Enzo Moscato

출생 : 1948-04-20, Naples, Campania, Italy

참여 작품

La Divina Cometa
아름다운 청년, 자코모 레오파르디
서정적인 선율 속에서 뛰어다니는 세 남매를 보여주며 시작되는 이 영화는 19세기 이탈리아의 대표적인 낭만주의 시인 자코모 레오파르디의 삶을 소재로 한다. 엄격한 아버지의 교육 현장을 반영하는 초반부는 시대상을그대로 재현한 그림 같은 샷들로 구성되며, 전체적으로 19세기의 텍스처를 그대로 살린 실내 조명과 색감은 숭고미를 자아낼 정도로 감동적이다. 구속된 삶을 살았던 고향 레카나티에서부터 실연을 겪는 피렌체, 마지막 거처였던 나폴리에 이르기까지 실제 시인의 여정을 따라가다 보면 신체적 결함으로 인해 사랑과 동시에 죽음을 떠올려야만 했던 그의 시 세계에 한 발짝 더 가까이 다가갈 수 있다. 레오파르디 역의 엘리오 제르마노의 연기는 그야말로 타의 추종을 불허하며, 시를 읊으며 대단원을 장식하는 마지막 샷은 형언하기 힘든 감동을 준다. 모든 도서관 장면들은 실제 레오파르디가 작업했던 곳에서 촬영되었다고 한다. (이수원_2014년 제19회 부산국제영화제)
The Remains of Nothing
Gaetano Filangieri
Set in the 1790s, this historical drama follows the travails of an idealistic noblewoman who helps lead a daring revolution in Italy.
The Vesuvians
(segment "Maruzzella")
Five Neapolitan directors depict life in the city under the shadow of Mount Vesuvius for this anthology film of comedy, drama, surrealism, and political commentary.
Victoria's Tales
Vittoria Belcastro, a Calabrian oncologist, telis of her long battle against cancer, which she won. Her therapy is based on respect for life, but also for the disease. Two literary testimonies serve to counterpoint her touching words: "Pozzi d'amore (Wells of Love)", a theatrical monologue by Enzo Moscato, the portrait in which fragments the rhythm of the film, and "In alto a sinistra (Top left)", the transposition of a tale by Erri De Luca, in which the themes of pain, memory and absence emerge from the story of a father-son relationship.
Aspettando Totò
The Clandestine Journey: Lives of Saints and Sinners
A surreal travel drama, shot on Sicility with Italian actors. IlViaggio Clandestino is a film about saints and sinners. Whether you areblessed or doomed is often dependent on someone's soul that on whether theypray or suffer. The kindred spirit of San Gil ! the Holy Gil ! is CiccioBavaria who, unilke the former, continues to seek sin. For Bavaria sin isliberating and dynamic. The film tells the story of the journey made by thesetwo protagonists; a journey that leads to the demise of San Gil, while Bavariais reincarnated as Buddha. There is another traveller, a clandestinetraveller. Christ, always fleeing the angels. This Christ does not helphumanity with miracles, but by keeping himself alive as best he can givingweather forecasts.In this strange sainty story, Ruiz allowed himself ot be inspired byapocryphal books about saints of flesh and blood.
Don Arcangelo
This high-energy three part comedy has a strong undercurrent of melancholy, as it shows three different women coping with difficult situations which are usually sexual in origin, even if the moment of romance is long past. In the first tale, Aurora has gotten used to a cozy, wealthy life, but begins to see her world destroyed when her husband is caught in bed with his secretary. Later, he flees the country to avoid getting arrested for something else he has done. Carmela is just welcoming her wayward son back to their slum home after he has spent a stint in "reform" school. Not only has he just confessed to her that he's gay, but he has become a heroin addict.Finally, Libera works at a newsstand outside of Naples as the sole breadwinner for her family. She is tired of her husband lounging in their house when he is not out tomcatting around with prostitutes, and decides to do something about it. So she secretly has him filmed in bed, and is marketing the tapes at her newsstand.
Il cantante
Mario Martone films the eponymous stage show by Enzo Moscato.
Mario Martone films the eponymous stage show by Enzo Moscato.
Death of a Neapolitan Mathematician
Naples, 1959. Pure Mathematics professor Renato Caccioppoli, Bakunin's grandson, is a tortured soul. Recently discharged from the psychiatric hospital, left by his wife, and increasingly disillusioned with academia and the Communist Party, he lives his last days with painful detachment.