Maysam Makhmalbaf

Nascimento : , Tehran, Iran


Marghe e sua Mãe
Claudia, uma mãe solo de 22 anos, é despejada de sua casa por não conseguir pagar o aluguel. Ela, então, é forçada a deixar a filha de seis anos com uma senhora, enquanto sai à procura de um emprego e do verdadeiro amor que nunca encontrou.
Marghe e sua Mãe
Director of Photography
Claudia, uma mãe solo de 22 anos, é despejada de sua casa por não conseguir pagar o aluguel. Ela, então, é forçada a deixar a filha de seis anos com uma senhora, enquanto sai à procura de um emprego e do verdadeiro amor que nunca encontrou.
The Tenant
Short film from omnibus 'Beautiful 2015,' commissioned for the Hong Kong International Film Festival Society.
The Tenant
Director of Photography
Short film from omnibus 'Beautiful 2015,' commissioned for the Hong Kong International Film Festival Society.
Daddy's School
Maysam Makhmalbaf
It is a story of a unique family in the world; A documentary on how a former political imprisoned revolutionary in a religious closed society like Iran, turned his house in to an open Film School and pave to way for his family to became world class film maker and top International award winners , including Cannes Venice , Berlin, San Sebastian , Locarno and many.
O Presidente
Sound Designer
Depois de um golpe de Estado o ditador foge com seu neto de 5 anos e agora circula pelas terras que um dia governou disfarçado de músico. Pela primeira vez ele se aproxima de seu povo.
O Presidente
Depois de um golpe de Estado o ditador foge com seu neto de 5 anos e agora circula pelas terras que um dia governou disfarçado de músico. Pela primeira vez ele se aproxima de seu povo.
Ongoing Smile
Director of Photography
Documentary about Busan International Film Festival founder Kim Dong-ho.
O Jardineiro
An Iranian filmmaker and his son travel to Haifa, Israel to investigate a religion that originated a hundred and seventy years ago. Youth from all over come to Haifa to join this religion, and those who serve in the gardens that surround the holy places develop peace-loving attitudes through their interactions with nature. The filmmaker shares with his son the idea that if the Iranian people had adopted a peaceful religion, Iran would not be preparing a nuclear attack on Israel, but the son believes that all religions tend to bring about destruction. As a result of these arguments, father and son separate from one another and pursue their own paths.
O Jardineiro
Director of Photography
An Iranian filmmaker and his son travel to Haifa, Israel to investigate a religion that originated a hundred and seventy years ago. Youth from all over come to Haifa to join this religion, and those who serve in the gardens that surround the holy places develop peace-loving attitudes through their interactions with nature. The filmmaker shares with his son the idea that if the Iranian people had adopted a peaceful religion, Iran would not be preparing a nuclear attack on Israel, but the son believes that all religions tend to bring about destruction. As a result of these arguments, father and son separate from one another and pursue their own paths.
O Jardineiro
An Iranian filmmaker and his son travel to Haifa, Israel to investigate a religion that originated a hundred and seventy years ago. Youth from all over come to Haifa to join this religion, and those who serve in the gardens that surround the holy places develop peace-loving attitudes through their interactions with nature. The filmmaker shares with his son the idea that if the Iranian people had adopted a peaceful religion, Iran would not be preparing a nuclear attack on Israel, but the son believes that all religions tend to bring about destruction. As a result of these arguments, father and son separate from one another and pursue their own paths.
Dias Verdes
Ava, uma dramaturga iraniana sofre de depressão e culpa os recentes eventos políticos em seu país por seu problema de saúde. Ava não acredita em mudanças, então sai às ruas falando com pessoas, tentando recuperar suas esperanças quanto ao futuro de seu país.
O Homem Que Chegou Com a Neve
Após o colapso da União Soviética, em um dos cantos que formavam a antiga união das repúblicas socialistas soviéticas (URSS), um misterioso homem adentra o interior de um bar. Ninguém o conhece e, a princípio, ninguém presta muita atenção nele. No entanto, conforme o tempo passa, sua presença começa a se tornar incômoda para os outros frequentadores do bar, construindo uma atmosfera de tensão qualquer coisa pode acontecer.
Two-Legged Horse
A wealthy boy hires a poor child to carry him around like a horse.
E Buda Desabou de Vergonha
Baktay tem seis anos e vive com sua família em Bamian, cidade em que tesouros da cultura local, como as estátuas de Buda, foram destruídas pelos talibãs. Instigada por seus vizinhos que já sabem ler, ela faz de tudo para poder estudar em uma escola para meninas que abre do outro lado do rio. Quando segue para a escola, no caminho encontra um grupo de garotos acostumados a brincadeiras de guerra, que resolvem prendê-la como prisioneira.
Cães vadios
Director of Photography
O pai está preso por ser soldado talibã. A mãe se casou de novo e foi presa por adultério. As crianças ficaram na rua, lutando pela sobrevivência dia após dia.
How Samira Made 'Blackboards'
The film and camera of Maysam Mkhamlbaf, Samira's brother follows her like an invisible eye. From her first subconscious presence as an actor, when she was one months old and crying in her mothers arms, while acting in a feature movie made by his father up to her first conscious appearance as an 8 year old child actor in the movie Cyclist made by his father in Pakistan. From when Samira made her first movie Apple at 17 or when she goes to visit the two imprisoned girls in the movie "Apple" and when she is occupied with changing the professional actor of the movie "Blackboard" with a non-professional actor (ordinary people) and even when she was attending the Cannes Film Festival in the years 1998 and 2000.
How Samira Made 'Blackboards'
The film and camera of Maysam Mkhamlbaf, Samira's brother follows her like an invisible eye. From her first subconscious presence as an actor, when she was one months old and crying in her mothers arms, while acting in a feature movie made by his father up to her first conscious appearance as an 8 year old child actor in the movie Cyclist made by his father in Pakistan. From when Samira made her first movie Apple at 17 or when she goes to visit the two imprisoned girls in the movie "Apple" and when she is occupied with changing the professional actor of the movie "Blackboard" with a non-professional actor (ordinary people) and even when she was attending the Cannes Film Festival in the years 1998 and 2000.
How Samira Made 'Blackboards'
The film and camera of Maysam Mkhamlbaf, Samira's brother follows her like an invisible eye. From her first subconscious presence as an actor, when she was one months old and crying in her mothers arms, while acting in a feature movie made by his father up to her first conscious appearance as an 8 year old child actor in the movie Cyclist made by his father in Pakistan. From when Samira made her first movie Apple at 17 or when she goes to visit the two imprisoned girls in the movie "Apple" and when she is occupied with changing the professional actor of the movie "Blackboard" with a non-professional actor (ordinary people) and even when she was attending the Cannes Film Festival in the years 1998 and 2000.
How Samira Made 'Blackboards'
The film and camera of Maysam Mkhamlbaf, Samira's brother follows her like an invisible eye. From her first subconscious presence as an actor, when she was one months old and crying in her mothers arms, while acting in a feature movie made by his father up to her first conscious appearance as an 8 year old child actor in the movie Cyclist made by his father in Pakistan. From when Samira made her first movie Apple at 17 or when she goes to visit the two imprisoned girls in the movie "Apple" and when she is occupied with changing the professional actor of the movie "Blackboard" with a non-professional actor (ordinary people) and even when she was attending the Cannes Film Festival in the years 1998 and 2000.
The Day I Became a Woman
Três gerações de mulheres. Todas em confronto com o pecado. A primeira delas é Hava, uma menina de nove anos. No dia do seu aniversário, a mãe a proíbe de sair de casa, pois está se tornando mulher. Se sair, estará pecando. A garota insiste, chorando. A avó, ao se lembrar que Hava nasceu ao meio-dia, permite que ela dê uma última escapada, apenas para despedir-se dos amigos. Uma garota vive para sua bicicleta. E está participando de uma corrida feminina, mas, durante todo o tempo, é perseguida por seus familiares que não aceita que ela seja uma esportista. Se ela persistir em praticar o esporte, considerado por eles um gesto pecaminoso, será expulsa de casa. Num aeroporto, uma senhora de cadeira de rodas se aventura comprando tudo aquilo que nunca pôde ter na vida: geladeira, televisão etc. Pede que tudo seja entregue numa praia, que será seu lar ideal e sua última casa.
The Nights of Zayandeh-Rood
A film about an anthropologist and his daughter during three periods: before, during, and after the Iranian Revolution. The daughter works in the accident & emergency department of a hospital, which is never empty of suicidal patients. The reason behind each suicide attempt is different, especially before and after the revolution. Looking for a reason to live, one of the suicide patients falls in love with the anthropologist’s daughter.