Paul Ahmarani
출생 : 1972-01-01, Québec, Canada
Albert Gary
Seventeen-year-old Jeff is invited by his friend Max’s family to stay at the wilderness lodge of film director Blake Cadieux.
Laurent Deschamps
Approached by the Prime Minister of Quebec to rejuvenate the image of his government, Arlette Saint-Amour becomes, overnight, Minister of Culture. She succeeds by her look and her daring in creating a real buzz around Culture.
Customs Inspector Fournier
묵살되는 진실 중독성이 없는 진통제를 출시하려는 제약회사의 추악한 진실을 알게 된 대학 교수 무너지는 희망
싸늘한 시체가 되어 돌아온 아들. 그 죽음의 배후를 찾아나선 엄마 끝이 없는 싸움
걷잡을 수 없는 시장, 국제마약밀매단을 잡기 위해 언더커버가 된 요원 전쟁보다 더 많은 사람들이 죽어가는 시대
우리는 중독되고 있다
Directeur d'école
Vera and Zak meet by chance and it's crazy love. The two lovebirds settle in a decayed house at the end of a row, where little Yanna comes into the world. They raise their child in a spirit of total freedom, without constraint. Zak often leaves his family to find his family, gypsies who do not like him to meet a woman from the city. When Vera's parents arrive unexpectedly at home, they will jeopardize the already fragile balance of the trio.
Le tenancier
Determined to stop drinking, Joseph moves into a friend's house and convinces his ex-wife Emma to join him. In the troubled times of Quebec independence referendum, this is the account of their stormy reunion.
세 명의 10대들이 젊음의 소용돌이 속에서 자신을 찾아온 첫사랑에 뒤흔들리고 있다. 주변 사람들이 현실에 맞춰 살아나가는 동안, 그들은 사랑할 권리와 자유를 위해 일어선다.
Uncle Henri
A young girl befriends a supernatural entity living in her Uncle's cornfield.
피부학 교수 마리는 섹스가 피부에 미치는 영향을 연구한다. 직접 다양한 남자와 관계를 맺으며 몸의 변화를 기록한다. 남편은 이런 연구를 이해 못하고 집을 나가버린다. 게다가 제자는 동료 교수를 성폭행으로 고소하고 딸은 벌써 많은 경험을 갖고 있다고 고백하는데… 여교수의 실전 감각 여행을 훔쳐본다!
JP lives with his brother Vincent, his mother Joe and his girlfriend Mel in a small appartement of Verdun. Constantly walking a tightrope, JP tries to maintain a proper balance between the numerous needs of his family of which he feels responsible for, the collecting job he is doing with his brother and his involvements in his uncle’s drug cartel who he sees as a father figure.
Coming from the countryside to visit a friend, Solange 75, rediscovers Montreal. She talks to everyone with confidence and does some portraits of the people she meets. She meets Tom, a younger, moody and disillusioned man. Fictional scenes are interwoven with documentary scenes: portraits of Montrealers and snatches of conversations taken from life.
Lily-May decides to tell those closest to her about the choice she has made. She intends to end her life at an assisted suicide clinic. When the time of our own death is predetermined, is saying goodbye any easier?
제2차 세계대전 당시, 독일에서 히틀러가 정권을 잡자 과학계는 분열되고 만다. 프랑스 과학자 '시몬'은 독일 편에서 원자폭탄을 개발 중인 과학자와 접선한 후, 진행 상황을 알아내고 그를 처리하는 임무를 맡게 되지만, 시몬이 죽여야 하는 과학자는 예전에 시몬이 사랑하던 남자 '에밀'이다. 기차 안에서 에밀을 만난 시몬은 기폭제 역할을 하는 '사이클로트론'을 받게 되고, 원자폭탄이 기차의 목적지인 베를린에서 터지도록 설정하지만, 그걸 미리 알게 된 독일군의 수장 '크닉'은 열차의 선로를 바꿔 파리로 향하게 한다. 하지만 에밀이 기차 선로를 조작해 둔 덕분에 평행 세계가 열리고, 기차는 파리와 베를린 두 곳으로 동시에 향하게 되는데...
Dr. Deng / Speedy
무정부주의적인 스토리, 테크니컬러에 기초한 색채 미학, 장르의 혼성으로 점철된 완전히 새로운 미학을 시도하는 영화. 낡은 카메라와 필름 조각들에 대한 페티시즘을 전면화하면서 유령과 환영으로 이어지는 미로의 체험을 선사한다. (2015년 제16회 전주국제영화제) 리뷰 캐나다의 아방가르드 감독 가이 매딘이 쓰고 연출한 은 끝없는 상상력의 절경을 체험하게 한다. 꿈의 미로를 헤매는 것 같은 분위기로 좌중을 압도하는 이 영화는 종잡을 수 없는 방향으로 꼬리를 물고 이어지는 이야기의 연속이다. 간단한 시놉시스로 영화를 요약한다는 것조차 불가능하다. 가이 매딘은 2009년 이후 줄곧 협력해온 젊은 예술가 에반 존슨과 공동으로 이 영화를 연출했다. 무정부주의적인 스토리, 테크니컬러에 기초한 색채 미학, 장르의 혼성으로 점철된 이 영화는 시효가 끝나버린 영화형식으로 창조해낸 완전히 새로운 미학의 결정체이다. 무성영화 시대의 캐릭터와 영화, 스타일로부터 받은 영감을 현란하게 펼쳐놓으면서 매딘은 거대한 노스탤지어의 시간을 연출한다. 낡은 카메라와 필름 조각들에 대한 페티시즘을 전면화하면서 영화는 유령과 환영의 시간으로 안내하는 미로의 체험을 선사한다. 샬롯 램플링, 제랄딘 채플린, 마티유 아말릭, 마리아 드 메데이로스 등의 익숙한 배우들이 예상치 못한 순간에 튀어나오는 의외성도 일관되어 있다. (2015년 제16회 전주국제영화제/장병원)
Professeur Amin
Guibord is an independent Member of Parliament who represents Prescott-Makadewà-Rapides-aux Outardes, a vast county in Northern Quebec. As the entire country watches, Guibord unwillingly finds himself in the awkward position of holding the decisive vote to determine whether Canada will go to war. Accompanied by his wife, his daughter and an idealistic intern from Haiti named Sovereign, Guibord travels across his district in order to consult his constituents. While groups of lobbyists get involved in a debate that spins out of control, the MP will have to face his own conscience. 'My Internship in Canada' is a biting political satire in which politicians, citizens and lobbyists go head-to-head tearing democracy to shreds. Film starring Suzanne Clément, Patrick Huard and Mardy Men
That winter in Montréal, there is a girl. Three captains are wooing her. Cinema killed Jean-Baptiste Lamirande, the disastrous Liberator, who comes back to life just before Christmas. Héloïse, an amnesiac actress who lost her watch, has been reported missing.
Léon Francoeur
In this fun family comedy, a village rooster's punctual (and loud!) crowing keeps everyone awake until a group of sleepy locals hatch a scheme to get rid of him.
In the near future, as humanity prepares to set foot on Mars, Jacob Obus, an elderly musician, takes pride in slowing down time by playing instruments inspired by women's bodies, designed by his friend Arthur. A love triangle develops when Jacob and Arthur both fall in love with Avril, a young photographer. Enter Eugène Spaak, Arthur's father, an inventor and cosmologist who unveils a new theory about man's desire to reach Mars and helps Jacob find the true meaning of life and love.
Mr. Tenet
어긋난 우주불변의 법칙에 따라 자신이 속한 세상을 절대 벗어날 수 없는 아담과 에덴. 남다른 천재성을 지닌 아담은 사랑하는 그녀를 만나기 위해 상부 세계로 넘어갈 수 있는 특별한 물질을 개발하는데 성공한다. 그에게 주어진 시간은 단 1시간, 체온이 높아져 몸이 타버리기 전에 빠져 나와야만 한다. 드디어 아담과 에덴이 서로 마주하게 된 운명의 순간, 그러나 국경수비대로 하여금 발각되어 추격을 당하기 시작하는데…
Man Of Today
A journalist (Liane Balaban) meets “Man of Today” (Paul Ahmarani) who, while a responsible citizen, is disengaged from greater society. He believes once he’s dead nothing more matters. As an experiment to see if she can turn his pessimistic view around, the journalist sends him on a journey of enlightenment to prove that the future does matter. Travelling the globe, he finds himself in surprising encounters with great minds in the arts and sciences. Starting with an unexpected poetry reading and conversation with experimental poet Christian Bök, Man of Today engages with architect Shigeru Ban, activist Francis Dupuis-Déri, philosopher Alain de Botton, artist Marlene Dumas, novelist Rivka Galchen, leading scientists and a ghost. Will the journalist succeed in turning a cynic into an optimist? Will it matter? What can one person do?
Vincent Lannoo’s ‘mockumentary’ shows us a community of vampires in Belgium. The two ‘parents’ of the family are George and Bertha, who have two teenage children – or rather, they raise two former humans who they turned into vampires. Son Samson is a bit of a jack the lad: enjoying the sexual freedom of vampire life, with all the vigour of an irresponsible young adult regardless of consequences (even incest is not frowned upon in their world, where the word ‘wife’ is often synonymous with ‘mother’ or ‘sister’). Daughter Grace yearns for humanity in a different way: applying fake tan to get rid of her vampiric pallor, dressing in pink clothes, wishing she could feel emotion and even having a human boyfriend.
A Sentimental Capitalism is a tragicomic tale on the extension of economic logic to art and love. The film chronicles the apprenticeship of Fernande Bouvier, a naive country girl, who, traveling from Paris to New York in 1929, from avant-garde Bohemia to the narrow circles of high finance, will loose a few illusions.
As another Middle East crisis explodes, Adam, a Jewish teenager and Yasmine a Lebanese girl fall in love in Montreal. But the crisis overseas effects their relationship in ways they never expected.
Chaos ensues after global warming transforms a working-class Montreal neighborhood into a world Mecca for truffles.
Louis Legros
Michel is a Belgian inventor. He cares for his father, a paralysed writer, is married to a Congolese woman and is the father of an interracial child whom he reassures as to his parentage. He discovers at the age of 41 that he was adopted, actually having been born in Sainte-Cécile, Quebec. In the summer of 2000, he travels to Quebec, supposedly to sell some of his inventions. While on a near-impossible quest to find his birth family in the town where he was born, he crosses paths with Louis Legros, son of another inventor, in a meeting which will change their lives.
Paul Agira
The Dreamer
On July 11 2004, over 200,000 spectators filled the downtown streets of Montreal to take part in a unique celebration, an incredible one-night-only special event! With more than 250 artists, Midnight Sun is a brilliant combination of music and circus - the perfect chemistry of sight and sound. An unforgettable viewing experience filmed in high definition!
A womanizer decides to start a dating service to make money and take advantage of vulnerable women.
Two social outcasts in 19th century Eastern Europe, Alexandre and Ulysse, become friends and settle down to live alone on the edge of a marsh that is reputedly haunted by demons, monsters and goblins. These two men have been outcasts all their lives. Alexandre was raised in a nomad family that traveled from town to town, being rejected by the people of his homeland. Due to his physical abnormalities, Ulysse has always been pushed aside ever since his childhood. When a strange murder is committed in a nearby village, the peasants turn their suspicions on Alexandre and Ulysse, because they are different. In the eyes of the villagers, they are demons that must be hunted, burned and killed.
A bittersweet tale about a small group of men and women whose forest adventures trigger memories of childhood and past loves. A harsh fantasy, wherein it is hard to tell whether the characters are living in their dreams, or dreaming away their lives.
An emotionally immature underwater photographer returns home to an affair with his best friend's deaf girlfriend and unresolved issues with the wife he left six months before.
After being arrested for solicitation, a high-class prostitute threatens to make public a list of her best clients and someone resorts to murder to keep the list a secret. Meanwhile, the judge on the case struggles with his dilemma and one cop aims to find the killer.
Christophe agrees to be filmed by his roommate Stéphane, while he is searching for a meaningful engineering job. Since he voluntarily resigned his job when he was to be moved to quality control, he does not get unemployment benefits, and goes to classes on how to contest the decision.
A Montreal police officer goes to Arkansas to solve the murder of his brother.