
Get Out of the Car (2010)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 35M

Director : Thom Andersen


A city symphony film in 16mm composed from advertising signs, building facades, fragments of music and conversation, and unmarked sites of vanished cultural landmarks in Los Angeles.



Thom Andersen
Thom Andersen


Koyaanisqatsi - Uma Vida Fora de Equilíbrio. As relações entre os seres humanos, a natureza, o tempo e a tecnologia. Cidade, campo, paisagem, rotina, pessoas, construções, destruição. Um documentário sem atores e sem diálogos, composto por uma impressionante coleção de imagens e uma marcante trilha sonora.
A Propósito de Nice
Um satírico e envolvente retrato da cidade turística de Nice, na Côte d’Azur, na época vendida como a cidade dos prazeres.
Fata Morgana
Shot under extreme conditions and inspired by Mayan creation theory, the film contemplates the illusion of reality and the possibility of capturing for the camera something which is not there. It is about the mirages of nature—and the nature of mirage.
Mirror of Holland
In this short film Bert Haanstra gives his vision - from the water – of a tranquil Holland. During filming he held the camera upside down and afterwards put the images ‘up right’ again in the film. By doing this, we see the ‘usual’ waterfront, but transformed by the rippling of the water. In this way Mirror of Holland became a modern looking experimental film. However this did not devalue the Dutch sentiment regarding waterfronts that are so trusted to so many.
Berlin: Symphony of a Great City
A train speeds through the country on its way to Berlin, then gradually slows down as it pulls into the station. It is very early in the morning, about 5:00 AM, and the great city is mostly quiet. But before long there are some signs of activity, and a few early risers are to be seen on the streets. Soon the new day is well underway. It's just a typical day in Berlin, but a day full of life and energy.
Skyscraper Symphony
A montage of the skyscrapers of Manhattan opens with a succession of stationary views of the upper portions of numerous buildings. This is followed by a wide variety of fluid shots, which also begin to show more and more of the surrounding city, in addition to the skyscrapers themselves.
End of Summer
Filmado em super 8 preto e branco, End of Summer é uma viagem hipnótica e lenta pelas paisagens austeras da ilha Geórgia do Sul e da Península Antártica.
A Vida em um Dia
Um registro coletivo da vida de milhares de pessoas, que colocaram num único dia suas imagens pessoais na plataforma YouTube.
Naqoyqatsi - Vida em Guerra
Tal como os filmes anteriores baseia-se em imagens de beleza inquestionável. De confusão calculada, de medos aleatórios e manipulados, enfim, do mundo criado pelo homem.
Sem Sol
Através de cartas escritas por um amigo, Chris Marker compõe a memória, através de pensamentos e reflexões. A memória impossível e louca de São Francisco, a memória através de um click de uma foto em Guiné-Bissau. Homenageando Tarkovsky, Hitchcock, Marker traça sua própria memória.
Filmado em 24 países, O filme mostra várias paisagens, igrejas, ruínas, cerimônias religiosas e cidades, numa busca para que cada quadro consiga capturar a grande pulsação da humanidade nas atividades diárias. O filme ficou pronto depois de 11 anos. Baraka é uma palavra Sufi que significa 'O fôlego da vida'.
Samsara se apresenta como uma meditação guiada não-verbal que trasformará os espectadores em todos os países do mundo conforme eles são carregados através da jornada da alma. Com poderosas imagens fotografadas cuidadosamente em 70mm e uma trilha sonora dinâmica, o filme ilumina as conexões entre a humanidade e o resto da natureza, mostrando como nossos ciclos de vida espelham o ritmo do planeta.
Powaqqatsi - A Vida em Transformação
Se "Koyaanisqatsi", primeiro filme da trilogia, é basicamente poético e sensorial, "Powaqqatsi" já tem um cunho bem mais sociológico. Desta vez Reggio viajou pela pelo mundo - inclusive no Brasil, com locações em Serra Pelada e São Paulo - para mostrar como países do Terceiro Mundo são explorados pelos poderosos.
Microcosmos: Fantástica Aventura da Natureza
Um belo registro daquilo que os nossos olhos não conseguem ver. Com o uso das tecnologias mais avançadas para a época, uma viagem pela natureza microscópica. O ciclo da vida de insetos e outros pequenos seres invertebrados na luta pela sobrevivência, por alimento e em sua relação com o meio ambiente.
Um Filme Doce
A história entreligada de duas mulheres: uma é a vencedora do concurso Miss Mundo cujo prêmio foi se casar com um magnata do petróleo e que foge desse casamento tumultuado para Paris, tem um caso selvagem com um famoso rock star, El Macho e se muda para uma comunidade radical. A outra dirige um barco carregado de doces e açúcar, atraindo homens e rapazes com sexo, morte e conversa revolucionária.
Santa Sangre
Fênix é um rapaz que está internado em uma clínica psiquiátrica por achar que é uma ave. Dorme em uma árvore, come apenas peixe e sequer se comunica com as pessoas. Para entender Fênix, é necessário voltar a seu passado e conhecer a tragédia ocorrida com seus pais.
A Light-Play in Black-White-Gray
This short film made by László Moholy-Nagy is based on the shadow patterns created by his Light-Space Modulator, an early kinetic sculpture consisting of a variety of curved objects in a carefully choreographed cycle of movements. Created in 1930, the film was originally planned as the sixth and final part of a much longer work depicting the new space-time.
The faces of a 5:00 PM crowd descending via the Pan Am building escalators in one continuous shot. In old-fashioned black and white, these faces stare into the empty space, in the 5:00 PM tiredness and mechanical impersonality, like faces from the grave.
A Vida Em Um Dia
Em 25 de julho de 2020, pessoas no mundo inteiro filmaram a própria vida e compartilharam histórias para fazer parte de um documentário. Quando todos os envios foram registrados, os cineastas haviam recebido mais de 300 mil vídeos de 192 países. O resultado foi um filme incrível sobre amor, morte, tristeza e esperança que vai além da geografia e das circunstâncias para descobrir o que nos conecta como humanos.


Inside Job
A pair of married ex-convicts trying to go straight get jobs at a department store. A gangster who knows about their past threatens to expose it unless they agree to help him rob the department store.
The Sun's Gonna Shine
A lyrical recreation of Lightnin’ Hopkins’ decision at age eight to stop chopping cotton and start singing for a living.
Life Ahead
Finished their careers of Law and Medicine, respectively, Antonio Redondo and Josefina Castro, a pair of young Spanish newlyweds, are looking for work to buy an apartment and start a life together, but they will face enormous difficulties throughout the process.
The Adventures of Villar
The oldest Greek feature film to be saved, starring a burlesque comedian Sfakianos (or Villar), who had trained in France. Villar gets a job at a dry cleaner’s and wanders through Athens. He makes one gaffe after the other and gets involved in various adventures.
Toujours moins
Less and Less, Luc Moullet’s 40th film, concerns development and expansion, from 1968 to 2010, of the devices based on computers, automats, interactive terminals and others that can be found everywhere.
Rembrandt, Painter of Man
In Rembrandt, Haanstra shows that it is possible to make a fascinating film only with images from paintings. He had to travel though all over Europe to numerous museums and private owners in order to film the works of art. In the work of the great painter, Haanstra recognizes his particular interest in man as an individual human being, cutting straight through all the religious motives. And Haanstra also wants to see Rembrandt as an individual.
A história de formação do quilombo Olho d'Água na Serra do Talhado em Santa Lúcia do Sabugi, alto sertão da Paraíba. A fundação feita pelo ex-escravo Zé Bento e sua família que sobreviveu cultivando algodão e produzindo cerâmica nos períodos de grande estiagem. A comunidade no início dos anos 1960 e o isolamento permanente do resto do Brasil.
The Open Road
In the summer of 1924 Claude Friese-Greene, a pioneer of colour cinematography, set out from Cornwall with the aim of recording life on the road between Land’s End and John O’Groats. Entitled The Open Road, his remarkable travelogue was conceived as a series of shorts, 26 episodes in all, to be shown weekly at the cinema. The result is a fascinating portrait of inter-war Britain, in which town and country, people and landscapes are captured as never before, in a truly unique and rich colour palette.
Terminal Bar
A fascinating pictorial history of a New York City bar whose customers, from the hard-drinking working class Irish to the coiffed African American gay male, continually transform its focus during its 10-year reign.
The Game
In this child's game, a live-action boy and girl draw characters and compete who is better. The girl draws a flower and the boy draws a car that runs it over. Then a drawn lion chases a drawn girl, until it all becomes frightfully serious.
A young African man must try every trick in the book in this attempts to win the heart of the most beautiful girl in his village.
This Oscar-nominated documentary short tracks the shift in the relationship of an individual to his work between the 19th century and today. Focusing on how nails are made, we first see a blacksmith laboring at his forge, shaping nails from single strands of steel rods. The scene then shifts from this peaceful setting to the roar of a 20th century nail mill, where banks of machines draw, cut, and pound the steel rods faster than the eye can follow.
A film diary in which Perlov films the minutiae of his and his family's day-to-day life. From these small bits, he builds up a broad picture of life in Israel in the '70s and '80s.
Picc Mi
Short directed by Mansour Sora Wade.
Yellow Caesar
Using edited archive footage, mockery is made of Italy's dictator Benito Mussolini.
A shunter's job is to slow down, link, and unlink train wagons at a central station. The film documents - without any commentary - the working hours of few shunters at the shunting-station Dresden-Friedrichstadt, which was the largest such station in all of the former German Democratic Republic. They work day and night, amidst snow and fog at the railway tracks, speaking only as much as necessary.
Standard Gauge
Standard Gauge is an autobiographical film that examines Morgan Fisher’s work as an editor in the film industry. The film goes through scraps of rejected material along with commentary on the meaning of all the scrapped images. This film is an account and critique of the processes of meaning within film production through an examination of both materialism and the institution of film itself.
Three Lives
Photographed by an all-female crew and directed by the author of Sexual Politics, these are autobiographical interiews with three very different women who talk frankly about their lives, conflicts, and contrasting life styles.
Gradiva: Esquisse I
The movie shows a smattering of images from the story of Wilhelm Jensen's Gradiva. The subject is sublimated desire.
A film documenting the landscapes of northern Iceland, as well as a recent work about the Hudson River.