
Jungle Erotic (1970)

A Happening in Africa

Gênero : Aventura, Drama

Runtime : 1H 30M

Director : Louis Soulanes, Zygmunt Sulistrowski


Young women have an adventure in the African jungle


Zygmunt Sulistrowski
Zygmunt Sulistrowski
Robert / photographer
Carrie Rochelle
Carrie Rochelle
Brigitte Lahaie
Brigitte Lahaie
Maude Carolle
Maude Carolle
Alice Marie
Alice Marie
Pierre Chapel
Pierre Chapel


Louis Soulanes
Louis Soulanes
Zygmunt Sulistrowski
Zygmunt Sulistrowski
Moacir Santos
Moacir Santos
Enrico Simonetti
Enrico Simonetti
Zygmunt Sulistrowski
Zygmunt Sulistrowski


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Encontro Secreto
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Mark is a director working in Taipei City who recently lost an important client. Reluctant to go back to his hometown Kaohsiung, an industrial town with severe pollution and no directing job, he decides to earn some quick money by making porn with his friend, Bugsy. However, while they are shooting the sex scenes on the rooftop, the worst smog arrives at the city and devours everything, including Mark’s last hope to stay in Taipei.