Director of Photography
On March 15, 1848, a young firebrand poet, Sándor Petöfi ignites the Hungarian Revolution with his passionate 'National Song', prompting the Austrians to dispatch a ruthless secret agent to assassinate him and suppress the uprising.
Director of Photography
In the endgame of WWII a few hundred bank employees and their family members rescued Hungary's entire gold reserves on a train from the Soviet army and were hiding it in a small Austrian village until the end of the war.
Based on the Hungarian novel "Our Street" by Sandor Tar, the film deals with a post-apocalyptic Hungarian-Ukranian village where everything is rotten, planes randomly crash, and only alcohol moves people around - no money, no electricity, only barter. In this wasteland, Ocsenas is the only hero, the one trying to survive amidst the savages and war, the one who helps everyone out, all while caught up in a love triangle that will define his future.
Director of Photography
Set in 1983, behind the Iron Curtain of Eastern Europe in Budapest, the film follows Frank, the charismatic singer of a banned punk band that carries the voice of their generation against a totalitarian regime. Taken to the police psychiatric hospital in an attempt to silence him, Frank will sacrifice everything to resist.
Director of Photography
Na União Soviética ocupada durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, István Semetka é um fazendeiro húngaro que serve como cabo em uma unidade especial de reconhecimento de grupos da resistência. No caminho para uma aldeia distante, sua companhia é atingida por um ataque inimigo. Após a morte do comandante do agrupamento, Semetka vai precisar superar seus medos e assumir a liderança do grupo, enquanto é arrastado para dentro de uma sucessão de eventos caóticos que fogem do seu controle.
In an imaginary police department all the young policemen want to find the lost love of their old Colonel, but one of them starts to suspect that the Colonel doesn't remember her face anymore.
Director of Photography
Three Macedonian women have to contend with control over their bodies, tradition, loyalty, pregnancy and adoption. They have not set out to change the world or society, but their struggle to become mothers makes them unlikely heroines. The three bittersweet stories, one medieval, two contemporary, mirror and contrast one another, exploring themes of love, trust and motherhood.
Director of Photography
As três histórias dentro do Gênesis estão enraizadas na noção bíblica de família: uma mulher de trinta e poucos anos redescobre a fé que ela perdeu quando criança
Second Unit Director of Photography
Aryan, um jovem migrante, é baleado ao tentar ilegalmente cruzar a fronteira da Hungria. Depois do choque provocado pelo acidente, descobre que adquiriu o poder de levitar e agora, preso em um campo refugiados, precisa contar com a ajuda do Dr. Stern, que tem interesses muito específicos na habilidade sobrenatural.
Love makes a bad relationship between father and son all the more rancorous in this drama from Hungarian director Viktor Oszkar Nagy. A convict (Janos Derzsi) returns home after a long stretch in prison to a less than enthusiastic welcome; his son (Tamas Ravasz), now in his late teens, was left to fend for himself and tend the family farm on his own after his dad went away, and the youngster blames his father for his mother's untimely death. The father wants to mend his relationship with his son, but the young man makes no secret of his contempt for his dad, and only grudgingly allows him back on the farm.