Gunter Freyse


Heilt Hitler!
Stalingrad, 1942: just as he is complaining about the "blockheads" who are in control, a German named Herbert gets hit. Fast forward forty years after the war to Munich's Hofgarten, where in front of the patched-up ruins of the Army Museum Herbert reappears, mistakenly believing he is still in Stalingrad, which the victorious Germans have destroyed and rebuilt in the image of Munich
Heilt Hitler!
Stalingrad, 1942: just as he is complaining about the "blockheads" who are in control, a German named Herbert gets hit. Fast forward forty years after the war to Munich's Hofgarten, where in front of the patched-up ruins of the Army Museum Herbert reappears, mistakenly believing he is still in Stalingrad, which the victorious Germans have destroyed and rebuilt in the image of Munich
The Ghost
Jesus (played by the director) returns to present-day Bavaria, walks around Munich in a somewhat dazed manner and strikes up an affair with a nun, arguing that they are married anyway. Therefore, he refers to himself as "Ober" (waiter), obviously the male form of "Oberin" (Mother Superior). He occasionally transforms into a snake when being afraid and is finally carried up into the sky by the nun, who transforms into a bird of prey. (IMDB review)
Still Photographer
Com uma vida marcada por passagens em internatos e reformatórios, o alcoólatra Stroszek acaba de sair da prisão e passa a viver com a prostituta Eva. Ao lado do senhor Clemens Scheitz, um vizinho amigo e idoso, eles decidem ir para os Estados Unidos, procurando uma nova vida.
Beer Chase
A man who is dissatisfied with his senseless existence in his family-life and social status steals the uniform of a policeman and then enters the Oktoberfest. Now he is somebody, he is important, he can help, people respect him, etc. His wife, other relatives and some friends start to follow him while he gets some new acquaintances. (IMDB review)
Coração de Gelo
Still Photographer
A small Bavarian village is renowned for its "Ruby Glass" glass blowing works. When the foreman of the works dies suddenly without revealing the secret of the Ruby Glass, the town slides into a deep depression, and the owner of the glassworks becomes obssessed with the lost secret.
The Atlantic Swimmers
Munich Heinz and Herbert wants to escape the torturous confines of their home by swimming across the Atlantic.
O Enigma de Kaspar Hauser
Still Photographer
Na manhã de 26 de maio de 1828, na cidade de Nuremberg, um rapaz foi abandonado com uma pequena carta endereçada ao capitão da cidade. Os habitantes acharam que o rapaz fosse doente ou tivesse alguma deficiência, pois não conseguia andar e sequer se comunicar. A carta dizia seu nome, Kaspar Hauser, e explicava que toda a vida ele havia passado preso em uma torre, nunca aprendendo nada ou vivendo em sociedade. Após ser adotado por uma família e aprender a falar, o rapaz contou que até o dia em que foi abandonado jamais havia visto antes o rosto de uma pessoa. Kaspar tornou-se um fenômeno entre a realeza alemã, principalmente pela aptidão assustadora que tinha para a música, mas era incapaz de diferenciar sonhos e realidade e não conseguia compreender as convenções sociais, como a política e a religião. O filme é baseado em fatos reais. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)