Henry Travers

Henry Travers

출생 : 1874-03-05, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland, England

사망 : 1965-10-18


British-born Henry Travers was a veteran of the English stage before emigrating to the U.S. in 1917. He gained more stage experience there on Broadway working with the Theatre Guild, and began his long film career with Reunion in Vienna (1933). Travers' kindly, grandfatherly demeanor became familiar to filmgoers over the next 25 years, especially in films like High Sierra (1941), where he played Joan Leslie's kindly but slyly observant uncle, and the generous Mr. Bogardus in The Bells of St. Mary's (1945), but it's as the somewhat befuddled angel Clarence Oddbody assigned to James Stewart in the classic It's a Wonderful Life (1946) that Travers will forever be known. After a long and successful career, he retired from the screen in 1949, and died in Hollywood in 1965.

프로필 사진

Henry Travers

참여 작품

James Stewart: A Wonderful Life
Self (archive footage)
Documentary about James Stewart's long career as an actor and positive personal life.
The Girl from Jones Beach
Judge Bullfinch
Glamour artist Bob Randolph is world famous for his paintings of a stunning beauty dubbed "The Randolph Girl". What the world doesn't know is that his pin-up creation is really a composite of parts of the anatomy of 12 different models. In an effort to find one girl who possesses all the proper physical attributes, Randolph and PR man Chuck Donovan pursue Ruth Wilson, a beauteous schoolteacher who prefers to be admired for her brain rather than her curves. Ruth changes her tune, however, when a published photo of her in a swimsuit causes her to be fired by the uptight schoolboard. She sues for reinstatement and in the process learns that swimsuits and sex appeal do have a place in her world, after all. Written by Dan Navarro
The Accused
Blakely - Romley's Assistant (uncredited)
A prim psychology professor fights to hide a murder she committed in self-defense.
Beyond Glory
Pop Dewing
Thinking he may have caused the death of his commanding officer Captain Daniels in Tunisia, Rocky visits Daniels' widow. She falls for him, he falls for her, she encourages him to go to West Point. While there he faces serious disciplinary review for having forced a plebe into resigning. He may even be court-martialled.
The Flame
Dr. Mitchell
George McAllister (John Carroll), the black sheep of a wealthy family who has squandered his share of the family inheritance, and lives in constant jealousy, hatred and resentment of his half-brother Barry (Robert Paige), who has been supporting him. George gets his girl friend, Carlotta Duval (Vera Ralston), a job as Barry's nurse with the plan of eventually marrying him. She does, but instead of going ahead with the original plan or getting rid of Barry, inheriting his money and marrying George, she finds that she is really in love with Barry.
멋진 인생
조지 베일리는 베드폴드 마을 사람들을 위해 평생을 봉사하며 살아온 인물. 그는 항상 여행을 원했지만 마을 전체를 인수하려는 구두쇠 포터의 계략을 막기 위해서 그 기회를 버릴 수 밖에 없었다. 그를 저지하기 위해 그와 그의 아버지가 만든 대출회사는 애를 쓰지만, 크리스마스 이브에 빌리 삼촌이 사업비 8000달러를 은행에 예금하려던 중 돈을 잃어버린다. 포터는 돈의 위치를 알아내고 이를 숨긴다. 조지는 책임을 떠안고 감옥에 구속되고, 회사는 파산한다. 마침내 포터는 도시를 인수한 것이다. 사랑하는 아내, 자식 그리고 마을 사람들을 생각하며 조지는 자살을 생각하지만, 그의 앞에 수호천사 클라란스가 나타나는데...
가장 특별한 선물
Mr. Boyles
남북전쟁이 끝나고 고향으로 돌아가기 위해 조지아 호를 건너던 페니는 호수 깊은 곳 황무지를 개간하고 그곳에 가정을 꾸린다. 세월은 흐르고 페니에겐 동물을 사랑하는 12살 된 아들 조디와 어린 세 아이를 잃은 후 마음의 문을 닫고 사는 아내가 있다. 한편, 페니에게 속아 자신의 총을 쓸모 없는 개와 바꾼 일로 화가 난 포레스터 형제들은 페니의 돼지들을 훔쳐간다. 돼지를 찾으러 가던 중 페니는 독사에 물리고 사슴을 죽여 심장을 꺼내 물린 부위를 막는다. 페니는 가까스로 살아나고 죽은 사슴에게 새끼가 있는 걸 본 조디는 아기 사슴을 기르겠다고 조른다.
Gallant Journey
Thomas Logan
Director William A. Wellman adds another to his long line of salutes-to-aviation films in this bio of an aviation pioneer, John Montgomery (Glenn Ford.) In 1883 he built a practical glider despite the opposition of his friends, who thought he was crazy, and of his family, who were afraid that his dreams of flying would hurt his father's political ambitions. He pursues his education at Santa Clara University where the Jesuits lend a helping and understanding hand. An earthquake destroys what appears to be a working model for an airplane, but a gold-sorting machine Montgomery invented, and then neglected, promises to provide for his financial needs to keep working on his aircraft until he gets involved in costly lawsuits defending his invention.
성 메리의 종
Horace P. Bogardus
관습에 얽매이지 않는 젊은 신부 오말리가 변두리 교구 성 메리에 부임한다. 부임 첫날, 오말리 신부는 교구 학교의 아이들에게 잊지 못할 첫 인사를 남겨 완고하고 헌신적인 원장 수녀 베네딕트를 당황하게 만든다. 한편, 낡은 학교는 철거될 위기에 처하고, 서로 다른 관점으로 이견이 많던 오말리 신부와 베네딕트 수녀는 마음을 모아 학교를 구하기 위해 노력한다. 할리우드 코미디의 거장 레오 맥커리의 작품으로, (1944)에 이어 오말리 신부를 중심으로 전쟁으로 지친 사람들의 마음을 위로한다. 잉그리드 버그만은 엄격하지만 한없이 따스한 베네딕트 수녀 역을 맡아 잔잔하게 가슴을 울리는 연기로 찬사를 받았다. (영화의 전당 - 오래된 극장 2016)
The Naughty Nineties
Capt. Sam Jackson
In the gay '90s, cardsharps take over a Mississippi riverboat from a kindly captain. Their first act is to change the showboat into a floating gambling house. A ham actor and his bumbling sidekick try to devise a way to help the captain regain ownership of the vessel.
Thrill of a Romance
Hobart Glenn
A soldier falls in love with a newly-married woman after her husband abandons her for a business meeting on their honeymoon.
The Very Thought of You
Pop Wheeler
Army sergeants Dave and "Fixit" spend a three-day pass in Pasadena, where they meet Janet and Cora, two young women who work in a parachute factory.
Dragon Seed
Third Cousin
The lives of a small Chinese village are turned Upside down when the Japanese invade it. An heroic young Chinese woman leads her fellow villagers in an uprising against Japanese Invaders.
논 셸 이스케이프
Father Warecki
Through flashbacks, the story of a Nazi war criminal is exposed.
퀴리 부인
Eugene Curie
어린 폴란드 물리학 박사 마리는 잠시 동안 피에르의 연구실에서 일하게 되고 둘은 결혼한다. 베크렐의 영향을 받은 그들은 방사능을 연구하기로 한다. 많은 실험 후 그들은 우랴륨보다 훨씬 강한 방사능성을 내는 물질을 발견하고 그것의 분리작업을 시도한다. 대학교의 임시 연구소에서 수년의 실험후에 그들은 극소량의 새로운 원소를 분리하는데 성공한다. 그러나 그들의 대단한 발견에도 불구하고 남편 피에르는 교통사고로 사망한다. 퀴리부인의 일대기를 다룬 영화로 과학도로서의 그녀의 꿈과 사랑을 다룬 전기영화다.
The Moon Is Down
Mayor Orden
The story of a small town in Norway that resists German occupation during World War II. Based on a John Steinbeck novel.
의혹의 그림자
Joseph Newton
뉴튼가의 장녀 찰리는 평화롭다 못해 따분하기까지 한 삶에 싫증을 느낀다. 흥미로운 일이 생기길 바라는 찰리는 자신과 같은 이름의 삼촌을 만나고 싶어하는데, 어느 날 정말로 찰리 삼촌이 찾아온다. 그러나 곧 찰리는 삼촌이 연쇄살인 용의자임을 알게 된다. 히치콕의 걸작 중 하나로 감독 자신이 가장 좋아하는 작품으로 꼽았다. 두 찰리를 통해 인간의 양면성과 인간 내면에서의 팽팽한 선과 악의 대립을 보여준다. 치밀하게 연출된, 점차 심장을 조여오는 긴장감과 공포는 단연 최고다.
마음의 행로
Dr. Sims
전투 도중 부상을 입고 기억 상실증에 언어장애까지 겹친 찰스(Charles Rainer/John 'Smithy' Smith: 로날드 콜맨 분)는 종전 되던 날 안개를 틈타 수용소를 몰래 빠져 나온다. 그 뒤 챨스는 아름다운 여인 폴라(Paula: 그리어 가슨 분)를 만나 건강도 되찾고 결혼해 아들도 낳는 한편 작가로 입문하는데 리버풀에 연재기사를 계약하러 혼자 갔다 교통사고를 당해 폴라와 같이 산 세월만 기억을 못하게 된다. 명문의 아들인 챨스는 그 뒤 고향으로 돌아가 사업가로 대성하나 기억하지 못하는 세월 때문에 뭔가 늘 허전해 하며 열쇠를 만지작 거리며 산다. 한편 폴라는 잡지에 난 챨스의 사진을 보고 챨스의 개인 비서로 일하게 되고 사실은 밝히지 않고 챨스를 훌륭히 보필하면서 기억이 되살아 나기만 기다리며 안타까와 한다. 챨스가 국회의원이 되자 둘은 결혼해 형식적인 부부가 되어 폴라는 챨스의 의정활동을 돕다가 끝내는 기억이 되살아나 재회하게 된다.
Pierre of the Plains
Percival Wellsby
A French-Canadian trapper's adventures jeopardize his romance with an innkeeper.
미니버 부인
Mr. Ballard
미니버 씨 부부(Kay Miniver: 그리어 가슨 분 / Clem Miniver: 월터 피전 분)와 그들의 3자녀 한가족은 영국의 평범한 중류 가정이다. 대학을 졸업한 큰 아들 네이는 갓 결혼한 신혼의 아내 라이트를 두고 공군 조종사로 출전한다. 미니버씨는 던커크 철수 작전에도 참가한다. 부인은 추락한 독일군 조종사와 맞부딪히기도 한다. 본격적인 독일의 공습이 시작되고, 방공호가 거의 일상적인 생활공간이 되다시피 하지만 가족은 굳건히 견디어 나간다. 그러나 어느날 공습에서 임신 중이던 며느리를 잃고 만다. 라스트에서 폐허가 된 교회에서 올려지는 예배.
볼 오브 파이어
Prof. Jerome
백과사전을 만들기 위해 모인 일곱 명의 학자들이 외딴 시골집에서 열심히 작업을 진행 중이다. 이 중 비속어 전문가인 학자가 클럽에서 일하는 한 여성에게 길거리 비속어에 대한 도움을 청하고, 마침 경찰과 건달들에게 쫓기던 그녀는 자신을 숨겨주는 조건으로 제안에 응한다. ‘백설공주와 일곱 명의 난장이’를 재치 있게 변주한 스크루볼 코미디 영화.
I'll Wait for You
Mr. Miller
A gangster hides out on a farm and falls for the farmer's daughter.
The Bad Man
Mr. Hardy
Lopez is a bandit who has stolen the herd at Gil's ranch, so Hardy is about to foreclose. But Lucia has come back from New York and Gil is happy until he meets her husband, Morgan.
A Girl, a Guy, and a Gob
Abel Martin
Steve is a shy quiet man who is an executive for a shipping firm. He meets Dot at the Opera where she had his seats and the next day she shows up as his temporary secretary. Then Coffee Cup comes to town to see Dot, his gal. When Steven is with Cecilia, everything is boring. When he is with Dot and Coffee Cup, everything is exciting and he falls for Dot. But Coffee is getting out of the Navy in a few days and he plans to marry Dot.
하이 시에라
은행강도 로이 얼은 수감 8년만에 빅 맥의 도움으로 출감한다. 빅 맥은 리조트 타운의 호텔털이를 제안하고, 얼은 3명의 동료를 소개받고 함께 범행을 준비한다. 동료인 마리는 주도면밀하고 냉소적인 얼에게 관심을 보이나, 얼은 외딴 산 속 은신처를 찾아오는 동안 만난 벨마의 순진함에 마음을 빼앗긴다. 얼은 절름발이인 벨마의 다리를 고쳐주고 청혼을 하지만 다리가 완치된 벨마는 세속적으로 변해 얼의 청혼을 거절한다. 설상가상으로 얼 일당의 내분과 탐욕으로 보석 강탈이 대대적으로 보도되고, 매드 독이라는 악명을 얻게 된 얼은 미국에서 가장 높은 휘트니 산으로 도피한다.
With the army after him and his partner deserting, Reb decides that a change of scenery would be nice so he heads for Wyoming with Dave.
Anne of Windy Poplars
Sentimental drama about an ambitious young teacher who arrives in a small town to take the job of vice-principal. Based on one of L M Montgomery's 'Anne of Green Gables' sequels.
Edison, the Man
Ben Els
In flashback, fifty years after inventing the light bulb, an 82-year-old Edison tells his story starting at age twenty-two with his arrival in New York. He's on his way with the invention of an early form of the stock market ticker.
Primrose Path
Ellie Mae lives on Primrose Hill with her good-hearted and fancy free mother, her drunken father, her younger sister and a mean-spirited grandmother. The Hill is not a good part of town, however. When she meets and falls for a hard-working man, they marry and she hides her past from him. When he discovers the truth it jeopardizes their marriage.
Judge Milliken
Sky and Linda meet on vacation and become engaged. When Sky introduces Linda to his best friend, Jeff, Linda and Jeff fall in love and marry. But Jeff's work puts a strain on the marriage and a divorce is planned. Sky uses an experimental memory loss drug to make Linda and Jeff forget their rough times (and the fact that they were married) and they fall in love all over again.
The Rains Came
Rev. Homer Smiley
Indian aristocrat Rama Safti returns from medical training in the U.S. to give his life to the poor folk of Ranchipur. Lady Edwina and her drunken artist ex-lover Tom Ransome get in the way, but everyone shapes up when faced by earthquake, flooding, and plague.
Stanley and Livingstone
John Kingsley
When American newspaperman and adventurer Henry M. Stanley comes back from the western Indian wars, his editor James Gordon Bennett sends him to Africa to find Dr. David Livingstone, the missing Scottish missionary. Stanley finds Livingstone ("Dr. Livingstone, I presume.") blissfully doling out medicine and religion to the happy natives. His story is at first disbelieved.
On Borrowed Time
Dr. Evans
Young Pud is orphaned and left in the care of his aged grandparents. The boy and his grandfather are inseparable. Gramps is concerned for Pud's future and wary of a scheming relative who seeks custody of the child. One day Mr. Brink, an agent of Death, arrives to take Gramps "to the land where the woodbine twineth." Through a bit of trickery, Gramps confines Mr. Brink, and thus Death, to the branches of a large apple tree, giving Gramps extra time to resolve issues about Pud's future.
다크 빅토리
Dr. Parsons
사회적으로 큰 성공을 거둔 여성이 뇌종양 진단을 받고 자신의 상황을 받아들이며 삶을 정리하게 되는 이야기
닷지 시티
Dr. Irving
In this epic Western, Wade Hatton, a wagon master turned sheriff, tames a cow town at the end of a railroad line.
You Can't Get Away with Murder
Johnnie learns crime from petty thug Frank Wilson. When Wilson kills a pawnbroker with a gun stolen from Johnnie's sister Madge's fiance Fred Burke, Fred goes to Sing Sing's death house. Wilson uses all the pressure can to keep Johnnie silent, even after he and Johnnie themselves wind up in the big house.
The Sisters
Ned Elliott
Three daughters of a small down pharmacist undergo trials and tribulations in their problematic marriages between 1904 and 1908.
Too Many Parents
Boys are sent to military school in order to get them out of the way of their too-busy-to-bother parents or guardians. Lonely young Philip Stewart writes himself letters his father should be writing. When his hoax is discovered, Philip attempts suicide.
Seven Keys to Baldpate
Lem Peters
A writer, looking for some peace and quiet in order to finish a novel, takes a room at the Baldpate Inn. However, peace and quiet are the last things he gets, as there are some very strange goings-on at the establishment.
Tom Reynolds
"Mitch" Mitchell is an aviator who has been hired to take a child in a guardianship suit out of California into Mexico. He is accompanied by Maxine Rush, the secretary of the head of a private-detective agency who has been hired to care for the kid until the suit is over. (Overview written by Les Adams )
A romantic comedy-drama-musical of mistaken identity, infidelity and farce, set in Vienna at the turn of the 20th century.
Four Hours to Kill!
Mac Mason
A detective who has "four hours to kill" before delivering his prisoner, an escaped killer, spends the time in the lobby of a Broadway theater where a musical is playing. The film focuses on the relationship between the two men, and also between various characters in the theater audience, staff and cast.
Captain Hurricane
Capt. Ben
Zenas Brewster is a seafaring man with a bad reputation. Notorious for his tempestuous nature, Brewster has earned the nickname of "Captain Hurricane." Brewster is smitten with neighbor Abbie Howland, but she doesn't like his temperament. After a period of retirement, a bad investment puts Brewster back at work on the sea. And when fire overtakes his ship, Hurricane proves heroic, selflessly rescuing his crew from a grisly and deadly fate.
After Office Hours
A managing editor sends a socialite reporter to spy on her boyfriend, mixed up in murder.
Maybe It's Love
Mr. Halevy
Director William C. McGann's 1935 film stars Gloria Stuart and Ross Alexander as a young couple in love who face economic woes once they're wed.
Ready for Love
Judge Pickett
In this fluffy romance, a young woman fights against the narrow-minded residents of her small town. The trouble begins when a young woman flees her boarding school to stay with her retired aunt, a former actress, who try as she might, has never been welcomed into the snobbish community in which she resides. The young woman too, is shunned and ends up being victimized in witchcraft trial and ducked into a pool of water.
The Party's Over
Bruce Blakely, a meek, mild-mannered certified public accountant, finally gets fed up with his money-grubbing family sponging off of him, and decides to partake of a different side and slice of life. A blonde secretary helps guide him.
Born to Be Bad
Letty, a young woman who ended up pregnant, unmarried and on the streets at fifteen is bitter and determined that her child will not grow up to be taken advantage of. Letty teaches her child to lie, steal, cheat and anything else he'll need to be street smart.
명절에 나타난 저승사자
Baron Cesarea
After years of questioning why people fear him, Death takes on human form so he can mingle among the mortals and find an answer. However, events soon spiral out of control as he falls in love with the beautiful young Grazia, the only woman not afraid of him. As he falls in love with her, her father sees him for what he is and begs him to return to his duties. Death must decide whether or not to seek his own happiness or sacrifice it so that Grazia may live.
투명 인간
Dr. Cranley
투명인간이 되는 약을 발명한 정체불명 의사 역을 열연한 클라우드 레인즈가 주목했던 그의 데뷔작이다. 칭칭 감은 붕대와 썬글라스로 얼굴을 가린 채, 영국의 한 작은 마을에 도착한 레인즈는 자신의 놀라운 발명 사실을 숨기려 하지만, 그 약은 점차 그를 끔찍한 범행을 저지르도록 몰아간다.
My Weakness
Ellery Gregory
A wealthy young man bets his uncle that he can transform a clumsy cleaning lady into a glamorous fashion plate, then marry her off to his bachelor cousin.
Another Language
Pop Hallam
A newlywed discovers that she and her husband's snobby family speak different languages.
Reunion in Vienna
Father Krug
An exiled archduke (John Barrymore) tries to renew romance with a former lover (Diana Wynyard) now wed to a psychiatrist (Frank Morgan).