Josean Bengoetxea

Josean Bengoetxea

출생 : 1964-09-04,


Josean Bengoetxea was born on September 4, 1964 in Donostia-San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa, País Vasco, Spain. He is known for his work on Loreak (2014), Ilargi Guztiak (2020) and Adú (2020).

프로필 사진

Josean Bengoetxea

참여 작품

The Chapel
Jon Elorza
Emma wants to learn how to communicate with the spirit of a girl who has been trapped in a hermitage for centuries, and to that end, she tries to persuade Carol, a sceptical medium, to help her.
맨 오브 액션
무정부주의자 루시오 우르투비아의 생애를 모티브로 만든 드라마 영화. 루시오는 세계 굴지의 대형 은행 중 하나를 표적으로 삼아 교묘한 위조 화폐 작전을 펼친다.
Santa vs Reyes
The Three Wise Men, fed up with Santa taking more and more prominence from them, have decided to confront each other without knowing that this war will awaken a much more dangerous common enemy, the Krampus, who had been inactive for centuries.
Mari's son
Two strangers, Doroty, a domestic employee from Central America aged around 45, and Mari, an elderly woman who is hard of hearing, are forced to spend the lockdown together to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
Once Upon a Time in Euskadi
Luis Mari
Euskadi 1985. It's summer time, the holidays are finally here. Marcos and his three friends, José Antonio, Paquito and Toni, anxiously await a promising summer break from the fresh view of 12-year-olds who have little care for where, how or when. They will while away the hours in the maze life has prepared for them, in an old, turbulent and trembling Euskadi. A maze of painted walls, where rubber balls and dreams bounce together; all covered by a sky tinged with the grey of prefabricated concrete, where life and death no longer keep formal relationships.
아마이아: 뱀파이어 소녀
전쟁의 폐허에서 죽음을 맞이한 소녀. 미스터리한 여인으로부터 영원한 생명을 얻고 햇볕을 보지 않으면서 살아가는 방법을 배운다. 늙은 농부를 만나 평범한 삶을 경험하지만 본능이 깨어나면서 평온했던 일상이 부서지는데… 역사상 최고의 뱀파이어 영화! 올봄, 가장 매혹적인 이야기가 시작된다!
죽음의 종소리
가리스멘디 농가에서 묻혀있던 해골이 발견된다. 부부는 아들 네스토르를 불러 이 사실을 경찰에 신고하지만, 경찰이 도착했을 때는 이미 해골이 감쪽같이 사라진 후다. 바스크 지방의 한 농가를 배경으로 전개되는 독특한 스릴러에서 유골의 발견은 한 가족의 오래된 상처와 어두운 비밀을 끄집어낸다. 네스토르의 쌍둥이 형제 에이토르가 오래전 비극적인 사고로 죽었다는 사실이다. 아버지는 지금 아무것도 하지 않으면 그들이 다음 희생자가 될 거라고 아들을 설득한다.
Augusto Marqués
After being attacked by a rapist one night, Dana believes that something must change and decides to make justice with her own hands.
Los Olvidables
트윈 머더스: 살인 코드
Venancio Lopidana
20년 전, 남녀 신생아를 시작으로 5살, 10살, 15살의 부유층 자녀들을 살해한 연쇄 살인마의 출소가 얼마 남지 않은 도시. 20살 남녀의 시체가 나란히 발견되면서 살인이 다시 시작된다. 이미 범인을 검거했다고 믿어왔던 경찰과 시민들은 일대 혼란에 빠지고, 새로 부임한 부국장 ‘알바’와 베테랑 형사 ‘우나이’가 범인을 추적해간다. 희생자들을 죽이는 기괴한 살인 방법을 미루어 볼 때, 범인은 분명 식물학, 역사학, 해부학에 해박한 자. 계속되는 의문의 살인 속에 그들은 진실을 찾아낼 수 있을까?
The communicant
Maria wants to make her deceased mother's last wish come true. Nevertheless, in her family, nobody supports her.
Don't Wake Me Up
Jone is a sixteen year old girl that lives in Bilbao (Basque Country) in 2009. In her highschool you can feel the independentist environment, demonstrations, strikes... are usuals between the students organizations. In this moment her dad starts to work int the Basque Government, between other things he has to go with body guards. This situation will change Jones life and she will have to learn to live between two worlds that she doesn't understand yet, and to understand that not everything is black or white.
블랙 이즈 벨차
Juanpe / Pancho Villa (voice)
1960년대, 서구 사회의 부조리와 인종차별에 저항하는 어느 청년의 활동을 중심으로 이야기가 펼쳐지는 애니메이션 영화
The Pact
Suddenly, Clara, Mónica's daughter, falls into a deep coma. With Clara left to die, a mysterious man proposes Monica to make a pact: Clara will be saved if Mónica does something for him.
보스의 자격
세상의 중심은 바로 나! 자기밖에 모르는 무자비한 사업가의 삶이 침몰한다. 모두에게 버림받고, 인심을 잃은 그를 도울 이는 단 한 명, 야간 청소부 아리아나뿐이다.
사탄이 두려워한 대장장이
1843년, 스페인 바스크 지방. 알라바의 작은 마을에 한 경찰관이 숲 속 깊은 곳에 홀로 사는 의문의 대장장이를 조사하기 위해 도착합니다.
이웃집 테러리스트
지하에 숨어 손꼽아 기다려왔다. 상부의 지령이 올 전화기만 노려보는 비밀 조직원 4인. 임무를 위해 살상, 아니, 알바도 서슴지 않는 우리는 신념 투철한 테러리스트
Spanish soldiers battle indigenous tribes and their own brutal natures as they search for a legendary city built of gold.
The Power of Silence
Prades, France, 1940s. The exiled Catalan cellist Pau Casals decides not to perform any more in public until the fall of the dictatorship that oppresses Spain. Pierre, a young Frenchman studying with Casals, tries to convince him to celebrate an extraordinary concert as a tribute to freedom.
The Invisible Hand
An industrial warehouse is turned into a stage where a group of ordinary professionals are assembled daily to perform different tasks with apparent normality. Meanwhile, from the darkness of the auditorium, dozens of visitors observe the "wonderful" work show.
Mi vida es el cine
Movie Director
The trouble shooting of a film in Spain. A funny and bitter trip over a job and a passion: Film making.
Igelak (Frogs)
Pello, a bank branch manager, is arrested on charges of embezzlement. Abandoned by his superior (who got him involved in the heist), Pello escapes from the court room and goes on the run. With no papers, no money and no family or friends he can trust, he changes identity so that he can stay undercover for a time. By chance he ends up hiding in a building that has been occupied by a group of people evicted from their homes who are fighting his bank. Pello gains their trust, all the time planning to steal money from them to pay for false documentation so that he can escape abroad and start a new life.
살인자의 스토커
2011년 8월 마드리드, 교황 방문이 임박한 도시에는 수만 명의 신자들이 몰려들고, 경찰은 도시 전체의 질서를 위해 삼엄한 경비를 펼친다. 그러나, 이를 비웃기라도 하듯 시내 곳곳에서 여성들을 엽기적으로 살해하는 사건이 연이어 발생하고 혼란을 우려하는 경찰은 비밀리에 사건을 해결하기 위해 노심초사한다. 확고한 자신만의 수사 스타일로 팀원들과 어울리지 못하는 ‘루이스’와 가정 문제를 겪고 있는 다혈질의 ‘자비에’ 두 형사는 모종의 거래에 응해 사건 해결에 나서고, 사소한 증거 하나 남기지 않는 가학적 성향의 연쇄 살인범을 추적하는데…!
Ainhoa is 8 years old and has left home with her school bag, a Playmobil figure and a secret plan.
In a small Basque village in 1925, a wake is being held for Inge, the young wife of Mikel Martikorena, who has died suddenly.
The Cliff
A mass suicide involving members of a cult takes place in the Canary Islands. Gabriel's younger sister, Cordelia, who he hasn't seen for years, was one of the cult followers. Gabriel decides to travel there and find out what happened.
Years after their break-up, Tanya and Josean meet again at a conference on renewable energy. She has a lot to tell him...
13 Days of October
Enrique de Querol
Last days of the great catalan president Lluis Companys.
In the mid-1980s, the GAL, a Spanish paramilitary group, pursues and assassinates members of the terrorist gang ETA who have taken refuge in the sanctuary they have created in the south of France. Grégoire Fortin, advisor to the French Minister of Justice, and Domingo 'Txomin' Iturbe, leader of ETA, are forced to negotiate in order to find a solution to the violence that plagues the region.
La decisión de Julia
Lasa & Zabala
In October 1983, members of ETA Lasa and Zabala disappear in Bayonne. Twelve years later, their bodies, tortured and buried in quicklime by the GAL (Anti-Terrorist Liberation Groups) are identified. Then begins a process in which the lawyer for the two families (Unax Ugalde) and his assistant try to justice and that the murderers sit on the dock.
폐경 진단을 받고 낙심한 ‘아네’의 앞으로 어느 날 정체불명의 꽃다발이 배달된다. 남편의 깜짝 선물을 기대한 그녀의 예상과는 달리 보낸 사람의 정체는 밝혀지지 않은 채, 꽃다발이 매주 배달되기 시작한다. ‘아네’는 어느새 꽃다발을 익숙하게 받아 들고, 평범했던 그녀의 삶은 예기지 못한 방향으로 흘러가는데…
The Silly Ones and the Stupid Ones
A group of movie professionals go into a studio to, over a single day, read / test/ count / live the story of 'The Silly Ones and The Stupid Ones'. Sitting around a table and following the directions of the director, the actors show us the evolution of the creating process and how the characters through the trials, indications, lighting or props, that at first were just a story captured on a script becomes a film, in cinema, the great optical illusion, the visual lies that allows us to enjoy the stories we see on the screen.
Manu Aranguren is a Basque politician who acts as a mediator for the Spanish government in its negotiations with ETA. Far from being a solemn, calculated occasion, unexpected occurrences, slip-ups or misunderstandings soon kick in to influence the dialogue. And the personal relationship between negotiators will be key in solving the conflict.
Pase privado
In a large multiplex theater, after the last session is done, a young projectionist invites a girl to a private screening with the intention of seducing her. But none of them is aware that nearby something else is going on.
People in Places
A fragmented view of contemporary Spain, drawing conclusions about the persistence of the human condition, strangeness, and the chaos within relationships.
Camera obscura
It tells the story of Ane, who with a visual impairment and fully transition to adolescence, must face the peer rejection, overprotection of parents and, above all, the possibility of not seeing.
소리없는 추격자
장래가 촉망되는 판사인 에바는 수년 동안 자신의 직업에만 전념했다. 정의를 굳게 믿으며 어디에서 왔든 양보하려 하지 않는다. 어느 날 스트리퍼의 살인 사건이 일어나고 그녀는 사건의 목격자, 피해자의 남자친구, 로코, 기꺼이 도와주려는 다정하고 다정한 지골로와 만나 단서를 얻으려 한다. 이로인해 에바는 자신의 신원에 대한 몇 가지 단서를 제공해야 하지만 꽁꽁 숨겨진 에바의 비밀은 아무도 알지 못하는데...
Zosimo is the best at his trade. But if he can not work, his life holds no meaning.
Zosimo is the best at his trade. But if he can not work, his life holds no meaning.
I Feel Guilty
How far can you allow your life to intertwine with others, leaving yourself open to spontaneous gestures, opportunities and chance? Three different characters, languages, experiences and sexualities. And three desires, all intense. But just one feeling is possible: guilt. A short essay on human incapacity to go beyond accepted rules and break out from convention.
Urte berri on, amona!
The misfortunes of a couple who have to take care of the wife’s elderly mother.
Operacion Malaya
광대를 위한 슬픈 발라드
Millonario #2
아버지 광대는 강제로 군대에 징집된 후, 광대 차림으로 칼을 휘둘러 죽음을 눈앞에 두게 된다. 그는 자신의 아들에게 복수를 마음에 품으라는 말만 남기고 떠난다. 수년이 흐르고 여전히 군부 독재의 프랑코가 정권을 잡은 시기에, 하비에는 아버지의 뒤를 이어 ‘슬픈 광대’가 되고자 서커스단에 찾아온다. 이곳에서 서커스단의 스타인 폭력적인 ‘웃긴 광대’ 세르지오를 만나고, 그의 아름다운 연인 나탈리아에게 마음을 빼앗긴다. 이제 한 여인을 향한 두 사람의 집착은 점점 극으로 치닫게 되는데...
Mugaldekoak is set in the early 40s, when, on this side of the border, the wounds of the Civil War were still open and, on the other, they were living under occupation by the German Army. The tale revolves around the Comète Network, an initiative developed during World War II on the border with Navarre: the clandestine evacuation of British pilots brought down in enemy territory.
셀 211
Antxon Elorza 'El Profesor'
교도관으로 첫 출근을 앞두고 있는 후안은 임신 중인 사랑스런 아내와 함께 살고 있다. 첫 출근 전 교도소에 들러 업무와 근무수칙 등을 선배 교도관에게 듣던 중 건물 천장 벽돌이 무너져 내려 후안을 덮치는 사고가 발생한다. 이로 인해 후안은 머리를 다쳐 기절하게 된다. 이에 당황한 선배 교도관들은 후안을 비어 있는 독방 침대에 눕히고 의료진을 부르려 하지만 갑작스레 발생한 죄수들의 폭동으로 인해 선배 교도관들은 후안만을 독방에 남겨둔 채 황급히 그 곳을 도망쳐 나오게 된다. 게다가 죄수들의 폭동은 유혈사태로 이어져 쉽게 진압할 수 없는 상황에 이르게 되고, 죄수들의 지도자를 자처하는 말라마드레를 중심으로 죄수들이 더욱 단결하게 되면서 사태는 점점 심각한 분위기로 흐른다. 이 때, 머리 부상으로 잠시 정신을 잃었던 후안이 깨어나게 되고 자신이 감옥에 갇힌 사실을 알게 되자 자신의 신분을 숨긴 채 새로 들어온 죄수처럼 행동하며 그 곳을 탈출할 방법을 모색하는데...
A love story between a Basque farmer and a Peruvian immigrant.
Tras los visillos
Martos wants to leave his dark past behind, so he undergoes cosmetic surgery to change his face. But his obsessive paranoia keeps him away from his main goal: the getaway.
Todos los días son tuyos
While investigating the terrorist activities of a Basque nationalist group, Mexico City photographer Eliseo (Mario Oliver) becomes obsessed with his neighbor, a gorgeous young separatist named Maria (Bárbara Lennie). But when Maria is murdered, Eliseo is the prime suspect. Pursued by both the police and Maria's killer -- who has slain other Basque separatists -- Eliseo fights to stay alive and clear his name in this fast-paced thriller.
Mujeres en el parque
It is not a question of long conversations. It is not a question of living together for years. Sometimes, in a place where people pass each other by, in a matter of minutes you can find yourself connecting with someone else.
The Longest Penalty Shot in the World
Fernando (Fernando Tejero) is a loser. A gray type, without ambition, that works like bookcases distributor in a supermarket of the quarter. In his free short whiles, he is a substitute keeper of a football team, a third regional one. In all the season he has not played a single minute. But the last Sunday of the league the referee indicates penalty and the regular keeper injures itself. Fernando must occupy the goal for the first time. If penalty scores, the team of the district will proclaim champion. If no, all the effort of a year will not have been worth for anything. When the penalty is just about to be kicked, a group of indignant fans with the referee invades the field and prevents the kick. The competition committee decides that the penalty must play the following Sunday, in the same goal, with same players and the field closed to the public. El Penalti más largo del mundo, (The Longest Penalty Shot in the World) is exactly the history of that week of delay.
Yoyes, the first woman to hold responsibility positions within ETA, returns from exile in Mexico and try to rebuild her life. But her return is not easy.