Tony Kruk


Не будите спящую собаку
Мел Коплин, отец четырехмесячного младенца, живет в Нью-Йорке. Вдруг ему приходит в голову, что он никак не может дать имя своему ребенку, не разыскав своих настоящих биологических родителей. Несмотря на яростные возражения очень шумных родителей, которые его усыновили, Мел, его несколько "отмороженная" жена Нэнси и младенец летят в Сан-Диего вместе с врачом-психиатром Тиной из агенства по усыновлению, вечно нервничающей и скандалящей из-за предстоящего ей развода…
Comrades in Arms
Men from Russia and the United States join forces to prevent a powerful drug ring from achieving global domination.
Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D.
Police Officer
Harry Griswald is a NYPD cop who is possessed with the spirit of a great Kabuki master. This has made him 'the chosen one' to do battle with 'the evil one'. He is also out to do good deeds and fight crime in the name of the law. The only problem is that a number of corrupt people in the community and their henchmen want him dead so that they can gain power when 'the evil one' come to take over the world. Sgt. Kabukiman must use his special superpowers to outsmart and out-fight the bad guys.
Blue Vengeance
Tony Cook
A delusional and murderous psychopath escapes from prison and tracks down the members of his favorite, now-defunct metal band to punish them for selling out. Meanwhile, the cop who originally put him away defies a disbelieving police force and teams up with a pretty punk photographer to take him out.
Cemetery High
Mayor Goodman
A group of High School girls with guns go on a killing spree. They are intent on ridding the world of scummy men.
Galactic Gigolo
Carmine / Studio Audience
Eoj is an alien who won a game show and the grand prize is a trip to earth to have sex with as many earth women as he can. Hildy is a reporter who is writing a biography on Eoj's adventures.
I Was a Teenage TV Terrorist
Donna's Father
Donna & Paul were like most high school sweethearts from the suburbs of middle America, they hated their town and wanted to destroy their school. After a disastrous prank at his high school, Paul's fed up mother sends him to live with his estranged father, a TV executive in the big city. Donna, an aspiring actress makes the move with Paul to fulfill her own dreams of becoming a movie star. Donna & Paul arrive in the city with great expectations only to find a place with high rent, low-paying jobs and strange people. Paul's father turns out to be a total dick but does manage to get the two low-end jobs at his T.V. station where they are worked like dogs. After a series of unfortunate events Donna & Paul devise a plan to take the city by storm. Like a modern day Bonnie & Clyde, the two perpetuate an elaborate bomb scare hoax that sends the media into a frenzy. Fueled by their new reputation as "terrorists", Donna & Paul take their plan to unimaginable new heights.