
Kingpin (1985)

There can only be one Kingpin

Gênero : Drama

Runtime : 1H 30M

Director : Mike Walker
Escritor : Mike Walker, Mitchell Manuel


Willie, a likeable kid, forms a friendship with Rikki, a new arrival at the reform school. Willie discovers that Rikki is maybe tough enough to take on Karl, the kingpin. Although Rikki is strong, he does not like to fight, but tensions mount as Karl's bullying become more obnoxious. After being shown up by Willie, Karl loses his temper and gives Willie a thrashing. As a result, Willie joins with some other boys in an escape. They steal a car, get drunk, and have a serious accident. Meanwhile Rikki is in hospital, injured in a forestry "accident' engineered by Karl.


Mitchell Manuel
Mitchell Manuel
Riki Nathan
Junior Amiga
Junior Amiga
Willie Hoto
Nicholas Rogers
Nicholas Rogers
Karl Stevens
Judith McIntosh
Judith McIntosh
Alison Eastwood
Terence Cooper
Terence Cooper
Dave Adams
Pater McCauley
Pater McCauley
Paul Jefferies
Jim Moriarty
Jim Moriarty
Mike Herewini
Wi Kuki Kaa
Wi Kuki Kaa
Mr Nathan
Buddy Ruruku
Buddy Ruruku
Earl Masters
Faifua Amiga Jr.
Faifua Amiga Jr.
Willie Hota
Kevin J. Wilson
Kevin J. Wilson
Len Crawford
Eddie Campbell
Eddie Campbell
Secure Man


Mike Walker
Mike Walker
Gary Hannam
Gary Hannam
Mike Walker
Mike Walker
John Toon
John Toon
Director of Photography
Paul Sutorius
Paul Sutorius
Andrew Hagen
Andrew Hagen
Original Music Composer
Morton Wilson
Morton Wilson
Original Music Composer
Mitchell Manuel
Mitchell Manuel


Após ser responsabilizada pela misteriosa morte do namorado, Lucinda Price é mandada para o reformatório Sword & Cross, onde se aproxima de Daniel Grigori, sem saber que ele é um anjo apaixonado por ela há milênios. Ao mesmo tempo, Lucinda não consegue se afastar de Cam Briel, que também é um anjo e há tempos luta pelo seu amor. Por viver isolada do mundo exterior e assombrada por estranhas visões, ela começa a desvendar aos poucos os segredos de seu passado e descobre a verdadeira identidade dos anjos caídos, bem como o amor que nutriram por ela ao longo de séculos. Lucinda deve, então, fazer sua escolha.
Anjos de Cara Suja
Rocky (James Cagney) e Jerry (Pat O'Brien) são dois amigos de infância que viviam em um bairro barra-pesada de Nova York. Depois de crescidos, eles tomam rumos bem diferentes: Rocky se torna um famoso gângster e Jerry um padre engajado. As crianças da vizinhança idolatram o criminoso, mas perdem um pouco de respeito depois que ele cede aos pedidos de Jerry para não fazer uma execução. O caminho dos dois vai se cruzar, assim como seus interesses diversos.
Inferno na Ilha
Noruega, início do século 20. Na Ilha de Bastoy existe um reformatório para jovens delinquentes. No entanto, em vez de reabilitar os meninos, os guardas e o diretor abusam mental e fisicamente deles, os usando como mão de obra barata. Earling, de 17 anos, chega a instituição com um plano: escapar da ilha. Após um trágico incidente, ele lidera a rebelião dos meninos de Bastoy. Mas terá de descobrir: até onde ele está disposto a ir pela liberdade?
Reform School Girl
A teen girl is thrown into reform school for refusing to squeal on her delinquent boyfriend where she ends up meeting his ex-girlfriend and the jealous tempers fly.
Verdade Que Triunfa
High school students led by the Girl and Boy turn from Christianity toward secret atheistic meetings. When a girl is accidentally killed by a stairway collapse, the Girl and Boy go to reform school where they are treated brutally.
A Dama da Noite
The story of two baby girls, born near in proximity, but worlds apart in life: Molly Helmer, the daughter of a thief, and Florence Banning, the daughter of the judge who would send Molly's father to prison. The girls' lives come together as young women at eighteen as Florence leaves the security of the exclusive Girls Select School, and Molly, now orphaned, begins her life free from reform school.
O Prefeito do Inferno
Members of a teenage gang are sent to the State Reformatory, presided over by the callous Thompson. Soon Patsy Gargan, a former gangster appointed Deputy Commissioner, arrives and takes over the administration to run the place on radical principles. Thompson needs a quick way to discredit him.
The Slingshot
Stockholm in the 1920s. Young Roland lives with his socialist father, Jewish mother and a boxing brother. His mother sells condoms illegally, and from them, Roland makes slingshots which he sells. His rebellious ways has gotten him the special attention of his school teacher, who always makes sure that Roland is punished. Roland also tries to make extra money by repairing bicycles, a successful business that in the end lands him in hot water.
Somos Todos Irmãos
Father Flanagan raises funds, helps a disabled boy, and saves an older boy from reform school.
No Limiar do Crime
In the slums, teenager Frankie Warren hangs out with a rowdy gang who one day knock him out in a fight. In court, the boys refuse to reveal who struck the knockout blow, and all are subsequently sentenced to a reformatory, cruelly run by two corrupt guards. New deputy commissioner Mark Braden arrives determined to change things, but despite the help of Frankie's sister, Mark's reform plans -- and Frankie's future -- may be sabotaged from within.
Love, Mary
A teen, who is always in trouble in school and has been sent to reform school, turns her life around when a counselor discovers she is dyslexic.
Boys in Brown
Jackie lives in poverty with his widowed mother. In a bid to escape poverty he gets involved in a robbery that sees him sentenced to three years in Borstal where he meets a tough crowd, tougher than anything on the outside.
The Killing of a Cat
In the closed community of a reform school for teenagers, the principal's daughter is found sexually molested. The schoolgirls seem to know more than they are willing to tell.
Women of Whirlpool Island
Hell's Kitchen
A paroled convict's efforts to improve conditions at a boys' reform school alarm the school's corrupt warden, who has been embezzling funds from the institution. He hatches a plan to derail the reformed convict's efforts and have him sent back to prison, and part of that scheme involves cracking down hard on the reform school's inmates.
Willie, a likeable kid, forms a friendship with Rikki, a new arrival at the reform school. Willie discovers that Rikki is maybe tough enough to take on Karl, the kingpin. Although Rikki is strong, he does not like to fight, but tensions mount as Karl's bullying become more obnoxious. After being shown up by Willie, Karl loses his temper and gives Willie a thrashing. As a result, Willie joins with some other boys in an escape. They steal a car, get drunk, and have a serious accident. Meanwhile Rikki is in hospital, injured in a forestry "accident' engineered by Karl.
Two Alone
Mazie, a poor orphan girl, is mistreated by cruel farmer Slag and his wife for whom she works. Mazie, who is growing into a woman, does not like they way Slag has been looking at her lately.
Black Pearls
Reform school teacher tries to carry his class to the right path by teaching them diving.
Andy (Martin Freeman) corre contra o tempo para salvar sua filha. Infectado por um vírus de uma pandemia zumbi, ele tem apenas 48 horas para encontrar um lugar seguro a fim de proteger a criança. A salvação que o pai procura pode estar em um tribo aborígene isolada, mas para ter acesso ao grupo, ele terá que ajudar uma jovem indígena em uma missão perigosa.
O Chamado da Floresta
Depois de anos vivendo como um cachorro de estimação na casa de uma família na Califórnia, Buck precisa entrar em contato com os seus instintos mais selvagens para conseguir sobreviver em um ambiente hostil como o Alaska. Com o tempo, seu lado feroz se desenvolve e ele se torna o grande líder de sua matilha. Baseado no livro homônimo de Jack London, lançado em 1903.