
Once Upon a Rainbow (1982)

Gênero : Drama

Runtime : 1H 23M

Director : Agnes Ng


Fong and Angie were close friends when they were in school but departed after graduation. Fong continued her further education in a training center. Angie worked in a studio and had a crush on a guy classmate Cheung, who was also attracted to Angie. Though Angie had feeling on Cheung, but she found out about Fong's infatuation so refused to date Cheung. One night, Angie was particularly low in spirits, she went to see Cheung at the club where he sang. She ended up sleeping with him. Stricken by a guilty conscience, Angie refused to see Cheung again. Fong found that Cheung didn't like him so she dedicated herself into course. At the graduation performance, Fong invited Angie to go but Angle didn't show up. Fong kept calling Angie and eventually she got through and found out that Angie had drown in the swimming pool.


Patricia Chong Jing-Yee
Patricia Chong Jing-Yee
Jade Hsu
Jade Hsu
Fang Tian Hwei
Marylinn Wong
Marylinn Wong
Ng Siu-Gong
Ng Siu-Gong
Chang Chia Ming
Annabelle Louie
Annabelle Louie
Kent Tong
Kent Tong
Cheng Siu Chun
Wong Shu-Tong
Wong Shu-Tong
Chong Man-Ching
Chong Man-Ching
Alan Chan Kwok-Gwong
Alan Chan Kwok-Gwong
Ray Lui
Ray Lui
Andy Lau
Andy Lau
Eric Tsang
Eric Tsang
Kungfu Instructor
Annie Liu On-Lai
Annie Liu On-Lai
Leung Oi
Leung Oi
Danny Summer
Danny Summer
Law Ho-Kai
Law Ho-Kai
Lee Shing-Cheong
Lee Shing-Cheong
Actor with Chun in canteen
Chan Hung-Gaai
Chan Hung-Gaai
Suen Ga-Man
Suen Ga-Man
Laai Shu-Ching
Laai Shu-Ching
Lee Kin-Chuen
Lee Kin-Chuen
Ng Yip-Kwong
Ng Yip-Kwong
Hwei's dad
Liu Chun-Hung
Liu Chun-Hung
Leung Git-Wa
Leung Git-Wa
Wai Kin Lam
Wai Kin Lam
Lily Ng Lai-Chu
Lily Ng Lai-Chu
Danny Poon
Danny Poon
Robert Hung Law-Bat
Robert Hung Law-Bat
Carrie Ng
Carrie Ng
Nathan Chan Ting-Wai
Nathan Chan Ting-Wai
Ma Yin-Leung
Ma Yin-Leung
Jue Sing-Choi
Jue Sing-Choi
Man Git-Wan
Man Git-Wan
Ng Hon-Keung
Ng Hon-Keung
Simon Yip
Simon Yip
Tang Chung-Kan
Tang Chung-Kan
Yat Boon-Chai
Yat Boon-Chai
Ling Chi
Ling Chi
Edwin Tsui Yuk-Wan
Edwin Tsui Yuk-Wan
Tang Gam-Chuen
Tang Gam-Chuen
Ho Bik-Sang
Ho Bik-Sang
Ai Wai
Ai Wai
Chang Kin-Ming
Chang Kin-Ming
Fong Yuen
Fong Yuen
Wellington Fung Wing
Wellington Fung Wing
Fung Gam-Hung
Fung Gam-Hung
Wong Yat-fei
Wong Yat-fei


Agnes Ng
Agnes Ng
Wong Kar-wai
Wong Kar-wai
Kenneth Yee
Kenneth Yee
Teddy Robin
Teddy Robin
Kenneth Yee
Kenneth Yee
Art Direction
Wellington Fung Wing
Wellington Fung Wing
Assistant Director
Edmond Liu
Edmond Liu
Hoh Hong-Kiu
Hoh Hong-Kiu


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Once Upon a Rainbow
Fong and Angie were close friends when they were in school but departed after graduation. Fong continued her further education in a training center. Angie worked in a studio and had a crush on a guy classmate Cheung, who was also attracted to Angie. Though Angie had feeling on Cheung, but she found out about Fong's infatuation so refused to date Cheung. One night, Angie was particularly low in spirits, she went to see Cheung at the club where he sang. She ended up sleeping with him. Stricken by a guilty conscience, Angie refused to see Cheung again. Fong found that Cheung didn't like him so she dedicated herself into course. At the graduation performance, Fong invited Angie to go but Angle didn't show up. Fong kept calling Angie and eventually she got through and found out that Angie had drown in the swimming pool.
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