Andrey Krasko

Andrey Krasko

출생 : 1957-08-10, Leningrad, RSFSR, USSR (now St. Petersburg, Russia)

사망 : 2006-07-05

프로필 사진

Andrey Krasko

참여 작품

Grozovye vorota
Галкин полковник
War mini series in style of 9th company. Four episodes are focused on the company of 1st Lt. Alexander Doronin, that is detached to Northern Caucasus in 1990s. Group, which partly consist of young, unexperienced soldiers, is ordered to defend the Storm Gate. It is the target location of large armed group of Chechen warriors, that is preparing a devastating strike.
I'm Staying
Victor Tyrsa
Many people assume that life does not end after death. Not Dr. Tyrsa, practical and skeptical man, who never believed in this nonsense. However, thanks to the bowling accident, he finds himself in a desert land with people like him not belonging to this world yet not accepted into the other. Now Dr. Tyrsa realizes that the life he used to live was not so bad, and he's got something worth returning to.
One Love in a Million
A young couple - Anna and Mityai suddenly find a case with one million counterfeited dollars.
Felix Korogordsky
Andrei and Marina are married for 7 years and they feel there is no more love. They ask a famous doctor to help them, and he helps... by putting their minds into the bodies of each other. Now Andrei is in his wife's head, so he lives the life of his own wife, who runs an art gallery, and Marina in the body of Andrei becomes a lawyer...
Piter FM
man in underwear
Masha, who works for a radio station, and Maxim, a street sweeper with an architectural degree, cross paths with each other when they are at an indecisive point in their lives.
Uncle Pasha
2차세계대전 당시, 러시아에서 사회적으로 문제를 일으키거나, 범죄를 저지른 소년들을 모아서 특수부대를 만들고 이들을 전쟁에 공습부대로 투입한다.
제 9중대
1988년 아프가니스탄 침공 9년째, 끝이 좀처럼 보이지 않는 대결의 접점으로 젊은 청년들이 또 한 번 징집되었다. 화가를 꿈꾸는 예술가, 선생님이 되고자 하는 교생실습생, 결혼식을 치른 지 하루 만에 소집되어 온 새 신랑, 어린 딸을 둔 젊은 가장. 그들은 사랑하는 연인, 가족과 이별하고 비가 내리는 어느 겨울 밤 훈련소로 떠나는 기차에 몸을 싣는다. 지옥 같은 3개월의 훈련이 시작되고, 젊은 병사들은 하루하루 치열한 삶의 모든 순간들, 희망의 한 자락까지도 함께 나눈다.
Na Belom Katere
Владелец элитного частного пансионата Сан Саныч, человек с сомнительным прошлым получает задание от представителей турецкой мафии, - встретить "курьера" с очень ценным товаром. На следующее утро всю страну облетела шокирующая новость - похищена картина Ильи Репина "Запорожцы пишут письмо турецкому султану". В отель к Сан Санычу приезжает группа постояльцев, каждый из которых обладает признаками "курьера" и каждый из которых ведет себя подозрительно...
Dead Man's Bluff
annoyed neighbour
Sergei and Simon have to deliver a suitcase full of heroin to Mikhalych or else they will be killed. There is one minor detail: the only problem-solving technique they are familiar with is a shot in the head.
The Turkish Gambit
The film is based on the second book from the Adventures of Erast Petrovich Fandorin series of novels written by the Russian author Boris Akunin. The film takes place in 1877 during the Russian-Turkish war. Erast Fandorin has just escaped from Turkish prison and is trying to get on the Russian side as soon as possible to give important information about the upcoming attack of the enemy. On his way he meets Varvara Suvorova, a young lady who is going to see her fiancée - a soldier of the Russian army. Erast also knows that there is a spy somewhere in the Russian army, everyone is under suspicion.
Graveyard Shift
A maniac terrorizes a town during rainy nights. And exactly on one rainy night a student has a night shift in a 24-hour shop. And exactly on this night the owner of the shop goes to play in a casino, his wife wants to be entertained, a detective is awaiting for a crime to be committed and certainly... the maniac begins hunting.
The Goddess: How I Fell in Love
Doctor Pavel
Young police detective Faina tries to experiment with herself in order to meet her dead love.
72 Meters
Gennady Yanichar
The film begins in the 1980s Soviet Union. Two best friends, Orlov and Muravyev, are serving at the Black Sea Navy Base in Sevastopol, Crimea. Both fall in love with one beautiful girl Nelly, and their friendship suffers a first blow. Because she picks Muravyev, his friend Orlov struggles with an inferiority complex and becomes a secretive alcoholic. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, both friends are transferred to the Northern Fleet on the Polar Ocean. One day their sub is performing a routine training. A disturbed WWII mine slowly moves on a collision course with the sub. A mighty blast knocks down everyone inside the wrecked sub, 72 meters below the sea level. Then ensues a nerve-racking struggle for survival.
A Key to the Bedroom
In the beginning of a new century the capital of Russia is just amazing and full of poets, beautiful women and arts...
The Kopeck
In this movie we follow fate not a person but car: first Soviet Lada. It starts with Brezhnev daughter and then gradually moves on parallel to last years of USSR into wild after-perestroika years with bandits and newly born oligarchs.
During the Gorbachev years, Platon Makovski and his four buddies are university students who jump on the private capitalism movement. Fast-forward 20 years, Platon finds himself the richest man in Russia, having sacrificed his friends to get to the top. But with this cynical rise, comes a brutal fall.
Dyadya Misha
A movie about two sisters - thirteen year old Sveta, poor and abandoned by her father, who longs to go off and be a sniper in the army, and spoilt eight-year old Dina, doted on by her gangster father...
Peculiarities of the National Hunt in the Winter
Now the peculiarities of the national hunt are investigated during the winter season.
Boldino autumn
Sisin, a forty-year-old writer, gets on the train and goes out of town. In the car, he is surrounded by strange passengers, some of whom resemble famous Russian writers: Chekhov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Kuprin... Surreal visions, hidden desires, fears, and anxieties arise in Sisin's imagination. Love, career, and life itself seem stupid and meaningless to him.
A group Russian soldiers is send to an outpost to guard the area. They pass the day patroulling the area, while being shot at from the forest. They never know if the civillions are hostile or friendly to them.
Peculiarities of the National Fishing
General Ivolgin, forester Kuzmich, and good-natured Lyova lose their way on a fishing trip and wind up in a neighboring country, where they decide to have a good time anyway but end up leaving their vodka and fishing equipment behind.
Apartment Owner
평생 강도질로 감옥을 드나들다 옥사한 세르게이 바그로브의 둘째 아들 다니엘라. 다니엘라는 군대에 몸담고 있다가 그만두고 할 일이 없어 집에서 논다. 어느 날 거리를 배회하다 어떤 음악에 이끌려 영화 촬영장까지 다다른다. 촬영장에서의 마찰로 경찰서까지 가게 되자 다니엘라의 엄마는 신세한탄을 하며 다니엘라에게 레닌그라드에 있는 형을 찾아가라고 한다. 형을 찾아가던 다니엘라는 노상 자판을 벌인 독일인을 건달의 손에서 구해주고 그와 친해진다. 레닌그라드에서 형을 만난 다니엘라는 암흑가의 청부업자인 형의 일을 돕기 시작하는데, 어느 새 형이 자신을 배신했다는 걸 알게 되지만 형을 용서한다. 더니엘라는 대도시에서 점점 타락해 가고 약해지는 이간 군상을 보고 회의에 빠지지만 새 삶을 결심한 듯 차를 얻어타고 음악을 들으며 모스크바로 향한다.
Видный государственный деятель заказывает спецслужбам убийство некоего банкира, собирающегося баллотироваться в президенты. Идеальный киллер должен быть вынут из зоны, где сидит за убийство, и должен молчать. Голубчик отбывает 15 лет за случайную смерть пьяного генерала на охоте. Также он известен по кличке "Немой". Лучше его не придумаешь. Но идеальный киллер выходит из под контроля.
American Bet
A story about a love between two teenagers set in the small Russian town during sixties.
The Arrival of a Train
Almanac of five short stories commissioned by ROSKOMKINO to celebrate the 100th anniversary of cinema.
Operation 'Happy New Year'!
A comedy about a New Year Eve celebration in one very funny hospital.
Russian Symphony
The protagonist finds out that some children were left behind in a sinking school, and is slowly driven mad as he tries to save them. A parable on the theme of the Last Judgment, numerous catastrophic events reveal a certain ambiguity in their origins, accompanied by the terrible suspicion that the things going on are some kind of a performance or theatrical production.
Afghan Breakdown
During the main withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, a company of hardened paratroopers under the command of Major Bandura are joined by Steklov, the son of a high-ranking officer.
Лох - победитель воды
A young Surrealist artist arrives in Leningrad to enter the Academy of Arts. In search of like-minded people, he goes around the city, gets to know his inhabitants and meets Alevtina, a girl who has already entered the bohemian environment...
Полет птицы
Stray Dogs
Виктор Васильевич Утетин
A group of hunters enters a ghost town in Central Asia with a mission to kill packs of abandoned, and now wild cannibal dogs. But tables turn and there seems to be no way for the hunters to survive the horrific battle.
The Fountain
A story of a Moscow's apartment building that is slowly falling apart, literally. First, the hot water has been cut off by an old man from Asia, who could not stand it being wasted. Then the roof is starting to collapse. Finally, the electricity has been cut off. All the tenants of the building, no matter how different they were, find themselves in the same situation.
Без мундира
The Apostate
Scientist creates a machine that is able to clone human beings. Soon the Government wants to take hold of it for military purposes.
The Useless Girl
A teenage girl considered by everybody as "difficult" is sent to the village to live with her grandfather.