
Ghada: Songs of Palestine (2006)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 1H 46M

Director : Mizue Furui


In July 1988, Mizue Furui was in the Gaza Strip and West Bank with her camera as a rookie freelance journalist. Covering the Palestinian condition, she became acquainted with Ghada Ageel, a 23-year-old teacher at an elementary school, in November 1993 and started shooting her life up to when she turned 35. The 12 years Furui spent shooting still and video images has borne fruit in a documentary titled "Ghada -- Songs of Palestine," which will be released in Uplink Theater in Shibuya Ward, Tokyo, in May as a rare report on women in the traditionally male-oriented Palestinian society.



Mizue Furui
Mizue Furui
Takaharu Yasuoka
Takaharu Yasuoka
Takaharu Yasuoka
Takaharu Yasuoka
Mizue Furui
Mizue Furui
Director of Photography


Fotógrafo de Guerra
Nas inúmeras regiões em crise do mundo, o fotógrafo James Nachtwey procura a imagem perfeita para publicar. Um filme sobre um homem tímido, considerado um dos mais corajosos e importantes fotógrafos de guerra do nosso tempo, mas que dificilmente se encaixa no clichê do veterano de guerra durão.
Occupation 101
A thought-provoking documentary on the current and historical causes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and U.S. political involvement.
Intervenção Divina
Você já imaginou uma ninja palestina? É com imagens cômicas como essa que "Intervenção Divina" desarma o conflito entre israelenses e palestinos. O filme retrata uma série de histórias engraçadas, sobre pessoas que parecem viver somente para destruir a paz alheia - como uma gangue de adolescentes palestinos que, por pura sacanagem, perseguem e apunhalam um Papai Noel ou de um homem que joga lixo na propriedade de sua vizinha. O próprio diretor Elia Suleiman interpreta um apaixonado palestino que tenta enganar de forma cômica o exército israelense para se encontrar às escondidas com sua amada. As situações são hilárias. "Intervenção Divina" faz você ver as desavenças da região por seu lado mais divertido!
Brigada Heróica / A Batalha do Deserto
Palestine, 1917. The British advance has been stopped by the Turkish line running from Gaza to Beersheba. The latest attack on Gaza has failed. The attacking forces included a regiment of Australian mounted infantry, the Light Horse... Lighthorseman Frank is wounded in a skirmish with Bedouin. He is replaced by a young soldier, Dave, who proves to be a crack shot, but reluctant to fire at the enemy. Dave proves himself during a German biplane attack. Recuperating in hospital, he meets a sympathetic nurse, Anne... The regiment is called upon for a bold flanking attack on Beersheba. But how do you convince the Turks the main attack will come at Gaza? And how do you attack across a desert without water?
O Manto Sagrado
O primeiro filme rodado em Cinema Scope, O Manto Sagrado foi indicado para cinco categorias do prêmio Oscar em 1953, incluindo Melhor Filme e Melhor Ator para Richard Burton. Burton interpreta Marcellus Gallio, o centurião romano encarregado do supervisionar a crucificação de Cristo. Mas quando ele ganha o manto de Cristo em um jogo de azar ao pé da cruz, sua vida muda para sempre.
O Que Resta do Tempo
Quatro episódios sobre a família do diretor Elia Suleiman desde a década de 40. Os diários do pai, combatente da resistência, e cartas deixadas pela mãe reconstroem a vida dos cidadãos de Israel e do próprio Estado.
Laila's Birthday
"At eight o'clock, it's Laila's birthday, okay?" Palestinian judge turned cab driver Abu Laila's wife reminds her husband. But on his young daughter's birthday, like any day, Abu faces a nerve-wracking shift in a Ramallah yellow cab armed only with an ex-jurist's misplaced pride, a father's loyalty, and a sticker reminding passengers that smoking and carrying AK-47s are prohibited. Rather than address politics or document holy war heroics and villainy, Laila's Birthday focuses on the toll that the unending Palestinian-Israeli conflict extracts from civilians clinging to both employment and a semblance of normal life amidst chaos and corruption, missile attacks and bursts of gunfire.
Crônica de um Desaparecimento
Chronicle of a Disappearance unfolds in a series of seemingly unconnected cinematic tableaux, each of them focused on incidents or characters which seldom reappear later in the film. Among the many unrelated scenes, there is a Palestinian actress struggling to find an apartment in West Jerusalem, the owner of the Holy Land souvenir shop preparing merchandise for incoming Japanese tourists, a group of old women gossiping about their relatives, and an Israeli police van which screeches to a halt so several heavily armed soldiers can get off the car and urinate.
Wedding in Galilee
A Palestinian seeks Israeli permission to waive curfew to give his son a fine wedding. The military governor's condition is that he and his officers attend. The groom berates his father for agreeing. Women ritually prepare the bride; men prepare the groom. Guests gather. The Arab youths plot violence. One Israeli officer swoons in the heat and Arab women take her into the cool house. A thoroughbred gets loose and runs to a mined field; soldiers and Arabs must cooperate to rescue it. As darkness falls, tensions between army and villagers rise, and the groom's wedding-night anger and impotence threaten family dignity and honor. Can cool heads prevail?
Children of Rage
The viscous conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is now a generation old. For many of the children of the region, the terrorist war has been going on for their entire lifetimes, killing their family and friends, and overshadowing their lives. They are the Children of Rage
O filme questiona nossas percepções e terminologias quando um evento proclamado por alguns como anti-semita é descrito por outros como uma crítica legítima às políticas governamentais de Israel. O filme caminha ao longo da fronteira entre o anti-sionismo, rejeitando a noção de um Estado judeu e o anti-semitismo, rejeitando os judeus. O primeiro está sendo usado para desculpar o último? E existe uma diferença entre o anti-semitismo de hoje e o racismo antigo que afeta todas as minorias?
In Alexandria, in 1938, Darley, a young British schoolmaster and poet, makes friends through Pursewarden, the British consular officer, with Justine, the beautiful and mysterious wife of a Coptic banker. He observes the affairs of her heart and incidentally discovers that she is involved in a plot against the British, meant to arm the Jewish underground in Palestine. The plot finally fails, Justine is sent to jail and Darley decides to return to England.
O Paraíso, Agora!
Dois jovens amigos palestinianos, Khaled e Saïd, são recrutados para cometerem um atentado suicida em Telavive. Após a última noite com as famílias, sem se poderem despedir, são levados à fronteira com as bombas atadas à volta do corpo. No entanto, a operação não corre como esperado e eles perdem-se um do outro. Separados, são confrontados com o seu destino e as suas próprias convicções...
Salma é uma viúva palestina e ganha a vida com os limoeiros que tem no quintal. Quando menos espera o ministro da defesa de Israel se torna seu vizinho, e os agentes que fazem sua segurança declaram que os limoeiros são um perigo pois dificultam sua patrulha. A Força de Segurança ordena que os limoeiros sejam cortados, mas Salma leva o caso à Suprema Corte israelense.
Valsa com Bashir
Em um bar, um amigo conta ao diretor Ari Folman sobre um sonho constante que tem, no qual é perseguido por 26 cães ferozes. Através da conversa, eles concluem que a imagem tem ligação com sua missão na 1ª Guerra do Líbano, no início dos anos 1980, quando defendia o exército de Israel. Como Ari nada se lembra do evento, ele passa a buscar e entrevistar seus velhos companheiros da época.
Salt of This Sea
Born in Brooklyn to Palestinian refugee parents, Soraya (Suheir Hammad) decides to journey to the country of her ancestry when she discovers that her grandfather's savings have been frozen in a Jaffa bank account since his 1948 exile. However, she soon finds that her simple plan is a complicated undertaking — one that takes her further from her comfort zone than she'd imagined.
Bil'in Habibti
The Israeli filmmaker Shai Corneli Polak records the building of the 'security wall' through Palestinian territory at the village of Bil'in. The villagers protest mostly peacefully, while the Israeli army doesn't react peacefully. By now the Israeli High Court has ruled that the building of the wall was illegal.
O Embaixador
An American ambassador to Israel tries to bring peace to the Middle East conflict through unconventional methods, but his efforts are hampered at every turn and his personal life threatened.
Until When
Set during the second Intifada, this documentary follows four Palestinian families living in Dheisheh Refugee Camp near Bethlehem. Fadi is 13 and cares for his 4 younger brothers, the Hammashes are a close-knit family who pass on the lessons of life with humor and passion, Sana is a single woman who endures long commutes to do community work, and Emad and Hanan are a young couple trying to shield their daughter from the harsh realities of the occupation. They talk about their past and discuss the future with humor, sorrow, frustration and hope. Until When paints an intimate in-depth portrait of Palestinian lives today.
Introduction to the End of an Argument
This highly kinetic tableaux of uprooted sights and sounds works most earnestly to expose the racial biases concealed in familiar images. Relying on valuable snippets from feature films such as "Exodus", "Lawrence of Arabia", "Black Sunday", "Little Drummer Girl", and network news shows, the filmmakers have constructed an oddly wry narrative, mimicking the history of Mid East politics.