Dietmar Bär

Dietmar Bär

Nascimento : 1961-02-05, Dortmund, Germany


Dietmar Bär


Ein Taxi zur Bescherung
Axel Parschke
Deus, como você é babaca!
Na Alemanha, uma garota jovem é diagnosticada com um câncer logo após terminar o ensino médio. Para não passar os dias que lhe restam num hospital, ela decide aproveitar o tempo numa aventura com um companheiro inesperado de viagem.
Vic o Viking e a Espada Mágica
Halvar (voice)
Vic é um jovem viking como nenhum outro: não muito forte, mas muito esperto. Quando seu pai, Halvar, o chefe da aldeia, rouba uma espada de seu inimigo jurado, o engodo do ganho causa estragos entre os vikings.
Ein Fall für Dr. Abel - Zerschunden
Generalstaatsanwalt Oliver Rubin
Zersetzt - Ein Fall für Dr. Abel
Oliver Rubin
Für meine Tochter
Benno Winkler
Sesamstraße präsentiert: Alarm im Zirkus
Direktor Grimm
Große Fische, kleine Fische
Fiete Klaas
Die Pilgerin
Veit Gürtler
Fiete Klaas
Tausend & ein Streit
Thomas Schäfer
Fasten à la Carte
Gilles Demmonget
After being hit on the head, the eccentric gourmet critic, Gilles "Günni" Demmonget, loses both his sense of taste and smell, and now, of all times, he is due to appear in a public cooking duel with his wild young competitor, Paul Scheffke. Hoping for a speedy recovery, Gilles moves into a fasting hotel on the island of Sylt for a while, recommended to him by his friend Risto. The isolation and peace, combined with doing without solid food is supposed to sharpen his senses and help them return completely. On the island, he not only experiences a turbulent reunion with fasting instructor Marit Hansen - but his desirous ex-lover Diana moves into the adjacent room as well.
The Crocodiles Strike Back
Ollis und Marias Vater
New summer adventure of the Crocodiles, who set up their detective skills to find out who is behind the accidents of the factory where Ollie and Mary's parents work , which could mean the closure of the plant, the move of the family and the dissolution of the gang.
Tischlein deck dich
Bürger Hagen
No one takes the clumsy Max Klopstock seriously. Even the gluttonous goat makes fun of him. Max wants to prove his worth to his father and lovely Lotte. So he packs his knapsack and heads out into the world like his older brothers Emil and Joeckel did.
Theo, Agnes, Bibi und die anderen
Theo Hartmann
Der Untergang der Pamir
Klaus Nissen
The story of the German sail-training ship Pamir that sunk in a hurricane.
Oh, wie schön ist Panama
Kleiner Bär
Ein Toter führt Regie
Löwenzahn - Die Reise ins Abenteuer
Bauunternehmer Hagen Bunkenburg
Mutter aus heiterem Himmel
Drechslers zweite Chance
Sebastian Drechsler
Rapazes e Bolas
Eckis Vater
Ecki é um jovem homossexual que trabalha em uma padaria em Dortmund e joga futebol com seu time local. Já sob a pressão de jogar mal, sua equipe de homofóbicos, faz uma surpresa e manda-o para fora do time. Com a ajuda de sua irmã e um crack, antigo estrela do futebol, ele tenta formar um time de futebol de homossexuais para contestar a sua antiga equipe, em um grande jogo. o filme está cheio de surpresas maravilhosas e personagens interessantes nesta deliciosa comédia romântica.
Der gestohlene Mond
If It Don't Fit, Use a Bigger Hammer
Werner Wiesenkamp
Frustrated with their lazy new intern, a trio of offbeat builders decide to teach him a lesson with a series of escalating pranks.
Pest - Die Rückkehr
Nie mehr zweite Liga
Ganz unten, ganz oben
Peter Stadtler
Das Gelbe vom Ei
Fredo Mohlenbeck Jr.
Dort, wo unsere Geschichte spielt, wissen nur die Hühner, was Stress bedeutet. Ansonsten geht es auf dem Lande ruhig zu, und so ist es kein Wunder, dass die jährliche “Hengst-Auktion” den Höhepunkt des kulturellen Lebens bildet – eine Veranstaltung, bei der die meistbietenden Damen ein Rendezvous mit den ansehnlichsten Jungbauern ersteigern können.
Kai Rabe gegen die Vatikankiller
The Big Mambo
The actors Martin and Maria have not been a couple for a long time, but they didn't get very far without each other. While he spends his time with alcohol, numerous affairs and reveries about his own film, she is bored with her young lover. When Maria surprisingly finds the loot of a bank robbery in the trash, she takes the opportunity to get rid of her lover, only to run into her ex-husband shortly afterwards. The old passion flares up again and Martin suddenly sees the chance to finally realize his long-held script.
Durch dick & dünn
Lebenslang ist nicht genug
Inspector Urban
Null Risiko und reich
A comedy directed by Wolf Vogel.
Ein Vater sieht rot
Jens Kettner
Living in Fear
Wer hat Angst vorm Weihnachtsmann?
Knecht Ruprecht
A businessman books a Santa Claus with his wife from the student employment service for his children on Christmas Eve. He appears too late and when he realizes that he should only be the mess clown for the children so that they can go to bed quickly, because business friends are supposed to come to dinner, he calls his colleagues.
Nadja – Heimkehr in die Fremde
Der Mann mit der Maske
A thriller directed by Peter Schulze-Rohr. (2 parts)
Leo und Charlotte
Eine geschlossene Gesellschaft
Follows the lives of students and their teachers based on the director's childhood memories. The events of the film take places in the actual boarding school called "Gymnasium Canisianum", founded in 1946 by a German catholic priest.
A successful, womanizing middle-aged man decides to move out of the house he shares with his wife after she confesses to having an affair. He looks for a new place to live and ends up moving into his wife's lover's apartment as a roommate. The husband begins to take an interest in the artistic work of the lover and coaches him for a big job interview. Little does he know that the job he's helping the lover to get is within his own company... A story about strange circumstances and the limits of friendship.
Feel the Motion
Albi, Franz and Tayfun want little more in life than to ride their bikes, but things toughen up when they get unemployed.