Kati Lázár

Kati Lázár

프로필 사진

Kati Lázár

참여 작품

Ma este gyilkolunk
The Courage of Eva Koller
Mrs. Egri
Hungary, 1948. The Stalinist regime is settling in on the ruins of the war. A young woman meets a stranger in an elevator. She recognizes him from another life, and soon has to make a complicated decision.
Old Woman
이리스 레이테르는 부다페스트의 가장 유명한 모자 가게 ‘레이테르’에서 일을 하기 위해 찾아간다. 이전에는 아버지가 운영하였지만, 새로운 소유주가 경영을 맡게 되었다. 중요한 손님을 맞기 위해 분주하게 일하던 어느 날 낯선 남자가 이리스에게 접근하며 오빠를 찾는다. 이리스는 자신의 삶에서 멀어져 있던 오빠의 흔적을 찾으러 부다페스트를 헤매지만, 이 과정에서 마주치는 이들은 그녀에게 도시를 떠나라고 경고한다.
매혹의 스캔들
1848년, 권력다툼으로 인해 아버지가 죽고 홀로 남겨진 어린 ‘에노’ 25년 후, 복수의 꿈을 꾸며 자란 ‘에노’는 혼란스러운 나날 속, 볼품없던 말 ‘킨쳄’을 명마로 키워내 가문의 명성을 되찾는다. 하지만 그는 자신에게 허락되지 않은 여인 ‘클라라’에게 매혹되고 그들의 비밀스러운 관계는 파국을 불러오는데…
Heavenly Shift
Mrs. Steiner
Death does not select, man does. Set in Budapest, Heavenly Shift offers an eerie insight into the everyday lives of a rather extraordinary ambulance crew. The films main character is Milan, a young refugee from the Balkan War, who joins a team of paramedics but inadvertently ends up involved in the funeral business in order to finance his fiancee s rescue from the hostilities.
Frau Lili
This film is about the relationship of a mother and her daughter, the split-up of their family, the blessing and curse of belonging together and about coming of age - all this from the perspective of the young girl Aglaja. The story is based on real-life events, an Eastern European circus artist family that fled to the West. If they want to stay in the circus business they have to make up an exotic act. The mother spends all their money to buy a very dangerous act: hanging by her hair high up in the dome of the circus while juggling with burning torches. Every night Aglaja is terrified by the fear of losing her mother. But, on some day, she has to follow the family tradition and become the "Woman with the Hair of Steel".
In the tradition of "My Sweet Little Village" and "Waking Ned Devine" FLUKE is a satire about a small village full of colorful characters, whose lives radically change due to a miracle. Or a simple crime.
Karcsi, a Roma policeman, lives with Eva, a Swede. One day he is called to the scene of the murder of a wealthy trafficker named Schulter. He begins to investigate the crime, interrogate neighbours and suspects, and untangle a complex situation - one that he, himself, complicates even further. For he is a gypsy, who despite being adopted and raised by "regular" Hungarians, has his nose rubbed in his minority status every day. The film, which is based on the novel by Ákos Kertész, is a shrewd genre work full of dusky humour and surreal situations. Tabló follows a vivid succession of strange images that eventually lead to the emergence of the central story about a charismatic police officer on a tireless quest for the truth, though he must fight against virtually everyone and is just as fallible as the next person. Tabló makes a statement on the issue of race and racism - or, indeed, relations between any minority and majority.
Where Were You, My Son?
Set in a large apartment in Hungary during the death throes of communism, obedient Andor lives with his eccentric mother, Rebeka, a once-celebrated stage actress-turned-recluse. After years of coexisting in a love-hate relationship marked by routine and possible incest, Andor brings home Eszter, a beautiful girl his own age. Her advances awaken Andor's repressed desires, the depths of which prove shocking. Opera director Robert Alfoldi renders this bizarre story in a melodramatic style, and veteran Hungarian stage star Dorottya Udvaros rises to the occasion. If you can imagine the intersecting area on a Venn diagram that includes Taxidermia and Sunset Blvd., that's where Where Were You, My Son? was born. The original title, Nyugalom, which translates to Tranquility, is ironic to say the least. ...over the-top...memorable...thunderous...sex and violins (Variety).
Gyöngyi néni, Kiskovász anyja
The story of hopelessness, which is independent and politics. Symbolic little people are faced with the absurdly large accelerated world. Resolutely themselves taken up the challenge, bravely struggling against fate ...
Megy a gőzös
Mrs. Lakatos
A story of a Jewish-Hungarian-Serbian family. The plot is centered about trying of an adult son to reconstruct his childhood dream of and memories. Looms, but a sunken world, the central European town with its figures, the way to experiencing deep and see a sensitive boy, his father, who by their fears that penetrate to the bone and the final humiliation of acting madness escapes and becomes a lonely, pathetic buffoon in the drama of life.
런던에서 온 사나이
조르주 심농의 소설을 원작으로 한 벨라 타르의 최신작으로 살인 현장을 목격한 이후 인생이 바뀐 한 남자의 이야기를 담고 있다. 장르적으로 느와르에 속할뿐만 아니라 제작 과정에서 프로듀서가 자살하는 등 우여곡절을 겪었던 영화. 빛보다 어둠이 두드러지는 배경 위에 한 톤 한 톤 높아져 가는 말다툼과 곧바로 이어지는 불편한 정적에 분절되지 않은 롱테이크가 결합되어 장르적 긴장감을 더해준다. (제9회 전주국제영화제) 영화는 어떤 언어로도 설명될 수 없는 독특한 시각적 경험이다. 이 사실을 굳게 믿는다면, 벨라 타르의 영화를 절대 놓쳐서는안 된다. 는 이후 7년 만에 완성한 ‘영화몽상가’ 벨라 타르의 신작이다. 모두 28개의 쇼트로만 구성된 이 영화는 배에서 기차로 이동하는 인파를 보여주는 오프닝 항구 신에만 13분짜리 롱 테이크를 활용할 정도로 특유의 영상미학을 구축한다. 그렇다고 그의 영화가 단순히 카메라워킹을 자랑하는 것은 아니다. 이것은 순수한 경험의 영화다. 관객은 영화 속 캐릭터들과 함께 시간의 경과와 침묵을 피부로 느낀다. 중반까지 어느 한 장면조차 쉽게 파악할 수 없지만, 바로 그런 불확정성이 스크린을 긴장감으로 가득 채운다. 안개 속을 거닐듯이, 한 인물의 부조리함을 뒤쫓으면서 인식의 지도가 그려진다. 범죄소설의 대가 조르주 심농의 동명소설을 영화화한 는 바닷가 기차역에서 야간 근무하는 가난한 전철원 마로인이 거액이 담긴 가방을 슬쩍 가로채면서 사건이 발생한다. 결국 마로인은 돈을 욕심 낸 대가로, 우발적으로 살인의 덫에 빠져든다. 고딕 스타일의 암울함이나 느와르의 냉혹한 법칙이 흐르는 이 세계는 오손웰즈의 이나 캐롤 리드의 를 떠올리게 만든다. 심농이 기존의 범죄소설에 볼 수 없던 독특한 심리묘사를 이끌어낸 것처럼, 타르 역시 인간의 어두운 내면을 투박하게 날것 그대로 포착해낸다. (전종혁)
After the Day Before
The details of a young girl's brutal murder are told through manipulated chronology and fragmented storylines.
A satirical tale of the adaptation, casting and rehearsal of a theatrical version of Winnie-the-Pooh.
The film shows the times directly before and after the revolution of 1956 in a Rosehill villa and its garden, guarded by the state security, from the perspective of a powerful party functionary’s children living there. The children witness a lot of things they do not understand, mysterious things, which they interpret in their own way.
베크마이스터 하모니즈
헝가리 평원의 한 작은 마을에서 일어나는 이야기. 온통 서리로 둘러싸여 있는 이 마을에는 눈이 내리지 않지만 날씨는 살을 에는 듯 춥다. 이렇게 당혹스러운 추위에도 수백명의 사람들이 박제된 고래를 보기 위해 서커스 천막 주위에 서 있다. 외지인들의 출현과 혹독한 서리 등으로 평화로운 마을의 질서는 깨지는데... 145분이라는 긴 러닝타임에도 불구하고 단 39개의 숏으로 구성된 영화는 긴 호흡 속에서 독특한 긴장감을 유지한다. 10분 20초에 달하는 오프닝. 춤추는 듯이 좌우로 움직이는 카메라, 타이트한 클로즈업. 스테디 캠으로 촬영된 롱테이크, 여러 문 사이틀 드나드는 자유로운 카메라 워크 등이 돋보인다. <사탄탱고>의 작가인 라즐로 크라스나호르카이가 시나리오를, 벨라타르의 아내인 아녜스 흐라니츠키가 편집을 맡았다. 제2회 전주국제영화제 상영작.
Hungarian Fragment
Péter's mother
Peter falls in love with Lena, a Bulgarian female student in the days of the 1956 revolution. They were both involved in the events of the Revolution, enthusiastically recount their experiences of an American journalist. The boy's parents leave the country, but he did not go with them.
Out of Order
A Minister and the Secretary of the Opposition party go to a 5 star hotel to conduct a secret affair. Their plans are ruined when they discover a corpse lodged in the window of their room.
Return ticket
Csilla (Rózsi)
Five old men and a kid are travelling in a train's cabin without purpose. They travel because it's free and they don't have another place to stay. From their conversations we learn the tragedies of their lives. Also the hidden interlockings of their faith will out slowly.
The movie is set in the actual "Ki Mit Tud?" talent contest in 1962. In reality the contest in dance music category was won by an army brass band. "Omega" which later became one of the most successful Hungarian rock bands came out in the second place.
The Prosecution
The Christmas of 1944. The Pásztor family (father, mother, four daughters and a grandchild), are spending the holidays at their country farm. Péter, mothers apple of the eye, soon arrives, and has no objections when his soldiers uniform is made to disappear during the night. The Soviet army, arriving in the footsteps of the fleeing Hungarian army, is commandeering. At night, the soldiers turn up at the house where young women are abiding.
School of Senses
Hungarian erotic thriller based on the novel Erzekek Iskolaja. Lily, a young gypsy girl, falls madly in love with a dashing salesman who introduces her to life's pleasures. When Lili discovers he is engaged to another, her life begins to spiral downward.
Anna filmje
Georgina néni
We Never Die!
Csocsó felesége
This story has a horse-race fan main character who sells clothes-hangers On one trip, a young, teenager boy relative goes with him. They have a lot of adventures as they become friends. Girls, dance and horse-racing are the themes while they sell the clothes-hangers this summer...
In this grim story, three murders of young girls are committed in a similar manner, and their bodies are all found in the woods. The only suspect, a young man assumed to be a paedophile, commits suicide during the investigation. A policeman becomes obsessed with solving the mystery of this serial killer and he continues to investigate even after he has been taken off the case.
Peace Conference, or the Century Lasts Until Thursday
International peace conference, events take place in the last week of 1899. Tragic love story between Vilma, daughter of the Austro-Hungarian envoy/ambassador, and Zoluk of Montenegro.
Ilona, Halasi's wife
Peter Gothar films give a sharp, uncensored view of the society. This film is no different. The plot is rather simple: a family goes to vacation with the usual stress. Then on the vacation the wife gets a strange kind of sickness and they go back to Budapest for a cure. While the wife is in the hospital, the husband visits his family. This is quite banal. However the scenario was written by Peter Esterhazy, one of the most influential contemporary writers in Hungary. His style uses a lot of surrealism but in a way that profoundly illuminates the reality. In this film, the reality is an atomized society where the so-called communist ideals are nowhere so everyday people are fully disoriented.
A lány
Jutka, a young woman who works in a factory, falls in love with Andras, a university student. She pretends to be a student, to him and to his parents, and begins to live a lie. Finally she rebels against Andras and his demands and the social conventions that forced her to live a lie.