파리에서 멀리 떨어진 한적한 프랑스 시골에서 아름답고 매력적인 아내 세르진(Sergine Pons: 미렐리 오디버트 분)과 깜찍한 딸 엘리와 함께 행복한 나날을 보내던 시지몽(Sigimond Pons: 죠 달레산드로 분)은 어느날 갑자기 삼촌(Antonin Pons: 안드레 팰콘 분)의 방문을 받게 된다. 큰 포도주 농장을 경영하고 있던 삼촌은 몸이 아파서 파리 출장을 못가게 되자 시지몽에게 대신 가달라고 부탁을 하러 온 것이다. 세르진의 만류에도 불구하고 파리로 떠난 시지몽은 업무를 본 후 남는 시간을 쪼개 이곳 저곳을 관광하지만 혼자 보내는 밤은 외롭고 쓸쓸하기만 하다. 어쩔 수 없이 매춘부를 찾은 시지몽은 신비한 매력을 가지고 있는 디아나(Diana: 실비아 크리스텔 분)를 만나서 하루밤을 지내게 되고, 그는 디아나에게서 헤어나오지 못한다. 그러던 어느 날, 그에게 전해진 편지 한 통은 그를 비탄에 빠지게 하는데...
In August 1952, a family of British tourists is found by the roadside in Haute Provence, brutally murdered. In the ensuing, very public, investigation a local landowner, 75 year old Gaston Dominici, is arrested for the murders, having been denounced by his sons. Under police interrogation, Dominici confesses to have killed the family and it looks certain that he will be charged, tried and sentenced to death. But then the case begins to collapse. The old man retracts his confession and the lack of evidence against him becomes apparent…
Tough and uncompromising late 60s espionage.
영화 는 전적으로 종교의 문제에 매달린 예외적이고도 전형적인 브뉘엘의 작품이다. 스페인의 성지 산티아고 데 콤포스텔라로 순례를 떠난 두 주인공의 여행기를 실험적인 피카레스크 구성으로 묘사하는 작품이다. 은하수란 별들의 길을 일컫기도 하지만, 파리에서 산티아고까지의 지난한 순례행로를 의미하는 말이기도 하다. 두 순례자는 6세기의 프리실리안을 비롯해, 17세기의 예수회, 18세기의 사드 후작에 이르기까지 서구 기독교의 온갖 교파와 윤리를 길 위에서 목도한다. 68년을 목도하며 이천년간 서구를 지배해 온 기독교를 헤집는 브뉘엘의 시선은 사드와 니체를 닮아 있다. 역시 장 끌로드 까리에르와 협력한 시나리오를 바탕으로 한 영화이다.
우아하고 지적인 미녀 세브린은 의사인 남편 피엘과 행복하고 부유하게 살고 있지만 일에 열중해 있는 남편에게서 소외감을 느낀다. 물밀 듯이 밀려드는 권태감, 이를 타개하는 방편으로 그녀는, 남편과 마차를 타고 가다 자신을 창녀라고 욕을 하며 산 속에서 끌고 들어가 묶어놓고 채찍을 맞는 등 비정상적인 상상의 나래를 펼친다. 그럼에도 불구하고 걷잡을 수 없는 외로움은 그녀로 하여금 가서는 안될 곳에 발을 들여놓게 만든다. 남편 친구인 잇송씨로부터 고급 요정의 주소를 듣고, 한동안 갈등하다, 숨막힐 듯한 자신의 권태에서 벗어나고픈 일념에 남편이 병원에서 일하는 시간에 그곳에 나가 생전 처음 보는 남자들과 관계를 맺으면서 다소나마 활기를 되찾는다. 그러나 자신에게 그곳을 찾아온 잇송씨와 만난 후, 세브린은 아이를 바라는 남편에 대한 죄책감에 그만 그곳을 뛰쳐나오고 만다. 그 일을 계기로 다시 평범한 가정 주부로 돌아온 어느날 세브린 앞에 한 젊은이가 나타난다. 그는 소매치기 건달로, 하룻밤 손님으로서 그녀를 찾아왔다가 그녀를 사랑하게 되어 남편에 대한 질투심을 이기지 못하고 귀가하는 피엘에게 총을 겨눈다. 아내가 무엇인가 숨기고 있다는 사실을 눈치챈 피엘은 식물인간이 된 것처럼 가장하는데...
An orphaned young woman goes to Paris looking for work and love. Working as an au-pair, she is discovered by a fashion photographer and becomes a model. She falls in love with an architect but leaves him to marry a rich man.
In the 18th century, as the army of Prince De Beaulieu lays siege on the fortress of Marechal D'Allenberg, a young princess sends a soldier out of the fortress to go find her lover.
A famous American secret service agent tries to rescue a German 17-year-old prodigy scientist who has been captured by the Russians.
A tale of the tender relationship between a twelve-year-old boy and the fourteen-year-old upperclassman who is the object of his desire, all set within the rigid atmosphere of a Jesuit-run school.
셀레스틴은 파리에서 내려와, 그 지방 중류 계층의 한 가정에서 하녀로 일한다. 그런데 그 가정이라는게 괴이하기 짝이 없다. 집주인 라부르는 발에 집착하는 괴벽을 가지고 있고, 그의 딸 몽테일 부인은 대부분의 시간을 방에 틀어 박혀 알 수 없는 실험을 하며 보낸다. 거기다 그 남편인 몽테일은 집안에서 일하는 모든 여자를 임신시키는 고약한 습관을 갖고 있다. 집안의 모든 남자들은 성적으로 "경험이 많을" 것으로 생각되는 대도시에 서 온 셀레스틴에게 관심을 갖게 되는데, 거기에는 하인인 조제프도 포함된다.
Sheherazade is promised to a powerful Sultan as a gift in exchange for free passage to the Holy Land. When the Sultan's underling saves her from certain death, she falls madly in love with her hero.
The story of the Three Musketeers, D'Artagnan, and the imprisonment in an iron mask of the identical twin of the King of France, Louis XIV.
Meant to be a psychological study of a dysfunctional couple and an equally unbalanced maid, this slow-paced, murky melodrama stars Michele Morgan and Robert Hossein as Thelma and Jess, two Americans who move into a down-at-the-heels Paris neighborhood. The couple is still suffering from the loss of their only son in an automobile accident that happened some time in the distant past. Thelma tends to drown her sorrows in alcohol, while Jess is introspected and morose. After they hire a maid to help out with the housework, she falls for the taciturn Jess. Her interest seems to be only a simple attraction, yet appearances, as it turns out, are deceiving.
Tsar Alexandre II meets a young student, Katia. He understands that he loves her and try to send her away but they end up seeing each other again and becomes his mistress. With the help of Katia, Alexandre prepares a liberal constitution, but these reforms make him hostile to the more privileged subjects without satirising the revolutionaries against the regime.
Vienna, 1906. A passionate love story develops between Franz Lobheiner and the young Christine. Lobheiner is, however, currently seeing the married Baroness von Eggersdorf. Upon learning of his wife's infidelity, the Baron von Eggersdorf provokes a duel with Lobheiner. But the former is no longer a real threat to the Baron. Lobheiner is now passionately in love with Christine. How will this love quartet end?
Bastien du Boccage is a repeat offender: hasn't he been sent to jail no fewer than six times? But he is no ordinary criminal mind you. As a matter of fact he is a newspaper editor and should have no problems with justice. The trouble is that he has a sister, Lucrèce, who is agony aunt in his newspaper and who tends not to mince her words. To make matters worse, Francine, his daughter, has fallen in love with Bruno, a penniless student and Lucrèce is prepared to do anything to prevent her marriage..
In Nice, the wealthy widow Betty Farnwell falls for the charms of a handsome young man, Philippe Delaroche. Mrs Farnwell is so taken with Philippe that she persuades her bank to allow him to manage her financial affairs. Philippe, an unscrupulous opportunist, is not slow to turn the situation to his advantage and within no time he is married to his wealthy benefactor. Philippe has barely grown accustomed to wearing a wedding ring when he begins a romantic liaison with his wife’s attractive secretary, Eva. It soon transpires that Eva is even more ruthless than Philippe...
Juju, a drunken oaf who feels the need of being important to someone---anyone---and his friend The Artist are forced at gunpoint to house a fugitive, Pierre Barbier, in Juju's broken-down home. The urge for being needed is such in Juju that he gives up drinking and takes care of Pierre. But one day Juju finds out that Pierre has been making love to his girl Maria...
A country girl is discovered by a Paris magazine, and becomes a top model.
On Christmas Eve, Françoise, a manicurist at the Paris-Palace-Hotel, is invited to celebrate by Henri Delormel, an attractive fifty-something man. She later meets Gérard driving a Cadillac, and passes herself off as the wealthy Delormel's daughter. For his part, the young garage employee claims to own the vehicle.
A young boarder meets a captain.
Armand, a boastful womaniser, makes a bet that he can seduce any girl he wants. He soon crosses paths with a beautiful Parisian divorcee, who is nothing like anyone he has ever met before.
France, the beginning of the XIV century. Every night, Queen Margaret of Burgundy and her two sisters arrange orgies, to which beautiful nobles are invited. The young men were brought blindfolded, and after a night of love they were killed and their corpses thrown into the river, because the queen was afraid that her husband would learn about her adventures. One of her lovers managed to escape death. He knows the secrets of the queen, knows that she once gave birth to a son from him, claims that he has evidence that Margarita wanted to kill her father and blackmails her.
Marie, a young doctor, settles down on the Ouessant Island. She will be able to win the diffidence of the local population but she will have to fight for her independence after falling in love with an italian engineer.
꿈 같은 르네 클레르 특유의 비엔나적 낭만주의 코미디 환타지로
음악과 잠과 꿈이 주제가 되는 벨 에포크 (Belle Epoque) 영화 입니다.
너무나 아름다운 네 명의 여주인공들이 꿈 속에서 과거의 여러 시대와 현실을 오가며 가난한 음악가 주인공과 함께 일인 다역을 해냅니다.
A French/Italian motion picture drama covering the seven deadly sins in seven separate sections.
Irène is the unhappy wife of a wealthy publisher, Jacques Voisin-Larive, who cares about her no more than a beautiful piece of furniture. Her meeting with Étienne, a young cabinetmaker with whom she falls in love, turns her dismal existence upside down. Not wanting to reveal her condition to her lover, she pretends to be a modest maid, employed by the Voisin-Larive. At the end of a weekend spent with her lover, Irène discovers that she is pregnant. The fragile balance of their existence is suddenly broken. Taking the initiative, she reveals her affair to Jacques and tells him about her desire to divorce. But her husband has no intention of giving her back her freedom...
Josette needs to marry within a year to get her aunt's money but her fiance has left.After getting permission from her godfather for a "white wedding, " she realizes she loves the godfather instead.
A policeman receives a fabulous inheritance. Thanks to this, he conquers the heart of Queen Marika. But crooks deprive him of his financial means
생선 도매상인 르 구앙이 자신의 정부 오데트를 마을에 데려온다. 마을 지주 케리아덱의 동생 모리스는 오데트에게서 눈을 떼지 못한다. 부유하지만 괴팍한 지주 케리아덱은 술집에서 일하는 미미에게 친절을 베푼다. 케리아덱에게 관심이 생긴 오데트는 르 구앙 곁에 있으면서도 케리아덱을 유혹하려 하는데, 그녀는 음울한 분위기의 모리스와도 시간을 보내게 된다. 르 구앙과 결혼해 피로연이 한창임에도, 오데트는 모리스와 케리아덱을 만난다. 한 여자를 둘러싸고 벌어지는 비극적 사랑과 운명을 그렸으며, 프랑스 극작가 장 아누이의 희곡을 각색한 흥미로운 작품.
1900년대 파리, 영화제작자 에밀은 오랜 친구로부터 딸을 보살펴 달라는 부탁을 받는다. 시골에서 온 마들렌을 자신의 집에 머물게 한 에밀은 도시 생활의 이모저모를 가르쳐 주는데, 그러다 어느새 그녀를 사랑하게 된다. 한편, 에밀의 영화사에서 일했던 자크가 제대 후 돌아오고, 자크와 마들렌은 서로에게 이끌린다. 하지만 마들렌은 자상하게 자신을 돌봐준 에밀에게 미안함을 느낀다. 클레르가 영국과 미국을 거쳐 다시 프랑스로 돌아와 만든 작품으로, 무성영화 시대를 배경으로 한다. 프랑스에서 미국으로 건너가 뮤지컬 코미디 장르에서 활약한 스타인 유쾌한 프랑스 신사 모리스 슈발리에가 주연을 맡았다. (영화의 전당 - 오래된 극장 2016)
After lovers fight, the boy leaves for the Riviera. On her way to rejoin him, the girl meets a distinguished but embittered novelist and decides to spend time comforting him.Which is not going to help when she returns to her boyfriend.
The strength of a couple's fascination with airplanes and flight is to the detriment of their family
은 한 젊은 여성이 중심에 서는 작품이다. 크리는 그녀의 약혼자와 함께 산에 위치한 리조트로 여행을 떠난다. 약혼자와 함께 로맨틱한 주말을 기대하지만 그녀는 곧 실망하고야 만다. 리조트를 운영하는 부유한 후원자가 재산을 모두 잃고 바닥 같은 삶을 살고 있기 때문이다. 장 그레미용의 저력을 확인할 수 있는 사회 드라마. (2011년 한국시네마테크협의회 - 프랑스 영화의 황금기: 1930-1960)
Hector and Odette Dupuis' car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, but not far from a luxury hotel. The couple are well off but, being miserly, Odette is determined to keep her budget tight. Fortunately for her, the hotel offers rooms for domestics costing only 35 francs, so she decides to pass her husband as her chauffeur. As far as she is concerned, Odette presents herself as Baroness de Garches and takes a 250 franc room. But their stay soon becomes complicated. For instance, Palureau, a widower with five daughters who is planning to remarry, starts courting the 'baroness'. And that is not all since at the same time Angèle, a chambermaid, makes advances to Hector ! To make matters worse, Ferdinand, Angèle's boyfriend, decides to get even with Hector, his 'rival'. The jealous guy steals a jewel from a guest and has poor Hector accused of the theft.
Having pulled off a robbery with his friend Maurice, Olivier leaves his mistress Lola and hides out in a small village in the country. He finds work, thanks to a young man named Gilbert, who introduces him to his sister, Monique. Once the robbery has been all but forgotten, Olivier intends to head back to Paris, but before he goes, he steals money from his employer. In Paris, Olivier wants to say a proper goodbye to Lola, but she is being blackmailed by Jérôme, an antique dealer who has recognized a necklace stolen by Olivier. Before returning to Monique, Olivier calls on Jérôme to recover the necklace.
Returning from America where he received a large inheritance, Alaric would like to have a wedding before returning to the family home where his sister, who is as cantankerous as she is uncompromising on principles, awaits him. He asks a “porter” from the station who looks like him to replace him.
Lillian Harvey plays Miquette, whose beauty and vivacity increases the clientele of her mother's tobacco shop. A Barrymoresque actor (Lucien Baroux) believes that Miquette has star potential, but he hasn't sufficient capital to finance her theatrical debut. He manages to get the money by practicing a bit of genteel blackmail on an aging marquis (Andre Lefaur) who has romantic designs on the heroine.
Serenade represented the return to the screen of international favorite Lillian Harvey after an absence of two years. Based loosely on the life of composer Franz Schubert, the film casts Bernard Lancret as Schubert, Harvey as his dancer sweetheart, and Louis Jouvet as a possessive Baron who has his own designs on our heroine.
Mireille, a Frenchwoman, marries a westernized Turkish diplomat and, thinking that she will live a dream life in an Arabian Nights setting, follows him back to his native country, only to discover that, in a staunchly traditional society, she will not be a free woman there any longer.
Jeune Filles en Detresse (Young Girls in Distress) was director G. W. Pabst's last French production before his (ill-timed) return to Nazi-occupied Austria in 1941. Somewhat reminiscent of Maedchen in Uniform, the story is set in a private girl's school, populated almost exclusively by children from broken homes. Among the few students who can claim family stability is Micheline Presle, but even her happiness is threatened when her lawyer father Andre Luguet inaugurates an affair with stage actress Jacqueline Debulac. With the help of Debulac's daughter Louisa Carletti, Presle is able to break up her father's romance and deliver him into the open arms of her mother Marcelle Chantal. On the whole, the performance by the younger cast members are more convincing than those rendered by the film's so-called adults.
A Russian emigrant sings in a Shanghai nightclub under the assumed name of Kay Murphy. All she dreams of is a peaceful life with her daughter Vera. But this is only a pipe dream as she has been forced by her former lover Ivan to work for a secret criminal organization, "The Black Dragon". Vera, who studies in a Hong Kong boarding-school, knows nothing about her mother's past. When Ivan, who is also Vera's father, resurfaces and blackmails Kay, the young woman is determined to fight back...
A slippery femme fatale, a spy for Germany during the Great War, is sent to Thessaloniki in Greece and becomes involved with a man on the other side, a French military officer.