Kryštof Hádek

Kryštof Hádek

Nascimento : 1982-03-10, Prague, Czechoslovakia [now Czechia]


Kryštof Hádek (born 10 March 1982) is a Czech actor.


Kryštof Hádek


Grand Prix
The Last Race
Bohumil Hanč
Bet on Friendship
O vánoční hvězdě
Ach, ta láska nebeská…
Droneman is about Chemist and Fly Navigator Pavel and his friend Bussinessman and free time Rapper Plech. Pavel has strong sense of justice and wishes to fix wrongs with the World while Plech dreams about Big money and secure life. Their common passion are Drones since School. Pavel returns from Foreign and meets again with Plech and together they use Drones to start Bussiness. They monitor Power Stations, wear luxury handbags at the show or spray the Petrin Tower from the air. Their clients even include Presidential candidate. Everything changes when one of them decides to misuse Drones.
Pan Čermák
Mrs. Zahrádková has a plan to convince the other co-owners of the flats to finally save the house in which they live together and which is in emergency condition.
První akční hrdina
Daniel Baxa
Uma idosa solitária e confiante teme que ninguém mais precise dela. De repente, ela conhece um jovem que afirma ser um parente distante. Eles começam a desenvolver um relacionamento próximo. Mas logo ela percebe que algo não está certo...
Úhoři mají nabito
Missão de Honra
Os pilotos poloneses superam o preconceito para lutar ao lado da Royal Air Force contra a Luftwaffe durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, na esperança de proteger a Grã Bretanha e a própria Polônia dos avanços alemães.
Čeští trampové v Americe
Commentary (voice)
When the West Coast Crew dance troupe, led by the talented and ambitious Buddy, is selected to enter the widely broadcast “Superdance” reality TV talent show, the young dancers revel in their newfound fame and dream of their lives as winners of the prestigious contest. But as the competition begins to heat up – especially from rival dance troupe Muertas – jealousy, narcissism and interpersonal conflict threaten to break the crew apart.
The Girl Behind the Mirror
Interlude In Prague
Johan Bohac
The incredible tale of Mozart's Prague years.
Os Papa-Meia
Oddsockeaters are small invisible creatures, responsible for socks that go missing when we only have one left from a pair. But unlike them, Seed’s gang wants to have a pair. In the end, they began their fight between two sets of values.
RINO – Příběh špiona
Commentary (voice)
Prázdniny v Provence
Filip Stárka
A trio of rock-and-roll musicians arrives in the south of France for a sun-drenched summer of debauched fun and romance in this breezy comedy.
Deckname Holec
Jan David
Young director Honza David films the Russian invasion in in Prague in August 1968. With Eva the love of his life he tries to get out of the country. He wants to bring the explosive material to Vienna, to the director of the Austrian Television Helmut Zilk. He knows Eva very well but the Czech Secret Service even better ...
Hlas pro římského krále
Karel IV.
Czech Television's epic historical film draws on the breathtaking dramatic life of the great of Czech history, King Charles IV.
Chasing Fifty
mladý Kuna
What happens in the mountains, stay in the mountains. Giant Mountains are truly the spice of local highlanders who live here, whether any season. Skier with one leg, the legendary womanizer adorned with infertility, the bartender with a penchant for divination... And Pavka, the oldest living member of a traditional cross-country Bulán family.
Korunní princ
Princ Karel
The Snake Brothers
Brothers Grass and Cobra Snake, in their late and early thirties respectively, live in a small Czech town not far from Prague. Coming from a disfunctional family, they both feel unable to build up a life to be satisfied with. Grass, unemployed and still without a girl, does not know how to escape from the shadow of his druggie and troublemaker brother Cobra. Things seem to change for Grass when all at once he gets the opportunity to be part of a promising business and starts a relationship with the waitress of a local pub. It is just then when Cobra and his addiction show up in his life once more to put him on the verge of losing everything he achieved. But this time Grass is determined to not let anybody or anything stop his last chance in life to be happy and he decides to teach his brother a life lesson he should never forget.... A lesson that uncontrollably turns into a nightmare...
Sob a Pele
The Swimmer
Uma bela mulher de cabelos negros e lábios vermelhos seduz os homens solitários que encontra em seu caminho. Ninguém imagina que sob sua pele se esconde uma perigosa alienígena que pode acabar com vidas para cumprir os desejos da sua espécie.
Godfather's Story
Godfather's story is the story of the greatest of Czech post-revolutionary 'entrepreneurs'. His activities often crossed the edge of the law, and his life ended bullet assassin.
August Fools
Adam Černý
An comedy set in 1960s Helsinki. The story revolves around Elsa, a resolute hatmaker who is in complete control of her life. Besides running her shop, she sometimes doubles as a fortune teller. When Jan, a Czechoslovakian jazz musician and Elsa's old lover comes to town to perform at a "peace and friendship festival", her well-organised life is jolted out of balance.
Jolana (18) is an object of her step-father's desire. She is unable to cope, especially when her own mother turns a blind eye. Those events are heavily paid for when she finds herself working in a brothel. Her inability to cope raise a question: What is it she actually wants? Are her dreams of escaping really better than the reality she finds herself in?
Čtyřlístek ve službách krále
Lojzík (voice)
Two young technicians, Filos and Kája, come to a small village that is a bit cut off from the rest of the world in order to find the best place to install a new station for the reception of a cell phone signal. Their arrival understandably arouses a feeling of expectation among the locals, especially when they learn of the interesting financial reward for the owner of the land on which the transmitter will stand. A fight flares up in the village over this reward, and all weapons, those permitted and those not, are put into use. Of course, there is also the question of whether Filos and Kája will be able to live up to the expectations that have been placed on them. Maybe they aren't even who they claim to be...
3 Seasons in Hell
Ivan Heinz
A 19 year old nonconformist poet living in 1947 Czechoslovakia is blind to the Communist behemoth looking over him, and instead lives a bohemian life with sexually liberated girls.
Grapes 2
The film follows Marie, Jirka and their wealthy parents, as well as murderer Jiří Tichý. The film takes place mostly in southern Moravia.
A Son's War
Jan Wiener
Jan Wiener is a young Czech Jew struggling to survive at the outset of Nazi occupation during World War II.
After success of Kytice, which is based on the famous collection of poems of K.J.Erben, one of the most well-known character of classic Czech literature, Mr. Brabec went for even more famous poem Máj of K.H. Mácha, which is considered the peak of Czech romanticism
This unofficial Czech remake of Alexander Payne's blockbuster seriocomedy Sideways (2004) concerns Jirka and Honza, two friends who check in as complete opposites on every level; Honza is a polished urbanite, Jirka a nickel-and-dime crook with a flair for wooing women. The men's friendship is characterized by an unending series of wild schemes and escapades. When Honza learns of his grandfather's impending death, it brings him face-to-face with his own mortality and encourages him to fulfill his long-held dream, while he still has the opportunity: to embark on a dream vacation to the vineyards of Morovia, with buddy Jirka in tow.
Tři životy
Chyťte doktora
strážmistr Barták
Crash Road
We meet Veronica shortly before her high-school graduation exams. She lives with her mother, an alcoholic, and her mother's partner. One day when he is drunk, he chases Veronica to the roof of a house and falls off, killing himself. He was in debt as he was addicted to gambling. His creditor wants the money back and starts to threaten Veronica. Her mother will not protect her since she is always drunk. Thus, the young girl must leave home and hide far away. On her journey she meets many characters. Some of them are comic, others are rather tragicomic. And Veronica tries to find good people with whom she would feel comfortable and happy, thus giving her life meaning. - Czech film center
Lojzička je číslo
Num Céu Azul Escuro
Karel Vojtíšek
Após a Tchecoslováquia ser invadida pelo exército nazista em plena 2ª Guerra Mundial, diversos pilotos tchecos decidem voar até a Inglaterra. Lá eles tomam parte da Real Força Aérea Britânica, a RAF, e passam a combater o próprio exército nazista. Entretanto, ao retornar ao seu país-natal após o término da guerra, dois amigos são presos em um campo de concentração ao serem considerados anti-comunistas.
Ze života pubescentky