Stalingrad, 1942: just as he is complaining about the "blockheads" who are in control, a German named Herbert gets hit. Fast forward forty years after the war to Munich's Hofgarten, where in front of the patched-up ruins of the Army Museum Herbert reappears, mistakenly believing he is still in Stalingrad, which the victorious Germans have destroyed and rebuilt in the image of Munich
Stalingrad, 1942: just as he is complaining about the "blockheads" who are in control, a German named Herbert gets hit. Fast forward forty years after the war to Munich's Hofgarten, where in front of the patched-up ruins of the Army Museum Herbert reappears, mistakenly believing he is still in Stalingrad, which the victorious Germans have destroyed and rebuilt in the image of Munich
Jesus (played by the director) returns to present-day Bavaria, walks around Munich in a somewhat dazed manner and strikes up an affair with a nun, arguing that they are married anyway. Therefore, he refers to himself as "Ober" (waiter), obviously the male form of "Oberin" (Mother Superior). He occasionally transforms into a snake when being afraid and is finally carried up into the sky by the nun, who transforms into a bird of prey. (IMDB review)
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Бруно Строшек, недавно вышел из тюрьмы и подрабатывает в качестве уличного музыканта. Вместе со своей подругой-проституткой и своим давним знакомым, милым старичком, Бруно отправляется искать счастья в Америку. Однако вместо сверкающей небоскребами «американской мечты» они оказываются среди бескрайних и унылых равнин Висконсина.
A man who is dissatisfied with his senseless existence in his family-life and social status steals the uniform of a policeman and then enters the Oktoberfest. Now he is somebody, he is important, he can help, people respect him, etc. His wife, other relatives and some friends start to follow him while he gets some new acquaintances. (IMDB review)
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В небольшой деревне, известной своим стекольным ремеслом, умирает старый мастер, который так и не раскрыл свой секрет изготовления "Рубинового стекла". Городок постепенно угасает, владелец стекольного завода на грани разорения.
Munich Heinz and Herbert wants to escape the torturous confines of their home by swimming across the Atlantic.
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До 1828 года Каспар Хаузер, двадцати лет, жил в пещере, прикованный к полу цепями. Со времени своего рождения он ни с кем не общался, не умел ни говорить, ни читать, ни писать, а видел только одного человека, который время от времени приносил ему еду. В один прекрасный день этот человек вытащил его на своей спине наружу, научил ходить, а потом оставил посреди города с запиской...