
HyperNormalisation (2016)

They know we know they lie

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 2H 47M

Director : Adam Curtis


Vivemos em um mundo onde os poderosos nos enganam. Nós sabemos que eles mentem. Eles sabem que nós sabemos que mentem. Eles não se importam. Dizemos que nos importamos, mas não fazemos nada e nada muda. É normal. Bem-vindo ao mundo pós-verdade. Como chegamos onde estamos agora?


Adam Curtis
Adam Curtis
Self - Narrator (voice)
Donald Trump
Donald Trump
Self (archive footage)
Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin
Self (archive footage)
Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan
Self (archive footage)
Henry Kissinger
Henry Kissinger
Self (archive footage)
Gordon Brown
Gordon Brown
Self (archive footage)
Jane Fonda
Jane Fonda
Self (archive footage)
Ivana Trump
Ivana Trump
Self (archive footage)
Benjamin Netanyahu
Benjamin Netanyahu
Self (archive footage)
Tony Blair
Tony Blair
Self (archive footage)
George W. Bush
George W. Bush
Self (archive footage)
Barack Obama
Barack Obama
Self (archive footage)
David Cameron
David Cameron
Self (archive footage)
Nigel Farage
Nigel Farage
Self (archive footage)
Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton
Self (archive footage)
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Self (archive footage)
Muammar Gaddafi
Muammar Gaddafi
Self (archive footage)
Victor Gotbaum
Victor Gotbaum
Self (archive footage)


Adam Curtis
Adam Curtis
Adam Curtis
Adam Curtis
Sandra Gorel
Sandra Gorel
Gavin Miller
Gavin Miller
Music Supervisor
Dave Zarpak
Dave Zarpak
Sound Recordist
Katie Spedding
Katie Spedding
Production Coordinator
Cara Goold
Cara Goold
Production Manager
Victoria Jaye
Victoria Jaye
Executive Producer
Robert Del Naja
Robert Del Naja
Stuart Robertson
Stuart Robertson
Archival Footage Research
Kumail Tayyebkhan
Kumail Tayyebkhan
Technical Advisor
George Winfield
George Winfield
Online Editor
Mark Wybourn
Mark Wybourn
Online Editor
Nuala Sheridan
Nuala Sheridan
Nick Fry
Nick Fry
Sound Mixer
Tomiko Newson
Tomiko Newson
Production Assistant


O Que é uma Mulher?
É a pergunta que você não tem permissão para fazer. O documentário que eles não querem que você veja.
$avy investigates the historical, cultural, and societal norms around women and money.
Who are we? Psychoanalysis of Ukrainians
Afghan Stories
Horrified by the 9/11 attacks on America, filmmaker Taran Davies and Afghan American, Walied Osman, set out for Afghanistan to observe how the Afghan people have survived 24 years of war. They meet a member of the Afghan royal family once tortured by the Taliban, a refugee family stuck in a one-room apartment, a revered Muslim elder, an aid worker and a warlord. A unique and intimate film, Afghan Stories documents the torment, resolve and dreams of a people whose lives have been torn apart by war.
La Historia Enterrada
Two friends faced with an internal conflict struggle to find a way of communication.
Postcards from the 48%
This is a film made by the some of the 48% who voted Remain. The film is of the 48% and for the 48%. It is their story, feelings and reasons for remain, made totally from their perspective.
Nesta íntima e épica história de amor filmada através de duas décadas, a indomável matriarca Fox Rich batalha para criar seus seis filhos e manter junta a família, à medida que ela luta pela liberação do marido da Penitenciária Estadual de Louisiana, conhecida como Angola.
The Earth Is Blue as an Orange
Single mother Anna and her four children live in the front-line war zone of Donbas, Ukraine. While the outside world is made up of bombings and chaos, the family is managing to keep their home a safe haven, full of life and full of light. Every member of the family has a passion for cinema, motivating them to shoot a film inspired by their own life during a time of war. The creative process raises the question of what kind of power the magical world of cinema could have during times of disaster. How to picture war through fiction? For Anna and the children, transforming trauma into a work of art is the ultimate way to stay human.
My F-ing Tourette’s Family
One-off documentary following the Davies-Monk family from Oxfordshire as they try to break out of the seclusion that has been enforced on them by other people's negative reactions to their two children who both have Tourette's Syndrome.
Uma antiga hospedaria, situada no centro do Porto, serviu, durante muitos anos, a albergue de gente com poucas posses, a prostitutas e gente de passagem que fez daquele local residência mais ou menos prolongada. No final de 2013 a inquilina, que subalugava os quartos, entregou a chave ao proprietário. Nos 14 quartos que compõem o edifício deixado para trás quase tudo, desde camas por fazer a todo o tipo de objectos, como brinquedos, cartazes, cadeiras e escadotes, roupas e sapatos nos armários. Um diário escrito por uma criança e encontrado no local, remete-nos para o tipo de ambiente - sombrio e violento - que se vivia na hospedaria. Deixou, essencialmente memórias que projectamos no tempo e no espaço, ecos e sons, imagens do vazio e abandono de um espaço que já não é habitado. Neste filme regressamos e imergimo-nos no quotidiano da hospedaria através de imagens e sons.
Silent Veil
In Pakistan, veils hide one of the country's most terrible secrets. Driven by revenge, jealousy or sexual non-co-operation some men subject their wives to horrific attacks with acid that is freely available in the street. Completely disfigured, the victims are often ostracized by their families and become prisoners in their own home. This chilling documentary is a terrifying insight into the shattered lives of these women.
Goldman Sachs, Masters of the World
Syria: Israel's invisible Hand
A horrible six year conflict befell Syria with a multitude of factions fighting for territories backed by a score of foreign players. The script for war as with Iraq in 2003 originated with Zionist partisans with Israeli interests in mind. From Oded Yinon to the Israeli "Clean Break" papers, the Zionist regime made it very clear what their intentions were in Iraq and Syria. American mass media had a uniform message that "Assad must go" for years until the Trump administration took power. In Iraq, after the US made it clear that they did not back Kurdish secession and would not give them air support, the Iraqi forces chased out the Peshmerga in a mere 36hrs. The world must know that the US was dragged into these conflicts via Israeli pressure and deceptions.
Chronicles of Hope
In july 1936, the civil war began in Spain, and it would last three years. Since then, it has constantly been a subject for fascination and controversy. What could have pushed leftists from all over the world to fight for a cause that their governments rejected? Why did young men leave their work, their family and their country, so they could join a fight that was somehow a rehearsal for World War II? Nearly 40.000 people enlisted to defend their ideals on a foreign territory. Chronicles Of Hope doesn't intend to describe the events of the civil war in a one-tracked political mould; the human dimension is here the center of interest.
Elogio ao ½
Tudo pode acontecer quando se está numa aldeia que fica entre a linha do comboio que nos leva à cidade de Lagos e a praia. Meia-Praia é nome e berço de uns “índios” que espontâneamente foram construindo as suas palhotas de refúgio para sobreviverem ao sonho dourado que Lagos não conseguiu cumprir. Com o 25 Abril foi desenvolvido um plano arquitectónico, intitulado s.a.a.l.. Pretendia.se então requalificar urbanisticamente o conjunto de palhotas, transformando-as em casas construídas pelos próprios habitantes orientados por arquitectos e técnicos especializados.
Terra sem Pão
Documentário mostra de forma crua e extremamente realista a pobreza e miséria da região do norte da Espanha. Denúncia pungente de 1932, esse curta-metragem de Buñuel reflete suas preocupações sociais e forte personalidade.
Feels Good Man
Quando o personagem de quadrinhos indie Pepe the Frog se torna um ícone involuntário de ódio, seu criador, o artista Matt Furie, luta para trazer Pepe de volta da escuridão e navegar pela divisão cultural da América.
Gay-In III
Footage from and interviews with attendees of a public function in Griffith Park, Los Angeles sponsored by the Gay Liberation Front.
Neste documentário, nomes influentes da arte e do pensamento transgêneros analisam o impacto de Hollywood na comunidade trans.