
Natalka Poltavka (1936)

Gênero : Música, Romance, Drama

Runtime : 1H 11M

Director : Ivan Kavaleridze


This film is the first adaptation of an operetta written by Ukrainian composer Mykola Lysenko. It follows the trials and tribulations of Natalka and Peter (Petro). The sweethearts planned to get married; however, Natalka's father does not approve of the marriage because Petro was not affluent enough to keep Natalka in the manner he thought that she should be kept. Petro goes off to earn the required fortune.


Ekaterina Osmyalovskaya
Ekaterina Osmyalovskaya
M. Platonov
M. Platonov
G. Manko
G. Manko
Vozny Tetervakovsky
Ivan Patorzhinsky
Ivan Patorzhinsky
Vyborniy Makohonenko
Stepan Shkurat
Stepan Shkurat
Mikola, Petro's friend
M. Litvinenko-Volgemut
M. Litvinenko-Volgemut
Natalka (singing voice)
Yu. Shestakevska
Yu. Shestakevska
Terpelecha Harpina (Natalka's mother)


Ivan Kavaleridze
Ivan Kavaleridze
Ivan Kavaleridze
Ivan Kavaleridze
Vladimir Yorish
Vladimir Yorish
Original Music Composer
G. Khimchenko
G. Khimchenko
Director of Photography
F. Kornyev
F. Kornyev
Director of Photography
V. Kutinska
V. Kutinska
Production Design
Tsuniya Mayer
Tsuniya Mayer
Art Direction
Maya Simashkevych
Maya Simashkevych
Art Direction
M. Stepanov
M. Stepanov
Production Director
M. Bogoyavlensky
M. Bogoyavlensky
Assistant Director
Vasili Lapoknysh
Vasili Lapoknysh
Assistant Director
Andriy Demydenko
Andriy Demydenko
Sound Recordist
Andrei Prakhov
Andrei Prakhov
Sound Recordist
Ivan Kotliarevsky
Ivan Kotliarevsky


Silva Varescu, a self-sufficient and professionally successful cabaret performer from Budapest, is about to embark on a tour of America. Three of her aristocratic admirers, named Edwin, Feri and Boni, prefer her to stay. Edwin, unaware that his parents have already arranged a marriage for him back home in Vienna, orders a notary to prepare a promissory note of his expected marriage to Silva within ten weeks.
The Desert Song
Live television version of the classic musical.
Up in Central Park
A newspaper reporter and the daughter of an immigrant maintenance man help expose political corruption in New York City.
The Desert Song
French General Birabeau has been sent to Morocco to root out and destroy the Riffs, a band of Arab rebels, who threaten the safety of the French outpost in the Moroccan desert. Their dashing, daredevil leader is the mysterious "Red Shadow". Margot Bonvalet, a lovely, sassy French girl, is soon to be married at the fort to Birabeau's right-hand man, Captain Fontaine. Birabeau's son Pierre, in reality the Red Shadow, loves Margot, but pretends to be a milksop to preserve his secret identity. Margot tells Pierre that she secretly yearns to be swept into the arms of some bold, dashing sheik, perhaps even the Red Shadow himself. Pierre, as the Red Shadow, kidnaps Margot and declares his love for her.
The Night Is Young
Young Austrian Archduke Paul "Gustl" Gustave is in an arranged engagement but his uncle, the emperor, decides to let Gustl carry on a fling with ballet dancer Lisl Gluck.
O Vendedor de Pássaros
Ambientada na Romênia do século 18, a história apresenta dois amantes, Adam, um vendedor de pássaros tirolês e Christel, a agente do correio do vilarejo. Eles, com propósitos contrários, se envolvem em complicações românticas na Corte do Príncipe reinante. Depois de uma série de intrigas e mal-entendidos, tudo termina bem. A história também é um conto de pessoas de diferentes culturas e origens aprendendo a viver juntas. O vendedor de pássaros vem de uma cultura bem diferente da do escrivão. O final, em que a Corte se junta aos tiroleses na dança do Laendler e o vendedor de pássaros cumprimenta seus novos vizinhos no dialeto tirolês, representa um triunfo da integração cultural e da amizade.
A Princesa do Circo
O enredo gira em torno de uma intriga romântica com sequências de circo interpoladas. O misterioso "Mister X", um artista de circo arrojado, é contratado pelo Príncipe russo Sergius Wladimir, que foi rejeitado epla Princesa Fedora Palinska para se fazer passar por nobre e casar com ela. Mas "Mister X" é, de fato, um nobre, o sobrinho deserdado de um príncipe falecido, e que acaba sendo envolvido pela trama armada pelo pretendente rejeitado.
Ottilie Van Zandt is forced to wed her cousin, despite her love for Richard Wayne, the gardener's son. Richard leaves, vowing to return a wealthy man and eligible suitor for her. He returns to find she has already married and, in turn, marries another girl on impulse. Two generations later, the grandchildren of Ottilie and Richard, who both have inherited their names as well, meet and develop a close friendship that culminates in the romance that their grandparents began but could not consummate years before.
The Blue from the Sky
Out of unlikely circumstances an underground ticket vending girl and a mail pilot fall in love.
O Barão Cigano
Ambientada na Hungria no século XVIII, esta é a história do casamento de um fazendeiro, retornado do exílio com uma garota cigana que é apresentada como filha de um pax turco, e legítima dona de um tesouro escondido. A trama envolve uma Rainha românia, um Major, um comissário malandro, um Governador Militar, um bando de ciganos e uma tropa de hussardos.
O Morcego
Às vésperas de um baile na residência do príncipe Orlofsky, Gabriel Eisenstein deve se apresentar na prisão para cumprir oito dias por desacato a uma autoridade. Seu amigo, Dr. Falke, o convence a não se entregar naquela noite e ir ao baile. No ano anterior Falke, vestido de morcego, foi vitima de uma brincadeira de Eisenstein e abandonado, fantasiado e embriagado, em uma praça publica, virando motivo de chacota da população local pela manhã. Secretamente Falken convence a empregada, Adele a ir ao baile também, e depois a mulher de Eisentein, Rosalinde, para ir com uma máscara. Os próximos dois atos contam os encontros e desencontros dos personagens no baile e depois na delegacia de policia.
Viennese Nights
In 1890, Gus Sascher joins the Austrian Army and romances the impoverished girl Elsa Hofner. Elsa instead marries the wealthier officer Franz von Renner, in an attempt at social climbing.
A Viúva Alegre
O governo de Pontevedrino teme que uma rica viúva gaste sua fortuna em Paris ou caia nas mãos de um usurpador, o que provocaria a falência do principado. Para que o dinheiro permaneça no país, é preciso que um pontevedriano seduza e se case com ela. Trata-se da tarefa perfeita para o charmoso conde Danilo, que conhece todos os truques para conquistar as mulheres.
Ada, Don't Do That!
A Night in Venice
Johan Strauss Eine Nacht in Venedig (1883) together with Die Fledermaus and Die Zigeunerbaron, has long been among the three most popular of the more than a dozen operettas composed by the 19th c. Waltz King. This Rudolf Bibl conducted performance was recorded live during the Seefestspiele Moerbisch Austria Festival in 1999 and features Marc Clear, Gideon Singer, Evelyn Schörkhuber , Ingrid Habermann, and Anton Steingruber.
The Metropolitan Opera: The Merry Widow
Renée Fleming lights up the Met stage as Hanna Glawari, the fabulously wealthy widow of the title in Lehár’s beloved operetta, set in Paris and seen in a glittering production directed and choreographed by Broadway’s Susan Stroman. Nathan Gunn is Danilo, Hanna’s former flame, who is supposed to woo and marry her in order to keep her fortune in their home country of Pontevedro. Kelli O’Hara sings Valencienne, the flirtatious young wife of the Pontevedrian ambassador in Paris, Baron Zeta, played by Thomas Allen, and Alek Shrader is her suitor, Camille. Andrew Davis conducts the waltz-rich score, and the new English translation is by Jeremy Sams.
Dødens Triumf
Ballet for TV by Flemming Flindt and Eugène Ionesco with music by Thomas Koppel played by Savage Rose. First broadcast in 1971. The ballet was first performed by the Danish Royal Ballet, first as a TV show on the Danish public service channel called DR in 1971, then as a performance at the Danish Royal Theatre in 1972. The main part was danced by Vivi Flindt, and Flemming Flindt also starred. The ballet caused quite a stir, partly because of its spectacular nude dancing, but also the catchy music, published both complete on vinyl (which double-lp) and in abbreviated form on vinyl and CD.
"Sailors" - A musical comedy about Kalle Svensson, a sergeant in the navy, and his loved one Nanette Raquette who works as a gymnastics teacher.
Gypsy Princess
Sylva Varescu, uma conhecida cantora de cabaré, está apaixonada pelo príncipe Edwin von und zu Lippert-Weylersheim, que tem uma outra pretendente, arranjada por sua família reprovadora. As questões se resolvem quando se verifica que a mãe do príncipe também já foi uma cantora de cabaré.
The Mikado
In a mythical Japan, Ko-Ko, a cheap tailor, has been appointed Lord High Executioner and must find someone to execute before the arrival of the ruling Mikado. He lights upon Nanki-Poo, a strolling minstrel who loves the beautiful Yum-Yum. But Yum-Yum is also loved by Ko-Ko, and Nanki-Poo, seeing no hope for his love, considers suicide. Ko-Ko offers to solve both their problems by executing Nanki-Poo, and an agreement is reached whereby Ko-Ko will allow Nanki-Poo to marry Yum-Yum for one month, at the end of which Nanki-Poo will be executed, in time for the arrival of the Mikado. But what Ko-Ko doesn't know is that Nanki-Poo is the son of the Mikado and has run away to avoid a betrothal to an old harridan named Katisha. The arrival of the Mikado brings all the threads of the tale together. This is the Stratford Festival of Canada, directed by Brian Macdonald. This is a filmed version of a stage performance, and the sets are beautifully spare and economical.