Tony Kruk


Procurando Encrenca
Mel Coplin (Ben Stiller) tem uma bela esposa, Nancy (Patricia Arquette), e um filho de 4 meses. Aparentemente sua vida é boa, mas algo lhe atormenta: Mel sabe que foi adotado e não pode solucionar isto sem conhecer seus pais biológicos, o que aborrece seus pais adotivos. Mel decide que está na hora de conhecê-los e acabar com esta aflição de uma vez por todas. Ele viaja através dos Estados Unidos com a família e Tina Kalb (Téa Leoni), uma estudante de psicologia que se ofereceu para gravar o evento para uma pesquisa, que pretende registrar o "nascimento" da mãe de Mel. Após alguns minutos com a "verdadeira" mãe descobrem que foi um engano, pois se dirigiram para a pessoa errada. Um segundo encontro, desta vez com o suposto pai.
Comrades in Arms
Men from Russia and the United States join forces to prevent a powerful drug ring from achieving global domination.
Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D.
Police Officer
Um policial esperto de Nova York se transforma no herói sobre-humano mais incomum do mundo.
Guerreiros do Asfalto
Tony Cook
A delusional and murderous psychopath escapes from prison and tracks down the members of his favorite, now-defunct metal band to punish them for selling out. Meanwhile, the cop who originally put him away defies a disbelieving police force and teams up with a pretty punk photographer to take him out.
Cemetery High
Mayor Goodman
A group of High School girls with guns go on a killing spree. They are intent on ridding the world of scummy men.
Galactic Gigolo
Carmine / Studio Audience
Eoj is an alien who won a game show and the grand prize is a trip to earth to have sex with as many earth women as he can. Hildy is a reporter who is writing a biography on Eoj's adventures.
I Was a Teenage TV Terrorist
Donna's Father
Donna & Paul were like most high school sweethearts from the suburbs of middle America, they hated their town and wanted to destroy their school. After a disastrous prank at his high school, Paul's fed up mother sends him to live with his estranged father, a TV executive in the big city. Donna, an aspiring actress makes the move with Paul to fulfill her own dreams of becoming a movie star. Donna & Paul arrive in the city with great expectations only to find a place with high rent, low-paying jobs and strange people. Paul's father turns out to be a total dick but does manage to get the two low-end jobs at his T.V. station where they are worked like dogs. After a series of unfortunate events Donna & Paul devise a plan to take the city by storm. Like a modern day Bonnie & Clyde, the two perpetuate an elaborate bomb scare hoax that sends the media into a frenzy. Fueled by their new reputation as "terrorists", Donna & Paul take their plan to unimaginable new heights.