe must be Rapunzel, and Yasmin must be Cinderella.
바비 - 나비요정 마리포사
Willa / Coral / Flutterpixie (voice)
머나먼 요정나라 플러터필드. 평화로웠던 이곳에 나비 요정을 잡아먹는 스키자이스트이 나타나 요정들이 위험에 처한다. 그러나 마라벨라 여왕이 빛이 나는 꽃을 숲에 채우고 플러터필드는 평화를 되찾는다. 마리포사는 플러터필드에 사는 아름다운 나비 요정이다. 하지만 그곳에서 소속감을 느끼지 못한 마리포사는 단짝 친구인 윌라와 이야기를 나누고 별을 바라보는 것이 유일한 낙이다. 파티를 앞두고 요정들이 들떠있는 사이 우연히 카를로스 왕자를 만난 마리포사는 여왕님이 '일리오스' 라는 독 때문에 병에 걸렸다는 말을 듣는다. 카를로스 왕자는 해독제를 구하러 바깥 세상으로 나가려하지만 왕자의 말을 믿지 않는 경호원들은 왕자를 보호하기 위해 그를 가둔다. 카를로스는 마리포사에게 해독제가 있는 곳의 지도를 주며 해독제를 찾아달라고 부탁한다. 마리포사가 해독제를 찾아 먼 길을 떠난다는 것을 알게 된 레이나와 라일라는 자신들도 명성을 얻고 싶어 마리포사를 무작정 따라 나선다. 마리포사가 해독제를 찾아 떠난 사이, 마리포사의 부탁을 받은 윌라는 왕자를 구출하고, 헤나가 여왕에게 약을 먹이는 것을 목격한 후 왕자와 함께 헤나를 미행한다. 마리포사는 비월더니스에서 진지를 만나, 함께 워터 로즈로 가고 어렵게 해독제를 구한다. 그러나 헤나는 이미 스키자이스트 무리를 앞세워 플러터필드를 아수라장으로 만들고 해독제를 가지고 온 마리포사와 드디어 한판 대결을 벌이는데….
Betsy Bubblegum's Journey Through Yummi-Land
Lindsay Lue Lilac (voice)
In this animated adventure based on the popular toy line, Betsy Bubblegum travels to Yummi-Land, a whimsical land full of sugar-coated streets and beautiful music. She quickly makes friends with the Candy, Flower and Ice Cream Pop Girls, helping them plan a big event. Betsy does all kinds of new things, like play in a band and work in a beauty salon. She discovers that it's doing her best and being a good friend that makes her the most welcome.
Care Bears: Oopsy Does It!
Cheer Bear (voice)
While villain Grizzle plots against the Care Bears, it is up to Oopsy Bear to come to their rescue.
Barbie Fairytopia: Magic of the Rainbow
Dandelion / Topaz (voice)
Elina goes to a fairy school to learn dancing and fairy magic. The spring of the fairy land is soon threatened by evil Laverna who intends to prevent fairies from performing the annual vital rainbow dance. Elina must stop quarreling with her fellow students and unite them to save the first bud of the spring.
My Little Pony: A Very Pony Place
Minty / Wysteria (voice)
Three different stories focusing on the new characters exclusively released in the special: Lily Lightly, Storybelle, Star Flight, Heart Bright and lastly, Puzzlemint.
Polly Pocket: Polly World
Beth / Karl / Lark / Dani (voice
Polly and her classmates hits the world's most fabulicious amusement park and compete in a charity version of their favorite mega-reality show, "Roll Like That!" The only thing holding them back from winning the fab first prize is Polly's scheming future stepmom and her jealous classmate, Beth. But there's nothing a little girl-power can't overcome!
My Little Pony: The Runaway Rainbow
Minty / Wysteria / Triple Treat (voice)
Rainbow Dash loves the time of year when Ponyville and Breezie Blossom are all about celebrating rainbows. Meanwhile in a new magical place called Unicornia, Rarity is being taught how to be a Unicorn Princess and the importance of making the first rainbow of the season. But she is quite a little rascal and embarks on an incredible ride, a huge adventure (with lots of mishaps) as she tries to get back to Unicornia. Rarity soon realizes that getting home in time to create the first rainbow of season is not an easy thing to do --- but it is fun!
바비 다이어리
Other Salesgirl (voice)
This movie stars Barbie as a teenage girl, trying to deal with crushes, rivals and friendship as she tries to achieve her dream of working as a news anchor for her school's TV station. She doesn't always make the right decisions, but she's a nice enough character and considerably less "perfect" than she is portrayed in her other films.
바비 : 머메이디아
Dandelion / Teeny Mermaid (voice)
In this animated follow-up to Fairytopia, Elina enlists the help of a mermaid, Nori, to save her friend Nalu, a merman prince who has been captured by the wicked Laverna.
The Cramp Twins: Twin-Sult
Mari Phelps (voice)
This animated series is based on the graphic novels by Brian Wood. The Cramp Twins follows the adventures of 10-year-old twins Lucien and Wayne Cramp--total opposites who constantly drive each other crazy, waging an endless, highly entertaining slapstick cartoon war.
My Little Pony: Pinkie Pie and the Lady Bug Jamboree
Fiesta Flair (voice)
The ponies are about to perform a magical musical on stage and everyone is practicing but no one is playing together.
My Little Pony: The Princess Promenade
Wysteria / Minty / Triple Treat (voice)
Wysteria is beaming with pride; her gardens are in bloom, her little Breezie friends are in town, and it's time for Ponyville's fanciest spring parade, the ultimate celebration of flowers, flowers, flowers! But things don't go according to plan when Wysteria accidentally awakens Spike the Dragon, a sleepy, silly 1,000-year-old dragon. For you see, legend holds that when a dragon is awakened, an new princess is about to be crowned. But who is the Princess of Ponyville?
Polly Pocket: 2 Cool at the Pocket Plaza
Beth (voice)
Polly's Dad is opening his cool new hotel, and Polly's friends are invited to the party. Even her cousin Pia who flies in from England. Polly and her friends band are going to warm up for a rock star on live tv. Then the three jealous girls from Polly's school start to cause trouble for Polly's friends and her cousin Pia.
My Little Pony: A Very Minty Christmas
Minty / Thistle Whistle (voice)
The 'Here Comes Christmas Candy Cane' is an important part of Ponyville: it’s the beacon that shows jolly old Santa Claus the way to the town as he makes his holiday rounds each year. But when Minty accidentally breaks it, it looks like Ponyville is destined to have a bleak holiday season. Minty is determined to do anything to save Christmas for her Pony friends while they, in turn, band together to try and cheer up their despondent four-legged friend.
Bionicle 3: Web of Shadows
Nokama (voice)
The Toa Metru return to their glorious city of Metru Nui to finally accomplish their mission, only to find the city in ruins, overrun by the dreaded Visorak horde. Captured by their new enemy and transformed into hideous Toa Hordika, our heroes must find a figure out of myth to be cured of their mutations and fulfill their destiny before the beast within overtakes them.
Scary Godmother: The Revenge of Jimmy
Scary Godmother / Ruby / Jimmy's mother (voice)
Halloween is an exciting time of year for Hannah Marie who is joined by her Scary Godmother and all sorts of new friends including kooky monsters, friendly vampires and silly skeletons. It's a journey to the Fright Side she'll never forget as Hannah and her friends must foil her cousin Jimmy's plans to ruin Halloween for everyone!
My Little Pony: Friends Are Never Far Away
Wysteria / Thistle Whistle (voice)
Nothing's as much fun as making new friends! So Sky Wishes and Star Catcher want everyone in Ponyville and Butterfly Island to meet and get to know each other. But there's a problem. Pegasus ponies are very, very shy! Sky Wishes and Star Catcher decide the only way to bring their friends together is to have a high-flying party with fun games, music and even a mile high sundae!
Barbie: Fairytopia
Dandelion / Topaz / Mermaid #1 (voice)
Elina is a flower fairy who discovers that her home of Magic Meadow has been overcome by a horrible malady that is killing the flowers and making the fairies unable to fly. With the help of Bibble, a puffball and a giant butterfly named Hue she attempts to find Azura, a Guardian Fairy. She's challenged along the way by the evil Laverna who wants to usurp the Enchantress, the ruler of Fairytopia.
Mucha Lucha: The Return of El Malefico
Female Vegas Singer / Duchess / Bride / Tourist Gal (voice)
The hit TV series boldy goes bigger in an action-packed comedy/adventure starring everyone's favorite luchadoras! When the greatest evil the world has ever knows -El Malefico -surfaces from the dark recesses of Earth, it's up to Rikochet, Buena Girl & The Flea to mask-wrestle him back! Their challenge begins with a quest around the globe for the artifacts of bueno-ness & ends in Las Vegas
My Little Pony: Dancing in the Clouds
Minty / Desert Rose (voice)
Twinkle Twirl has to choreograph a special dance for the Friendship Ball, and she's completely uninspired! She asks Sky Wishes to make an extra-special wish so that she can come up with a great idea. Little do the ponies know that a wish-granting Pegasus pony, Star Catcher, has heard about this wish and is going to make it come true.
In Search of Santa
Baby Princess Lucinda / Additional Voices
When a sleigh bell mysteriously falls from the sky, pure-hearted Princess Crystal is determined to prove it came from one of Santa's reindeer.
Bionicle 2: Legends of Metru Nui
Nokama (voice)
In the time before time, six unlikely Matoran find themselves transformed into mighty Toa. The new Toa Metru must prove themselves as true heroes, find the missing Toa Lhikan, and uncover a plot that threatens the heart of Metru Nui.
Popeye's Voyage: The Quest for Pappy
Olive Oyl / Swee' Pea (voice)
Popeye, Olive and Bluto head out to find Popeye's long lost Pappy.
Action Man: X Missions The Movie
Rebel (voice)
Doctor X initiates a plan to transform innocent victims into an army of Toxic Troopers intent on destroying everything in their path. Can Action Man save the world once again?
Polly Pocket
Beth (voice)
Join Polly and her friends as they travel to her father's island in the Pacific to do research on lunar eclipses. But the pressure is on! If they don't get a good grade for the project, Lila will be grounded and Polly's band, "Polly and the Pockets" won't be able to play at the school dance! Will they ace the project and get to play? Or will frenemies get in the way...
My Little Pony: A Charming Birthday
Minty / Wysteria (voice)
It's Kimono's birthday, and the ponies want to throw her a surprise party. But it's hard to surprise the wisest pony in Ponyville, so Minty, Rainbow Dash, and all their friends have to work extra-hard to pull together the best celebration Ponyville has ever seen.
Scary Godmother: Halloween Spooktakular
Scary Godmother / Ruby (voice)
The Scary Godmother Halloween Spooktakular is based on the comics and children's books of popular artist and writer Jill Thompson. Jill has won numerous awards for her fabulous watercolour paintings and illustrations. Scary Godmother is the whimsical all-ages story that follows the first trick-or-treating adventure of Hannah Marie, a young girl whose rotten older cousin is babysitting her one dark Halloween. Unhappy to be saddled with Hannah, her cousin cooks up a scheme to frighten her. But his scheme backfires when Hannah gets help from her Scary Godmother. Scary Godmother takes Hannah to her realm on the Fright Side where she is throwing the best Halloween party in all of frightdom. At the party Hannah is introduced to many colourful characters, learns that not all monsters are mean and enlists her new spooky friends in a plan to teach Jimmy a lesson.
Ben Hur
Miriam (voice)
During the first century A.D., Judah Ben-Hur is a young Hebrew prince who is thrown into slavery by the Romans after a tragic accident. He sets out to win his way back to his home on a heroic journey of discovery. Judah's love for a beautiful slave girl is threatened by the bitter conflict dividing two former friends, and his triumph is set against the backdrop of the historic struggle between a captive people and a mighty empire.
Imaginext: Fortress of the Dragon
Melinda (voice)
Meet Marty, Dan and Katy--three ordinary kids who find themselves in the middle of an extraordinary adventure when they discover "The Books of Imaginext". A rare, one-of-a-kind secret comic book series that magically transports them into the world they're reading about. This time, the trio venture to a medieval kingdom to help King Bravemore battle the dastardly Lord Dragonmont and his powerful dragon.
Timothy Tweedle the First Christmas Elf
Noel (voice)
A tiny elf with big dreams learns a valuable lesson as he saves his village and helps create the huge and happy Christmas holiday we enjoy today.
귀여운 꼬마 유령 캐스퍼
Poil (voice)
귀여운 꼬마유령 캐스퍼와 사고뭉치 유령 삼총사 스트레치, 스팅키, 팻소! 세상 여기저기에서 사람 놀래키기를 즐기는 유령 삼총사와 달리 사람과 친구이길 원하는 꼬마유령 캐스퍼. 이런 캐스퍼에게 유령제왕 키부쉬는 올 크리스마스까지 단 한사람이라도 놀래키지 못할 경우, 캐스퍼와 유령 삼총사ㅣ 모두를 어둠 속으로 가두겠다고 선언한다. 또한, 캐스퍼가 무사히 임무를 수행할때까지 유령 삼총사는 인간을 괴롭히지 말고 캐스퍼의 임무수행을 도우라는 엄명과 함께 이들을 매사츄세스 크리스 마을로 유배 보낸다. 하지만 인간과 친구이고 싶은 캐스퍼에게 이 일은 너무나 불가능한 일이고... 온통 크리스마스 분위기가 한창인 크리스 마을에 떨어진 캐스퍼는 난생 처음 자신을 보고 놀라지 않는 홀리와 친구가 되고 너무 기뻐 또다시 임무수행을 게을리 하는데... 답답한 유령 삼총사는 캐스퍼 대신 사고를 쳐 줄 스푸키를 고용하고 또다시 신나게 여기저기 사고를 치기 시작하는데...
Madeline: Lost in Paris
Madeline is the smallest of twelve girls in a boarding school, in an old house in Paris. When long lost Uncle Horst pays a surprise visit to Madeline, promising to move her to a new home in Vienna, her longing for a family seems to be fulfilled. Madeline becomes suspicious when her new Uncle loses his refined accent and takes an unexplained detour. Knowing she's in trouble, Madeline leaves a trail. It then turns out that Uncle Horst is actually Henri, a miserable lackey who works for an even more miserable woman, Madame LaCroque, who runs a dingy factory. Ultimately, Madeline helps the orphans who work there by notifying the outside world of their plight.
Snowden: Raggedy Ann & Andy's Adventure
Bebe Bunny / Mama Reindeer (voice)
When Marcella accidently leaves her dolls Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy behind at her grandmother's house on Christmas Eve, the snowman Snowden comes to life and helps them reach home in time to spend Christmas morning with Marcella.
The Adventures of Snowden the Snowman
Cha Cha (voice)
Nothing's more exciting than the first day of snow, because that means Snowden the Snowman is coming to visit! His forest pals, Cha Cha the Squirrel, Flops Hare the Rabbit, Simon the Mouse and La Rue the Bird, know that snowflakes mean it's time to go sledding together. But Cha Cha is scared to sled, so she pretends she can't unless she finds her "lucky" nut. The hunt for the nut takes the group on all sorts of adventures, from a close call in a bear cave, to a wacky visit with Sly Fox, the inventor. It's a fun-filled journey of giggles and songs, with leons to learn about being afraid, telling the truth and how to be a friend.
Star Wars: Ewoks - Tales from the Endor Woods
Asha (voice)
Wicket remembers four memorable adventures from his youth: how he fixed up his great grandfather's battle wagon, the occasion when Latara ran away from the Ewok village to join the traveling Jindas, the time his father Deej fell terrible ill and the story of Kneesa's long lost sister, Asha.
Sonic: Christmas Blast
Bird / Elf / Princess Sally Acorn / Additional Voices (voices)
Sonic the Hedgehog must stop the evil Dr. Robotnik from ruining Christmas after Santa Claus disappears
Adventures in Odyssey: Someone to Watch Over Me
Dylan and Jesse are on a smashing safari in the Imagination Station until a glitch in the computer program causes it to end prematurely. But when Dylan goes aboard to retrieve a forgotten backpack, he's catapulted into a series of bizarre events that would amaze even inventor John Avery Whittaker. Will Dylan survive his enemy's relentless pursuit? Can anyone lead him out of this labyrinth?
I Love a Man in Uniform
Henry Adler, an outwardly normal banker, yearns to make it in show business and still answers to his overbearing father. When Henry is hired to act in a television police drama, he realizes his big break has arrived and decides to do whatever it takes to get into the role — even if that means donning his police costume in public during off hours. It isn't long, however, before Henry begins to take the law into his own hands as his violent side chillingly emerges.
The Rosey & Buddy Show
Rosey and Buddy, the animated alter-egos of husband and wife comedy duo, Roseanne and Tom Arnold cause trouble in Cartoon Land.
Where the Heart Is
A wealthy businessman shows his young adult kids how tough life can be.